Wednesday 30 May 2012

Does It Want Anything From Me?

Real Ghost Stories

Does It Want Anything From Me?

I'd like to tell you a few of my stories, as they are all kind of short.
My very first experience happened when I was around eleven years old. My parents are divorced, and I was at my dad's for the weekend, he lived in a cottage at the time. This cottage was a bigger than normal, it had two floors but the rooms were very small, and we had four gardens, and we owned a part of the woods behind. This is in Matlock, Derbyshire, England.
Moreover, I was getting ready for bed that Saturday night. The weather outside caused me to look out of the window (I'm not entirely sure whether it was snowing or it was heavy rain) but as I looked out, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned round, but to see nothing there. Before I could even grasp the moment, my books and things off my shelves were what seemed like, picked up, and thrown at me in one huge mass. I was terrified, as there was absolutely nothing there, not even an outline of a figure. Heart thumping, I ran downstairs to get my Dad.
I told Dad what happened, and he went upstairs. I followed him, curious to see if anything would happen again. We got to my room, and we could see that my poster above my bed had become unattached at the bottom two corners (the top two were still attached) and it was actually floating, but if I'm honest, it really seemed as if someone was slowly lifting it up and down. We moved shortly after.
The cottage was obviously old, so if anyone is interested in doing any research of it or anything like that, it is the White Tor Cottage, Matlock, Derbyshire. If you find anything out, I really would like to know.
After that, only small things happened. I'd often hear strange things, but I once heard a very clear "Eleanor" and an "Ellie" but the "Ellie" was kind of extended. For example "Ellieeeeeeeeeeeeee". The tone of voice was kind of jokey, but I felt scared and uneasy. This went on occasionally, but not often, up to this date.
Another experience is actually seeing something. I went to the bathroom to clean my teeth, and when I turned the light off, I saw a girl stood in front of me. She was smiling, but it was kind of freaky. She had goldie, dark blonde hair, or very light brown hair. She had a white dress, and before I knew it, she vanished. This was at my mother's.
Furthermore, this happened very recently. I happen to have a guitar, which I place at the end of my room. I walked into my room, and as I turned the light on, I heard what sounded like a finger pulling every string. This was also at my mother's.
I'm always getting the feeling that I am being watched... In fact, I have got so used to this feeling; I don't find it unsettling anymore. It feels normal to me!
In conclusion, I believe that I may have someone with me 24/7 as all the experiences have happened in separate places. At the very moment, I'm not scared of these happenings, I'm not afraid for whatever happens next, I'm just scared they may get worse!
However, I would appreciate your opinions. Am I crazy, or is there actually something? Is it a ghost? If so what type, and do you have any information on it? Is it evil? Etc...
Some other information about me you may need to know, my dad had quite a lot of experiences at my age, and I've had mine since the age of eleven, up until now, fifteen. Not sure if they will carry on, but then again, the guitar incident happened two weeks ago. I'm deaf, and the physical and visual happenings happened whilst I had my aids out, so I couldn't hear anything. The 'ellieee' or 'Eleanor' and the guitar happened when they were in.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.

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