Sunday 7 October 2012

Picture Sundel Bolong

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Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 13 July 2012

Loch Ness Monster


Loch Ness Monster

The Lock Ness Monster sure does know how to pick a great hiding spot, a giant lake is the perfect place for a creature of its size. The Lock Ness Monster, or "Nessie" for short has captured the hearts and cameras of believers for over 70 years and remains one of the most elusive creatures in the cryptoworld. 

On May 2, 1933, an Inverness newspaper ran an article called "A Strange Spectacle on Loch Ness" that described how Mrs. Mackay encountered the creature on the Scottish lake ("Loch" is Scottish for "lake") and a monster was born. One reason this creature manages to stay in focus is the consistency and number of sightings. It is possible that Nessie could just be an animal previously thought to be extinct, and there is some pretty great evidence supporting the theory that the lakes could have a giant monster in it including reliable witnesses, photographs, sonar charts, and film. Nessie's habitat is the Loch Ness in Northern Scotland running southwest to northeast and the lake is 23 miles long, 1 mile wide, and 786 feet at its deepest point. Lake Erie is also said to be home to a Nessie-like monster. The locals call her "Bessie." The Loch Ness monster, or Nessie, is undoubtedly the most well-known of these aquatic mysteries. But other deep, cold lakes around the world have their own legendary beasts: Chessie in Chesapeake Bay, Storsie in Sweden's Lake Storsjön, Selma in Norway's Lake Seljordsvatnet and "Champ" in New York's Lake Champlain among others.

* Shape: long neck; horse-like head; humped back (one or two humps).
* Color: dark or elephant gray.
* Weight: estimated 2,500 pounds.
* Length: 15 to 40 feet.

NessieFamous Sightings:

The Loch Ness Monster may have been sighted as early as the 6th century, but didn't gain popularity until 1933.
* April, 1933 - Mrs. Aldie Mackay reports seeing a whale-like creature in the loch near Aldourie Castle (where Nessie has been sighted on other occasions). The account was written up for the Inverness Courier by water bailiff Alex Campbell and the excitement about a monster in the loch was born.
* July 22, 1933 - Mr. and Mrs. Spicer saw Nessie on land! While passing the loch on their way to London from Northern Scotland, the couple saw the large creature crossing the road in front of them. Mr. Spicer told the newspaper that it looked like a large prehistoric creature and was carrying a small lamb or some other animal in its mouth. He described it as being about 25 feet long with a long neck. He believed it disappeared into the loch.
* November, 1933 - The first photo of the alleged monster was taken by Hugh Gray.
* 1934 - Brother Richard Horan saw the neck and head protruding from the water at only 30 yards away. He said it reached about 3-1/2 feet above the surface, and the creature was looking at him.
* 1963 - Mr. Hugh Ayton claimed to have seen the creature from shore. He and three friends jumped into a motor boat and followed it for about a mile. He said he could never forget its large oval-shaped eye looking at him from its horse-like head.
* 1972 - A monk at the Fort Augustus Abbey, Father Gregory Brusey, was walking with an organist when they both saw the neck and head of the creature protruding about 6 feet above the loch's surface. They said it moved through the water, turned on its side and submerged.

What is it that people are seeing in the loch?

* Skeptics say sightings are actually of groups of large fish, seals, otters or ducks.
* It's also been shown that waves on the surface of the lake can look like the oft-seen humped back of Nessie.
* The favorite theory of believers and many witnesses is that Nessie is a dinosaur known as a plesiosaur - a large aquatic creature with flippers and a long neck that is thought to have gone extinct 90 million years ago. Somehow, it is thought, plesiosaurs survived in Loch Ness (and perhaps some other lakes around the world). There must be enough of them in the loch to constitute a breeding population.
* On Art Bell's erstwhile radio show, he once asked remote viewer Ed Dames to remote view what the Loch Ness Monster is. Dames' conclusion: it is the ghost of an aquatic dinosaur.


Several serious expeditions have been mounted over the years in search of the Loch Ness Monster:
* 1934 - Sir Edward Mountain paid 20 men to sit at various points around the shore of the lake with box cameras. A few highly contestable photos of shapes on the water were obtained.
* The Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau; 1960s-1972 - Carried out extensive photographic surveillance of the loch using 35mm motion picture cameras fitted with telephoto lenses. Only a few ambiguous sequences resulted.
* The Academy of Applied Science Expeditions; August, 1972 - Led by Dr. Robert Rines, this expedition sonar equipment with time-lapse photography. The result were some very controversial photos, including the famous "flipper" photo and "gargoyle head" photo, both of which were "creatively enhanced" by computers to be much clearer than they actually were.
* Operation Deepscan; October, 1987 - Nineteen cruisers were lined up to conduct a thorough sweep of the entire loch with a "sonar curtain." A 20th boat, New Atlantis, following was equipped with scanning sonar. Although a few "contacts" were reported, nothing could be confirmed.
* Other expeditions have been conducted or planned in recent years that attempted to catch the monster in a net or giant trap. A self-professed "white witch" cast a spell over the loch to protect Nessie from capture. Yes, it gets pretty silly.
* Webcams - Nessie on the Net! has live webcams overlooking the loch, and is promising an underwater webcam soon.
There have been more than 1,000 reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. While people are notoriously bad eyewitnesses, especially to phenomena such as this, a few accounts (some of which are listed above) constitute some of the best evidence for the creature.

Loch Ness MonsterThere are also a few good photos (Left pic), most notably a shot taken by Anthony Shiels from Urquhart Castle on May 21,1977. It's perhaps the clearest photo of the creature, showing its neck and head high above the water.

Tim Dinsdale's 1960 16mm motion picture film may still be the best evidence for a large unknown creature in Loch Ness. On April 23, he photographed a dark object moving across the loch then turning parallel to the far shore and heading down toward Fort Augustus. Although no features of the creature could be distinguished, experts who studied the film concluded that it was not a boat or submarine, but some large, unknown animate object.

Various expeditions have also recorded numerous sonar contacts with a large moving object within the loch that cannot be explained as known fish.

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Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 12 July 2012

Cancun Underwater Museum
Underwater Museum in Cancun, Mexico – Submerge yourself in one of the most beautiful and clear waters of the world, The Mexican Caribbean. Cancun Underwater Museum is located underwater off the coast of Isla de Mujeres and Cancun, Mexico. It is an underwater museum with a series of sculptures by Jason deCaires Taylor. The project began in November 2009 with placement of a hundred statues which had been previously damaged by storms, in shallow waters of the Cancún National Marine Park.

Source: Google image
The sculptures are created with pH-neutral marine concrete and are based on members of the local community. The artist planned the sculptures as artificial reefs with fire coral planted in the initial sculptures. Soon, it is going to be home to one of the largest underwater museums on the planet, located in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Forming this museum will be a series of underwater sculptural installations all sited within the protected National Marine Park, of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Source: Google image

Source: Google image
Divers and snorkellers will have the opportunity to admire more than 400 original sculptures in depths ranging from 9 to 20 feet. Jason deCaires Taylor offers a contemporary and cultural view to people around the world of how the Mayan people have evolved through out the years in “The Silent Evolution”. This monumental installation consists of more than 400 life size figurative sculptures. Also located in the museum, near the island of Isla Mujeres, a sculpture entitled “The Dream Collector” will be submerged, along with many other unique master pieces.

Source: Google image

Source: Google image
The purpose of having this underwater museum is to provide the visitors the opportunity to visit our pristine natural reefs while giving the opportunity to see the gorgeous sculptures. Other than that, it helps the conservation of the natural corals a lot This underwater museum also promote Cancun as a cultural and artistic developing area. This project can be continued as well because the growth of the project can invite many other fine artists for many years to come.
Being environmentally friendly, the sculptures are all designed to become artificial reefs and are constructed from special materials which promote marine life and create areas for corals and marine creatures to breed, take refuge, and this boost the local ecosystem. The appearance of the sculptures will change over time as the coral grows and marine life colonize the structures.
Source: Cancun Travel

Thursday 4 October 2012

Masih Dunia Lain Episode Misteri Bangunan Cagar Budaya Full Video

Super Charged Spirits

Super Charged Spirits


These ghost photos were sent by Lisa Ragis of
Lisa said, "Thanks for responding so quickly. I think that is one thing I love about your site. Your always there to answer my questions and help me out."


Misteri! Pak Haji Sudah Meninggal Dunia Muncul Di Kebun

Misteri! Pak Haji Sudah Meninggal Dunia Muncul Di Kebun
Seorang gadis sedang melalui sebuah kawasan di kebun kelapa sawit, tiba-tiba dirinya ternampak kelibat seorang lelaki tua. Siapakah lelaki tua tersebut?
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By Shah – Misteri! Pak Haji Sudah Meninggal Dunia Muncul Di Kebun | Secara hakikatnya orang yang sudah meninggal dunia, tidak akan berada di dunia ini lagi. Apabila terputusnya roh dan jasad, maka orang tersebut akan berada di alam barzakh, maka terputus jugalah segala perhubungan kecuali 3 perkara yang ada disebutkan dalam hadtih rasulullah SAW. Kisah di bawah ini menceritakan tentang seorang wanita yang pernah berhadapan dengan situasi bertemu dengan orang yang sudah meninggal dunia. Jom baca kisah di bawah ini.
Saya terpanggil untuk menceritakan pengalaman yang saya anggap seram juga. Entahlah pada orang lain seram ke tak. Saya melalui kisah ini pada tahun 1989 di kampung bapa saya iaitu di Batu Pahat, Johor. Ketika itu arwah atok dan nenek saya masih ada.
Kampung saya ni, sepanjang jalan ke rumah atok saya, jalannya kiri dan kanan ada ladang kelapa sawit dan pokok getah. Rumah penduduk kampung semuanya jauh berselang dengan kelapa sawit dan pokok-pokok getah. Susah nak tengok rumah yang berdekatan atau bersebelahan. Untuk sampai ke rumah atok saya, jarak dari jalanraya utama lebih kurang 2 kilometer. Dekat dengan rumah atok saya cuma ada tiga buah rumah jiran, itu pun dikelilingi pokok-pokok besar. Lepas 300 meter baru jumpa rumah yang lain.
Kisah ini berlaku tika saya baru habis SPM dan dihantar oleh ibu bapa saya ke rumah atok dan nenek untuk bercuti sambil menemani mereka. Masa itu makcik saya dan anak-anaknya pun ada tinggal bersama atok dan nenek saya. Ibu dan bapa saya berpesan supaya saya tinggal untuk beberapa minggu, supaya atok dan nenek saya gembira sebab saya cucu kesayangan mereka.
Setiap petang saya suka keluar berlari-lari anak di sepanjang jalan kampung. Saya akan keluar bersama sepupu saya. Sebelum Maghrib saya akan balik ke rumah, sebab atok saya dah pesan, jangan sampai Maghrib, bahaya! Sebagai anak gadis sudah pasti saya akan pulang awal. Tiga hari berturut-turut saya berlari-lari anak, tak ada apa-apa berlaku. Pada hari keempat, saya tak pergi berlari-lari anak kerana makcik saya mengajak saya pergi ke kedai di luar kampung. Kedai di kampung ini jauh, di jalan utama. Jadi saya dan makcik saya pun keluar ke kedai dengan menaiki motor.
Pada awalnya kami memang nak balik awal sebelum Maghrib, tapi ketika balik dari kedai, makcik saya terpaksa singgah di rumah ibu saudaranya yang juga nenek saudara saya yang tinggal tidak jauh dari kedai yang kami pergi. Oleh kerana terlalu asyik berbual, makcik saya tak perasan yang waktu sudah lewat! Dah nak masuk Maghrib! Saya terus cuit makcik saya, ajaknya balik. Makcik saya pun minta izin untuk pulang. Saya minta izin makcik saya, saya yang nak bawa motor tu dan suruh makcik saya bonceng di belakang. Makcik saya mengiakan saja. Masa itu saya bawa motor laju sebab dah lewat.
Hari makin kelam. Tika hampir sampai di rumah atok, kami ada melalui satu kawasan kelapa sawit seorang Pak Haji ni. Namanya biarlah saya rahsia kan, cuma gelarkan “Pak Haji” saja. Dari jauh saya ada ternampak seorang lelaki tua dalam lingkungan umur 60-an tahun, kalau tak silap sayalah. Lelaki itu sedang berjalan masuk ke kebun kelapa sawit di sebelah kiri jalan yang kami lalui itu. Saya masih teringat apa yang dia pakai tika itu, baju Pagoda putih, kain pelikat lusuh dan tali pinggang hijau yang slalu orang-orang tua pakai. Ketika saya dan makcik saya sampai di kawasan yang Pak Haji tadi masuk, saya dan makcik saya tengok ke arah itu, kami tak nampak apa-apa pun. Tapi saya tak kisah, sebab pada fikiran saya mungkin Pak Haji itu berjalan cepat, kemungkinan dia nak cepat ke surau (mungkin). Terus saya menunggang motor hingga ke rumah atok saya.
Sampai di rumah, atok membebel kenapa kami lambat sampai, makcik pun ceritalah apa sebabnya. Lepas tu makcik saya terdiam. Selepas sepuluh minit berlalu, makcik saya bertanya pada saya, adakah saya ternampak orang yang masuk ke dalam kebun kelapa sawit tadi. Saya pun menjawab, “Ada…” Makcik saya terkejut! Perbuatan makcik saya itu membuatkan atok saya bertanya kenapa. Begitu juga saya. Terus makcik saya menjawab Pak Haji balik tengok kebunnya. Atok saya tersenyum, saya pula tertanya-tanya. Tapi nenek saya pula yang membebel. Saya tanya kenapa. Nenek saya pun menjawab Pak Haji itu dah meninggal enam bulan yang lalu. Ketika itu juga bulu roma saya semuanya berdiri, terus saya masuk rumah, tutup semua tingkap dan pintu. Sejak hari itu saya tak keluar berlari-lari anak lagi. Saya telefon ibu bapa saya suruh balik kampung dan ambil saya balik. Tak sampai seminggu terus saya balik kerana terlampau takut, dan asyik terbayang-bayang… Oh tidak!!!…
Tapi kini kampung saya dah melalui banyak perubahan, dah makin ramai penduduk, dah ada macam-macam kemudahan. Alhamdulillah dah tak takut lagi. - Berkemungkinan apa yang wanita ini temui semasa berumur belasan tahun adalah qarin ataupun jelmaan makhluk halus yang menyerupai wajah seseorang. Kita perlu yakin bahawa orang yang sudah meninggal dunia, tidak akan boleh kembali ke dunia ini. Sebagai seorang manusia, akal kita terhad untuk memikirkan tentang alam ghaib yang penuh dengan misteri.

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) 11 July Wed (Full Version)

Ghost Aspiration

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Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 10 July 2012

10 Most Amazing Tomb In World

10 Most Amazing Tomb In World

6 May 2012No Comment
10 Most Amazing Tomb In World | Death has always presented a certain fascination over the human mind and its importance was celebrated by creating amazing burial places for those that passed away.
They need to remember them has led to impressive buildings, architectural masterpieces and works of art which withstood the course of history and became symbols of the world’s culture. Whether they are impressive buildings, fields of rocks or amazingly looking gates, the burial grounds of the world take mourning the dead to a high artistic level. No wonder some of them are considered the wonders of the world.

1) The Pyramid of Giza – The Oldest
(credit : google)
2) Hadrian’s Mausoleum – The Daring
(credit : google)
3) La Recoleta Cemetery – a slice of fascinating history
(credit : google)
4) Forest Lawn Memorial Parks – the cosmopolite
(credit : google)
5) St. Peter’s Basilica – the artistic
(credit : google)
6) Tomb of Cyrus the Great – the mysterious
(credit : google)
7) Green Wood Cemetery – the sculptural artistic
(credit : google)
8 ) Old Jewish Cemetery – the humblest
(credit : google)
9) Westminster Abbey – the royal dynasties place of rest
(credit : google)
10) Taj Mahal – for the immortal love
(credit : google)

Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis connection?

By Geoffrey Keyte

The area of the Atlantic Ocean popularly referred to as the Bermuda Triangle is a complete enigma and has proven to be so for much of recorded history.
Many seemingly inexplicable occurrences and disappearances have taken place in this particular area. No rational explanation that will satisfy the materialistic parameters of the typical scientist has been offered that would account for all the mysterious happenings that have taken place in the Bermuda Triangle during the course of many thousands of years.
Where is the Bermuda Triangle? Many of us believe that the Bermuda Triangle is situated more or less in the middle of an area of the Atlantic Ocean that once housed Atlantis.
While many eminent Atlantean authorities express differing opinions and ideas as to precisely where Atlantis was situated, I would like to refer to a reading given by Edgar Cayce in 1932:

Lost City of Atlantis

"The position...the continent of Atlantis occupied is between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. There are some protruding portions...that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined" (364-3)."
Be that as it may, and in most things I am always inclined to believe what Edgar Cayce has to say, in my opinion Atlantis was situated roughly speaking where Cayce proposes.
When Atlantis was destroyed it sank to the very bottom of the ocean. While the ruined temples now play host to multitudinous underwater creatures, the great Atlantean fire-crystals that once provided so much of the tremendous power and energy that was found in Atlantis long ago still exist. And they are still emitting strong energy beams into the universe.
Unfortunately, however, when the destruction occurred some of these fire-crystals were partially damaged, which has resulted in them only being able to project their energy rays at random. It is said that each fire-crystal would have been at least twenty feet high and some eight feet wide. In Atlantis these fire- crystals would have been erected in a series of three, thus creating a vortex of astronomical energy and a power of the first magnitude!
From time to time, the force field emitted by these damaged Atlantean fire-crystals becomes very powerful and any plane or ship coming within the influence of this force field disintegrates and is transformed into pure energy. Hence the inexplicable and mysterious disappearances that has very often been blamed on the area of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle!
Some scientists have advanced the theory that many of the planes and ships that have been lost and that have disappeared within the Bermuda Triangle have been transported into some kind of Black Hole or time warp. This is, I would strongly suggest, simply not true. Those individuals who were aboard planes and ships when they disappeared have basically between returned to spirit.
On a few rare occasions, ships that had been reported as having vanished have actually returned. The crew members, though, have all appeared to be insane, incoherent and babbling wild stories. This has occurred because there are certain times when the force field projected by the Atlantean fire-crystals is not strong enough to effect total disintegration. Mental disorientation results instead!
It is very similar to someone who receives an overdose from a shock treatment to the brain. Not enough, perhaps, to kill, or destroy the person, but enough to seriously damage the brain structure and to cause insanity and other forms of madness. The ramblings that all these crew members have related are hallucinations, thoughts of fear and of unknown indescribable horrors with which their minds cannot possibly cope.
In addition to the damaged Atlantean Fire-Crystals, the Timekeeper Crystal still stands guard within the ruined Atlantean Temple of Healing. The great Timekeeper Crystal, however, does not project its energies in the same way as the fire-crystals because it is hermetically sealed.
The Timekeeper Crystal is waiting patiently for the time which is yet to come when once again it will play its important role in the affairs of the world!
In 1970, Dr.Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, went scuba diving with some friends near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, close to a popular area known as the Tongue of the Ocean.
During one of his dives, Brown became separated from his friends and while searching for them he was startled when he came across a strange pyramid shape silhouetted against the aquamarine light.
Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.
Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside.
Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He was totally amazed that this room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. They were completely spotless!
In addition, though Brown had brought no torch with him, he could nevertheless see everything in the room with his normal eyesight. The room was well lit, but no direct light source was visible.
Brown's attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod three inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center of the room and at its end was attached a many-facetted red gem, which tapered to a point.
Directly below this rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room, was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. On the plate there was a pair of carved metal bronze-colored hands, life-sized, which appeared blackened and burnt, as if having been subjected to tremendous heat.

Bermuda Map

Nestled in the hands, and situated four feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere four inches in diameter.
Brown tried to loosen the ceiling rod and red gemstone but neither would move. Returning to the crystal sphere, he found,to his amazement, that it separated easily from the bronze hand holders. With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid.
As he departed, Brown felt an unseen presence and heard a voice telling him never to return!
Fearing, rightly, that his unusual prize might be confiscated as salvage-treasure by the American Government, Dr. Brown did not reveal the existence of his strange crystal sphere, nor did he relate his experiences until 1975, when he exhibited his crystal for the first time at a psychic seminar in Phoenix.
Since that time, the crystal sphere has made only a very few public appearances but on each occasion people who have seen it have experienced strange phenomena directly associated with it.
Deep inside the crystal form, one gazes upon three pyramidical images, one in front of the other, in decreasing sizes. Some people who enter a deep meditative state of consciousness are able to discern a fourth pyramid, in the foreground of the other three.
Elizabeth Bacon, a New York psychic, claimed while in trance, that the crystal sphere had once belonged to Thoth, the Egyptian God who was responsible for burying a secret vault of knowledge in Giza, near the three great Pyramids.
Perhaps the positions of the three pyramidal images in the crystal sphere hold the long-sought key to finding a fourth, as yet unfound, subterranean pyramid that will lead us to the Hall of Records? Who knows?
Looking at the crystal sphere from the side, the internal images dissolve into thousands of tiny fracture lines. Brown feels that these may prove to be electrical in nature, like some form of microscopic circuitry.
From yet another angle, and under special conditions, many people have been able to see a large single human eye staring out serenely at them. Photographs of this eye have also been taken!
Dr. Brown's crystal sphere has been the source of a wide variety of paranormal and mysterious occurrences. People have felt breezes or winds blowing close to it. Both cold and warm layers surround it at various distances. Other witnesses have observed phantom lights, heard voices or felt strange tingling sensations surrounding it.
A compass needle, when placed next to the crystal sphere, will spin counter-clockwise, then commence turning in the opposite direction when moved only inches away. Metals become temporarily magnetized when they come into close contact with the sphere.
There are even recorded instances where healing has taken place by merely touching the sphere.
We may only speculate as to why the crystal sphere was created and what part it once played within the underwater Bahamas pyramid discovered by Ray Brown!
If, as we suspect, this area of water once formed part of the continent of Atlantis, then what other buried treasures await future divers? The possibilities are endless.
Seismographic surveys carried out across the Atlantic Ocean have shown that there are many deviations and unexplained contours to be found right at the bottom of the ocean. To date, however, no serious exploration has ever been undertaken to find out exactly what is to be found on the ocean's floor.
Perhaps Brown's Bahamas pyramid once formed part of Atlantis? It has been suggested that this sunken pyramid once attracted, accumulated and even generated some form of cosmic force.
The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone. The faceted red gem at its end may have been used to concentrate and project the energies to the crystal sphere below it. The burnt and blackened hands, showing the evidence of an energy transfer, probably amplified the release of these energies while the crystal sphere acted as the tuner and broadcaster of the energies.
In 1933, Edgar Cayce suggested in two readings that the Atlanteans possessed some form of atomic power and radioactive forces:

" Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated by burning, through application of rays from stone, the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body often rejuvenated itself and it remained in that land until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples who made for the breaking up of the land, or joining with Belial at the final destruction of the land. In this, the entity lost. At first it was not the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for ascension of power itself"
(440-5; December 20, 1933)
And Cayce goes on:
"As for a description of the manner of construction of the stone: we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed today), cut with facets in such manner that the capstone or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself.. As indicated, the records as to ways of constructing same are in three places in the earth, as it stands today: in the sunken portion of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be discovered under the slime of ages of sea water - near what is known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And (secondly) in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity acted later in cooperation with others towards preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also (thirdly) the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan, in America, where these stones (which they know so little about) are now, during the last few months, being uncovered."
(440-5;December 20, 1933)
One particularly interesting piece of information in the above reading is the reference to Bimini. In 1969, steps were discovered leading down under the ocean at Bimini. These have always been believed to have once formed part of Atlantis although it appears that little further excavations or explorations have ever taken place on this site. But - and really it is not too big a but - it does seem that the balance of probability is firmly tilted towards the supposition that Atlantis was more than a legend; that, in reality, it was a historical fact.
In the meantime, however, the damaged Atlantean fire-crystals will continue, from time to time, to have an effect upon some of the planes and ships which pass through the area known as the Bermuda Triangle.

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I Am Not I / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

EVP: Holographic Imprints


By , Guide
EVP recorder
EVP recorder
Stephen Wagner

What if EVP are just multidimensional, holographic recordings?

SOMETHING HAS always bothered me about electronic voice phenomena (EVP). If these are the voices of the dead, then the fate of these people is a highly disturbing one. They are still loitering about the Earth, lost. And if this sad fate is possible for those people, it's possible for you and me as well. Personally, I don't relish the thought of wandering around eternity, answering trite questions from legions of ghost hunters.
The traditional view of the afterlife, for those who believe there is an afterlife, is that we move on to a different (hopefully higher) plane of existence. Some think we receive our reward by going to Heaven or are punished with an eternity in Hell, depending on how we have lived our lives. In either case, we don't hang around here.
Unless we're ghosts. Ghosts, it is theorized, are unable to move on to that other plane of existence. Because of a traumatic death, or at least stressful circumstances of death, the spirit energy remains trapped between this plane and the next.
So are all of the voices recorded in EVP of these trapped spirits? If so, there are a lot of them out there. Ghost hunting groups and other researchers all over the world are capturing these voices wherever they go - haunted buildings, graveyards, even locations that have previously had no reputation for being haunted. These spirits are everywhere.
And they represent a real cross-section of the human population: the old and the young, the happy and the sad, the nasty and the nice. Most distressing are the voices of children, especially those that seem confused and lost. I've heard EVP of children sadly complaining of the cold or mournfully looking for a parent.
What a horrible fate. And if we accept that EVP are voices of the dead, then there must be thousands upon thousands of these lost spirits roaming the Earth.
That's hard to swallow. Maybe not so much because it cannot be true, but because I don't want it to be true. After the many struggles and hardships of physical life, it's not much comfort to think that we might face more of the same in the next life.
Let's consider another possible explanation for EVP then.
Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that everyone who dies passes on to another plane of existence. (Something better, let's hope.) No one gets stuck. Then what could account for the mysterious EVP voices?
Perhaps EVP are holographic imprints of people who once lived. We are all made up of energy. The powerful energy of who we are - our personalities, our souls - interact with the energy of the surrounding universe. In some cases, maybe in all cases, when we die, a multidimensional hologram created by that personality energy is imprinted on this plane of existence.
In other words, EVP are not the voices of the people themselves, but only a representation of those people. They are holographic recordings of those people's personalities.
If they are just recordings, one might ask, how can they interact with the living, answering questions posed by ghost hunters, or commenting on their conversations?
Because these are multidimensional holographic recordings. A conventional holographic photograph captures an image in apparent three dimensions. When we're talking about the world of spirit, however, we're talking about a world of multiple dimensions where time and space have no meaning. In this world, a holographic recording might contain all of the information of a person's personality, allowing it to respond to questions and otherwise interact with the living in real time.
It's a virtual dead person, with all of its personal attributes: happy, sad, confused or mean.
In this optimistic theory, EVP are not capturing voices of poor lost souls, but somehow tapping into the holographic imprints left behind by spirits who have moved on to higher realms.
This can't be proved, of course. But it's a more comforting thought.


The Green Ghost Under the Bed

by Cristina D.

Photo Credit: Google

I was four years old and living in a townhouse in Maryland at the time of the only paranormal experience I ever had. At the time, my little brother and I were sharing a bunk bed in a small room – he slept on the top bunk and I slept on the bottom. We kept most of our toys under the bed because the room was so small. So whenever I wanted to play with a toy, I'd just go and pop my head in between the wall and the bedside and take one out to play with. I loved doing this.
Late one night, when my brother and the rest of the household were fast asleep, I still found myself wide awake. No matter what I did, I just couldn't fall asleep. I remember looking out the window at the night sky and sighing because I was trying so hard to sleep. Eventually, being bored stiff, I thought, "What the heck, I'll just grab a toy from under the bed and play with it until I fall asleep." So I stuck my head under the bed... only to see what was a greenish male being – something like a green gnome – with wide-open, large, human-like eyes sitting, smiling and playing with one of the toys under my bed! I distinctly remember him being completely focused on playing with the toy, smiling and making exclamations of joy in the same way a baby or toddler does when playing with a fun toy. I remember the toy itself was making the usual sounds toys make when played with. I don't remember what he was wearing, but I'm pretty sure he was wearing something.
He was probably about 10 inches away from where my face was and he was very surprised to see me. But he wasn't scared at all. He seemed happy and very curious to see me and, throwing the toy aside, he inched himself toward me. I remember his huge smile and big eyes getting closer to me and I, of course, completely freaked out. This all happened within a matter of seconds. I specifically remember my face contorting into an expression of shock and fear and I just couldn't get my head out from under the bed fast enough.
I just stayed in bed for the rest of the night as there was no way I was getting out of that bed. I was absolutely convinced that he was going to reach out his hand from under the bed and grab me or something because I had seen him when I wasn't supposed to. But nothing happened after that. After a couple of hours of being awake and afraid, I ended up falling asleep.
The strange thing was that before and after I dunked my head under the bed, I could hear absolutely nothing – it was all perfectly still and quiet in my room. But when I was seeing him, I was aware of the noise he was making. I swear this really happened to me, and I think it only came about because I caught him completely off-guard. It was not a dream. Needless to say, I never dunked my head under the bed again after that.

Read More:

Pontianak Picture

The Choking Old Crone

by Joanna

I would like to relate a very unsettling experience that happened to me about three years ago. It was a Saturday evening and it was the middle of autumn, I was walking through a country road with my dog, Brian. I was starting to walk faster than usual because the sky was getting darker and darker and I wanted to be home before nightfall. As I was walking briskly, Brian started to yelp and whine and seem very uncomfortable. I kept walking and did not pay attention to him. A couple of minutes later, he started to growl and bark and stopped dead in his tracks, panting heavily. I stopped and looked ahead of me to see what was upsetting Brian. The whole place was deadly quiet and I started to get scared because I felt that we were being watched by someone. As I started walking again cautiously, I suddenly heard Brian growl very deeply and aggressively. He had never behaved this way before, and it sent shivers down my spine. As I stopped and looked ahead of us to see what could possibly be bothering him, a figure stepped out from behind a large oak tree ahead of us.
It was an old, ugly woman and she was completely naked. Her face was hideously ugly and was covered with warts. Her gnarled hands were outstretched in front of her and her long, sharp nails beckoned me closer. I froze with terror and I could feel my teeth chattering. As this foul hag limped toward us, she had a desperate look on her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and teary and she raised her right hand to her throat and started gasping for air. She looked like she was choking. My first reaction was that the woman was a nutcase and I stammered, petrified, "Wh-Whoo are youuu?' She did not answer me, and still had her hand around her throat gasping desperately for breath. As she got within reaching distance of me, Brian started barking loudly at the old crone and she vanished into thin air in front of me.
I can remember standing there for about three minutes afterward, hardly believing what I had just seen. Then I hurriedly walked home in the dark with Brian. I have no idea what this horrid vision was or who the old hag was supposed to be, but I have never forgotten it. I still walk my dog down the same country road, but I always wear a silver cross that my grandma bought me for my 16th birthday when I do. I don't know if the old woman was a ghost or something far more sinister, but it was definitely the most evil experience I have ever had in my life.


Monday 1 October 2012

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) 7 July Sat (Full Version)

Runway Ecto

Runway Ecto

This ghost photo was sent by Gareth of
Gareth said, "Taken outside garage door, pointing towards tree at end of patio for a general "nightshot" to test camera, last of series of 3 pictures taken - rest deleted (oops) though did not show anything unusual. Also noted sense of something different, emptiness, cold (not physical), before picture being taken, and a presence of some kind in front of me at time, had a feelin the camera would show something as I plugged her in. Could not see anything through viewfinder bar flash of light mentioned earlier. Area situated on old runway used in WWII (UK)."


Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 06 July Fri (Full Version)

Bunian usung jenazah tengah malam

Bunian usung jenazah tengah malam

Oleh Nuri Angkasa

“SIAPA meninggal? Malam-malam mengusung jenazah kat jalan Batu 13.”
“Tak ada orang meninggal pun di situ. Batu 13 tu tempatnya keras.”

“SIAPA meninggal? Malam-malam mengusung jenazah kat jalan Batu 13.”

“Tak ada orang meninggal pun di situ. Batu 13 tu tempatnya keras.”

Bermula peristiwa itu maka dengan ini dipaparkan kisahnya untuk dikongsi bersama. Atau, paling tidak dapat mengisi khazanah misteri di kalangan kaki pancing yang sentiasa berdepan kisah aneh dan menakutkan.

Rombongan lima orang pemancing yang diketuai oleh seorang anak muda yang baru pulang dari Australia (memegang ijazah khazanah laut dalam) bernama Shafik Roslan, bercadang untuk turun memancing bersama rakan lamanya.

Tempat pilihan kali ini bukan di laut tetapi sebuah kolam lama yang ditinggalkan di pedalaman kawasan Orang Asli di Sungai Tahan (bukan nama sebenar).

Kolam ini bagaikan tasik kecil tetapi dalam dan dihuni spesies ikan tongsan dan toman bersaiz besar.

Perjalanan menuju ke lokasi berkenaan dengan menaiki sebuah van kepunyaan Zali yang dipandu sendiri olehnya.

Mereka meninggalkan Seremban tepat jam 10 malam dalam keadaan cuaca yang sangat baik.

Shafik berada di laut lebih lama dari di bilik kuliah ketika menuntut ilmu pelaut di Australia. Justeru, minatnya memancing sama ada di laut mahupun tasik tidak terkecuali.

Mereka melalui Batu 13. Jalannya kecil lagi sunyi. Perjalanan terpaksa diperlahankan kerana rombongan mengusung jenazah memenuhi separuh jalan tanpa sebarang lampu menyuluh jalan. Namun yang aneh, langkah mereka pantas bagaikan berlari.
Ketika singgah di sebuah pekan kecil, mereka berehat minum di warung seorang tua berkopiah putih.

Apabila ditanya mengenai jenazah yang diusung pada waktu malam di Batu 13, orang tua berkenaan bagaikan tahu apa yang berlaku.

Beliau menerangkan bahawa kawasan itu perkampungan orang bunian. Kalau tidak berhati-hati, sesiapa yang melaluinya ketika itu akan memilih jalan menuju gaung kerana mengelak rombongan mengusung jenazah dalam satu kumpulan yang ramai.

“Anak kena hati-hati kalau tiba di satu kawasan itu pada waktu malam. Tapi kalau boleh elak jangan melalui jalan itu selepas 12 tengah malam,” orang tua itu mengingatkan kumpulan berkenaan.

Menurut cerita Wak Anuar kepada halaman Misteri; yang turut sama dalam rombongan berkenaan terpaksa berdepan pelbagai halangan sebelum tiba di lokasi lewat tengah malam.

Halangan kedua, ular besar merintangi jalan sebelum tiba di kawasan pedalaman Orang Asli di Sungai Tahan.

Terhalang perjalanan hampir satu jam itu cukup menjejaskan semangat dan harapan anak muda yang baru pulang dari Australia itu yang pada mulanya begitu berkobar-kobar untuk turun memancing.

Mereka meneruskan perjalanan sebaik saja ular besar memberi laluan tetapi keadaan cuaca mula berubah. Langit yang sebelum itu dipenuhi bintang bertukar gelap pekat dengan sesekali bunga kilat bermain di dada langit.

Perjalanan diteruskan dengan hati-hati. Namun mereka terhalang lagi apabila sebatang pokok besar tumbang melintang jalan.

Serta-merta juga hujan mula turun berserta angin kencang bagaikan ribut.

Shafik tidak panik tetapi terus berdoa dengan suara yang terang: “Ya Allah, kami berlindung dengan-Mu daripada sebarang keburukan.

Engkau tunjukkan jalan yang benar jika ada makhluk-Mu berniat jahat terhadap kami. Sesungguhnya kekuasaan-Mu lebih dari segala-galanya.”

Sejurus habis saja doa Shafik, pokok tumbang hilang serta merta dan mereka dapat meneruskan perjalanan.

Zali dan Wak Anuar sendiri turut hairan dengan doa yang dilafazkan oleh Shafik yang tidak terlintas langsung oleh semua rakan pancing bahawa kepada Allah harus diminta perlindungan dalam keadaan terdesak begitu.

Perkampungan Orang Asli masih jauh. Perjalanan bertambah sukar apabila hujan makin lebat. Dan, anehnya mereka sekali lagi terserempak dengan rombongan mengusung jenazah.

Kali ini rombongan lebih ramai dan menutup muka jalan. Shafik mengarahkan Zali memberhentikan van sambil membunyikan hon kereta beberapa kali dengan kuatnya.

Rombongan membawa jenazah serta-merta hilang. Sekali lagi mereka meneruskan perjalanan lalu berehat sebaik tiba di perkampungan Orang Asli dan terus bermalam.

Esoknya, mereka tidak meneruskan hasrat untuk ke tasik sebaliknya berpatah balik ke Seremban setelah petanda buruk dapat dirasakan menghalang setiap kali meneruskan hasrat ke tasik atau kolam lama di hujung kampung.

Shafik dapat menyelamatkan perjalanan mereka ketika terdesak, kata Wak Anuar menamatkan cerita misteri kumpulannya ketika berhasrat untuk memancing di kolam lama atau tasik.

Justeru, halangan begini harus dijadikan iktibar yang di sebaliknya mengukir misteri tersembunyi dan tentunya kepada Allah tempat kita berserah diri.


Seram! Gambar Perkampungan Atas Kubur diManila

Seram! Gambar Perkampungan Atas Kubur di Manila

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Pernah tak korang terdengar tentang keluarga yang tinggal di kubur? Kat kubur dan celah-celak mayat tu la mereka masak, dan di situ juga mereka tidur, bermain, mandi dan membuat segala aktiviti. Tak seram ke? Salah satu gambar pelik masyarakat Manila tu ada kat bawah ni, di mana seorang budak lelaki memegang tengkorak manusia seperti memegang batang kayu je. Mereka ini merupakan keluarga yang sangat miskin di Filipina di mana mereka tidak mampu untuk membeli rumah. Akibatnya, mereka hidup di atas perkuburan. Korang boleh? P/S: Apabila melalui tanah perkuburan Islam, jangan lupa mengucap salam dan sedekahkan al-fatihah kepada penghuni-penghuni kubur. Pahala korang dapat, iktibar pun korang dapat. InsyaAllah.

In the Philippines, a part of South East Asia countries, the poor and the dead have little choice but to mingle together in a graveyard in the northern Manila port district of Navotas, one of the world’s most densely populated areas behind only a few Indian cities.
“We would like to live elsewhere,” Ramos, a 20-year-old pregnant, unwed mother of two, told AFP as she fed her children inside a shanty made of plastic sheets, bamboo and bits of wood. But we were born here and we grew up here. I don’t think we will be able to get out of here.”
Ramos and her extended family of 12, plus her jobless boyfriend, are one of about 600 families in the cemetery compound, a community ironically called Bagong Silang (Newborn).
Ramos’s tent is one of several pitched precariously atop a row of concrete tombs, themselves piled five-high, like shipping containers, at the crowded Navotas municipal cemetery. The residents of the cemetery sleep, cook, eat, bathe, and wash clothes atop the tombs, and life can look grisly for an outsider.
Sumber: Akademi Fantasia Travel

Bigfoot Characteristics/Eyewitnesses


Though there are many types of "bigfoot" out there depending on location, all of them resemble similar attributes when it comes to eyewitness accounts.
Characteristics of Bigfoot
- very tall (up to 8 feet)
- large feet (hence the name Bigfoot) as large as 24 inches long and 8 inches wide
- avoids humans
- strong odor (like a skunk)
- a loud shrieking howl
- thick and long dark reddish or brown hair, (yeti has white hair)

The only way to prove such a creature's existence is an actual body (which has been hoaxed recently), Photographic evidence and video tape is needed to support the existence of Bigfoot, and hopefully in the future, technology can help us finally end this mystery once and for all. Motion activated surveillance cameras may also help capture more footage of the beast on film, but the only hard evidence to date is the foot imprints and hair samples Bigfoot leaves behind. There have been over 700 footprints left behind by Bigfoot over the years, and all of them are well over the size of an average man.

Bigfoot print

Bigfoot Eyewitnesses/Evid
* First recorded sighting in 1811 near Jasper, Alberta by David Thompson who worked as a fur trader.

1840 - Elkanah Walker, a pioneer and missionary to the Spokane Indians in Washington State, recorded in his diary tales he had heard from the natives about the race of giants who lived in the snow-covered mountain peaks, who stole salmon from the Indian nets and whose smell was nearly intolerable.

1892 - a German fur trapper by the name of Bauman was hunting with a friend around a section of the Salmon River in the Bitterroot Mountains between the state of Idaho and Montana (where Bigfoot sightings continue to this day). Their terrifying encounter with Bigfoot was recorded in a book by Teddy Roosevelt.

1900s - A Colonist newspaper from the in Victoria, British Columbia, printed several stories about "monkey men" being spotted in remote wooded areas.
1902 - Chesterfield, Idaho. A group of people enjoying a winter's day skating were suddenly terrorized by a hairy monster brandishing a wooden club. The witnesses said the creature stood about eight feet tall. Later, four-toed footprints were found that measured 22 inches long and 7 inches wide. Bigfoot indeed! No one was injured in the attack.

1912 - New South Wales, Australia. A surveyor named Charles Harper was camping with several colleagues on Currockbilly Mountain. One evening, as the men sat sound their campfire, they became increasingly unnerved by the strange sounds they heard coming from the woods. To help allay their fears, they piled more wood on their fire. The increased light revealed that something unexpected had invaded their camp. "A huge man-like animal stood erect not twenty yards from the fire, growling," Harper later told a newspaper, "and thumping his breast with his huge hand-like paws." Harper estimated that the creature stood about 5'8" to 5'10" tall and was "covered with long, brownish-red hair, which shook with every quivering movement of his body." To say the least, the men were terrified. One even fainted. For several minutes, the creature continued to growl and make threatening gestures at the men, then turned and disappeared into the forest dark.

1920s - J.W. Burns, a British Columbia schoolteacher who is credited with popularizing the term "Sasquatch," wrote many articles for newspapers and magazines about the giant hairy creatures

1924 - Ape Canyon, Mount St. Helens, Washington. Fred Beck and several other prospectors were puzzled by very large footprints they found in the canyon - until they encountered the beast that made them. They saw a large, ape-like creature peering from behind a tree, watching them. One of the miners leveled his rifle at the creature, shot and possibly grazed it in the head. It ran off out of sight. Later, another creature was seen by Beck. As it stood on the edge of a canyon wall, Beck shot it in the back. It fell, irretrievably, into the canyon. These acts of violence by the humans was not to go unavenged by the Sasquatch. That night, the miners' cabin was attacked by at least two of the primates. For five hours, they pounded on the door and walls, and hurled rocks onto the roof in an attempt to break in. Fortunately, the windowless cabin, built to withstand harsh winters, kept the Sasquatch from entering. As dawn approached, the creatures abandoned their assault. When the miners finally ventured outside, they found numerous Bigfoot prints all around the cabin, and a strip of wood gouged out from between two logs. (There is some evidence that this "attack" may have been a hoax, while others contend that it is true.)

1924 - Vancouver, British Columbia. Albert Ostman is one of the few people who claims to have been abducted by Sasquatch. It happened while he was searching for a lost gold mine that he heard existed somewhere near Toba Inlet. He had heard from an Indian guide about the legendary Sasquatch, but didn't take them seriously until he discovered that something was stealing food from his campsite at night. Then one night he was awakened by something picking him up in his sleeping bag. "I was half asleep and at first did not remember where I was," Ostman said. "My first thought was - it must be a snow slide... Then it felt like I was tossed on horseback, but I could feel whoever it was, was walking." After hours of being carried, Ostman was finally dropped to the ground where he heard a strange-sounding chatter. It wasn't until dawn, however, that Ostman made his way out of his sleeping bag. He was astonished to find himself in the company of four Sasquatch - what appeared to Ostman to be a family: adult male and female, and a young male and female. Ostman was able to provide detailed descriptions of the creatures, all of which, except for the young female, were enormous. Ostman claimed to have spent six days in the company of the Sasquatch family. When he decided he had had enough, he fired his rifle into the air and made a run for it.

1928 - Vancouver, British Columbia. A trapper named Muchalat Harry also claimed to have been kidnapped by Bigfoot. The powerfully built Indian of the Nootka tribe was plying his trade in one of his favorite hunting grounds around the Conuma River that autumn. Like Ostman, Harry was picked up in his sleep, bedding and all, and carried for about three miles by a large Sasquatch. When set down, he found himself surrounded by about 20 of the creatures, both male and female, which he at first thought planned to eat him, as their campsite was littered with large bones. The creatures poked and prodded Harry, seemingly puzzled by his clothing. After a while, they appeared to grow tired of the human curiosity, and many left the camp. Seeing his chance, Harry made a run for it - running right past his own camp to his canoe on the river. He never went trapping in the woods again.
1941 - Jeannie Chapman and her children claimed to have escaped their home when a large Sasquatch, allegedly 7½ feet tall, approached their residence in Ruby Creek, British Columbia
1955 - A trapper named William Roe claimed to have a very close encounter with a female Sasquatch on British Columbia's Mica Mountain. He nearly shot the creature, but admitted that it was so humanlike that he couldn't bring himself to do it.
1957 - Zhejiang, China. On a May afternoon in the sparsely populated Chinese province, Xu Fudi heard her young daughter screaming. The girl had been tending the family's cattle, and Xu Fudi hurried to see what had happened. She was startled to see her daughter struggling futilely in the powerful arms of a young Yeti - the Asian version of Bigfoot. Xu Fudi rushed at the Yeti with a stick of wood and began to beat the creature. It tried to escape through a paddy field, but was slowed by the thick mud. More women from the village joined Xu Fudi in beating the creature to death. So terrified were they of this strange creature that they cut its carcass into pieces. Eerie cries of mourning were heard from the hills the next day.

1958-1959 - Bob Titmus found many Bigfoot tracks where the infamous Patterson/Gimlin Film was shot at.

1977 - Wantage, New Jersey. New Jersey isn't the first place one thinks of when Sasquatch is mentioned, but this reported attack comes from a rural area of that state in the month of May. The Sites family was disturbed by something that had broken into their barn and crushed several of their rabbits to death. The predator returned that night, and the Sites saw it clearly standing in their well-lit yard. "It was big and hairy," Mrs. Sites reported. "It was brown. It looked like a human with a beard and mustache. It had no neck; it looked like its head was just sitting on its shoulders. It had big red glowing eyes." When the Sites' dog attacked it, the creature effortlessly swatted it away - sending it flying about 20 feet. On subsequent nights, the creature was seen several more times by the Sites.

1984 - While looking for gold, Bruce Hoffman described his experience to investigators "I had to park a couple hundred feet from the river, and I had to walk a little ways back towards the small stream that was running into the river. And just before I got to the small tributary, I would say from one-eighth of a mile to a quarter of a mile away, down in the woods I started hearing this yell, or a call. The sound had a base tone, a muscular sound to it, and the sound got loud. You could hear how it went up through the trees and up to the sky. The sound traveled about three to four miles to the ridge of the mountains. You could hear the sound hit the mountain."

1988 - Sean Fries was camping on the north fork of California's Feather River. "I made camp cooked a few trout I caught earlier. I was getting a little tired so I decided to turn in. I climbed into my tent and lay down on my bedroll. I let my dogs run around because they always stay close to camp. I started to dose off to the crickets chirping when suddenly I woke up it was as if I had one of those dreams where you are falling. I could tell there was something very wrong. It was dead quiet - no crickets, nothing, and my dogs came running into my tent shaking. These dogs were very aggressive. I grabbed my rifle and pistol along with a flashlight and stepped outside the tent. I couldn't see anything, but I had that sensation of being watched. I grabbed some more firewood and threw it on the embers left from the dinner fire. Then I heard some very heavy footsteps right behind me in the trees. There was also a very strange odor, almost like a cross between a skunk and something dead. This thing circled my camp site all night long."
2005 - On April 16, 2005, A creature resembling a Bigfoot was reportedly seen on the bank of the Nelson River in Norway House, Manitoba. Two minutes and forty seconds of footage was taken by ferry operator Bobby Clarke from across the Nelson River
2006 - On December 14, 2006, Shaylane Beatty, a woman from the Dechambault Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada, was driving to Prince Albert Saskatchewan when, she claimed, saw the creature near the side of the highway at Torch River. Several men from the village drove down to the area and found footprints, which they tracked through the snow. They found a tuft of brown hair and took photographs of the tracks.
2007 - On September 16, 2007, in the Allegheny National Forest near the town of Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, hunter Rick Jacobs captured an image of an animal using an automatically triggered camera attached to a tree which some claimed was Bigfoot. A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Game Commission challenged the Bigfoot explanation, saying that it looked like "a bear with a severe case of mange ."
2008 - In July, berry-pickers reported a Sasquatch sighting in northern Ontario, Canada.
* Biologist John Bindernagel from Vancouver Island found huge footprints after hearing a odd sound in the woods. He has evidence of 16-inch footprints that he found in Strahcona provincial park when he was hiking. The "hooting" noise bigfoot made didn't sound like any other creature and could be a way Bigfoot communicates with its own kind.

* Terry Endres and his two friends were exploring areas known for Bigfoot sightings for their TV show and discovered a dome-shaped house made up of tree limbs and brush large enough for three fully grown men to sit in. Possibly a place where Bigfoot slept.

* Bill Monroe while hunting for elk heard odd noises he described as "the deafening, screaming, choking, belching moan from the ridge was chilling" in an article for the Portland Oregonian (a newspaper he wrote for). He said it was "The kind of scream that sends mothers scurrying to find their children. The kind of scream no cougar or bear could ever squeeze from their throat... unless it was their last. Piercing, echoing, guttural; a single, horrible high-pitched-yet-throaty, inhuman, unnatural creation of Steven Spielberg that makes your skin crawl."

Go to for State by state reports/listings of Bigfoot sightings.


50 penampakan hantu di jepang di tahun 2012 menyeramkan

SS Guards(Ghost Picture)

SS Guards

James Courtney and Michael Meehan, crew members of the S.S. Watertown, were cleaning a cargo tank of the oil tanker as it sailed toward the Panama Canal from New York City in December of 1924. Through a freak accident, the two men were overcome by gas fumes and killed. As was the custom of the time, the sailors were buried at sea off the Mexican coast on December 4.
But this was not the last the remaining crew members were to see of their unfortunate shipmates. The next day, before dusk, the first mate reported seeing the faces of the two men in the waves off the port side of the ship. They remained in the water for 10 seconds, then faded. For several days thereafter, the phantom-like faces of the sailors were clearly seen by other members of the crew in the water following the ship.


THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT: Invisibility, Time Travel and Intrigue


By Bill Knell
There are many different interpretations and views of what really happened, or didn’t, when the U.S. Navy embarked on a project to de-magnetize warships beginning in 1943. The information that I’m about to provide represents my best guess based on thirty years of research into an experiment that began over sixty years ago and my own encounters with those who claim intimate knowledge about the project. What has become known as The Philadelphia Experiment is not a subject to be taken lightly. No matter what you believe about it or don’t, it’s a fact that several people have died or been killed as a direct result of claiming involvement with the experiment. I suggest that, if for no other reason than out of respect for them, you keep on open mind.
I grew up in the 1960’s and first became aware of the Philadelphia Experiment when I was just ten years old, while reading a number of non-fiction books about UFOs. The two subjects became linked when Morris K. Jessup wrote a book entitled The Case For The UFO in 1955. After the book was published, a mysterious man who called himself Carlos Miguel Allende wrote to Jessup in the first of a series of rambling correspondences. The letters seemed to indicate that Jessup’s call for open discussion and government disclosure of any knowledge about UFOs was a waste of time. According to Allende, there were other forces at work which sought to protect various secrets regarding how UFOs were powered and did the things they did.
Although Jessup was not impressed with Allende’s letters, he was more then a little surprised after being contacted by three Navy Officers who worked for the Office of Naval Research. Although they claimed the contact was not official and made on their own initiative, they seemed disturbed by an annotated copy of Jessup’s book that the ONR had received. The book had notes scribbled in it by what appeared to be three different people, but most now agree it was the work of Allende. Again, the references seemed to indicate that the government had accidentally discovered how UFOs are able to manipulate time and space through a Navy Project designed to make ships invisible.
After contact with the Navy, Jessup was certain that he had stumbled on to something and thrust all his efforts into finding out what it was. By 1959, Jessup had assembled an impressive portfolio of research into what the U.S. Military knew and was hiding from the public about UFOs and the secret Navy Experiment. Set to testify about these matters before a Florida Senator and several interested parties, Jessup set off to drive from his home in Florida to Washington, D.C. in 1959. He never made it. Morris K. Jessup was found dead in his car just off a highway in Dade County, Florida. He had died from exposure to carbon monoxide. Although his death was ruled a suicide, non of his papers or the extensive research he had recently completed could be located.
I read about some of this in a book published in the 1960’s by Jessup’s friend and colleague, Ivan T. Sanderson. Sanderson wasn’t just another author, he was a scientist who believed in the possibility of Alien visitations to Earth based on the available evidence. Shortly before his death, Jessup gave Sanderson a copy of The Case For The UFO, which contained his notes about annotations made by Allende. My own interest in the Navy Project might have been satisfied at that point, but for a chance meeting with a former sailor who had been at the Philadelphia Navy Shipyard during World War II.
In 1973, I visited the family of my best friend’s bride to be in Florida. We all got together to discuss and further plan for the upcoming wedding. Aimee’s father was a retired sailor named Joseph. He was a polite, but serious individual. During a lighter moment in conversation, I happen to mention the Navy Project that I read about and it’s supposed connection to Flying Saucers. There had been a number of UFO sightings in Florida during that time and the topic was on everyone’s lips.
After dinner, Aimee’s father sat down across from me while the others muddled through some wedding plans. He became very serious and told me that in 1944 he had met another sailor who seemed deeply disturbed about the outcome of a strange experiment connected to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in 1943. The man claimed that his best friend died during that experiment. Joseph and his new acquaintance shared many conversations about it after becoming friends. The man said that after making some casual inquires, a doctor at the shipyard hospital confided to him that his friend had died as a result of melting into the ship’s superstructure. The physician claimed the man was still alive when they tried to free him from part of the deck, but he had been fused with it!
I encouraged Joseph to write down everything he could remember about his conversations with the sailor. He agreed and actually took things a step further. He attempted to contact the man whom he had befriended years before, but hadn’t heard from in some time. A mutual friend told him that the sailor had passed away, but provided a contact phone number for his widow. When Joseph called, the woman accepted his condolences and the two had a brief conversation. It seems that after the sailor retired in the 1960’s, he tried contacting others who had been a part of the Navy Project to get more information on the death of his friend. He died just a few months later in a hit and run car accident. This made Joseph think twice about his own investigation which abruptly ended after that call.
From then on, I began to seriously research the Philadelphia Experiment. By the 1980‘s, a book on the subject had been published by William Moore and Charles Berlitz entitled The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility. The book was the short version of some truth, various theories and wild notions by Berlitz. Moore was forced to endure some of the nonsense included in the book in order to get it published. While Moore was new to the publishing world, Berlitz had already written a successful and equally vague book on the Bermuda Triangle.
While the Moore and Berlitz book brought attention to the subject and satisfied those already mildly interested in the subject matter, most of the attention came in the form of scorn and skeptical criticism. Critics pointed to what they felt were a number of glaring errors and historical inaccuracies. Things got worse when a major Hollywood Film based on the book was released in 1984. Instead of being a documentary style piece, it was a fictionalized account of the Navy Project that turned out to be a sci-fi love story mixed with ridiculous twists and turns.
The Moore and Berlitz publication was followed by various lesser books that were little more then large pamphlets designed to take advantage of the subject’s temporary rise in popularity. None had answered the big questions or taken on what really happened during the 1940’s. As time moved on, I met more people who claimed involvement with the project. One such person was a guy named Jonathan Jessup. He claimed to be the son of Morris K. Jessup, but that and all his other stories about being abducted by government spies as a child and used for experimentation proved to be untrue. He vanished from the scene when it was obvious he had made the whole thing up.
In 1989, I was able to film and question three witnesses who also claimed to have been involved with the original project and a follow-up attempt which apparently took place during the 1970’s and 1980’s. The interview and a presentation by them took place at a private home on Long Island and included just a few specially invited guests. Although some of their claims seemed insane, I was intrigued. Knowing what the topic would be beforehand, I brought with me a technical writer who had a good understanding of electronics, magnetic fields and electrical engineering. I wanted his professional opinion regarding the technical aspects of their information. To make a long story short, he did not sleep for several days after the event having been completely stunned by what he heard.
I, too, was shocked by the information I received from Al Bielek, Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron. But being a Paranormal Researcher with years of experience, I’ve learned to always look at the bigger picture, not individual stories or pieces of evidence which are always subject to personal interpretation. In this case, it was obvious these men had been through something. They had far too much knowledge and impressively cohesive stories to be faking it, although I did not necessarily agree with all of their conclusions.
By the mid-1990’s, I had been speaking on The Philadelphia Experiment as part of one of my UFO Seminars for many years. As a result, a number of people had shared what they knew about the Navy Project with me. None wanted any publicity. The exception was a man named Phil Schneider. By coincidence, I was set to present a Seminar in the same hotel a few days after a Global Sciences Conference where he was speaking. Having arrived early for publicity purposes, I attended some of the conference and heard Phil speak.
Although he rambled at times and was not the best Speaker, I got the gist of his message and we spoke privately for a brief period the following day after a workshop. It seemed that Phil’s father had been a part of the original Philadelphia Experiment as a Ship’s Doctor. Phil, himself, had extensive Government involvement having worked as a Geologist during the construction of various underground installations and in other capacities. By the time I met him, Schneider had been speaking on the subjects of the Navy Project and his own intimate knowledge of the government cover-up regarding UFOs and Aliens for just a short time. With several fingers missing on each hand and gunshot wounds to his body, it was obvious that he had been through something and that not everyone was pleased with his willingness to share the truth. In 1996, Phil Schneider was found dead in his apartment with tubing wrapped around his neck. As in the case of Morris K. Jessup, Phil’s death was ruled a suicide.
I doubt that anyone, except those with direct involvement, know the true and entire story of the Philadelphia Experiment. But here is my take on what happened:
Several young scientists at Princeton University, in New Jersey, had been working on various physics projects involving time travel, time displacement and using strong magnetic fields to move and manipulate objects (from a purely theoretical standpoint). This was all done on paper and nothing could be proved. After World War II began, most knew that the U.S. was secretly trying to developed an atomic weapon that would end the War quickly. Many of the scientists, like Einstein, were concerned that this weapon was not something that could be put back in the box after the War was won.
The Navy had their own doubts about the atomic weapon. They were certain that nothing less the a full naval assault on the main islands of Japan would end the war. In the meantime, they faced another problem. The Navy was losing ships to German U-boat attacks and a new type of mine that the Nazis were using which was attracted to the partially magnetized hulls of ships. They needed to find a way to quickly de-magnetize ships and make them invisible to U-boats and other attack ships and planes. By the time the Navy approached Albert Einstein and other prominent Princeton scientific luminaries for help in these matters, they had tried a number of methods to achieve their goal.
The Navy degaussed ships in port, but this was a time consuming method of demagnetizing that was impractical during wartime. They also tried using various exotic paint mixtures designed to refract or redirect light away from their ships, but this still left them visible and vulnerable to air forces, radar and sonar. When the Navy came calling at Princeton, a few young physicists saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. They would solve the Navy’s little problem and, at the same time, test some of their own theories regarding time displacement and using strong magnetic fields to manipulate matter in a real world setting.
Although his work during World War Two remains classified today, Albert Einstein was under contract to the Navy during that time. What I have been able to glean from many sources is that Einstein preferred the development of strong defensive weapons, instead of the offensive Atom Bomb he was certain would lead to complete destruction of the human race. Those who agreed with him at Princeton were invited to join his efforts. This group of scientists told the Navy they could make a ship invisible to radar, sonar and would work on ways to effectively hide it from view. Of course, they didn’t explain the actual nature of the technology they were planning on using to accomplish this goals.
Because it was close to Princeton, secure and had ships available for experimentation, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard was chosen as the physical home of the project. A new and not yet commissioned ship, which would eventually be the USS Eldridge, was chosen as the test craft for the project. The first part of the experiment took place at the shipyard in 1943 when a powerful electromagnetic field was used to instantly degauss the ship without any damage to electronic equipment on board. The vessel also became invisible to radar, but an unexpected and more then welcomed side effect occurred that the scientists hoped for, but the Navy didn’t expect. It briefly vanished from sight, becoming what the observers had thought was invisible.
In reality, the ship had briefly moved to another time and place, having returned when the off-ship field generating equipment was shut down. Some small animals placed on board in cages died after a strange greenish glow encircled the hull just before and after the ship vanished. No humans were on board during that test and the details of the animal deaths were ignored by Navy Officials over-seeing the project after being told the fields in use could be adjusted for safety. The experiment moved forward.
By 1944, a sea trial was ordered. The Eldridge was manned and surrounded by several other ships. All carried the same technology with the hope that convoys of radar and sonar invisible ships would pass U-boats and other enemy craft undetected, but the Eldridge was the only vessel given permission to power up to full field strength on that occasion. With many observers, including a Merchant Marine later known as Carlos Allende aboard one of the support ships, the experiment commenced off the coast of New Jersey.
While everyone watched, the Eldridge powered up it’s field generation equipment. As before, a strange green glow appeared and the ship began to fade from sight. On board, things started to go badly. Sailors became disoriented, couldn’t see and some were burnt by the green mist. Others faded into the deck and superstructure of the ship.
Moments after it vanished in 1944 off the Jersey Coast, the Eldridge briefly appeared in 1983 off of the coast of Long Island. That occurred because the ship had been pulled through a sort of time displacement worm hole simultaneously created by the 1944 experiment and another taking place as a follow-up project at a Government Base thought to be abandoned near Montauk Point. When the Montauk Base shut down their power, the ship was pulled back to 1944 and reappeared seconds after it had vanished.
Upon it’s return, strange objects were seen above the ship. These may have been UFOs. It’s possible and likely that humans had just discovered how Aliens (if they exist) were able to warp and manipulate time and space fields to move about as they liked. But in 1944, humans lacked the technology or computers to control such powerful energy fields. The result was that a third of the crew died, having become a part of the ship’s wooden deck and steel superstructure. Many parts of the ship were covered with canvas to conceal the dead, before it was allowed to return to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard that night.
Those who survived the 1944 sea trial sometimes faded back and forth between time periods. An article in a 1944 edition of the Philadelphia Enquirer stated that during a bar fight at a local dive where sailors and workers from the Navy Shipyard drank, two sailors briefly became translucent and even transparent fading into the rear wall of the bar! Others went insane. By 1945, the Navy had all the remaining sailors locked up in the shipyard hospital‘s mental ward. What became of them after that, I don’t know.
While Nay Sayers point out that members of the commissioned Eldridge’s crew say none of this ever happened on their watch, most of what happened did so before the ship was commissioned or during times when a special crew was placed on board for the project. Even looking at the Eldridge’s logbook wouldn’t help, because nothing about the secret project would be in it. Although it has been reported that around fifty pages are missing from that logbook.
Regarding Einstein’s possible involvement, he was never seen at the shipyard. It’s possible that his position with the project was more a ceremonial one allowing the Navy to make use of whatever ideas he cared to input, while other physicists and engineers were given carte blanche on the scene to do whatever was necessary to get the job done. Most of them were young, ambitious and eager to test their theories in the real world.
Although disappointed at some of the results of the sea trials, the Navy realized that a new and exciting technology had been discovered and weren’t about to let it go. Not only had the project shown them that the use of controlled energy fields could produce the ability to move objects rapidly through time and space, but the fields produced an effect on the human mind. After some of the sailors from the 1944 sea trials went insane, the Navy wondered if that effect could be controlled and directed at friendly forces to make them fight fearlessly or at enemy forces to force their surrender?
All these theories would later be tested at what once had been the home of World War II shore batteries and, later, a radar facility used to protect coastal areas from incoming bombers or missiles during part of the Cold War. Willing and unwilling participants were apparently brought to the government facility known as Camp Hero near Montauk Point to test the new technology. Because these tests attracted UFOs, it was no accident that thousands of sightings occurred during that time period. This lead some UFO researchers to erroneously conclude that Long Island hosted some sort of base for UFOs somewhere offshore. Rudder, a boating magazine, ran a 1969 article warning boaters that a number of pleasure craft had encountered UFOs off the Long Island coast near Montauk and were unable to restart their engines after the objects moved within close proximity to them.
Most of what happened at Montauk occurred underground. Tunnels were build for miles in and around the Montauk property by the alternative energy genius Nicola Tesla for his own work with electrical fields many years before the project arrived. These tunnels and others used for the shore batteries during World War II became the perfect setting for one of our nation’s greatest secrets. While the old radar dish left behind after it became obsolete was used to test the mind control aspects of the new technology by transmitting waves out in all directions above ground, humans were strapped into a special chair and transported through time and space in the underground area.
Sound crazy? Once the dish became active and thought-altering signals were shot out for twenty miles in all directions, quiet towns that haven’t had their own jails or police departments since the Revolutionary War started to experience crime waves. People just went nuts! There may also be strong proof that the time displacement chair was real and had been used under the Base. During one of the time travel experiences that Al Bielek told me about, he found himself at some future point in New York City surrounded by debris. It looked as if half the city had been destroyed. Although he would not elaborate, if you were to watch my video of what he did reveal about that particular time journey, you might come to the same conclusion that I did. The time displacement chair under Montauk may have transported Bielek to the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks over ten years before they occurred and what he saw was probably the debris from the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings!
The proof of any wild story (that might just be true) lies in it’s longevity. If so, the Philadelphia Experiment has survived sixty years of false witnesses, bad film portrayals, ridiculous books, non-stop Nay Sayers and still remains alive and well, refusing to go down as merely an urban legend. Personally, I am a nuts and bolts type of Paranormal Researcher who has little use for wild, metaphysical claims. Despite any psychic or new age sideshows that might try and associate themselves with the project in all it‘s various forms and incarnations, I do believe that the Philadelphia Experiment happened and resulted in a new and dangerous technology for the U.S. Government to tinker with. As a result, people have been silenced, killed or possibly even erased from existence. Whether you believe it happened as described or not, it’s likely that your life and millions of other lives have already been changed or influenced by The Philadelphia Experiment.
Source:  Paranormalnewscentral