Sunday 30 December 2012

Misteri 'tengkorak' Indiana Jones


Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) memegang tengkorak kristal dalam filem Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull terbitan 2008 yang kini disaman oleh kerajaan Belize atas dakwaan mengaut keuntungan harta karun negara itu. - AGENSI
LAMA sebelum anda dipukau oleh filem Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Mummy atau Avatar, generasi penggemar filem genre fantasi sebelum ini sudah menikmati kisah kembara luar biasa Indiana Jones yang mengadunkan realiti, fantasi dan jenaka, selain plot lazim - mencari harta karun yang kebetulan amat penting untuk kesejahteraan dunia.
Paling terbaru francais filem ini ialah Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull pada tahun 2008. Francais ini beruntung kerana pelakon asal, Harrison Ford bukan saja masih segak tetapi juga masih 'bertenaga' membawa watak penuh aksi Indiana Jones walaupun sudah berusia 66 tahun ketika penggambaran.

Dua Dunia Episode Beringin Kurung (Full Version)

Book Review: Ghosts, Spirits & Hauntings

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Written By: Paranormal News

Ghosts, Spirits & Hauntings is a new collection of original essays published by New Page Books which includes both stories of local folklore as well as opinions and suggestions for ghost hunters and parapsychological researchers in the field of paranormal enquiry. It also covers poltergeists, apparitions, spirits of the dead, unusual animals, spirit possessions, bioelectric fields, alternate dimensions, quantum physics, life after death, table tipping, and seances. Quite a list, but considering most of the things which have been alive on this planet throughout time are now dead and no one really knows, the number of competing opinions by the more creative amongst us are not really surprising. Every author included in this book has his or her own flavor of explanation, and most of them were fun to read through and consider.

Ironically, one thing I generally do not tend to enjoy in many of these ghost books are the actual ghost stories themselves. They do not creep me out and often bore me to tears simply because there are so many of them which are impossible to substantiate. Collating a few famous cases and wrapping a binder around it seems to me to be a waste of tree. Thankfully, although this book does include some worn out ghost stories, there are quite a few interesting chapters that are still worth review.

One of the most interesting bits of information presented in this book occurred in the last chapter, which presents a criticism of television ghost hunters as well as the ’groups’ which have formed around the country who gathered their knowledge and declared themselves experts by watching these same shows instead of attending classes in parapsychology. The author considers these paranormal groups ’gangs’ who are more interested in defending their paranormal turf than contributing to science itself. If they were interested in science, they would probably not so readily dismiss the research done in parapsychology over the past 130 years. In my mind, however, if they were really interested in the science, it would make much less interesting television for most people and the series would be cancelled.

In this same chapter, the author also discussed how investigators themselves can actually affect their own equipment through their own psychic forces as opposed to being caused by disembodied spirits. For example, it has been proven in the laboratory that people can affect random number generators, so it is no stretch of the imagination to realize that the expectations of the investigators, as well as the stories of the eye witnesses, can both affect the readings on their paranormal gadgetry. On TV, when a group records something like an EVP or a temperature spike or an EMF fluctuation, they will declare a place haunted when, if they were really being ’scientific’ they would not discount other potential forces which are, in all honesty, just as mysterious. These same TV groups discount psychic mediums, but it is the field of psi research which has yielded the most comprehensive theories. If ghosts, for instance, do not have arms, how do they move things? Psi. If ghosts have no vocal cords, how can they speak? Psi. If ghosts do not have bodies, how can they create a digital imprints on a camera? Psi. As such, it makes no sense to the author for these pseudo-scientific groups to dismiss psi altogether as a possible explanation.

In all, an interesting read. Hypotheses are always the most fascinating elements to these books, and thankfully, this collection presents a few interesting ones. Check it out when you get a chance.

And read my book too, goddammit.

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Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 19 July 2012

Saturday 29 December 2012

Sacrifice in Maya culture

Sacrifice was a religious activity in Maya culture, involving either the killing of animals or the bloodletting by members of the community, in rituals superintended by priests. Sacrifice has been a feature of almost all pre-modern societies at some stage of their development and for broadly the same reason: to propitiate or fulfil a perceived obligation towards the gods.

Animal sacrifice and blood-letting were a common feature in many Maya festivals and rituals. Human sacrifice was far less common, being tied to events such as ill fortune, warfare and the consecration of new leaders or temples. The practice was also far less common than in the later Aztec societies. When it did occur, the Maya people would sacrifice their prisoners, who were most often from neighbouring kingdoms

Crisis and sacrifice

What is known of Maya ritual practices comes from two sources: the extant chronicles and codices of the missionary-ethnographers who arrived with or shortly after the Spanish conquest and subsequent archaeological data. The historical record is more sparse than that for the Aztecs (p. 687)[1] and can only be reliable in regards to the Post-Classical period, long after the Classic Maya collapse. The chroniclers have also been accused of colonial bias, but our most comprehensive account of Maya society,[2] by Diego de Landa, has been described by modern experts as an "ethnographic masterpiece”,[3] despite his role in the destruction of Mayan codices.
The archaeological data has continued to expand as more excavations are undertaken, confirming much of what the early chroniclers wrote. A major breakthrough was the deciphering of the Maya syllabary in the 1950s, which has allowed the glyphs carved into many temples to be understood. Excavation and forensic examination of human remains has also thrown light on the age, sex and cause of death of sacrificial victims. The reason for sacrifice was that the Mayanʻs believed that the only way for the sun to rise was for them to sacrifice someone or something everyday to the gods. Their prisoners were mainly attackers from other people.

Sacrifices in calendar and everyday rituals

Lintel 24 at Yaxchilan, depicting Lady Xoc drawing a barbed rope through her tongue.
The Mayans engaged in a large number of festivals and rituals on fixed days of the year, many of which involved animal sacrifices and all of which seem to have involved blood letting. The ubiquity of this practice is a unique aspect of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican culture, and is now believed to have originated with the Olmecs,[4] the region's first civilization.
Ritualised sacrifice was usually performed in public by religious or political leaders piercing a soft body part, most commonly the tongue, ear or foreskin, and collecting the blood to smear directly on the idol or collecting it on paper, which was then burned.[4] In what is today Nicaragua, the blood was smeared on maize, distributed to the people and baked into sacred bread.[5] The blood could also be collected from the non-elite, often from the foreskins of youths (p. 678), or from high-ranking women.
The site of collection was of obvious ritual significance. Joralemon notes it is "virtually certain" that blood from the penis and the vagina were the most sacred and had "extraordinary fertilizing power" and that such rituals were essential for the regeneration of the natural world, particularly cultivated plants.[6] In one dramatic variant men and women "gathered in the temple in a line, and each made a pierced hole through the member, across from side to side, and then passed through as great a quantity of cord as they could stand; and thus all together fastened and strung together, they anointed the statue of the demon [the Spanish original says "Baʿal"] with the collected blood.[7]" But auto-sacrifice could also be an everyday event, with those passing by an idol anointing it with blood drawn on the spot as a sign of piety.[6]
Blood sacrifice to the Maya gods was vigorously opposed by the Spanish clergy as the most visible sign of native apostasy, as De Landa, who was later to become the second bishop of the Yucatán, makes clear:
"After the people had been thus instructed in religion, and the youths benefitted as we have said, they were perverted by their priests and chiefs to return to their idolatry; this they did, making sacrifices not only by incense, but also of human blood. Upon this the friars held an Inquisition, calling upon the Alcalde Mayor for aid; they held trials and celebrated an Auto,[8] putting many on scaffolds, capped, shorn and beaten, and some in the penitential robes for a time. Some of the Indians out of grief, and deluded by the devil, hung themselves; but generally they all showed much repentance and readiness to be good Christians."[9]
Mesoamerica lacked domesticated food animals such as sheep, cows and pigs,[10] so animal protein and byproducts could only be obtained by hunting. Montero-Lopez argues that on the basis of analysis of the distribution of deer parts in Classical Maya sites (white-tailed deer were the most common sacrificial and festive food animal), the archeological record does not support a clear distinction between the secular and sacred uses of animals.[11] After deer, the next most common sacrificial animals were dogs and various birds (whose heads were offered to the idols), followed by a wide range of more exotic creatures, from jaguars to alligators. Animal sacrifice also seems to have been a common ritual before the commencement of any important task or undertaking.[12]
De Landa provides the most comprehensive account of calendar festivals and rituals (chapters 34-40), but in none of these regular events is human sacrifice mentioned, which must mean his Maya informants were unaware of any instances since the cleric would hardly have suppressed such information.

Sacred Cenote: the site of an unknown number of human sacrifices

The traditional view is that the Mayans were far less prolific in sacrificing people than their neighbours. Bancroft notes: "An event which in Mexico would be the death-signal to a hecatomb of human victims would in Yucatan be celebrated by the death of a spotted dog."(p. 704) But mounting archeological evidence has for many decades now supported the chroniclers' contention that human sacrifice was far from unknown in Maya society The city of Chichen Itza, the main focus of Maya regional power from the Late Classical period, appears to have also been a major focus of human sacrifice. There are two natural sinkholes, or cenotes, at the site of the city, which would have provided a plentiful supply of potable water. The largest of these, Cenote Sagrado (also known as the Well of Sacrifice), was where many victims were cast as an offering to the rain god Chaac. A 2007 study of remains taken from this cenote found that they had wounds consistent with human sacrifice.[15]
Bancroft describes one procedure:
A long cord was then fastened round the body of each victim, and the moment the smoke ceased to rise from the altar, all were hurled into the gulf. The crowd, which had gathered from every part of the country to see the sacrifice, immediately drew back from the brink of the pit and continued to pray without cessation for some time. The bodies were then drawn up and buried in the neighboring grove. (p.705)
There is no consensus on why these sacrifices took place, their true scale at different times, or even who the victims were.
Because Maya society was organised as independent city states, the local political and religious elites could independently initiate human sacrifices as they saw fit. De Landa notes that a common cause for temple sacrifices in many cities was the occurrence of "pestilences, dissensions, or droughts or the like ills". (p. 91) In such cases, slaves were usually purchased and after a variety of rituals were anointed with blue dye and either shot with arrows through the heart or held on an altar while the priest swiftly removed the heart using a ceremonial knife. In either case the heart was presented to the temple idol, which was also anointed with blood.[16] According to Bancroft, one tribe sacrificed illegitimate boys twice a year, again by removing the heart, but collecting the blood in a bowl and scattering it to the four cardinal compass points within the temple.
Capturing prisoners after a successful battle also provided victims for sacrifice, presumably to propitiate whatever deity had promised victory in the first place, although there is no record of the Maya initiating conflicts solely for this purpose as was apparently the case with the Aztecs. Modern analysis of the ancient Maya art indicates a large number of representations of prisoners of war that are now understood to be sacrificial victims: "The analysis of the representations and sometimes of their context shows that the crossed-arms-on-the-chest gesture is associated with the concepts of submissiveness, captivity and death — in a word, sacrifice."[17]
Mayanists believe that, like the Aztecs, the Maya performed child sacrifice in specific circumstances, most commonly as foundation dedications for temples and other structures. Maya art from the Classic period also depicts the extraction of children’s hearts during the ascension to the throne of the new king, or at the beginnings of the Maya calendar.[18] In one of these cases, Stele 11 in Piedras Negras, Guatemala, a sacrificed boy can be seen. Other scenes of sacrificed boys are visible on jars.
As archeologists continue to excavate, more instances of child dedicatory sacrifices are being uncovered. A dig commenced in 1974 at the northern Belize site of Lamanai turned up the remains of five children, ranging in age from a newborn to about 8 years old:
"The conclusion that the five children were sacrificial victims is virtually inescapable... Nowhere else at Lamanai is there evidence of human sacrifice, either of children or adults... However, it is clear that the offering of children as part of the dedicatory activities that preceded the setting up of stelae was not uncommon at any time or place in the Maya lowlands."
In 2005 a mass grave of one- to two-year-old sacrificed children was found in the Maya region of Comalcalco. The sacrifices were apparently performed for dedicatory purposes when building temples at the Comalcalco acropolis.[20]
An excavation at El Perú-Waka’ turned up the remains of an infant with, unusually, those of an adult male, in the presence of extensive evidence of feasting that had followed the expansion of a residence which had then been "ensouled" by the rituals and sacrifices. The analysis suggests that the "interments show that human sacrifice was not limited to the royal actors associated with the Classic Maya state, but could be practiced by lesser elites as part of their own private ceremonies."[21]

Origins, meaning and social function

Both blood and human sacrifice were ubiquitous in all cultures of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, but beyond some uncontroversial generalisations there is no scholarly consensus on the broader questions (and specific mysteries) this raises. Most scholars agree that both practices arose among the Olmecs at least 3,000 years ago, and have been transmitted to subsequent cultures, including the Maya. Why they arose among the Olmecs is unknown, and probably unknowable, given the paucity of data.
Blood, and by extension the still-beating heart, is the central element in both the ethnography and iconography of sacrifice, and its use through ritual established or renewed for the Maya a connection with the sacred that was for them essential to the very existence of the natural order. Julian Lee’s observation that the Maya "drew no sharp distinction between the animate and the inanimate"[22] and the remarks by Pendergast[19] and others that sacrifices "ensouled" buildings and idols indicates a social meaning, as Reilly suggests, most akin to Transubstantiation[23] – a literal rather than symbolic transformation on which the fate of the world and its inhabitants depended.
As with all known theocratic societies, it is likely the Maya political and religious elites played mutually reinforcing roles in supporting the position of the other and ensuring the social stability essential for both, with sacrifice rituals functioning as the performative centrepiece of communal integration. But on likely divergences of interests between different social groups in regard to sacrifice rituals, including within these elites, the historical record has so far been silent


Dua Dunia | 02 November 2011 - Episode Rumah Pangkul - Rajabasa ( Lampung )


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Why did the Ancient Mayans go after the hearts?

Chichen Itza is one of the new seven wonders of the world, but I never really considered visiting this place. You know how you read about certain destinations, but you know in the back of your mind, you'll always be an armchair traveler there. However, an actual trip to Mexico sort of fell into my lap recently without much effort on my part. As life goes on with its changes and surprises, my daughter and her husband live in the Yucatan peninsula now. I will be going there to visit them on a yearly basis. Consequently, I made a trip to Merida early this year, with a visit to Chechen Itza under my belt, and it was a most pleasant experience for my first time in Mexico. I'm looking forward to going back again.

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We rented a car and went on a road trip to Tulum one weekend and stayed overnight in Playa del Carmen. The beach at Tulum is fabulous! Blue water and white sugar sand. I joyfully wallowed in that sand like a pig in mud, avoiding contact with any wayward sharks by staying out of the water, and settled down for a nice nap in the sun with my sun hat balanced over my face.

The next day, we stopped for an afternoon at Chichen Itza. My daughter and her husband wanted to surprise me, so they had me close my eyes while they led me into the site. As we passed the vendors selling their wares along the pathway, someone started playing a flute. Farther along, another started playing a drum. Being led in that way with my eyes closed, I thought, "this is like a ceremonial procession." I imagined myself as a Mayan Princess blindfolded and being led in for some special purpose centuries ago.

At the base of the pyramid of Kulkulcan, they positioned me so that when I opened my eyes, I would be looking straight at it.

"OK, you can open them now," said my daughter's husband.

I opened my eyes and nearly suffered whiplash. (OK, I exaggerated about the whiplash, but that pretty well described my feelings.) I sucked in my breath as my spirit leaped within me, and I could hardly speak for a few moments. Pictures don't capture the imposing nature of this pyramid, especially with it suddenly appearing before me "in the flesh" so to speak.

As I walked around, my thoughts turned to what I have read about this place, and it was quite mind-boggling. Not only was this a society that practiced human sacrifice and all the horrors of that from a captive's (bound for death) point of view, but also these people are a mystery. How could they have built such structures, studied the stars, and come up with a calendar that is the focus of so many today as we approach the end of that calendar in 2012? Yet their civilization declined and their work was seemingly abandoned.

One thing for sure, all of us tourists walking so boldly around the site would have been dead if we were back in the times of the Maya! One structure at Chichen Itza called The Tzompantli or Temple of the Skulls was a place to display severed heads on pikes as a warning of the consequences to anyone who might venture to trespass.

Archeologists have been studying the sacred well (cenote) at this site where they have found human remains and other objects that were thrown into the well. (Note: there is evidence of severe head injury on the remains so perhaps they were knocked out or even dead before hitting the water? Let's hope so.)

Previous to arriving at Chichen Itza, we had visited another cenote in the region where my daughter pointed out that she had read reports that all the cenotes in the region are interconnected by underground cave systems. These cenotes were the source of water for the Mayans, and if it is true that they are all connected, I'm wondering what effect throwing humans into the sacred well at Chichen Itza might have had on all of the water supply in the surrounding area. Rotting bodies must have fouled the water at least in the sacred well. Could disease have spread through the underground cave system and contaminated other cenotes? This is just a theory on my part, but it sounds plausible as perhaps one way an entire group of people might disappear from drinking contaminated water, leaving a few survivors to be absorbed into other tribes.

I did have one particular question that I sought the answer to in my preparation for visiting Chichen Itza. Why did they sacrifice humans, and in particular, why did they go after the hearts? The Maya sacrificed via auto-sacrifice the majority of the time which was bloodletting of the genitals or other areas of the body by both high ranking men and women. Blood was a very important part of their worship practices as it is in many religions across the globe, but the treatment of the human heart stands out in my mind as somewhat of a mysterious addition to what might be expected in religion focused upon blood.

Statues are found at various ruins of a reclining figure with a plate on its stomach. These are called Chac Mools. Sacrifices were placed on the plate, not always of human hearts, but also of fruits, grains, etc.

But what about the heart? I found an interesting reference to the importance of the heart to the Maya in a copy of a press release for a book called "Mayan Hearts" by Robert M. Laughlin. You can read the full version at
.Here is a brief quote from that press release:

" . . . While documenting the Tzotzil language of Santo Domingo Zinacantan, the friar discovered that the indigenous group considered 'the heart not only the source of emotion but also the true seat of thought and reason.' 'Everything we call "human" was there in the heart,' Laughlin said, recalling that 'only under Spanish rule did the mind become divorced from the heart and set in the head.' Modern Mayas still use dozens of metaphors for heart in everyday speech and still hold the same understanding of its importance."

As Mr. Laughlin is a Smithsonian anthropologist, linguist and pre-eminent Mayan scholar, I think we can safely conclude from his statement that the Maya considered the heart to be of utmost importance and that offering a heart to the gods was the greatest gift of all, representing the entirety of all they considered human.

I believe I also found some clues as to how human sacrifice and the method of presenting a heart to the gods might have come about. This is found in the book entitled, "Aztec & Maya Myth and Mankind: Gods of Sun & Sacrifice" by Time Life Books.

The legend goes like this: One day all the Mayan fires in Tulan Zuyua went out in a hail storm. They prayed to their god, the one-legged, Tohil, who was the bringer of fire and petitioned him to restore their fires. So Tohil made a deal with them. If the people would allow the god to "suckle on their side," he would restart their fires. To them, this meant that hearts were to be cut out through a hole in the ribcage, and produced the practice of holding a sacrificial person down, ripping out the still beating heart, and offering it to the gods. The heart was then burned for the god to consume it.

According to in their article, Maya Civilization, "for the Maya, blood sacrifice was necessary for the survival of both gods and people, sending human energy skyward and receiving divine power in return."

As I walked around the grounds of Chichen Itza and felt the heaviness of its history lying upon it, I thought how ironic that a place where thousands were brutality killed, is now one of the seven wonders of the world.

You'll be hearing more and more about the Mayans as the end of their calendar approaches on December 21, 2012.
- Sharon K. West

Mistik Sewang


Sebahagian daripada masyarakat Temiar yang menghadiri upacara Sewang Gelap. Gambar ini dirakam pada keesokan harinya selepas upacara itu berakhir dengan kebenaran Tok Halaq.

WALAUPUN tidak dibenarkan merakam gambar, peluang untuk menyaksikan upacara Sewang Gelap yang dijanjikan oleh masyarakat Temiar di Fort Kemar tidak mungkin dilepaskan.
Ketibaan saya di penempatan Orang Asli di hulu Perak, baru-baru ini disambut mesra oleh sekumpulan penduduk sebelum dijemput ke tempat berlangsungnya upacara tersebut.
Perjalanan menuju ke dewan persembahan yang terletak di puncak bukit pada malam itu tidak begitu memenatkan kerana perasaan lebih diselubungi seram dan mistik.
Selepas kira-kira setengah jam, saya bersama sembilan orang rakan tiba di dewan persembahan yang dipanggil balai Senindol.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 17 July 2012 [DJ Dzar Ismail]


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BANGSA-BANGSA YANG DIMUSNAHKAN 1 (Harun Yahya Bahasa Indonesia)

Pengalaman Seram Saat Menginap di Villa

Published under ,

Hai, nama gue Alya. Gue disini mau share pengalaman pribadi gue. Pengalaman ini murni tanpa rekayasa, dan mohon maaf kalau ada kata yang belepotan karena ini pertama kalinya gue ngepost cerita (biasanya sih gue cuman jadi silent reader aja hehe).

Ceritanya bermula waktu gue sekeluarga besar nginep di villa milik teman om gue. Villa itu terdiri dari 2 rumah besar dan 1 kolam renang yang besar juga. Kita kesana naik 3 mobil. Pas udah sampai di villa, pembagian villa pun dilakukan. Villa yang letaknya dekat pintu masuk itu villa buat para om dan tante gue, sedangkan villa yang di belakang buat gue tempatin bareng sepupu-sepupu gue.

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Gue dan 3 sepupu gue yang cewek langsung pilih kamar dan bebenah barang-barang kita. Karena capek dan nyampenya sore, kita sekeluarga besar langsung mandi dan istirahat di kamar masing-masing. Nah pas besok paginya, sepupu gue yang cowo pada mau berenang dan ngajak kita yang cewe. Akhirnya kita berenang tuh, tapi karena udara dan airnya terlalu dingin, gue dan 3 sepupu gue yang sekamar sama gue memutuskan untuk udahan berenang duluan. Kita mandi dan ngerumpi di kamar.

Nah ketiga sepupu gue ini, sebut aja Gia, Dinda, dan Rana ternyata ngerasa gak nyaman di villa ini (kalau gue sih biasa aja), dan dari sini mereka mulai berbagi pengalamannya ke gue.

Pengalaman Rana:
"Ga tau kenapa waktu sampe di villa ini hawa nya ga enak aja, dan jujur gue ga nyaman disini. Dan bener aja, waktu tadi mau berenang sebenernya di pinggir kolam gue ngeliat ada cewek pake baju renang tapi udah compang-camping lagi duduk sambil ngeliatin kita. Entah kenapa dia gak begitu serem bagi gue, tapi tatapannya tajam dan kulitnya pucet berkoreng. Ya jelas gua takut dan ngajak kalian udahan" (Rana ini anaknya om gue yang temannya si empunya villa, dia juga yang punya sixth sense).

Pengalaman Dinda:
"Kalo gue sih semalam gue mimpi aneh. Gue mimpi ketemu cewek yang mirip kaya yang lo ceritain Ran, dan si cewek itu ngajak gue ikut sama dia untuk lewat jalan di samping taman. Gue juga ga tau itu jalan beneran ada, tapi gue mutusin untuk ga ikut dia dan balik ke villa. Eh gue kebangun dan ga taunya udah pagi" (Si Dinda ini ga punya sixth sense dan sama cueknya kaya gue).

Pengalaman Gia:
"Waktu baru dateng kesini, gue nemu gelang", kata Gia. Sontak kita kaget dan nanya sama dia macem-macem. Lalu dia jalan ke lemari disamping kasurnya, trus balik-balik bawa gelang. "Nih Gelangnya. Sebenernya gue mikir mau nyimpen nih gelang dan mau gue bawa pulang, tapi gue takut ada apa-apa sama gelang ini. Rencana gue sih ngasih tau nyokap bokap gue tentang gelang ini". (Menurut gue sih gelangnya lumayan bagus, rantai besi gitu trus ada beberapa bandulnya antara lain: hati, bunga, bintang, bulan sabit).

Penemuan gelang ini mendorong kita ber-empat buat nyari tau asal-usul gelang ini. Kebetulan pas lagi jalan keluar villa kita ketemu sama tukang kebun villa. Setelah wawancara, kita dapet satu cerita. Jadi sekitar pertengahan tahun kemarin, ada segerombolan remaja yang umurnya antara 17-19 tahunan nginep disini. Nah diantara mereka ada 1 pasangan yang mesra banget. Trus waktu sore yang sekaligus malam terakhir mereka disini, sepasang remaja ini berenang di kolam (di kolamnya tuh ada bagian yang 3 meter memang).

Dan entah bagaimana ceritanya (si tukang kebun ga tau pasti), waktu pagi hari si tukang kebun mau benahin taman di deket kolam, dia liat cewek itu udah ngapung sendirian di kolam. Dan pas si tukang kebun nyamperin, dia make gelang yang persis kaya yang Gia temuin. Teman-temannya udah pulang dari villa tersebut. Panik, si tukang kebun panggil polisi dan mayatnya diurus sama polisi, dan ternyata arwahnya bersemayam disini.

Setelah tau cerita itu, kita ke orang tua masing-masing dan cerita semuanya sama mereka dan mutusin pulang besok. Akhirnya besok pagi kita pulang. Kita ber-empat memperkirakan gelang ini jatuh waktu mayat si cewek ini diangkat sama tim medis.

Udah sampe situ ceritanya, mohon maaf kalau ada salah kata dan kepanjangan :)

End of the World for the World - 2012

Written By: John Pineal

Photo Credit: Google Images

Do you want to know what can be done about the predictions for all that horrible destruction which is set to occur in 2012 including the destruction of the world? We can prevent it. Really, with your help we can actually prevent it. Ask your guides if what I say is true and you can be instrumental in saving the world.

I am a 29 year Tibetan Buddhist, psychic, prophet and of course a medium.

I was in meditation about 6 years ago and I saw the Russians putting a big trailer looking thing, which they stated was for ocean research, into the ocean and lower it to the top of a sea mount in the mid Atlantic. It was a bomb. The KGB had asked their scientist how big a bomb would need to be to make a sizable tidal wave in order to destroy the east coast of America. The scientists told them how large. It was in the Gigaton range or thousands of times anything that the US ever detonated and about the power of the comet that destroyed the dinosaurs.

Then the leaders simply told their weapons manufacturer to make at least 6 of them for all around the earth. There is even one for the Indian Ocean though it does not rest on a sea mount. Most of the others rest on sea mounts though.

A sea mount is the core of a long extinct volcano. It is very hard and acts like both a plug and a wedge located right between two tectonic plates. It extends right down into the core of the earth.

So in my vision I decided to just watched this big device the Russians put on the sea mount go off just like a three minute private video. The bomb drove the sea mount 6 miles into the core of the earth. Due to the incredible pressure increase in the core hundreds of volcanoes around the world erupt at the same time (this Nostradamus saw in a vision followed by huge tidal waves) and the earth literally splits apart the tectonic plates. These bombs will break apart the plates like the spring weather breaks up the ice on a frozen river. These broken plates will slip over the core of the earth just like ice dips and bobs on a melting spring river. I saw in my vision that the part of Arizona where I lived would slip across the earths core and because of irregularity in thickness it would submerge itself three times under the ocean before it came to rest about 300 feet underwater where Australia is today.

The idiots in the KGB never asked a single scientist exactly what would happen if they exploded these giant hydrogen bombs on sea mounts. I think this is scheduled to happen in about three more years or about 2012. It can be prevented, that is what I am supposed to do if I can convince the right people. This, by the way, is the core and the source of most of the visions the great prophets have had like Nostradamus about the ’earth changes’, earthquakes, volcanoes erupting, the East Coast flooded and the general destruction of all mankind.

Russians live for revenge. They always have. It’s a major part of their character. They wait up to 70 years to strike against an enemy. It’s how they are, it’s how they have been for over 500 years (actually thousands), and they have not changed in the last 12 years no matter what the KGB killers who are now running Russia tell you.

It’s inevitable that they will take out their vengeance on the west who they have seen as their main enemy since WWII.

Osama, what is he really about? I mean what he is doing makes very little sense to any logical person. At least with the information that you have it doesn’t make much sense. Facing off the US all alone? That is absurd. Nine eleven, only a mad man would have dared ordered that and Osama is not insane. Ordering that was suicidal. Unless he is not alone and he knows something that we don’t. He does not intend to hide like a rat until he gets caught, killed or dies of old age. He fully intends to take over the Middle East.

In 1989 when the Russians were pulling out of Afghanistan a young KGB agent named Vladimir Putin came up with an audacious idea. Why not hire the best Mujaheddin he could find to do to the U.S. what they had done to Russia? To the defeated leaders of a defeated Russia this sounded like a good idea, at least at the time. So the Russians struck an agreement with Osama Bin Laden.

This is how that nobody Putin with no past became the president of Russia and still runs it from behind the scenes. There are dog catchers in Moscow that had more qualifications than he did. Well, there is at least one dog catcher that is more qualified.

Here are some of the things that I see. MI6 in Britain has the most information confirming Russia’s involvement with al Qaeda and so does the NSA. The CIA has a lot too but it is so buried and disorganized that you could probably never get anyone to locate it. Although I have to add that my sense is that it’s pretty much in one place and in one file or set of associated files. So theoretically it could easily be found.

The British have information about Vladimir Putin, 25 years ago, involved in Russian decision making about Afghanistan. I think they also have information about him traveling to that region. If the CIA could locate their old records and look at what made no sense at the time, they would see the evidence all fall into place in today’s light. It would be enough to convict Valimir and Osama of collusion. They would not need anything else other than what is in their files. I wonder if that information could be found by a non government employee using the FOIA?

The agreement with Russia involved a lot of gold being paid to Osama. Most of his family was nearly broke at the time. The British have information about some of his family members either selling their cars or homes in France at emergency low prices. Then his close family members suddenly and for no obvious reason became flush. That is when the payoff happened. That gold is held in banks and drawn against. When it was refined they added surface soil so it has measurable traces of radioactive fallout from Chernobyl (and some of the gold is supposed to be over 150 years old).

It is pretty ingenious how it works (and certainly more ingenious than I could invent or hallucinate in the twenty minutes that it took to see all this). If you are an Arab prince on an allowance of a million dollars a year and need more money you can donate a half million to al Qaeda and get a ’chit’ for about $700,000 which you can then take to a bank and draw out. That is how Osama raises his funds without using the gold directly. I could find a lot of this evidence including the gold (and prove it came from Russian mines). Some of it is in Great Britain.

Why did I tell you this information? It is necessary for you to understand how a war on terrorism can lead to Russia attacking the US in the next three years.

Where is Osama? I keep seeing in the home of a middle Eastern diplomat. I think it is perhaps a Egyptian diplomat with strong Army background working in their embassy in the capital of one of the Arab states. He is most likely in Sanaa the capital of Yemen. Osama does go to the ocean for short stays where he rents a whole lot of adjacent rooms in a high rise hotel.

And yes, Osama does have atomic bombs. He was asking for them in the mid 90’s and then stopped, why do you think he quit searching for them? He found what he wanted. Where are they? Exactly where you would have put them if you were him and used logic. On one of the ’farms’ in Afghanistan where he lived. They are buried. I could find them fast. In 2001 Osama had to leave in a hurry and he could not take along several tons of atomic bombs. Besides where would he have taken them? And why bother removing them until they were needed if they were well hidden? Since they were well hidden he left them there and they are still there! About twenty atomic bombs, mainly suitcase bombs. Yep, I could find them quickly.

There is one event that may precede most other terrorist attacks involving the U.S. It is one which a Buddhist teacher of mine, Master Yu Tian Jian, has also seen in part and told others about. The reason I have included this next information is simple. In part you may wish to avoid doing anything about the information in this paper, which would help directly save the world, but I can guarantee that when the following event happens you won’t be able to avoid doing so anymore, at least in good conscience. Also, this paper will give their deaths meaning because through it their sacrifice will save the world.

Russia intends to wipe out the US 2nd fleet in the Atlantic with a nuke. How do they think they can get away with it? It’s the KGB at their best (or worst). Osama is going to have one of his men fly an airplane into the middle of the fleet. At the same time a Russia sub nearby will launch a missile powered by only a short firing booster rocket. The booster will burn out but place the missile into an arc and it is intended to explode near where the plane is flying. The missile is very nearly identical to a old Polaris missile in size.

Due to it flying in an arc the automatic defense radars on the US ships will see it as an outgoing arcing ’shell’ and not a missile which normally flies in a flat trajectory. It won’t be shot out of the sky. After the bomb goes off it will be assumed that it was on the plane, not a missile from a Russian submarine. Although the missile will be seen by many people on the nearby US ships none of them will live to tell about it....if this event is allowed to occur. Another bomb will blow up and destroy Diego Garcia but that might not happen until later.

There is another situation that I want to point out. Russia has huge stores of Anthrax and BW production facilities. These are targeted by US and British nukes. This is only logical isn’t it? No, it isn’t! If a nuclear war occurs then these storage facilities will be split open. Several hundred tons of Anthrax, which is highly resistant to all radiation, will be lifted up to well over 100,000 feet by the rising mushroom clouds and fires. Then the Anthrax will be taken by the jet stream and the winds to the far corners of the world. Both northern and southern hemispheres will be too poisoned for most life to exist for several hundred years. That includes humans. These facilities need to be taken off the lists of western targets.

This next information may explain a few things including Russia’s cruelty and ruthlessness. It’s Russia’s plan for war against Europe.

The KGB had a lot of Blinder bombers (Tu-22’s) made back in the 1950’s on orders of the KGB. No one has figured them out. They are over powered, especially the ones modified for use by the KGB to be a decent theater European bomber. It is a dragster being called a dump truck.

The plane is flown at high speeds in an arc which tops out at over 100,000 feet. There a bomb is released and either a large balloon or large parachute is deployed to keep the bomb at nearly that altitude. When the plane is a few miles away the bomb goes off. The bomb gives off a mixture of blast effect and Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP). The EMP will destroy all the electrical circuits within about 500 miles including those on US made airplanes (except maybe some of the F-15’s). Almost every other plane, helicopter, land vehicle and communication system will become immediately inoperable.

Photo Credit: Google Images

Then there is the blast effect of several hundred of these bombs from many of these planes. These bombs will create a several hundred mile wide ’zone of death’ (that is what the Kremlin leaders and KGB keep calling it) extending from the Caspian sea to the Arctic Ocean. Nothing will live in this zone for at least 50 years. However, BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles were specifically designed to be able to drive back and forth through this zone transporting troops without a loss of life from radiation. No western troop transport is designed to handle this passage.

Let me explain what will really happen if the Russians use these bombers they way they intend to. (Oh yes, they still intend to use them.) Not only will they create a zone of death but they will kill nearly everyone in Europe. They will start a huge fire which will be the equivalent of many thousand Dresden’s. Not only will all the cities but all the forests will be set on fire. That is easy for anyone to see this except apparently Russia’s leaders.

The updraft from the fires will drop radioactive stones the size of marbles in Germany and the size of your small fingernail in the UK. These will blanket the ground. China will get lots of BB sized fallout. Yes, this will kill a lot of Russian soldiers but a large number of the Russian Army will be held in reserve. However, they won’t be needed of course because, as I have stated, almost no one will be alive.

Sometime during all this Russia is going to lower a new iron curtain and put millions of it’s own people into slave labor camps. In fact their cleaning out and re equipping those camps will probably be the first indication of these events occurring.

I think there are enough bits of information in most of the intelligent services of the west to prove this scenario and with this information plus what you know you can fill in this puzzle. I just know thousands of officials and military leaders have wondered what is up with Russia’s plans for war in Europe. This information fills in the blanks and the proof that it is accurate is the fact that it should not conflict with any of the facts that they already have. It should in fact confirm, reinforce what they already know and also fill in all the remaining blanks.

One of the main reasons I have this ability to have visions in which I can see these events is found on my web site at this web page . The third eye machine is that powerful. What I write about on that page is not a lot of noise. It’s the most powerful increaser of psychic abilities that has ever been created. Unfortunately it is not fully developed. At the present time it takes five or ten years before the changes it creates can be directed properly and utilized sufficiently. This may change if I can determine the right frequencies and I look forward to doing this.


Grave's End: A True Ghost Story

Book Review:
Grave's End: A True Ghost Story
Ghostly whisperings, suffocating attacks in the night and a tragic secret in a hidden basement room create a vortex of paranormal horror in this case of a real haunting
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"My mom tells me of a haunted apartment we lived in. On many occasions, she would stop what she was doing (in the kitchen washing dishes or making the bed in the bedroom) because of hearing heavy footsteps in the hallway, near the front door. She'd wait and listen, open the door to see if someone was coming - nothing, and eventually they would diminish. On several occasions she would see a man standing in the hall by the bathroom, but ever so quickly he was gone. A lady in the building had a son around 6 and a little baby. That lady said, "There was a tragedy here years ago" It was either a son who killed the family members and then himself or it was the father that killed the family members and then himself - not sure - but I see the man and the woman all the time, and I hear the man's heavy footsteps in the hall. Mom said "I only see a man but I hear the foot steps too."
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The Malevolent Ghost
Poltergeists: Three Famous Cases
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An Online Chat with Hans Holzer
Ever since it was revealed that Jay Anson's 1977 book The Amityville Horror was almost certainly a hoax - after it was labeled and marketed as a true story - I have approached other such-labeled books about the paranormal with a higher degree of skepticism. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

When I received Grave's End: A True Ghost Story (Llewellyn Publications) several weeks ago, The Amityville Horror hoax came immediately to mind. The setting of the story, for one thing - a section of southern Brooklyn called Gravesend - seemed just too fitting.
After reading the book, however, and subsequently hearing an interview with author Elaine Mercado, I found the story quite believable - as believable as any tale of poltergeist activity, psychokinetic phenomena, disembodied voices, ghosts and psychic cleansing can be. I've been immersed in this subject long enough and corresponded with enough people with similar or related experiences to know that such things are not only possible, but may be more common than most people would care to acknowledge. The cause of all this phenomena is open to debate - spirits, psychic energy from the living or some other unknown - but there's no denying that it exists and that people experience it on a daily basis. Elaine Mercado's family were some of those people.
The Mercados - Elaine, her husband, and two young daughters, Karin and Christine - bought their house in Brooklyn, New York in the winter of 1982. Although it needed a lot of work and there were some difficulties with the former owners, in many respects it was the house of their dreams. It soon became the house of their nightmares, however. Almost from the beginning, Elaine and Karin (11 at the time) were nagged by the feeling of "being watched." And from there the bizarre phenomena continued and escalated over a 13-year period, and was relieved finally by a renowned ghost hunter and a medium.
Grave's End has all the elements of a good ghost story: an ordinary American family caught in extraordinary circumstances, unexplained phenomena, a threat to health and well-being, surprising revelations about the cause of the haunting, and the "rescue" by the ghostbusters. Elaine Mercado, a registered nurse by profession, unfolds the story in this, her first book, in a sincere, conversational style that lends to its credibility. She avoids sensationalism and hyperbole, and presents the events as they happened to her in a tone that reflects her own astonishment at the puzzling, incredible phenomena and her deep concern for her family through it all.
Paralleling the ghostly phenomena is the disintegration of Elaine's marriage and an eventual divorce. Although her husband does not experience - or perhaps acknowledge - as much of the haunting as Elaine and her daughters, it is a source of tension between the parents. Yet Elaine makes it clear that it is not the cause of the breakup.
And what they endure over the 13 years, measured against almost any other case of a haunting, is remarkable. The feelings of being intently watched by some unseen entity can be unnerving enough, but these quickly are accompanied by a range of physical phenomena: scratching and banging noises, strange behavior of the pet cat that seems to sense something, objects being moved, a roving misty figure, eerie shadows, mysterious balls of light, and even full-blown ghostly apparitions. Most frightening are the episodes of sleep paralysis or night terrors that Elaine and her daughters fall victim to. They awake in the night, unable to move, and with the terrifying feeling of suffocation and an unknown presence in the room. These episodes occur so frequently that the women both expect and dread them.
Most fascinating is the suspected focal point of the haunting: a small dirt room in the basement of the house. It is here that the ghost hunter and his companion medium discover the secret of the haunting. And this is no run-of-the-mill ghost hunter. Elaine is fortunate to enlist the services of Hans Holzer, whose name and reputation bring a great deal of credibility to this story. Holzer, the author of more than 100 books on ghosts, hauntings and paranormal phenomena has a decades-long reputation as an expert paranormal investigator and one of the world's foremost authorities on such matters. (Holzer also wrote the introduction to Grave's End.) And he brings with him a respected medium, Marisa Anderson. Together they are able to contact the entities in the house, who themselves may have been the victims of a centuries-old tragedy.
When reading a story like this, the question repeatedly comes to mind: Why on earth would this family stay in a house where such horrifying things are taking place? To her credit, Elaine Mercado addresses this enigma several times in the book with plausibility. According to the book jacket, in fact, she still lives in the once-haunted house.
