Sunday 29 April 2012

Hantu Raya

Hantu Raya

Hantu Raya in early Malay animism, refers to a supreme ghost or demon that acts as a double for a black magic practitioner. [1] Like the Toyol it has a master. In Malay folklore, it is a spirit which is supposed to confer the owner with great powers. Hantu means ghost and raya, great, in Malay.[2]


Hantu Raya originates in Malaysia and is said to be the master of all ghosts (hantu). It is the leader of the underworld legion and those who make alliance with it, are considered powerful. Hantu Raya is the acronym for Hantu or Ghost and Raya, large, huge, supreme, enormous, great, gigantic, titanic, humangous, as in "Malaysia Raya" and "Asia Raya" and Hari Raya (Great Celebration or Festival).
In modern Islamic Malay culture, the belief in Hantu Raya is no longer valid, but rather it is identified with a demon, Satan and the Djinn (Genie). Muslims believe that djinns and demons are more powerful than man but less intelligent.

 Spirit worship

In ancient times, the Malay spirituality was a mix of animism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Spirit worship was common and these beliefs persisted in rural areas until the latter half of the 20th century. In the case of Hantu Raya, the owner is said to have formed a pact with demon or inherited it from older generations in the form known as Saka or legacy which is handed on down the generations. In return for the advantages and power, the owner agrees to provide for the ghost and appoints a new owner for it before dying.[3]
According to legend, people who fail to untie their bond with the hantu will suffer especially during death. Hantu Raya will resemble the look of its owner ever after death and go roaming. People seeing him will assume that the deceased has been brought back to life. It will search for food and new owner at night and goes around haunting people.
Another legend goes that the dying soul will face difficulty in dying and becomes a living corpse or zombie.


Hantu Raya is capable of materializing itself into another human being or animals and sometimes makes itself a double for the owner.[4] Among its other trick is to form its owner's shape and sleep with the owner's partners. It can be used to perform heavy duties as commanded by its master, even to harm his enemies. It can also possess or cause death to other people if so ordered.
Normally Hantu Raya feasts on ancak – an offering made for the spirits, containing: yellow glutinous rice, eggs, roasted chicken, rice flakes and a doll. In some cases Hantu Raya is offered the blood of a slaughtered animal as a sacrifice. Food offerings must strictly be observed in a timely manner, to avoid any harm caused by the hantu.[5]
Hantu raya is also blamed for childbirth death, which is quite common in the days before modern medicent.[6]


Jangan Pandang Belakang (or, Don't Look Back) is a Malay horror movie based on the "hantu raya" demon. The story is about a young man named Darma (Pierre Andre) who tries to find out the truth about the death of his fiancée, Rose. A Malay family has a "saka" (thing that is passed down from generation to generation in the family), in the form of hantu raya. They keep this hantu because they want to benefit, because it can make them richer, stronger or whatever they desire, but it asks something in return. It will haunt or otherwise disturb their descendants unless somebody does something about it, like contain it or removing it altogether from the family.[7]

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Paranormal Encounters

Real Ghost Stories

Paranormal Encounters

Some things I should start off saying are 1) my great-great- grandmother was psychic. She told people many things and people thought it was a coincidence until she was pregnant with my great- grandmother. She became ill, but the doctors said she was fine so no one listened to her. She told them she was going to die after having my great-grandma and again, no one believed her. Ten days later she died. 2) My mom can see, hear, and feel anything related to dead people. I didn't find this out until I was about 16.
My mother has cancer and someone told me that that may be reason for it, but she also senses things. Like once my brother was supposed to be a certain place, but instead he was walking around by the ocean and my mom told me BEFORE he even came home that a picture of the place he was at popped in her head. When he came home, my mom asked where he'd been and he told her "walking by the ocean on the highway." Many other things like this have happened. With that said, I'll move on to some of the things about myself.
It started when I was about 11 or 12. The apartment complex we lived in was built on an old fairground where many people died. Also there has been evidence in documents that Indians used to settle there in the early days. Well, one day my mom was taking pics of us in her room and we noticed this green looking mist around a light fixture in the ceiling. We started going around the house taking more pics of things and one of the pics had this outline of a man in an army looking uniform, like a soldier. That's about all I remember from that incident.
Another house we lived in (I was about 13) scared me to death. Something would say my name EVERY night as I lay down to go to bed. I used to lie there crying until I fell asleep. That's all that happened there, but it happened so frequently and progressed to throughout the day, not just before bed. When we moved from that house we had to go back for the last of our things. As we came up to the house we heard really loud, heavy footsteps running through the house but it was locked. No one could have possibly been in there, nor did we see anyone.
Another house we lived in (we move a lot because were pretty poor and get kicked out a LOT) and this black mist floated down the entire hallway. On another occasion I saw a little shadow person in my room before bed. This is when I really started to get scared. I'd have dreams of people dying, and when I described them to my mom she'd tell me, "Yeah, they died. I have seen them. They're showing you how they died."
I can't physically see them like my mom, only in my dreams. Why is this? Does anyone know? My mom says they like to follow me. It's never her, even though she can directly talk to them. Why? I still have dreams, pics pop in my head like my mom now. If I see a real photo, I can tell if someone died there, sometimes how they died.
I just want to know if this makes me "psychic" or what? What do I classify myself as? There's so much more to this story, but I have to go. Please someone help?

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Mengelak Keguguran Rambut

Mengelak Keguguran Rambut

Ambil lemak ayam dan masak sehingga menjadi minyak. Sapukan ke kulit kepala seeloknya pada waktu malam. amalan ini juga dapat mencegah kelemumur.
Koleksi Petua Untuk Menghilangkan Bau Ketiak
Pilihan 1: Amalkan semasa mandi, gosok ketiak di atas kepala lutut. Selain itu, setiap kali lepas mandi, sapu dengan belakang tapak tangan pada bahagian bawah ketiak. Pilihan 2: Ambil sebiji limau kasturi, belah dua dan gosokkan kedua-dua belah ketiak anda dengannya. Amalkan seminggu sekali sebelum mandi. Masalah badan berbau semakin berkurangan dan akan hilang dengan perlahan-lahan.

Real Scary Ghost Spirit Demon Videos Caught On Camera

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 27 April 2012 [Full HQ]

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 26 April 2012 [Full HQ]



Kisah ini adalah kejadian sebenar yang berlaku ke atas diri saya sendiri dalam 1972. Ketika itu, saya dan suami saya, yang baru seminggu mendirikan rumahtangga, tinggal disebuah rumah kampung di Jalan Sawi.
Pada suatu malam khamis, kira kira 9 malam, saya masuk ke bilik tidur untuk menyimpan dompet wang saya yang diletakkan di ruang tamu selepas balik dari pasar pagi tadi.
Didalam bilik itu, saya melihat suami saya sedang duduk di lantai yang bertepikan katil sambil membaca suratkhabar. Biasanya saya jarang sekali mengganggu atau berkata sesuatu apabils suami saya sedang asyik membaca. Jadi, saya pun tidak menghiraukan langsung akan suami saya itu dan kemudian saya keluar semula ke bilik mandi.
Sekembalinya ke bilik tidur kami, saya dapati suami saya sedang terbaring tidur diatas katil dengan memerangkan badannya ke arah bertentangan dengan pintu bilik itu.
Saya jugak tidak memperdulikannya dan membiarkan suami saya tidur kerana mungkin beliau ingin berehat kerana terlalu penat berkerja.
Sejurus kemudian, saya keluar lagi dari bilik dan terus ke ruang tamu kerana hendak memastikan pintu sudah berkunci. Setelah itu say kembali ke bilik tidur.
Yang menghairankan, suami saya tiada lagi diatas katik itu. Saya serta merta menjadi seram. Walaupun saya cuba mencarinya dikeliling rumah, tetapi tidak berjumpa.
Saya cuba berfikir. Di mana agaknya suami saya berada? Fikiran saya buntu. Kemudian saya pergi semula ke ruang tamu dan duduk sendirian sambil tertanya tanya didalam hati yang kian risau.
Tiba tiba semacam perasan takut dan seram menyelubungi diri saya. Apa tidaknya - saya baru sedar bahawa hari itu suami saya berkerja dalam giliran petang. Beliau mula berkerja dari 3 petang sehingga 11 malam.
Jadi siapakah yang membaca suratkahbar dan terbaring diatas katil sya tadi? Saya terus bertambah takut dan merasa terlalu gelisah. Walaupun saya cuba menenangkan diri saya tetapi tidak berjaya.
Akhirnya saya pergi ke rumah jiran sebelah dan menceritakan segala kejadian tersebut kepadanya dan terus menumpang disitu sehinggalah kepulangan suani saya dari tempat kerjanya

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                 HANTU PEREMPUAN

Assalamualaikum.... aku ada cerita nak kongsi ngan kengkorang semua... cerita nih dialami sendiri oleh abang angkat aku dan kawannya masa zaman sekolah dulu... (sekarang nih aku dah blaja kat U). Dulu aku blaja silat, begitu gak ngan abang angkat aku.. kitorang dulu sekolah asrama penuh, biasa la... famous ngan cerita-cerita hantu. Masa tu aku form 2, abang aku form 5. Kira senior la nih... dia la yang ganti cikgu ngajar bebudak junior silat. Satu malam tu... masa tengah buat latihan silat.. lebih kurang pukul 12 lebih.... dia nak buat latihan silat olahraga.. saja nak test power. Kebetulan cikgu kitorang ada... so apa salahnya mintak tunjuk ajar lebih sikit, lagipun kitorang ada pertandingan silat olahraga tak lama lagi. So dia dengan kawannya pun balik la ke hostel kejap nak ambik pad dan barang-barang lain. Masa dia balik tuh, tengah syok berborak ngan kawan dia.. ada la sorang budak pompuan pakai baju putih tak bertudung lalu menuju arah bertentangan.... kira macam budak ni dari hostel la kiranya....Diorang pelik la pehal lak ada budak pompuan jalan memalam, tak pakai tudung pulak tuh.... tau la budak sekolah sains kan... korang pepaham je la. Bila budak pompuan tuh dah jauh sikit diorang bercakap la pasal budak pompuan tu.. pect apa-apa pun. Then tetiba dua-dua tersenyap...
Budak pompuan yang sama lalu untuk kali kedua dari arah hostel... terkujat diorang.... tapi diorang tak lari mencicit la.. kira berani la jugak.. budak silat... yang part seram sikit tuh, budak pompuan tu siap senyum pulak kat diorang, macam tau2 je yang diorang cakap pasal budak pompuan tuh tadi. Daripada hostel tuh diorang paksa lagi 2-3 orang kawan
diorang ikut sekali gi latihan silat. Takut jumpa lagi budak pompuan tuh gamaknya. Degar cerita yang selalu kena kacau ngan hantu budak pompuam nih bebudak laki jek. Ntah kenapa....

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Polong is Malay for a spirit enslaved by a man (most of the time) for personal use. Like the Hantu Raya and Toyol, it has a master. It is an unseen ghost that can be used by a black magic practitioner to harm someone. It is particularly meant to harm other people, especially when the owner has wicked intentions towards these people.

Polong is one of the ghost mentioned in "Hikayat Abdullah", written by Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir, much to the amusement of Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles, his employer.[1]


Polong is said to have been created from the blood of a murdered person and this blood is put into a bottle for one to two weeks before the spirit is invoked with incantations and magic spells.
After two weeks, the owner will start to hear sounds coming out of the bottle. It is the sound of crying. By then he should cut his finger and drain the blood into the bottle to feed the demon. This is the sign of allegiance and of loyalty to serve the master. The blood which feeds the demon is said to have tied both parties together: one as Master and the other as the servant.
No one has ever illustrated the figure of the demon but all agree that it is evil and hideous. In East Malaysian Malays (Malays of Sarawak, Borneo Island, Malaysia) belief, polong is described as an egg-shaped flying fiery ball when it is sent to victims or when it is left out of the bottle.


Polong has almost a similar role as the grasshopper-like Pelesit, furious when not fed and will start to harm society. Per some sources, such as Judy Sierra's Gruesome Guide to World Monsters, the Polong and Pelesit work in cooperation, with the latter serving as the former's steed.
Normally the owner will keep the Polong inside the bottle but unleashes it when needed. People who have been attacked by Polong are left with bruises, a few markings and almost always have blood coming out of their mouths.[2]


During possession, a Polong will not listen to anyone except its owner. The owner will come and pretentiously exorcise the demon in order to get money from people. But in some cases a polong which is "sent out" by its owner refuses to free the body that it has attacked. In fact it goes a step further by causing more suffering to the victim. At this stage a Bomoh (witch-doctor) or spiritual leader such as an Imam is called to cast out the polong.
Many of them know that the polong is easily weakened by black pepper seeds (mix with oil and few cloves of garlic). Normally, the shaman will place the seeds on certain parts of the body to cast off the polong. If he is a Muslim, this may be followed by Quranic recitations. The tormented polong will cry and plead, asking for the recitations to cease. It will then confess to the shaman the name of its master. However, it is not uncommon for the polong to name some other person to misguide the pawang (shaman). Hence, the admission must be taken cautiously.

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Meluruskan Rambut Kerinting

Meluruskan Rambut Kerinting

Perah sebiji kelapa dan ambil patinya sahaja Campurkan dgn air limau nipis. Simpan santan pekat ini di dalam peti ais sehingga atasnya menyerupai krim. Gunakan krim ini utk disapukan pada kulit kepala dan rambut keseluruhannya. Tutup kepala dgn tuala sehingga 1 jam barulah dibilas dgn bersih. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu. Anda akan dapati rambut kerinting akan lurus sedikit demi sedikit.

Penampakan Hantu Api

 Penampakan Hantu Api


Penampakan Hantu Api

Penampakan Hantu Api yang terjadi di SDN keraton 4 Martapura sewaktu kebakaran
Hantu secara umum merujuk pada kehidupan setelah kematian. Hantu juga dikaitkan dengan roh atau arwah yang meninggalkan badan karena kematian. Definisi dari hantu pada umumnya berbeda untuk setiap agama, peradaban, maupun adat istiadat.
Meskipun secara umum hantu merujuk pada suatu zat yang mengganggu kehidupan duniawi, dalam banyak kebudayaan, hantu tidak didefinisikan sebagai zat yang baik maupun jahat. Sebutan setan, iblis, genderuwo, dan sebagainya, lebih umum digunakan untuk merujuk kepada hantu yang jahat.
Sedangkan hantu yang baik yang dianggap mempunyai kemampuan untuk menolong manusia, disebut dengan bermacam nama yang berbeda, seperti sebutan untuk Datuk, Te Cu Kong (penguasa tanah, dalam agama Kong Hu Cu), dan lainnya. Tetapi di dalam kebanyakan agama, meminta hantu untuk membantu manusia adalah dilarang.

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Pristiwa ini berlaku dalam 1967 semasa saya dan rakan rakan mengadakan perkhemahan di pulau ubin.  Saya masih ingat lagi tempat dimana kejadian menakut kan itu berlaku.  Setiba di pulau ubin kira kira 10 pagi, kami berlima terus mendirikan khemah disatu tapak yang terletak bersebelahan dengan pohon kayu besar, berhampiran sebuah pondok usang.
Setelah penat merenta sekeliling pulau itu, kami berehat rehat sambil memasak nasi dan lauk pauk untuk makan malam.  Kira kira 6 petang, angin mulai bertiup kencang, diiikuti pula dengan guruh di langit.  Tidak lama kemudian, hujan mulai turun dengan lebatnya.  Disebabkan khemah yang kami dirikan tidak begitu kukuh, habis kami berlima basah kuyup didalamnya.
Hujan mulai reda kira kira 9 malam.  Kami berlima pun keluar ubtuk mengeringkan badan dan menuju ke pondok usang tidak jauh dari khemah itu.  Setelah menunaikan solat isyak, kami berjalan pulang ke khemah untuk mengeringkan bahagian khemah itu dan mengukuhkannya semula.
Tidak lama kemudian, sedang kami berehat rehat sambil berbual didalam khemah, tiba tiba terdengar sayup sayup suara perempuan sedang berbual , diikiuti pulak dengan bunyi gemersik daun daun.  Kami ingin tahu lalu keluar.
Suara tadi semakin jelas dan datangnya dari atas pokok besar.  Salah seorang rakan menyuluh lampu picitnya kearah suara tadi.
Alangkah terkejutnya kami apabila suluhan lampu picit itu mengena tepat dua kepala berambut panjang tanpa badan, tetapi berusus-tergantung didahan pokok besar itu.  Hantu Penanggal!!!
apalagi, seperti kilat kami berlima berebut rebut masuk ke dalam khemah sambil berpeluk pelukan ketakutan.\Entah berapa banyak ayat suci kami baca beramai ramai sehinggalah malam bertukar pagi, tanpa melelapkan mata walau seketika pun.
Setelah cuaca terang, tanpa berlengah lengah kami pun berkemas dan pulang. 

 Peristiwa yang akan saya ceritakan ini adalah benar dan berlaku ke atas keluarga saya dalam 1972. Kami sekeluarga tinggal di Bishop Gate, yang terletak tidak jauh dari Grange Road. Kawasan itu sunyi dan hanya terdapat beberapa buah rumah banglo besar. Disitu ada satu kawasan terbuka yang luas dan ditumbuhi pohon pohon besar seperti beringin, cempaka dan sena serta bersemak samun.
Keluarga kami bukan lah orang kaya, tetatpi hanya menumpang sebuah rumah banglo usang yang dikosongkan sementara memohon flat. Banglo itu dijadikan stor oleh sebuah syarikat. Bilik kami hanya satu bahagian kecil dibelakang banglo itu.
Rumah itu jugak tiada bekalan elektrik kerana ia telah dipotong oleh syarikat tersebut atas sebab keselamatan. Hanya bekalan air tidak dipotong. Setiap malam kami terpaksa menggunakan lampu pam dan lampu minyak tanah. Dan setiap kali malam tiba, keluarga kami diseliputi rasa seram.
Petang suatu petang malam jumaat, Abang saya telah pergi ke rumah nenek saudara kami di jalan Masyhor dan tidak pulang hingga larut malam. Nenek saudara kami memang melarangnya pulang kerana hari sudah jauh malam, tetapi abang saya berkeras jugak hendak pulang.
Pada 11.30 malam itu, abang saya sempat menumpang bus yang penghabisan iaitu bus no 150. Kemudia dia terpaksa turun di perhentian bus bersebelahan kubur wakaf di Grange Road dan berjalan kaki selama lebih kurang 25 minit untuk sampai kerumah.
Semamsa turun dari bus itu, abang saya ternampak seorang gadis cantik duduk di perhentian bus tersebut. Ketika itu jam sudah menunjukkan 12 tengah malam lebih. Gadis itu berkulit cerah dan berambut ikal mayang panjang mengurai, tersenyum padanya. Abang saya cuba mengingat ingat siapa gerangan gadis itu. Dia tidak ubah seperti jiran kami. Dulu, abang saya memang selalu melihat gadis itu tetapi tidak pulak bertegur sapa, setakat tersentum sahaja.
Pada malam itu abang saya beranikan hati untuk menegurnya.
"Sorang aje?" abang saya bertanya.
"Ya," jawab gadis itu.
Abang saya bertanya lagi:"Buat apa seorang diri larut malam begini?"
Dia menjawab,"Saya nak balik, tetapi takut kerana dah malam...nanti ada hantu!"
Abang saya yakin gadis itu adalah jirann kami, lantas mengajaknya pulang. Dalam perjalanan, abang saya dan gadis itu berbual bual. Yang anehnya, gadis itu hanya berjalan di belakang abang saya. Pua abang saya menyuruhnya berjalan seiring, tetapi dia enggan. Abang saya menjadi kurang senang.
Setibanya dibawah lampu jalan, abang saya mengnggkan kekinya dan melihat ke belakang. Rupa rupanya gadis itu berjalan dengan kakinya tidak berpijak ke bumi. Abang saya pun berlari dengan kakinya tidak berpijak ke bumi. Gadis yang disangkanya jiran kami itu rupanya pontianak.
Dia ketawa mengilai sambil memanggil abang saya,"Tunggu bang! Tunggu bang!" Untunglah pontianak itu tidak mengejar abang saya hingga ke rumah.
Setiba dirumah abang saya terus melompat ke katil dan berselimut bersama sepatunya sekali.
Esoknya kami berasa hairan mengapa dia tidur memakai sepatu. Abang saya pun menceritakan apa yang terjadi. Kami semua tertawa bercampur seram

Petikan Dari



Protection and Remedies

The most common remedy prescribed in Malaysian folklore to protect against a Penanggal attack is to scatter the thorny leaves of a local plant known as Mengkuang which would either trap or injure the exposed lungs, stomach and intestines of the Penanggal as it flies in search of its prey. These thorns, on the vine, can also be looped around the windows of a house in order to snare the trailing organs. This is commonly done when a woman has just given birth. However, this practice will not protect the infant if the Penanggal decides to pass through the floorboards. In some instances, it is said that months before birth, family members of the pregnant women would plant pineapples under the house (traditional Malay houses are built on stilts and thus have a lot of room underneath). The prickly fruit and leaves of the pineapple would deter the penanggalan from entering through the floorboards. Once trapped, a Penanggalan who attacks the house can then be killed with parangs or machetes. As an extra precaution, the pregnant woman can keep scissors or betel nut cutters under her pillow, as the Penanggalan is afraid of these items.
Another way of killing the vampire is for some brave men to spy on the Penanggalan as it flies around in the night.
Midwives who become Penanggalans at night appear as normal women in the daytime. They, however, can be identified as Penanggalans by the way they behave. When meeting people they will usually avoid eye contact and when performing their midwife duties they may be seen licking their lips, as if relishing the thought of feeding on the pregnant woman's blood when night comes. The men should find out where the Penanggalan lives. Once the Penanggal leaves its body and is safely away, it may be permanently destroyed by either pouring pieces of broken glass into the empty neck cavity, which will sever the internal organs of the Penanggal when it reattaches to the body; or by sanctifying the body and then destroying it by cremation or by somehow denying the Penanggal from reattaching to its body upon sunrise.
Another non-lethal way to get rid of penanggalan is to turn over the body, so that when the head attached back it will be attached reverse side, thereby revealing to everyone what she really is. [2], [3]

 Differences from Manananggal

Unlike Manananggal, all Penanggal are females and there is no variation in Malaysian folklore to suggest a Penanggal to be male. Another notable difference between a Penanggal and Manananggal is that a Penanggal detaches only her head with her lungs, stomach and intestines attached while leaving the body before coming back and soaking her innards in a pre-prepared container filled with vinegar to fit back into the body. Additionally, unlike the Manananggal which uses a proboscis-like tongue, a Penanggal is commonly depicted as having fangs. The number of fangs varies from one region to another, ranging from two like the Western vampire to a mouthful of fangs.

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Ghost Adventures - Best Moments

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 26 April 2012 [Full HQ]

Menyegarkan Mata

Menyegarkan Mata Gatal dan Letih

Ambil beberapa helai daun sireh muda. Kemudian, cuci bersih. Ramas-ramaskan ia dan masukkan ke dalam air suam. Selepas itu, tapis airnya. Selanjutnya rendamkan mata sambil kerdipkan berulang kali. Lakukan selalu dan hasilnya anda akan merasai perubahannya.

Menyegarkan Mata

Ambil timun yg telah dihiris Lekapkan pada kelopak mata Pejamkan mata utk berapa ketika. Anda akan berasa kesegarannya selepas itu.

Paranormal Encounters

Real Ghost Stories

Paranormal Encounters

Some things I should start off saying are 1) my great-great- grandmother was psychic. She told people many things and people thought it was a coincidence until she was pregnant with my great- grandmother. She became ill, but the doctors said she was fine so no one listened to her. She told them she was going to die after having my great-grandma and again, no one believed her. Ten days later she died. 2) My mom can see, hear, and feel anything related to dead people. I didn't find this out until I was about 16.
My mother has cancer and someone told me that that may be reason for it, but she also senses things. Like once my brother was supposed to be a certain place, but instead he was walking around by the ocean and my mom told me BEFORE he even came home that a picture of the place he was at popped in her head. When he came home, my mom asked where he'd been and he told her "walking by the ocean on the highway." Many other things like this have happened. With that said, I'll move on to some of the things about myself.
It started when I was about 11 or 12. The apartment complex we lived in was built on an old fairground where many people died. Also there has been evidence in documents that Indians used to settle there in the early days. Well, one day my mom was taking pics of us in her room and we noticed this green looking mist around a light fixture in the ceiling. We started going around the house taking more pics of things and one of the pics had this outline of a man in an army looking uniform, like a soldier. That's about all I remember from that incident.
Another house we lived in (I was about 13) scared me to death. Something would say my name EVERY night as I lay down to go to bed. I used to lie there crying until I fell asleep. That's all that happened there, but it happened so frequently and progressed to throughout the day, not just before bed. When we moved from that house we had to go back for the last of our things. As we came up to the house we heard really loud, heavy footsteps running through the house but it was locked. No one could have possibly been in there, nor did we see anyone.
Another house we lived in (we move a lot because were pretty poor and get kicked out a LOT) and this black mist floated down the entire hallway. On another occasion I saw a little shadow person in my room before bed. This is when I really started to get scared. I'd have dreams of people dying, and when I described them to my mom she'd tell me, "Yeah, they died. I have seen them. They're showing you how they died."
I can't physically see them like my mom, only in my dreams. Why is this? Does anyone know? My mom says they like to follow me. It's never her, even though she can directly talk to them. Why? I still have dreams, pics pop in my head like my mom now. If I see a real photo, I can tell if someone died there, sometimes how they died.
I just want to know if this makes me "psychic" or what? What do I classify myself as? There's so much more to this story, but I have to go. Please someone help?

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The Penanggalan or 'Hantu Penanggal' is a peculiar variation of the vampire myth that apparently began in the Malay Peninsula, or Balan-balan in Sabah. See also the Manananggal, a similar creature of Filipino folklore. "Penanggal" or "Penanggalan" literally means "detach" or "remove". Both terms — Manananggal and Penanggal — may carry the same meaning due to both languages being grouped or having a common root under the Austronesian language family, though the two creatures are culturally distinct in appearance and behavior.
There are similar myths of creatures with almost exactly the same features among the Balinese of Indonesia, where it is called the Leyak, in Thailand where it is called the Krasue, in Laos where it is the Kasu or Phi-Kasu and in Cambodia where it is the Ap.
According to the folklore of that region, the Penanggalan is a detached female head capable of flying about on its own. As it flies, the stomach and entrails dangle below it, and these organs twinkle like fireflies as the Penanggalan moves through the night.
Due to the common theme of Penanggal being the result of active use of black magic or supernatural means, a Penanggal cannot be readily classified as a classical undead being. The creature is, for all intents and purposes, a living human being during daytime (much like the Japanese Nukekubi) or at any time when it does not detach itself from its body.


In Malaysian folklore, a Penanggal may be either a beautiful old or young woman who obtained her beauty through the active use of black magic, supernatural, mystical, or paranormal means which are most commonly described in local folklores to be dark or demonic in nature. Another cause where one becomes a Penanggal in Malaysian folklore is due to the result of a powerful curse or the actions of a demonic force, although this method is less common than the active use of black magic abovementioned.
The Penanggalan is usually a female midwife who has made a pact with the devil to gain supernatural powers. It is said that the midwife has broken a stipulation in the pact not to eat meat for 40 days; having broken the pact she has been forever cursed to become a bloodsucking vampire/demon. The midwife keeps a vat of vinegar in her house. After detaching her head and flying around in the night looking for blood the Penanggalan will come home and immerse her entrails in the vat of vinegar in order to shrink them for easy entry back into her body.
One version of the tale states that the Penanggal was once a beautiful woman or priestess, who was taking a ritual bath in a tub that once held vinegar. While bathing herself and in a state of concentration or meditation, a man entered the room without warning and startled her. The woman was so shocked that she jerked her head up to look, moving so quickly as to sever her head from her body, her organs and entrails pulling out of the neck opening. Enraged by what the man had done, she flew after him, a vicious head trailing organs and dripping venom. Her empty body was left behind in the vat. The Penanggal, thus, is said to carry an odor of vinegar with her wherever she flies, and returns to her body during the daytime, often posing as an ordinary mortal woman. However, a Penanggal can always be told from an ordinary woman by that odor of vinegar.


The Penanggalan's victims are traditionally pregnant women and young children. Like a banshee who appears at a birth rather than a death, the Penanggalan perches on the roofs of houses where women are in labour, screeching when the child is born. The Penanggalan will insert a long invisible tongue into the house to lap up the blood of the new mother. Those whose blood the Penanggalan feeds upon contract a wasting disease that is almost inescapably fatal. Furthermore, even if the penanggalan is not successful in her attempt to feed, anyone who is brushed by the dripping entrails will suffer painful open sores that won't heal without a bomoh's help.
A Penanggal is said to feed on human blood or human flesh although local folklore (including its variations) commonly agrees that a Penanggal prefers the blood of a newborn infant, the blood of woman who recently gave birth or the placenta (which is devoured by the Penanggal after it is buried). All folktales also agree that a Penanggal flies as it searches and lands to feed. One variation of the folklore however claims that a Penanggal is able to pass through walls. Other, perhaps more chilling, descriptions say that the Penanggal can ooze up through the cracks in the floorboards of a house, rising up into the room where an infant or woman is sleeping. Sometimes they are depicted as able to move their intestines like tentacles.
This Penanggal has a beginning. It was known to start from a woman who was notorious in the medieval time. She had a face that only a mother would love. No man dare to put eyes on her and her femininity was repeatedly denied. Her hatred on married women with families and pregnant women became her rage of vengeance. She killed and murdered many innocent people during her rampage. She was tracked and caught to face punishment. People in those days had their own ways of passing deadly sentence. She was tied to hang on her neck to a tree and her legs were tied to a raging bull. Her neck was snapped away from her body leaving her head and intestinal organs dangling on that tree. The villagers shouted happily to see their ordeals ended after her death. Little did they know that they have unleashed the most deadly demon on the loose. That night the head went missing. The village was tormented by this Penanggal for seven deadly nights. [1]

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Merawat Panau


Merawat Panau

Ambil sepotong halia, tumbuk lumat dan tempelkan pada tempat berpanau.

Mengelak Rambut Gugur

Ambil beberapa helai daun bunga raya dan lidah buaya. Basuh hingga bersih dan kisarkan hingga hancur. Perap ramuan di atas kepala selama sejam. Lakukan 2 kali seminggu. Insyaallah anda akan memperolehi rambut lebat, hitam dan berkilat semula jadi.

Mengurangkan Air Pada Faraj

Tumbuk hingga halus pucuk dan buah manjakani dan hati pinang muda. Gaulkan dengan minyak minyak bijan dan kemudian kukuskan. Ramuan tersebut hendaklah dimakan ketika tengah malam.

Menaikkan Seri Muka

Basuhkan muka anda dengan menggunakan air basuhan beras yang ke tiga. Bilas dengan air bersih setelah sepuluh minit.






Aku sedang bersiap siap untuk pergi meronda.  Waktu sudah 2 pagi.  Mata masih mengantuk tidak cukup tidur, tetapi tugas mesti didahulukan.  Sambil mengambil senapang aku menmanggil," Atan! Engkau sudah ambil lampu suluh?"
Atan hanya mengganguk kepalanya lalu memulakan perjalanan dan aku pun menyusul dari belakang.
Banganun bangunan disini semuanya gelap gelita.  Yang bercahaya hanya lampu suluh ditangan dan bilik kawalan yang dujaga oleh ketua pengawal dengan seorang koparal.
Setelah setengah jam berlalu, peluh mula membasahi baju.  Inilah kali pertama aku membuat rondaan disini setelah sebulan lamanya dipindahkan dari kem askar divisyen enam ke tempat ini.  Sudahlah tempatnya sunyi, dekat dengan kubur pulak.
Maca macam cerita aku dengar dari kawan kawan yang sudah lama disini.  Mereka menceritakan kejadian kejadian aneh yang selalu berlaku setelah 12 tengah malam.  Apabila teringat kembali, berdiri bulu roma tengkuk ku.
Tiba tiba aku terperanjat. Suara atan memecahkan kesunyian malam.
"Man!" teriak Atan.  "Bilik itu ada lampu!" sambil menunjuk ke arah bilik operasi yang selalu dikunci jika tidak digunakan.
Mungkin ada penceroboh fikirku.  Kami berjalan perlahan lahan supaya tidak bising.  Setelah sampai ke pintu, kedengaran bunyi seperti radio diputarkan.
"Pintu dikunci dari luar," bisik Atan kepadaku sambil cuba membuka pintu itu.  Atan mengambil telefon set yang dibawa lau menghubungi bilik kawalan dan melaporkan apa yang sedang berlaku.
Tiba tiba pintu terbuka dengan sendiri seperti angin bertiup dari dalam bilik itu.  Aku mula merasa takut, tetapi atan kelihatan tenang.  Dia berjalan perlahan lahan masuk ke bilik itu.  Aku ikut dari belakang.  Setelah berada di dalam, aku terhidu bau busuk seperti bangkai yang sudah lama dibiarkan.  Kami memeriksa bilik itu, tetapi tidak jumpa apa apa.  Tiba tiba terdengar seperti ada orang yang memanggil namaku dengan suara yang mendayu dayu.  "Man, Man.  Marilah kesini."  Seperti orang yang terpukau, aku berjalan menuju suara yang merdu itu.
Tanpa berlengah, Atang menarik aku.  Aku ternampak mulutnya terkumat kamit seperti membaca sesuatu.  Kemudian di sebuah kerusi dihadapanku, menjelma seorang wanita yang memakai serba putih dengan rambut yang panjang.  Mukanya tidak kelihatan kerana dia hanya tunduk melihat lantai.
Aku sudah menduga makhluk apakah yang sebenarnya dihadapan kami.  Seluruh tubuhku lemah.  Macam macam rasa yang datang, hendak buang air kecil pun ada.
Tanpa disedari aku terus berlari keluar dari bilik itu dan bersembunyi dalam longkang besar diluar.  Setelah turun dalam longkang baru aku teringat bahawa aku telah meninggalkan atan seorang diri menghadapi lembaga putih yang tidak tahu asal usulnya.  Kalau sudah takut macam macam boleh jadi.  Fikiranku buntu.  Aku tidak tahu apa yang hendak dibuat.
Tiba tiba lembaga itu muncul dihadapanku dengan sekelip mata sahaja.  Aku merasa sungguh terkejut lalu lari menuju ke bilik kawalan sambil memekik,"Tolong!Atan tolong!" lalu duniakau gelap.
Setelah sedar aku melihat atan dan beberapa pengawal lain sedang berdiri disebelah katil dibilik kawalan.  KEpalaku masih merasa mabuk, tetapi dengan perasan yang ingin tahu, aku pun bertanya pada atan tentang kejadian aneh yang baru saja berlaku.
Atan memberitahu aku bahawa dia cuba menghalau makhluk halus itu dengan membaca ayat kursi.  Lembaga putih itu pun terbang mengekori aku lalu hilang dengan serta merta.
Semua itu berlaku dengan cepat.  Atan kemudian ternampak aku jatuh pengsan lalu mengangkatku pulang ke bilik kawalan.
Aku hanya berdiam diri sambil cuba mengingat kembali kisah tadi.  Aku merasa serik bertugas disini.  Esok aku bercadang menghantar surat permohonan untuk ditukarkan ke tempat lain.  Fikiran ku melayang dan aku mula melelapkan mata.
Pada waktu yang sama, jauh dari situ terdengar lembaga itu menggilai. 

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The Top Ten Best Video Clips From Ghost Hunters (TAPS)

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 25 April 2012 [Full HQ]

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 24 April 2012 [Full HQ]

Lang suir

 Lang suir

The lang suir is related to the pontianak, but is considered even more dangerous. The term is traditionally spelled as two words, but is now more often rendered langsuir or langsuyar, derived from the Malay word for eagle (helang). In popular usage, the pontianak and lang suir are often confused, but they are in fact very different. While the pontianak is the ghost of a child who died while being born, lang suir are the spirits of women who suffered from laboring sickness (meroyan) which resulted in the death of both mother and baby during childbirth. Such a woman would turn in to a lang suir 40 days after her death. To prevent this from happening, glass beads are placed in the corpses mouth. In Chinese, Lang suir means bad luck people .
Unlike the pontianak which appears beautiful and preys on men, the lang suir is hideous with red eyes and long sharp nails. Their victims are pregnant women, whom they either kill or cause to have miscarriages. Lang suir suck the blood of their victims through a hole behind its neck. If one puts the lang suir's hair in this hole or cuts their claws, it will become human again. While the pontianak is associated with banana trees, lang suir are said to be encountered near the shore of a river or sea. This way, if a human victim isn't available, they might prey on fish.
Lang suir are often depicted as being dressed in white or green. Like the kuntilanak, the lang suir is able to fly, including in the form of an owl. The Malay word for owl in fact means "ghost bird".

 In popular culture

  • Indonesian films
    • Kuntilanak (1962) starring Ateng
    • Kuntilanak (1974)
    • Lawang Sewu (2007)
    • Terowongan Casablanca (Kuntilanak Merah) (2007)
    • Sarang Kuntilanak (2008)
    • Kuntilanak (2006), Kuntilanak 2 (2007), Kuntilanak 3 (2008)
    • Kuntilanak Kamar Mayat (2009)
    • Kuntilanak Beranak (2009)
    • Paku Kuntilanak (2009)
    • Santet Kuntilanak (2012)
    • Sundel Bolong
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Pontianak (folklore)

Pontianak (folklore)

The pontianak (Dutch-Indonesian spelling: boentianak) is a vampiric ghost in Malay and Indonesian mythology. It is also known as a matianak or kuntilanak, sometimes shortened to kunti. As with tiyanak of the Philippines, pontianak are said to be the spirits of woman who died while pregnant. This is often confused with a related creature, the lang suir, which is the ghost of a woman who died while giving birth. The word pontianak is reportedly a corruption of the Malay perempuan mati beranak, or “woman who died in childbirth”.[1] Another theory is that the word is a combination of puan (woman) + mati (die) + anak (child). The term matianak means "death of a child". The city of Pontianak in Indonesia is named after this creature, which was claimed to have haunted the first sultan who once settled there.


Pontianak are usually depicted as pale-skinned women with long hair and dressed in white, but they are said to be able to take on a beautiful appearance since they prey on men. In his 1977 short story collection The Consul’s File Paul Theroux posits that the phantom is an invention of Malay wives who wanted to discourage their husbands from random sexual encounters with women that they met on the road at night.[2]
In folklore, a pontianak usually announces its presence through baby cries. If the cry is soft, it means that the pontianak is close, and if it is loud, then it must be far. Some believe that if you hear a dog howling, that means that the pontianak is far away. But if a dog is whining, that means the pontianak is nearby. Its presence can sometimes be detected by a nice floral fragrance identifiable as that of the plumeria, followed by an awful stench afterward.
A pontianak kills its victims by digging into their stomachs with its sharp fingernails and devouring their organs. In some cases where the pontianak desires revenge against a male individual, it rips out the sex organs with its hands. It is said that if you have your eyes open when a pontianak is near, it will suck them out of your head. Pontianak locate prey by sniffing out clothes left outside to dry. For this reason, some Malays refuse to leave any article of clothing outside of their residences overnight.
The pontianak is associated with banana trees (pokok pisang), and its spirit is said to reside in them during the day.
To fend off a pontianak, a nail must be plunged into the hole on the nape of her neck. This is said to make her a beautiful woman and a good wife until the nail is removed. In the case of the kuntilanak, the nail is plunged into the apex of her head.
The Indonesian kuntilanak is similar to the pontianak, but more commonly takes the form of a bird and sucks the blood of virgins and young women. The bird, which makes a "ke-ke-ke" sound as it flies, may be sent through black magic to make a woman sick, the characteristic symptom being vaginal bleeding. In the female form, when a man approaches her she suddenly turns and reveals that her back is hollow, but this apparition is more specifically referred to as sundel bolong.

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Thursday 26 April 2012

Night stroller

Night stroller

  Soon Hock shared a room with his buddy, David, on the third storey of Alpha block.  Every night, they ensure that the doors are are shut tight and the windows locked before they sleep.
  One particular night, they did the same, but things were not quite normal.  Soon Hock could feel the presence of someone in their room.  The person was pacing up and down the small room, making a turn every four steps, almost mechanically.  As it moved alongside the bed, he could hear the sound of heavy breathing, coupled with an occasional sigh.  It could not be David as he just felt him turning in the bed below.  Upon this realization, he simply froze.
  The footsteps seemed endless.  There was nothing he could do except shut his eyes and pray for the daylight.
  The next morning, David also recalled the same incident.  From his position below, he could view the entire room clearly, but colud not see nothing at all.  Without uttering a word to each otherabout the incident, both knew that they had encountered the unnatural.  They begged the officers to transfer then to another room that very afternoon.



Semasa kami tinggal di Kampung Bedok Laut dulu, mak cikku pernah mengalami suatu peristiwa yang menggerikan. Pada suatu malam, pakcik, seorang kelasi, pulang dengan membawa seekor ikan merah yang baru ditangkapnya semasa dikapal. Ikan itu agak besar dan tidak muat untuk dimasukkan ke dalam peti sejuk.
Oleh itu, makcik memotong dua ikan tersebut. Sebahagiannya dimasukkan ke dalam peti sejuk sementara sebahagia lagi mahu dihantar ke rumahku yang terletak kira kira satu setengah kilometer jauhnya.
Setelah membungkus ikan yang masih berdarah itu dengan suratkhabar, makcikku pun terus keluar meningglkan rumahnya.
Apabila tiba dikawasan pohon buluh, makcikku terasa seperti ada sesuatu mengekorinya. Dalam hatinya berkata ' jangan sesekali toleh kebelakang jika terasa ada sesuatu mengekori. Tapi kalau pencuri bagaimana? ' Kalau pencuri sudah tentu makcikku diterkamnya.
Makcikku pun mempercepatkan langkahnya. Begitu juga dengan langkah dibelakangnya. Beliau kemudian berhenti, bunyi langkah tersebut turut berhenti. setelah mencekalkan hatinya, makcikku menoleh ke belakang.
Alangkah terperanjatnya beliau apabila melihat lembaga manusia berkulit hitam berkilat dengan hanya mengenakan seluar dalam, berdiri tidak jauh dibelakangnya. Matanya yang merah merenung tajam. Makcikku cuba menjerit, tetapi suaranya tidak keluar.
Lembaga itu menerpa dihadapan makcikku. Ian merentap kain yang dipakai oleh makcikku dan mengoyakkan seluar dalamnya. Makcikku meronta ronta, tetapi tidak berdaya.
Bungkusan ikan yang dibawanya tercampak kedalam semak berdekatan. Tangan lembaga itu kemudian meraba raba dicelah celah kelengkang makcikku. Disangkanya makcikku kedatangan haid. Alhamdulilah, pada waktu itu, makcikku tidak uzurJika tidak, sudah tentu dihisap darah kotornya.
Dengan tiba tiba lembaga itu menghilang, menuju ke semak berhampiran.
Apa lagi, waktu itulah makcikku lari lintang pukang ke rumahku. Beliau mengetuk pintu rumahku macam nak roboh.
Keesokan harinya beliau menceritakan perjara yang berlaku kepada kami sekeluarga.
Kata nenekku, mungkin lembaga itu menyangka darah kepala ikan yang hanyir itu adalah darah hais makcikku. Sebab itulah ia mengekorinya. Itulah gara gara kepala ikan merah.

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The Demon at the Door

The Demon at the Door

I was 11 when this happened. One night, when I had gone to bed, I woke up to hear a noise and looked to my open bedroom door, where I saw a dark figure (which was outlined by the bathroom light remaining on) staring at me with red eyes.
Thinking that it was my mother, I had called out to her multiple times, each time getting louder and louder. By the third time I called out to her, her red eyes did not move and I was getting frantic, screaming out to my mom and hiding beneath my covers.

Come to find out my mother was in the living room fast asleep and had woken up from my calls, running into my room. When I looked at her, the black figure had gone and I have not seen it since. But I guess I had always been afraid after that of what might be watching me or threatening to harm me at any given moment. I know that was a demon…it was too dark and felt too evil…active:hover span, #menusys_moo li span, #menusys_moo li span


Meminimakan Gangguan Semasa Tidur

Meminimakan Gangguan Semasa Tidur

Biasakan bangun awal pada waktu pagi kerana boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu cepat merasa mengantuk pada waktu malam. Lakukan senaman kerana ia menjadikan seseorang itu cepat letih dan mengantuk. Hilangkan segala masalah dengan mempraktikkan hobi anda seperti membaca, bermain atau berjenaka dengan anak dan isteri. Ingatlah Allah sebelum tidur dan bertawakal kepadaNya setelah kita yakin dengan segala kerja di siang hari itu adalah ibadat.

In the arts

In the arts

Malay ghost films such as Pontianak and Revenge of Pontianak received tremendous response from the audience at that time. Concerned about their influence, the Malay government suppressed production and screening of such films. However, with a more educated and sophisticated public, and with access to foreign ghost movies, restrictions have been lifted. Ghost stories appear in magazines such as Mastika and Tok Ngah, and documentaries on the supernatural even appear on TV.[citation needed]
Sumpah Orang Minyak, a black and white horror movie made in 1958 is one of a number around that time based on the Orang Minyak concept of an oily rapist. It tells of a hunchback who through supernatural means becomes handsome, but then through violating his oath becomes invisible. He is offered help to achieve his worldly desires through a pact with Satan, on condition he rapes 21 girls within 7 days.[28] Jangan Pandang Belakang ("Don't Look Back") is a 2007 Malaysian horror film directed by Ahmad Idham, released on April 5, 2007 in 51 theaters across Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Philippines. It holds the record as the highest-grossing film in Malaysia, which was previously held by 1994 drama film Sembilu. It centers on a malicious spirit which the hero had unknowingly brought to his fiancé's home after picking up a small jar found washed up at the beach.[29]
The Indonesian 2010 soft porn horror movie Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan (The Menstruating Ghost of Puncak) caused considerable controversy at time of release. Telling of the experiences of a group of young adults in a haunted house, it has much semi-nude sexuality, and has been condemned by conservative Muslim leaders.[30]

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The Pale Face In The Darkness

Real Ghost Stories

The Pale Face In The Darkness

I always had this weird feeling in my room and I always thought it was just because I was young and afraid of my own shadow. But it never stopped me from locking myself in there and playing music full blast. I always ignored it, until four months and three days after my thirteenth Birthday when I got my computer.
I walked into my room and as soon as I stepped in, I had this sudden wave of depression and sadness come over me. I didn't know what to make of it, so I ignored it and played some music quietly and began putting my birthday cards away so they didn't get damaged. I noticed once I had finished that the music was quieter than I had originally set it to. I turned it up to 76% and turned around to see that all the Birthday cards were back in the exact same spot. I was confused and as I put them all back away and left my room, I wondered if I had actually put the cards away. But no matter what I tried to convince myself, it didn't make sense. This was what started me believing in Poltergeist's. Nothing else happened for the rest of that day.
The next day after school I walked into my room and saw that my music was on again and my clock was set three hours behind. I knew that it was right that morning. I freaked and walked out of my room. About an hour later I went back into my room to do my homework and saw my computer and Clock were the same as when I left earlier. I turned off the computer and re-set the clock and sat on my bed to finish my homework. Once I finished the strange feeling washed over me again, so I thought to play more music. This seemed to calm the feeling. Then all of a sudden a feeling of pure hate washed over me and I stormed out of my room and slammed the door closed. As soon as it was closed the feeling went away.
That night I woke up at 9:57pm and I saw the pale face of a woman staring down at me in the darkness. Instinctively I thought it was my mom. "Mom?" I said. The face smiled at me then disappeared. I got up and turned on the light and saw that my cards were stacked next to my bed on the table and tied together with a ribbon. I turned on my laptop and saw that Microsoft Word was open. There was a message typed on it in the font Lucida Handwriting was a message. "Thank you. Play this." And there was the name of one of my favorite songs. It was "The Graduation Song" By Vitamin C.
To this day it still confuses me who the woman was. But now every time I play "The Graduation Song" I feel comforted and I know that I'm not alone. I believe now the woman is at peace.
Has anyone else had this happen to them?



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The Vampire, by Philip Burne-Jones, 1897
Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person/being.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Although vampiric entities have been recorded in many cultures, and may go back to "prehistoric times",[7] the term vampire was not popularized until the early 18th century, after an influx of vampire superstition into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe,[8] although local variants were also known by different names, such as vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania. This increased level of vampire superstition in Europe led to mass hysteria and in some cases resulted in corpses actually being staked and people being accused of vampirism.
While even folkloric vampires of the Balkans and Eastern Europe had a wide range of appearance ranging from nearly human to bloated rotting corpses, it was interpretation of the vampire by the Christian Church and the success of vampire literature,[9][10] namely John Polidori's 1819 novella The Vampyre that established the archetype of charismatic and sophisticated vampire; it is arguably the most influential vampire work of the early 19th century,[11] inspiring such works as Varney the Vampire and eventually Dracula.[12] The Vampyre was itself based on Lord Byron's unfinished story "Fragment of a Novel", also known as "The Burial: A Fragment", published in 1819.
However, it is Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula that is remembered as the quintessential vampire novel and which provided the basis of modern vampire fiction. Dracula drew on earlier mythologies of werewolves and similar legendary demons and "was to voice the anxieties of an age", and the "fears of late Victorian patriarchy".[13] The success of this book spawned a distinctive vampire genre, still popular in the 21st century, with books, films, video games, and television shows. The vampire is such a dominant figure in the horror genre that literary historian Susan Sellers places the current vampire myth in the "comparative safety of nightmare fantasy".[13]

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bunyi misteri itik dan kematian ayam

bunyi misteri itik dan kematian ayam

Kisah benar ini pernah berlaku di perkampungan Jalan Sawi, Geylang Serai, dalam tahun 1967. Semasa itu saya berusia 19 tahun dan tinggal bersama ibu dan adik saya. Waktu itu jam menunjukkan pukul 11.30 malam dan mata saya masih degil untuk tidur, entah mengapa. Walaupun saya cuba melelapkannya, tidak berdaya kerana badan saya terasa makin gelisha.
Sejurus kemudian, tiba tiba saya terdengar bunyi 'itik-itik' yang dipercayai datangnya dari reban saya yang terletak tidak jauh dari luar rumah saya itu. Saya terdiam seketika apabila jelas mendengar bunyi 'itik2' tersebut dan juga hairan sekali kerana apa yang diketahuainya ialah obu hanya memelihara beberapa ekor ayam sahaja di reban itu.
Saya juga pasti jiran jiran saya yang tinggal berdekatan juga tidak seorang pun yang mempunyai reban ayam atau itik disitu.
Saya sengaja tidak memberitahu kejadian tersebut pada ibu atau adik saya kerana saya tidak suka menggangu mereka yang ketika itu sedang nyenyak tidur.
Kian lama bunyi itu kian mendekat kedengaranya seolah olah ian berbunyi di depan telinga. Saya menjadi semakin takut dan akhirnya terpaksa mambaca ayat kursi beberapa kali yang terdaya untuk meredakan rasa seram.
Kemudian saya pun tertidur tanpa menyedari dengan apa yang berlaku selanjutnya.Tetapi pada keesokan harinya pula, alangkah terkejutnya saya apabila melihat bahawa kesemua ayam ayam saya itu didapati mati bergelimpangan di dalam reban nya.
Bersabit dengan kejadian demikian, saya pun menceritakan segala galanya kepada ibu saya tentang peristiwa aneh yang berlaku semalamnya.

Petikan Dari

Party Haunting

Party Haunting

This is what happened to me on a party when I was 9. I had my 2 cousins, my best friend and my best friend’s brother over at my house. We all went into the basement to start playing around. Then, my younger cousin starts screaming.
We ask him what he saw and he says, “How many people do we have?” We respond 5 and he starts to cry. He says “someone rushed past you’re friend” to me. I look at my friend and he looks terrified. He says he felt cold down there. “I didn’t” I said. I and my friend go down. We hear strange noises from behind the storage room door.
My friend who is 10 has the guts to open the door. As soon as he opened it he ran screaming “A ghost grabbed at me!” We all run up again. I stared in complete horror at my best friend’s face. He was smiling horribly, his eyebrows down like he was mad. I slap him, back to his senses. I see something; I don’t know what, like a figure run down to the basement. We all agree not to go down there again for the rest of the night.
