Friday 15 February 2013

Terperangkap Dalam Lorong Rumah Sakit

Photo Credit:  Google Images 

Salam Sejahtera untuk semua. Saya biasa disapa dengan sebutan Day. Peristiwa ini terjadi saat saya masih belum memahami tentang dunia ghaib. Disebuah Rumah Sakit yang cukup ternama di Jakarta konon ada sebuah cerita tentang seorang gadis remaja yang tewas karena suatu peristiwa dimana saat itu mengejutkan seluruh orang yang ada didalam rumah sakit.

Singkat cerita, pada suatu malam, saat itu saya sedang menjenguk saudara yang sakit (tepat malam Jumat kliwon dalam kondisi hujan deras diluar). Saat itu waktu menunjukkan pukul 00.30, hujan pun reda. Disaat itu saya tidak bisa tertidur dan ingin mencari makanan diluar, namun sudah tidak bisa karena lift serta tangga darurat telah ditutup. Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk tetap didalam rumah sakit namun diluar kamar.

Seketika, disaat saya sedang duduk santai sekaligus mendengarkan musik, saya mendengar suara aneh dari kamar depan tempat saya duduk, seperti orang minta tolong, namun saya tidak memperdulikannya karena saya pikir hanya suara angin saja. Tapi suara itu makin lama semakin jelas. Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menghampiri kamar tersebut. Akan tetapi pintu kamar tersebut terkunci dan sulit untuk dibuka, walaupun sudah saya dobrak sekeras mungkin alhasil sia-sia.

Disaat itu pula saya mendengar suara telapak kaki berjalan di ujung lorong tersebut menghampiri saya, namun tidak ada siapapun dilorong setengah gelap itu kecuali saya sendri. Tanpa pikir panjang lagi saya berlari menuju tangga darurat yang ada di ujung lorong dengan mendobrak pintu tangga tersebut (karena sudah terkunci), dengan maksud meminta bantuan kepada security.

Setelah sampai dipos security saya menceritakan kejadian yang saya alami, namun security hanya diam saja. Lalu dia menceritakan yang sebenarnya bahwa kamar tersebut telah lama dikosongkan karena meninggalnya seorang gadis remaja, yang sejak saat itu ketika malam Jumat terutama kliwon ada suara gadis minta tolong. Oleh karena itu bila malam Jumat datang tidak ada seorangpun yang berada dilorong lantai satu itu, baik perawat, security, maupun pengunjung.

Akhirnya saya duduk terdiam membisu mendengar cerita tersebut. Saya pun diberikan minum dan roti oleh security serta sayapun merokok sebatang untuk menenangkan pikiran serta memikirkan apa yang telah saya alami. Dengan tekad yang kuat saya putuskan untuk memahami lebih dalam lagi tentang dunia ghaib dengan bantuan abang, kakek, dan uwa saya.

Mereka pun memberikan bekal kepada saya hingga saat ini, serta menasehati "Walaupun saya sudah memiliki bekal yang cukup tapi dunia ghaib bukanlah sembarangan dan makhluk yang hidup disana bukanlah sembarang makhluk karena mereka dapat melihat kita sedang kita tidak dapat melihat mereka. Maka itu buanglah kesombongan pada diri karena diatas langit masih ada langit dan ambillah sifat padi".

- Kiriman cerita dari Day
Source:   Cerita Misteri Indo



Part of the series on
Japanese Mythology & Folklore

Amaterasu cave wide.jpg
Mythic Texts and Folktales:
Kojiki | Nihon Shoki | Fudoki
Kujiki | Kogo Shūi | Nihon Ryōiki
Otogizōshi | Oiwa | Okiku | Urashima Tarō
Konjaku Monogatari
Izanami | Izanagi | Amaterasu
Susanoo | Ame-no-Uzume | Inari
Kami | Seven Lucky Gods | List of divinities
Legendary Creatures & Spirits
Oni | Kappa | Tengu | Fox | Yōkai
Dragon | Yūrei | List of creatures
Legendary Figures
Abe no Seimei | Benkei | Kintarō
Momotarō | Tamamo-no-Mae | Sōjōbō
Mythical & Sacred Locations
Mt. Hiei | Mt. Fuji | Izumo | Ryūgū-jō | Takamagahara | Yomi | Jigoku
Sacred Objects
Amenonuhoko | Kusanagi | Tonbogiri
Three Sacred Treasures
Shintō & Buddhism
Bon Festival | Setsubun | Ema | Torii
Shinto shrines | Buddhist temples
Kunio Yanagita, Keigo Seki, Lafcadio Hearn, Shigeru Mizuki, Inoue Enryo
Ukiyo-e print of yōkai, by Aotoshi Matsui
Yōkai (妖怪?, ghost, phantom, strange apparition) are a class of supernatural monsters in Japanese folklore. The word yōkai is made up of the kanji for "otherworldly" and "weird".[citation needed] Yōkai range eclectically from the malevolent to the mischievous, or occasionally bring good fortune to those who encounter them. Often they possess animal features (such as the Kappa, which is similar to a turtle, or the Tengu which has wings), other times they can appear mostly human, some look like inanimate objects and others have no discernible shape. Yōkai usually have a spiritual supernatural power, with shapeshifting being one of the most common. Yōkai that have the ability to shapeshift are called obake.
Japanese folklorists and historians use yōkai as "supernatural or unaccountable phenomena to their informants". In the Edo period, many artists, such as Toriyama Sekien, created yōkai inspired by folklore or their own ideas, and in the present, several yōkai created by them (e.g. Kameosa and Amikiri, see below) are wrongly considered as being of legendary origin



There are a wide variety of yōkai in Japanese folklore. In general, yōkai is a broad term, and can be used to encompass virtually all monsters and supernatural beings, even including creatures from European folklore on occasion (e.g., the English bugbear is often included in Japanese folklore to the point that some mistakenly believe it originates from said folklore).


Ukiyo-e print of yōkai, by Kawanabe Kyōsai

Many indigenous Japanese animals are thought to have magical qualities. Most of these are henge (変化?), which are shapeshifters (o-bake, bake-mono[2]) that often appear in human form, mostly women. Some of the better known animal yōkai include the following:
  • Tanuki (raccoon dogs)
  • Kitsune (foxes)
  • Hebi (snakes)
  • Mujina (badgers)
  • Ōkami (wolves)
  • Bakeneko (cats)
  • Tsuchigumo and jorōgumo (spiders)
  • Inugami (dogs)


One of the most well-known aspects of Japanese folklore is the oni, which is a sort of mountain-dwelling ogre, usually depicted with red, blue, brown or black skin, two horns on its head, a wide mouth filled with fangs, and wearing nothing but a tigerskin loincloth. It often carries an iron kanabo or a giant sword. Oni are mostly depicted as evil, but can occasionally be the embodiment of an ambivalent natural force. They are, like many obake, associated with the direction northeast.


A goblin from Japanese mythology that has several supernatural powers and skills in martial arts, the tengu were originally extremely dangerous demons and enemies of Buddhism, but over centuries, their behavior changed from a spirits of the damned to active defenders of Dharma.


Tsukumogami are an entire class of yōkai and obake, comprising ordinary household items that have come to life on the one-hundredth anniversary of their birthday. This virtually unlimited classification includes:
  • Bakezōri (straw sandals)
  • Biwa-bokuboku (a lute)
  • Bura-bura (a paper lantern)
  • Karakasa (old umbrellas)
  • Kameosa (old sake jars)
  • Morinji-no-kama (tea kettles)
  • Mokumokuren (paper screens with eyes)

Human transformations

Ukiyo-e print of yōkai, by Kawanabe Kyōsai
There are a large number of yōkai who were originally ordinary human beings, transformed into something horrific and grotesque usually during an extremely emotional state. Women suffering from intense jealousy, for example, were thought to transform into the female oni represented by hannya masks.[3] Other examples of human transformations or humanoid yōkai are:
  • Rokuro-kubi (humans able to elongate their necks during the night)
  • Ohaguro-bettari (a figure, usually female, that turns to reveal a face with only a blackened mouth)
  • Futakuchi-onna (a woman with a voracious extra mouth on the back of her head)
  • Dorotabō (the risen corpse of a farmer, who haunts his abused land)


Some yōkai are extremely specific in their habits, for instance:
  • Azuki Arai (a yōkai who is always found washing azuki beans).
  • Akaname (only found in dirty bathrooms and spends its time licking the filth left by the untidy owners).
  • Ashiarai Yashiki (A gargantuan foot that appears in rooms and demands the terrified home owner washes it)
  • Tofu Kozo (a small monk who carries a plate with a block of tofu).

 In media

Various kinds of yōkai are encountered in folklore and folklore-inspired art and literature.

Famous Works and Authors

Lafcadio Hearn's collection of Japanese ghost stories entitled Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things includes stories of yūrei and yōkai such as Yuki-onna, and is one of the first Western publications of its kind. In Japan, yōkai are particularly prevalent in manga, anime and Japanese horror. Shigeru Mizuki, the manga creator of such series as GeGeGe no Kitaro and Kappa no Sanpei, keeps yōkai in the popular imagination. With the exception of four volumes of GeGeGe no Kitaro, however, Mizuki's works have yet to be translated into English. The same goes for Shiibashi Hiroshi, the manga creator of Nurarihyon no Mago and Nurarihyon no Mago: Sennen Makyou .
Yōkai have continued to be a common theme in modern works of fiction. They served as the stars in the 1960s Yokai Monsters film series, which was loosely remade in 2005 as Takashi Miike's The Great Yokai War. They often play major roles in Japanese fiction.

Synonyms to yōkai

Instead of yōkai, sometimes the word mononoke (written 物の怪) is used. It carries the meanings of "monster", "ghost" or "spirit", and the literal meaning is "the spirit of a thing" or "strange thing".[4] This word is used to blame any unexplainable event on, and both inanimate objects and spirits of humans and other creatures can be called mononoke. Several anime have dealt with mononoke, perhaps most famously Princess Mononoke (where the spelling of the word is simplified as もののけ).

Source:  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday 14 February 2013

DUA DUNIA : Jejak Pengganggu Sekolah - Full (28 Nov 2012)

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 07 August 2012

Puteri bunian teman Pak Su Nus tidur

Oleh Sabaruddin Abd Ghani

MASYARAKAT dulu, terutama yang tinggal di pedalaman begitu taksub dengan kepercayaan karut-marut. Antaranya fobia dengan bulan mengambang. Kehadiran bulan yang melimpahkan cahaya di segenap alam itu dikaitkan dengan beberapa kejadian berunsur tahyul. Kenapa ini boleh berlaku? Apakah minda mereka terpenjara dengan lakonan syaitan?

Tetapi lain pula halnya dengan tiga sahabat iaitu Pak Ngah Rushi, Pawang Suhud dan Pak Su Nus. Mereka gemar menjala ikan pada waktu malam. Hobi sebegini yang tidak disenangi penduduk kampung.

Pendirian mereka jelas. Mereka tidak mudah percaya dengan kepercayaan yang tidak berpijak di bumi nyata. Mereka tidak mahu menjadi hamba kepada iblis dan syaitan! Cuma Allah saja tempat berlindung dan memohon pertolongan. Syirik berkiblatkan yang lain! Itu pegangan hidup tiga sahabat berkenaan.

Paling berpengalaman, Pawang Suhud (sudah meninggal dunia), rakan baik tiga serangkai ini menjadikan Sungai Lipis dekat Benta, Pahang sebagai lokasi menjala ikan. Anehnya, mereka tidak gemar menjala pada waktu siang, sebaliknya waktu malam menjadi pilihan, terutama ketika bulan mengambang.

Kisah menarik dialami tiga rakan ini berlaku pada awal 60-an. Sudah melewati setengah abad namun Pak Ngah Rushi yang kini berusia 70 tahun masih boleh mengingati peristiwa paling aneh pernah ditempuhinya itu.

Pak Ngah Rushi yang pada masa itu tinggal dan berkerja di Ladang Budu mengenali Pawang Suhud agak lama juga. Kalau bukan kerana Pawang Suhud seorang pengusaha gula kabung di Kampung Peruang, sudah tentu mereka tidak mengenali antara satu sama lain.

“Kebiasaannya, musim kemarau dan waktu malam menjadi pilihan kami meredah sungai berkenaan mencari ikan. Bagaikan terkena candu, kami tidak senang duduk jika tidak menjala di sungai itu apatah lagi ketika bulan penuh.

“Hasil tangkapan berbaloi ketika musim kemarau melanda daerah Kuala Lipis agak lama. Ini membuatkan kami kemaruk hingga sanggup bermalam di tepi sungai berkenaan,” kata Pak Ngah Rushi.

Pak Ngah Rushi yang kini kembali menetap di Semeling, Kedah setelah pernah merantau di Benta selama hampir 10 tahun berkata, lokasi sekitar Jeram Besu terkenal dengan ikan seperti kenerap, sebarau, kaloi, baung dan tengas kerana arusnya agak deras selain berbatu.

Beliau yang masih sihat penglihatan dan pendengaran terus bercerita mengenai pengalaman menjala ikan bersama Pawang Suhud dan Pak Su Nus (juga sudah meninggal). Pawang Suhud dan Pak Su Nus yang tinggal di Kampung Peruang sanggup berjalan kaki sejauh kira-kira 6 kilometer kerana ketika itu belum ada jalan raya dibina di kampung berkenaan.
Tanpa menggunakan lampu suluh (kerana bulan mengambang), tiga rakan baik itu rancak menebar jala di lokasi yang paras airnya hanya paras lutut. Sesekali suasana hening terhibur dengan kesayuan suara burung pungguk. Hingga jam melepasi 10 malam, hasil tangkapan diperoleh lebih daripada cukup untuk dimakan. Ketika berehat seketika di tebing sungai sambil menghirup kopi o dan menghisap rokok daun, mereka disapa seorang lelaki separuh usia ditemani isterinya menjinjing jala menghala ke arah hulu sungai.

Mengesyaki sepasang suami isteri itu mungkin penduduk kampung berdekatan, tiga sahabat terbabit tidak menghiraukan mereka berlalu dari situ. Mereka terus menghirup kopi o yang dicicah biskut kering untuk mengalas perut.

Ketika Pak Ngah Rushi cuba menanggalkan jala yang tersangkut di celah batu, dia terpandang beberapa biji limau purut terapung di suatu kawasan yang airnya agak tenang.

“Pawang Suhud yang sememangnya arif dengan perkara misteri mengarahkan kami buat tak tahu saja sambil kami menjejak dari arah mana buah itu hanyut.

“Ketika sampai di suatu jeram yang airnya kurang deras, pak cik teruja apabila melihat kawasan itu diterangi cahaya kerdipan kelip-kelip dalam bilangan yang amat banyak. Dalam suasana hening diterangi bulan purnama, kawasan itu terserlah indah hingga membuatkan kami seakan terpukau menyaksikan fenomena aneh itu.

“Pawang Suhud yang dapat menerima isyarat fenomena menakjubkan itu sekali lagi mengarahkan kami berdiam diri sambil memerhatikan perkembangan seterusnya,” cerita Pak Ngah Rushi lagi.

Selama hampir setengah jam mereka memerhatikan kejadian itu, pelbagai perkara pelik seperti terhidu bau sabun mandi, air mengalir berbuih dan wangian semerbak menerjah ruang persekitaran.

Lebih teruja , kata Pak Ngah Rushi lagi ialah apabila Pak Su Nus ternampak kelibat beberapa gadis berkemban menyelinap di sebalik batu besar. Yang menghairankan, kemunculan gadis itu dalam beberapa saat hanya dapat dilihat Pak Su Nus.

Bimbang kehadiran mereka disedari makhluk halus itu, penjala diketuai Pawang Suhud itu beredar semula ke khemah pisang sesikat yang didirikan kira-kira 50 meter dari lokasi kejadian.

Kejadian aneh tidak hanya berkesudahan di lokasi jeram kelip-kelip itu. Pada malam itu, dalam keadaan antara terlelap dan jaga, Pak Su Nus yang tersentuh badan Pawang Suhud yang sasa terasa lembut dan gebu. Bahagian muka orang tua itu juga terasa lembut, tiada misai dan janggut.

Pawang Suhud yang terjaga lantaran tindakan Pak Su Nus seperti mengigau itu kehairanan lantas mengejutkannya. Apabila terjaga, wajah Pawang Suhud direnung Pak Su Nus agak lama tapi kemudian kembali tidur.

Keesokan harinya selepas sarapan, Pak Su Nus menceritakan apa yang dialami pada malam itu. Sama ada realiti atau gangguan perasaan, Pak Su Nus menceritakan dia didatangi seorang gadis cantik lalu berbaring di sebelahnya.

Untuk tidak mahu dia dipersendakan, Pak Su Nus yang lurus bendul itu menunjukkan sekuntum bunga raya merah muda dijumpai dalam poket seluarnya. Siapa yang memberi dan meletakkan bunga dalam poket seluar orang tua itu?

Pengalaman diketemukan jeram kelip-kelip dipercayai tempat puteri bunian mandi itu dijadikan iktibar Pak Ngah Rushi. Ketaksuban masyarakat zaman dulu terhadap perkara yang gagal diselami akal manusia berasas kerana Allah turut mencipta makhluk lain selain manusia.

“Menurut fahaman orang tua dulu, bulan mengambang sering dikaitkan dengan kejadian menyeramkan seperti langsuir berkeliaran, anjing menyalak menandakan ternampak makhluk halus dan waktu digemari orang bunian atau pari-pari mandi di sungai atau air terjun,” kata Pak Ngah Rushi mengakhiri perbualan kami.

Source:  Joran

Haunted Villisca Axe Murder Mystery House

Villisca happened to be a peaceful community until June 10, 1912, when eight bloody corpses were found in a mysterious house. The victims of the tragedy included the members of the J.B. Moore family, and two guests.

It still continues to be a mystery, and it has been almost 90 years now.

All that was not about the murder-mystery was a brutal confrontation, in which the killer had crushed the heads of the members of Moore family with an axe, but he was never caught, nor could anyone find evidence against the killer.
We visited the place during the month of June, which falls under the tour season, and museum timings are from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, so we started at about 10:30 am in the morning. Darwin arranges for the visit, and you are given the entry to the place, on first-come-first-serve basis.

Apparently, the place was not just haunted in past, but it’s still haunted till date, and when we visited the place, we had a sceptical feeling of being watched by someone secretly, and that the killer will probably come back to lay off more skulls.

There are two places worth your visit which include the famous Villisca Axe Murder house as well as the House Olson-Linn Museum, which is located at the Villisca Town Square.

During our visit to the Villisca Axe Murder house, Darwin walked us through the place, and though you may not find it scary right away, Darwin’s expressions and way of explaining things make it a scary deal for sure. When he mentioned about the door and the closet where the Moore family members were murdered, we got an off feeling of door opening slowly, and we noticed some white light coming from the closet through the crack between the door frames. Suddenly, we felt that the door closed back again, and as though the killer had got a glimpse of all of us.

If you’re weak hearted, then surely this is not a good place for you. By the way, you can grab a bite at the café in town as well. Anyways, it costs just $10 per person to pay a visit to the Villisca Axe Murder House as well as the museum (no fee for children below 12 years, but carrying them is not advisable).

Well, continuing with our visit of Villisca Axe Murder House, we enjoyed the overall experience, and we tried to visualize the past, and it surely was a hell of an experience. My wife wasn’t really moved too much by the story, (she’s hard to convince for anything though), but my little daughter got pretty scared, and except for the odd moments when we felt like being watched, it was not that exceptional though.

You can find good literature about the past of the Villisca Axe Murder case in the museum, and we weren’t really moved by anything else in the museum. Overall, a good place to visit, if you’re bugged with usual trips and definitely recommendable for those who love hearing about murder mysteries and scary things.

src :

Source:   Real Scary Ghost

Mysterious World Landmark

Mysterious World Landmarks – The world is filled with ancient monuments built by master craftsmen in order to honor everything from kings and presidents to religious figures. And although most of these landmarks have been carefully studied and researched by scientists and historians, some are simply so old, incomplete, or obscure that we still don’t know very much about why they were built or what purpose they served.

The following are 10 world landmarks that, whether by intention or simply due to the passage of time:

1. The Cahokia Mounds

The Mystery
Although scientists are constantly discovering new information about the Cohokia community, the biggest mystery that remains is which modern Indian tribe is descended from the residents of the ancient city, as well as just what it was that caused them to abandon their settlement.

2. Newgrange

The Mystery
Archeologists know Newgrange was used as a tomb, but why and for who still remains a mystery. The painstaking design needed to guarantee that the yearly solstice event occurs suggests that the site was held in high regard, but other than the obvious hypothesis that the sun featured prominently in the mythology of the builders, scientists are at a loss to describe the true reason for Newgrange’s construction.

3. The Yonaguni Monument

The Mystery
The ongoing debate surrounding Yonaguni centers on one key subject: is the monument a natural phenomenon, or is it man-made? Scientists have long argued that millennia of strong currents and erosion have carved the formations out of the ocean floor, and they point to the fact that the monument is all one piece of solid rock as proof that it was not assembled by a builder. Others, though, point to the many straight edges, square corners and 90-degree angles of the formation as proof that it’s artificial. They often cite one formation in particular, a section of rock that resembles a crude carving of a human face, as evidence. If they are right, then an even more interesting mystery presents itself: who constructed the Yonaguni Monument, and for what purpose?

4. The Nazca Lines

The Mystery
Scientists know who made the Nazca Lines and how they did it, but they still don’t know why. The most popular and reasonable hypothesis is that the lines must have figured in the Nazca people’s religious beliefs, and that they made the designs as offerings to the gods, who would’ve been able to see them from the heavens. Still, other scientists argue that the lines are evidence of massive looms that the Nazcas used to make textiles, and one investigator has even made the preposterous claim that they are the remnants of ancient airfields used by a vanished, technologically advanced society.

5. Goseck Circle

The Mystery
The monument’s careful construction has led many scientists to believe that the Goseck Circle was built to serve as some kind of primitive solar or lunar calendar, but its exact use is still a source of debate. Evidence has shown that a so-called “solar cult” was widespread in ancient Europe. This has led to speculation that the Circle was used in some kind of ritual, perhaps even in conjunction with human sacrifice. This hypothesis has yet to be proven, but archeologists have uncovered several human bones, including a headless skeleton, just outside the palisade walls.

6. Sacsayhuaman

The Mystery
Most scientists agree that Sacsayhuaman served as a kind of fortress of barrier wall, but this has been disputed. The strange shape and angles of the wall have led some speculate that it may have had a more symbolic function, one example being that the wall, when seen next to Cuzco from above, forms the shape of the head of a Cougar. Even more mysterious than the monument’s use, though, are the methods that were used in its construction. Like most Inca stone works, Sacsayhuaman was built with large stones that fit together so perfectly that not even a sheet of paper can be placed in the gaps between them. Just how the Incas managed such expert placements, or, for that matter, how they managed to transport and lift the heavy hunks of stone, is still not fully known.

7. The Easter Island Moai

The Mystery
While there is a fairly solid consensus on why the Moai were erected, how the islanders did it is still up for debate. The average Moai weighs several tons, and for years scientists were at a loss to describe how the monuments were transported from Rano Raraku, where most of them were constructed, to their various locations around the island. In recent years, the most popular theory is that the builders used wooden sleds and log rollers to move the Moai, an answer that would also explain how the once verdant island became almost totally barren due to deforestation.

8. The Georgia Guidestones

The Mystery
For all their controversy, very little is known about who built the Guidestones or what their true purpose is. R.C. Christian claimed he represented an independent organization when he commissioned the landmark, but neither he nor his group has spoken up since its construction. Since the monument was built during the height of the Cold War, one popular theory about the group’s intentions is that the Guidestones were to serve as a primer for how to rebuild society in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.

9. The Great Sphinx of Giza

The Mystery
Despite its reputation as one of the most famous monuments of antiquity, there is still very little known about the Great Sphinx of Giza. Egyptologists might have a small understanding of why the statue was built, but when, how, and by who is still shrouded in mystery. The pharaoh Khafra is the main suspect, which would date the structure back to around 2500 BC, but other scientists have argued that evidence of water erosion of the statue suggests that it is much older and perhaps even predated the dynastic era of the Egyptians. This theory has few modern adherents, but if true it would mean the Great Sphinx of Giza is even more mysterious than previously believed.

10. Stonehenge

The Mystery
Stonehenge has become renowned for puzzling even the most brilliant researchers, and over the years the many gaps in the history of its construction, the nature of its use, and the true identity of its builders have become known as “The Mystery of Stonehenge.” The Neolithic people who built the monument left behind no written records, so scientists can only base their theories on the meager evidence that exists at the site. This has led to wild speculation that the monument was left by aliens, or that it was built by some eons-old society of technologically advanced super-humans. All craziness aside, the most common explanation remains that Stonehenge served as some kind of graveyard monument that played a role in the builders’ version of the afterlife, a claim that is backed up by its proximity to several hundred burial mounds. Yet another theory suggests that the site was a place for spiritual healing and the worship of long dead ancestors.

Ghost Story from India

Posted by snukij

One night, when Jadhav was returning home at around 1:15 am after completing his third shift, he encountered a strange thing. He saw a man standing in front of him on the railway tracks, accompanied with a cycle. This man was blocking the whole crossing by placing the cycle across the road of the crossing. Jadhav saw this man, but was unable to see his face since the man was facing away from Jadhav.
At first, Jadhav asked the man to leave his way, but there was no response. After a couple of requests, Jadhav started using abusive language to persuade the man to leave the tracks, but there was still no reply. Finally, Jadhav decided to get rid of that man using some physical force. Jadhav was pretty confident about himself since he had a good physique with a height of 5 feet 11 inches and a weight of 85kg, whereas the man confronting Jadhav seemed a physically weak guy of around 45 kgs, and was only somewhere around 5 feet 2 inches tall. Jadhav stepped ahead to grip the shoulder of the man, but when Jadhav touched him, the man suddenly turned around facing Jadhav.
Jadhav saw his face and felt that it seemed something different, his face was totally white and his eyes were so deep that they weren't visible. Before Jadhav could make any move, that man landed a tight slap on Jadhav's face. The slap was so hard that Jadhav fell five feet behind on the ground. It would have been a really difficult task for a man of that height and physique to overpower a huge guy like Jadhav. Jadhav somehow managed to get up immediately but found that the man, along with his cycle, were both missing.
Fear ran through Jadhav's mind as he realized that it wasn't human. Jadhav started running towards the railway platform, which was around 200 meters from the spot. Jadhav somehow reached the railway platform and then ran all the way to his house.
From that night, Jadhav suffered from high fever along with dystentry for one week. His family performed some Puja and Havan to rid him of this fever.
Today, Jadhav lives in Pune, India. Even after more than thirty years after that incident, Jadhav still remembers that night.
I still hear people saying that the railway tracks near the crossing are haunted, and some years back, a flyover bridge was constructed on the railway crossing.

by Meenakshi

Source:  Real Ghost Webs    

Wednesday 13 February 2013

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Scary Graveyard

Photo Credit:  Google Images

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Real Scary Child Boy Ghost In Amityville

In an interview with George Lutz IN 2003, he was asked about this photo, and here is his reply. George Lutz and his family were the ones tormented in Amityville.
The first time that picture was shown was on the Merv Griffin show back in 1979. It was discovered 3 years after it was taken. Gene Campbell, who was a professional photographer, was brought into the house in 1976 when the Warrens went in with their team. He set up an automatic camera on the 2nd floor landing that shot off infrared film, black and white, throughout the night. There are literally rolls of film with nothing on them. There's only one picture of the little boy. In 1979, I was putting together a book that has yet to be published that included the photographs.

The secretary I had at the time was about eight months pregnant. We had dozens of these pictures to choose from that didn't have the boy, and she asked me: "Which one should we put in the book?" I told her to just pick one. She came running back into my office about 5 minutes later saying that every time she picked up the photograph with the boy, the baby kicked her. We then asked my kids if they knew who this was. Missy said it was the little boy she used to play with in the house. I then called the Warrens and the photographer and let them know about the picture."

The ghostly image seems to match the youngest DeFeo family member who was murdered in the house.
Source:  Realscaryghost

DUA DUNIA : Pantai Merak Belantung - Full (5 Jan 2013)

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 04 August 2012

Penduduk Diganggu Kelibat Pocong

Penduduk di kampung tersusun Raja Bashah Kuala Kurau kini dilanda ketakutan apabila dikejutkan dengan beberapa penemuan hantu pocong yang sering dilihat kelibat lembaga tersebut di waktu malam.

 – Seram! Penduduk Diganggu Kelibat Pocong | Hantu pocong merupakan antara nama yang disenaraikan sebagai hantu oleh orang Melayu. Hantu pocong digambarkan sebagai hantu yang berbungkus kain kafan dan berjalan secara terlompat-lompat. Penduduk kampung tersusun Raja Bashah Kuala Kurau, di sini gempar dengan gangguan kelibat lembaga berkain putih atau dikenali sebagai hantu ‘pocong’ sehingga menyebabkan sebahagian besar mereka takut keluar rumah terutama waktu malam. Seorang saksi kejadian, Mohd Desa Ahmad, 52, berkata, cerita kewujudan hantu itu mula tersebar di seluruh kampung sejak tiga bulan lalu apabila sebanyak tiga kes penemuan lembaga berkenaan dilaporkan sehingga kini.
Menurutnya, pengalaman terserempak dengan lembaga menyerupai hantu pocong benar-benar memberi igauan buruk setelah sebelum ini menganggap dakwaan beberapa penduduk sebagai tidak berasas.
“Kejadian itu berlaku semasa saya sedang mengambil angin di luar rumah baru-baru ini dan tercium bau aneh seakan-akan bau tanah kubur sewaktu sedang menghisap rokok.
“Pada masa sama, saya mendapati terdapat sebuah motosikal sedang melintasi hadapan rumah dan alangkah terkejutnya apabila terdapat satu objek berbungkus kain putih sedang ‘membonceng’ motosikal itu tanpa disedari penunggangnya,” katanya sewaktu ditemui Sinar Harian di rumahnya di sini semalam.
Mohd Desa berkata, dia tergamam melihat objek berbungkus itu buat seketika, bagaimanapun keadaan menjadi lebih mengerikan apabila muncul di hadapannya secara tiba-tiba.
“Sedang saya tergamam melihat kejadian itu, tiba-tiba objek itu hilang dan paling memeranjatkan, lembaga itu muncul di hadapan saya dalam jarak 10 meter.
“Hanya Allah yang tahu perasaan saya ketika ini dan saya segera meluru masuk ke dalam rumah dan menutup semua tingkap serta pintu tanpa berfikir panjang,” katanya.
Seorang lagi saksi kejadian, Salleh Mat, 58, berkata, semasa kejadian dia bersama isteri dan anak-anaknya sedang berehat di ruang tamu sambil menonton televisyen pada jam 11 malam.
“Pada masa itu saya hendak menutup pintu belakang rumah kerana sudah lewat malam. Saya perasan ada kelibat seseorang di luar rumah berpakaian serba putih namun tidak berapa jelas kerana keadaan pada masa itu terlalu gelap.
“Saya pun turun dari rumah dan memberanikan diri untuk melihat dengan lebih dekat. Bagaimanapun, kelibat lembaga itu merupakan sebuah objek berbungkus yang menyerupai tubuh mayat yang dikafankan,” katanya.
Salleh yang terperanjat dengan kejadian itu terus memasuki rumah dan mengunci semua pintu dan tingkap sehingga menimbulkan kehairanan isteri dan anak-anaknya.
“Saya yakin lembaga yang saya lihat merupakan hantu pocong berdasarkan bentuk sama seperti manusia yang dikafankan di mana kain yang membaluti tubuh amat pudar selain mempunyai satu ikatan di atas kepala,” katanya.
Sementara itu, sumber dari penduduk asal kampung menceritakan kejadian ini dikatakan sering berlaku semasa pembukaan kampung ini sekitar tahun 1980-an sebelum isu itu lenyap beberapa tahun kemudian.
Bagaimanapun, kejadian penduduk ‘diganggu’ hantu pocong berulang kembali dipercayai berpunca perlaksanaan projek penempatan semula penduduk kampung yang dikatakan ‘mengganggu’ kediaman asal makhluk halus di sini.
“Berdasarkan cerita orang tua sebelum ini, kampung ini sebelum dibuka dipenuhi hutan nipah dan hutan paya bakau. Dikatakan pelbagai perkara buruk berlaku semasa pembukaan kampung.
“Ia disebabkan di kawasan hutan nipah ini terdapat banyak kubur-kubur lama yang tidak bertanda selain sebuah kubur ‘keramat’ yang dikatakan turut terletak di kawasan kampung kami,” katanya.
Seorang lagi penduduk yang ingin dikenali sebagai Radhi berkata, lokasi pangkalan Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM) Kuala Kurau dan kawasan sekitarnya dikatakan berasal dari tapak perkuburan lama yang banyak terdapat di kawasan itu.
“Semasa pembinaan pangkalan itu, terdapat gangguan sebegini dialami penduduk kampung sebelum perkara sama berulang kembali sejak tiga bulan.
“Kami tidak menolak kemungkinan ‘kemunculan’ kembali makhluk berkenaan disebabkan kerja pembinaan penempatan semula penduduk kampung yang sedang dijalankan yang dipercayai menyebabkan makhluk itu ‘marah’ dan mengganggu kami,” katanya. - Memang tidak hairanlah jika kawasan tersebut pernah didiami makhluk halus, mereka akan menganggu jika kita membuat kacau di kawasan tersebut. Namun tentang kemunculan hantu pocong yang dikaitkan dengan cerita ini, ia adalah bergantung kepada individu yang mahu mempercayai atau sebaliknya. Namun mereka juga makhluk ciptaan Allah SWT.
Sumber: Sinar Harian | Layari Berita Tempatan Informasi Malaysia Kini

Monday 11 February 2013

Weird Rain

Raining Frogs

Weird rain is one of the more bizarre - and still largely unexplained - phenomena that is periodically (yet continually) reported from all corners of the globe. There have been accounts of frog rain, fish rain, squid rain, worm rain, even alligator rain. The logical explanation for the odd occurrences is that a tornado or strong whirlwind picked up the animals from a shallow body of water and carried them - sometimes for hundreds of miles - before dropping them on a bewildered populace. This explanation has yet to be proved, and it can't quite account for all of the documented incidents, as you'll see below.

Here are some of the more unusual cases - a small sampling from thousands of reports over the years - that defy all rational explanation.

* In 1873, Scientific American reported that Kansas City, Missouri was blanketed with frogs that dropped from the sky during a storm.
* Minneapolis, Minnesota was pelted with frogs and toads in July, 1901. A news item stated: "When the storm was at its highest... there appeared as if descending directly from the sky a huge green mass. Then followed a peculiar patter, unlike that of rain or hail. When the storm abated the people found, three inches deep and covering an area of more than four blocks, a collection of a most striking variety of frogs... so thick in some places [that] travel was impossible."
* The citizens of Naphlion, a city in southern Greece, were surprised one morning in May, 1981, when they awoke to find small green frogs falling from the sky. Weighing just a few ounces each, the frogs landed in trees and plopped into the streets. The Greek Meteorological Institute surmised they were picked up by a strong wind. It must have been a very strong wind. The species of frog was native to North Africa!
* In 1995, reports Fortean Times Online, Nellie Straw of Sheffield, England, was driving through Scotland on holiday with her family when they encountered a severe storm. Along with the heavy rain, however, hundreds of frogs suddenly pelted her car.


* A powerful whirlwind might explain a rain of small fish, but it cannot account for the ones that fell on a village in India. As many as 10 people reported picking up fish that weighed as much as eight pounds that had come crashing down on them.
* In February, 1861, folks in many areas of Singapore reported a rain of fish following an earthquake. How could the two possibly correlate?
* Golfers dread gathering clouds and a rain that might ruin their game. But imagine the consternation of several duffers in Bournemouth, England, in 1948 who received a shower of herring.
* Priests often pray for blessings from above... but fish? In 1966, Father Leonard Bourne was dashing through a downpour across a courtyard in North Sydney, Australia, when a large fish fell from the sky and landed on his shoulder. The priest nearly caught it as it slid down his chest, but it squirmed away, fell to the flooded ground and swam away.
* These things don't always happen in a heavy rain. In 1989, in Ipswich, Australia, Harold and Degen's front lawn was covered with about 800 "sardines" that rained from above during a light shower.
* This report is most unusual: In an otherwise clear sky in Chilatchee, Alabama in 1956, a woman and her husband watched as a small dark cloud formed in the sky. When it was overhead, the cloud released its contents: rain, catfish, bass and bream - all of the fish alive. The dark cloud had turned to white, then dispersed.
Flesh and Blood

* In 1890, Popular Science News reported that blood rained down on Messignadi, Calabria in Italy - bird's blood. It was speculated that the birds were somehow torn part by violent winds, although there were no such winds at the time. And no other parts of the bird came down - just blood.
* J. Hudson's farm in Los Nietos Township, California endured a rain of flesh and blood for three minutes in 1869. The grisly fall covered several acres.
* The American Journal of Science confirmed a shower of blood, fat and muscle tissue that fell on a tobacco farm near Lebanon, Tennessee in August, 1841. Field workers, who actually experienced this weird shower, said they heard a rattling noise and saw "drops of blood, as they supposed...fell from a red cloud which was flying over."


* In 1881, a thunderstorm in Worcester, England, brought down tons of periwinkles and hermit crabs.
* In November, 1996, a town in southern Tasmania was slimed! Several residents woke up on a Sunday morning after a night of violent thunderstorms to find a strange, white-clear jelly-like substance on their property. Apparently, it had rained either fish eggs or baby jellyfish.
* A Korean fisherman, trolling off the coast of the Falkland Islands, was knocked unconscious by a single frozen squid that fell from the sky and konked him on the head.
* In July, 2001, a red rain fell on Kerala, India. (Paranormal Central video below this article) At first it was thought that a meteor was responsible for the strange-colored rain, but an analysis showed that the water was filled with fungal spores. Still, where did all of those red spores come from to be rained down in such concentration?
* From about 1982 to 1986, kernels of corn have rained down on several houses in Evans, Colorado - tons of it, according to Gary Bryan, one of the residents. Oddly, there were no cornfields in the area that might account for the phenomenon.
* In August, 2001, the Wichita, Kansas area experienced an unexplained rain of corn husks. The news report stated that "thousands of dried corn leaves fell over east Wichita - from about Central Avenue to 37th Street North, along Woodlawn Boulevard and on east - each about 20 to 30 inches long."
* In 1877, several one-foot-long alligators fell on J. L. Smith's farm in South Carolina. They landed, unharmed, and started crawling around, reported The New York Times.

Perhaps the most bizarre report is one that, unfortunately, cannot be confirmed. It may be just the stuff of urban legend, but it's so weird and so amusing that had to be included. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether or not it's true.

Sometime around 1990, a Japanese fishing boat was sunk in the Sea of Okhotsk off the eastern coast of Siberia by a falling cow. When the crew of the wrecked ship were fished from the water, they told authorities that they had seen several cows falling from the sky, and that one of them crashed straight through the deck and hull. At first, the story goes, the fishermen were arrested for trying to perpetrate an insurance fraud, but were released when their story was verified. It seems that a Russian transport plane carrying stolen cattle was flying overhead. When the movement of the herd within the plane threw it off balance, the plane's crew, to avoid crashing, opened the loading bay at the tail of the aircraft and drove them out to fall into the water below. True story or hoax? One investigation traced the story back to a Russian television comedy series.

Red Rain in India, 2001 - Paranormal Central Video

Red rain from July 2001 was reported, one theory is that it could be alien in origin.The 50 tons of particles that dropped with rain had no DNA, but were just like red blood cells which also have no DNA. The mysterious red rain lasted for 2 months.

One theorist thinks "With abductions where blood is sometimes taken with instruments from cows(and even humans) sucked dry, the blood could have been sprayed as a waste product from a UFO that has extracted what they needed from the blood and disposed of it."

Source  via Paranormalnewscentral



Azimat Taweret Mesir Purba, Kerajaan Baru, Wangsa XVIII, c. 1539–1292 SM.

Azimat atau tangkal merupakan sesuatu benda yang dipercayai memberikan tuah dan/atau perlindungan kepada pemiliknya. Azimat terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis dan bentuk, iaitu permata, patung, syiling, lukisan, loket, cincin, tumbuhan, haiwan, dan sebagainya ataupun kata ucapan yang disebut dalam keadaan tertentu misalnya: vade retro satana (Latin, "pulanglah wahai Syaitan"), untuk menghindari kejahatan atau nasib malang.

Azimat dalam keagamaan Ibrahimiah

Dalam kepercayaan Kristian, Salib merupakan alat perlindungan untuk menangkis syaitan, selaku lambang suci kemenangan Kristus Jesus ke atas segala kejahatan.
Pada zaman purba dan Zaman Pertengahan, ramai penganut agama Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam di Timur percaya akan kuasa perlindungan dan penyembuhan daripada azimat atau benda-benda yang dirahmati. Azimat yang digunakan oleh golongan ini terbahagi kepada tiga kategori, iaitu:
  1. jenis yang dibawa atau dipakai pada badan
  2. jenis yang digantung pada atau di atas katil orang yang rengsa
  3. dan jenis azimat yang bersifat pengubat.
Azimat pengubat terbahagi lagi kepada luaran dan dalaman. Misalnya, azimat luaran diletakkan dalam takung mandi, supaya kuasanya dipancarkan dalam air dan sampai ke orang yang mandi. Azimat dalaman pula, prasasti boleh ditulis pada makanan sebelum dikukus, supaya hidangan boleh disalurkan kepada pemakan untuk memindahkan kuasa penyembuh ke dalam tubuhnya.
Penganut Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam juga sekali-sekala menggunakan kitab suci seperti azimat dalam keadaan yang genting. Misalnya, orang yang sakit tenat boleh diletakkan kitab suci di bawah katil atau bantal.[1]


Dalam adat resam Yahudi ada bermacam-macam jenis azimat, khususnya azimat zaman Nabi Sulaiman a.s. yang disimpan dalam muzium. Oleh sebab berhala diharamkan, azimat Yahudi menekankan tulisan dan kalimah. Bentuk, bahan dan warna azimat tidak mendatangkan apa-apa beza Lihat juga Khamsa.
Sebai suci Yahudi yang bucunya berumbai bersimpul-simpul, iaitu tallis, merupakan salah sejenis barang azimat yang paling lama dan laris digunakan. Dipercayai bahawa tujuannya adalah untuk membezakan Yahudi dengan golongan pagan, sambil mengingatkan mereka akan Tuhan dan Syurga.[
Sejenis lagi azimat Yahudi yang tidak seberapa dikenali ialah kimiyah atau "tulisan malaikat." Ia terdiri daripada nama-nama malaikat atau ayat-ayat Taurat yang ditulis oleh katib rabai pada kertas kulit. Kemudian, kertas kulit itu diletakkan di dalam bekas perak yang berhias untuk dipakai pada mana-mana anggota badan.[


Gereja Katolik, dan pihak berkuasa Kristian secara amnya, sentiasa berwaspada akan penggunaan azimat. Namun demikian, agama Kristian tradisional membenarkan penggunaan sakramental asalkan pemakainya baik pembawaannya. Misalnya, salib dianggap sebagai lambang pengusir yang berkesan terhadap syaitan, manakala tasbih atau pingat St. Christopher sering kelihatan tergantung pada cermin pandang belakang kenderaan yang dimiliki oleh penganut Kristian untuk menyeru perlindungan Tuhan sewaktu memandu.
Penganut Katolik jelata tidak dibenarkan melakukan upacara semah, tetapi mereka boleh menggunakan air suci, garam terahmat atau sakramental yang lain seperti pingat St. Benedict atau salib untuk menghalau anasir kejahatan.


Salib merupakan salah satu azimat utama yang digunakan oleh penganut Katolik untuk menghalau anasir kejahatan selama ratusan tahun lamanya. Salib diraja Conrad II (1024–1039) menyebut tentang kuasa salib melawan kejahatan.[ Ramai ahli teologi awal Gereja Katolik menyebut tentang penggunaan lambang Salib oleh orang Kristian untuk merahmati orang lain di samping menghindarkan anasir syaitan.
Salib masih banyak digunakan sebagai sakramental yang bersifat azimat oleh penganut Kristan. Dalam budaya Kristian, ia dianggap sebagai antara kaedah yang paling berkesan untuk menangkis atau melawan syaitan, seperti yang disebut-sebut oleh para tukan semah, termasuklah semah terkenal dari Vatican, iaitu Paderi Gabriele Amorth


Umat Islam juga memakai sejenis tangkal yang seumpamanya, iaitu ta'wiz, yang tertera ayat-ayat yang dipetik dari al-Qur'an. Tulisannya dipilih berdasarkan situasi yang ditujukan oleh penggunaan tangkal ini. Secara amnya, penggunaan azimat atau tangkal dianggap sebagai tahyul dan khurafat di kalangan umat Islam arus perdana.


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Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 02 August 2012

Don't Play Ouija

 by snukij 

I am in my late 30s and now living in Massachusetts where I grew up. I was a middle child of five in a very close family. When we were really young, my two younger sisters and I were always fascinated with the unknown. We would look in the obituaries in the newspaper to see who had recently passed away and we would have séances in our garage with some other local neighborhood kids. Usually nothing would happen, but a couple of times some weird things happened that we just could not explain.
When my sisters and I were in high school, we learned about Ouija boards. We bought one and began to play with it. Two of us would get on it and the other would write everything down. At first it was fun. We talked to several different spirits that told us where they were from and about their families, etc. This went on for weeks, then gradually things started getting a little scary. Eventually, every time we got on the board, the same spirit would come on, who was not very nice. He told us he was the devil and he was going to get us somehow. He called him self "Zozo." When a friend of ours confronted our priest about this name, he got very angry and told us we should not be playing with Ouija boards; they were not toys and we could get into trouble. He gave his Sunday sermon on the subject.
Needless to say, we stopped playing with it. Then, while still in high school, one of my sister's best friends lost her sister in a van accident. She and her sister were very close. She knew of our adventures with our Ouija board and begged my sister to let her come over and use it to talk to her deceased sister. Hesitantly, my sister sat down with her and contacted her sister with the board. Her friend bawled and told her sister how much she loved her and missed her. She didn't want to live anymore without her and wished she could be with her. About two weeks later, my sister's friend died... in a van accident - exactly the way that her sister had died. My sister took the Ouija board and put it out with the trash, and none of us has touched one since.
by Anonymous