Thursday 24 January 2013

Rolling Hills Asylum


E. Bethany, New York

Rolling Hills Asylum
Rolling Hills Asylum, E. Bethany, NY
Illustration: Rolling Hills Asylum
Located between Buffalo and Rochester, Rolling Hills Asylum's enormous 53,000+ sq. ft. brick building sits on a knoll in the hamlet of E. Bethany, N.Y. and has been a popular destination for ghost hunters for many years. Opened on January 1, 1827 and originally named The Genesee County Poor Farm, it was created by Genesee County to house those eligible for assistance including paupers, habitual drunkards, lunatics, the blind, lame or otherwise handicapped, orphans, widows, vagrants, and even a murderer or two. In the 1950s it became the Old County Home & Infirmary, and then in the 1990s was transformed into a set of shops and later an antiques mall. When the property owners, vendors and shoppers began to notice strange occurrences, a paranormal group was called into investigate and Rolling Hills' spooky reputation was born. Reports include disembodied voices, doors mysteriously held shut, screams in the night, shadow people and more.Rolling Hills Case Manager, Suzie Yencer relates one chilling experience: "It was September 2007. While working a public hunt, we had a gentleman with us that was filming a documentary about the building. He wanted to try an experiment in one of the rooms. The room he chose was in the basement, popularly known as The Christmas Room. The experiment he wanted to try was to sit in the room with no lights or equipment on. The only light we would use was a pink glow stick in the middle of a circle of people. We also placed a small ball and a toddler size rocking horse in the circle. The gentleman conducting the experiment requested that only I talk and try to make contact with the spirits. The more I talked, the more strange occurrences began to happen. The glow stick started to move back and forth, and the rocking horse began to slowly rock. A few of the guests in the room including myself saw a hand and arm come out of nowhere and reach for the ball in the circle and then just vanish...."
The Rolling Hills website provides more details and information about ghost hunts and other events.

Full Article:

DUA DUNIA : Pantai Sanggar - Full (11 Jan 2013)

DUA DUNIA : Kedung Cowet - Full (10 Jan 2013)

Iblis siat kulit pokok terap

Oleh Sabaruddin Abd Ghani

DALAM perjalanan menaiki sampan dari Kuala Ketil menuju ke lubuk Batu Berarak di Sungai Sedim dekat Kampung Sidam, perasaan Wahab agak gugup. Fikirannya terbayang kisah yang menyeramkan pernah berlaku di kawasan lubuk berkenaan.
DALAM perjalanan menaiki sampan dari Kuala Ketil menuju ke lubuk Batu Berarak di Sungai Sedim dekat Kampung Sidam, perasaan Wahab agak gugup. Fikirannya terbayang kisah yang menyeramkan pernah berlaku di kawasan lubuk berkenaan.

Bukan dia takut kepada gangguan iblis dan syaitan tetapi hakikatnya gangguan tegar yang di luar dugaan boleh membuatkan seseorang, terutama yang lemah semangat dirasuk atau kena histeria.

Dia membayangkan apa akan terjadi sekiranya seorang daripada mereka yang tengah asyik memancing tiba-tiba dirasuk dan terjun sungai! Musibah menunggu mereka. Tapah di lubuk itu pula dikatakan rakus membaham tanpa mengenal mangsa.

“Awat diam saja ni? Kurang sihat atau takut?,” kata ayah Wahab, Zakaria atau nama panggilannya Pak Ya Pacak memecah kesunyian sambil mengusap kepalanya. Fikiran Wahab yang sejak tadi diulit keresahan hilang serta merta. Dia bagaikan disuntik semangat baru.

Kira-kira jam 5 petang, mereka tiga beranak iaitu Wahab, Hassan (abang Wahab) dan Pak Ya Pacak sampai di lokasi. Demi keselamatan, mereka memilih kawasan tebing agak tinggi bagi mengelak gangguan atau ancaman sang bedal.

Setelah khemah ala kadar sekadar melindungi daripada kedinginan embun pagi siap terpacak, tiga beranak itu pun memulakan misi menjejak penghuni lubuk berkenaan. Sambil memerhatikan joran yang mula meliuk-liuk, mata Wahab melilau memantau persekitaran.

Ketika itu musim kemarau. Air sungai jernih dan mengalir lesu. Persekitaran di daratan penuh dengan pepohon besar merendang selain ditumbuhi semak dan belukar membuatkan hatinya berbisik dengan perkara yang bukan-bukan. Antara yang nyata iaitu binatang berbisa seperti ular tedung selar dan yang fantasi ialah kehadiran makhluk halus menghantui fikirannya.

Namun, perasaannya terpujuk apabila menyedari keampuhan ilmu ayahnya pasti mampu berdepan dengan apa juga bentuk mainan makhluk halus. Kalau dia hilang sabar, berselerak penunggu dikerjakannya.

“Ketika itu, lubuk berkenaan memang banyak udang galah dan baung tetapi ada benda yang selalu mengusik. Pokok rendang tempat bergayut pokok tanduk rusa menjadi persinggahan langsuir.

“Sebab itu, orang dulu tidak berminat mengambil pokok tanduk rusa untuk dijadikan hiasan di rumah,” kata Wahab yang pakar memancing udang galah menceritakan kisah Lubuk Batu Berarak yang penuh misteri 15 tahun lalu.
Wahab kini menetap di Kampung Padang, Kulim dekat Kuala Ketil. Namun dia sukar untuk melupakan peristiwa pernah dialaminya itu. Mungkin orang tidak percaya tetapi dia sendiri melihat apa yang berlaku itu di depan matanya. Menyeramkan!

Menjelang senja, habuan diperoleh Wahab dan Hassan cukup lumayan. Udang galah sebesar lengan budak dan baung berkulit kuning tanah bersilih ganti meragut umpan. Wahab saja berjaya mendaratkan lapan udang galah dan enam baung. Hassan pula berpuas hati dengan lima baung dan tujuh udang galah tidak termasuk ikan kurang komersial seperti lampam, tilapia dan kaloi.

Sejurus selepas Wahab menggantikan umpan baru, permukaan air di lubuk itu beralun agak kuat. Dari pengelihatannya disinari cahaya bulan separuh penuh, permukaan air lubuk itu mengeluarkan gelembung udara sebesar bola tenis.

Serentak itu, jorannya disambar sesuatu hingga melentuk hampir mencecah air. Wahab segera mengawal permainan tetapi terasa bebanan yang tersangkut berat seperti menarik seekor anak lembu.

Dia bagaikan tidak percaya. Jantungnya seakan-akan mahu berhenti berdenyut apabila melihat kelibat satu objek berwarna putih seperti ikan belida sebesar paha tersangkut pada mata kailnya.

Peliknya, cubaan Wahab menjinakkan ikan itu gagal apabila tali seperti terlucut setiap kali digulung. Akhirnya, terasa tali kail ringan dan tiada bebanan. Objek itu ghaib entah ke mana.

Ketika dia dan Hassan bangun untuk memberi tahu ayahnya di khemah yang baru selesai solat Maghrib, tiba-tiba terdengar bunyi libasan kuat di kawasan lubuk itu. Kedua-duanya teruja dengan fenomena yang belum pernah dilihatnya itu, Wahab dan Hassan memberanikan diri memerhatikan kejadian menyeramkan itu.

Bunyi libasan itu jelas kedengaran seperti ekor ikan besar atau papan memukul permukaan air. Percikan air hasil daripada libasan itu memenuhi ruang lubuk berkenaan. Namun, tidak kelihatan ekor ikan pun yang melibas.

“Arwah ayah yang faham sangat dengan gangguan seperti itu terus berdayung di pinggir lubuk. Dia kemudian memacakkan sebatang galah buluh ke dalam sungai. Sejurus kemudian, lubuk itu kembali tenang.

“Bagaimanapun, ikhtiar yang dibuat arwah ayah saya itu tidak terhenti di lubuk itu saja. Ketika kami makan malam berlaukkan baung dan udang panggang, iblis di seberang tebing di sebelah sana pula mengganggu," cerita Wahab lagi.

Gangguan kali ini tidak kurang hebatnya. Bunyi ribut seperti menumbangkan pokok dan mematahkan dahan. Ia bagai mahu mencabar kejantanan Pak Ya Pacak. Namun, orang tua itu tidak hilang punca. Cuma dengan berdiri seperti bertafakur menghadap ke arah tebing seberang sana, bunyi gangguan seperti ribut itu tiba-tiba berhenti.

Keesokan harinya, ketika mereka bersiap untuk pulang, Wahab terpandang sebatang pokok terap yang tersiat kulitnya seperti dipanah petir. Agak lama dia merenung ke arah pokok itu.

Wahab faham apa yang berlaku. Dia berasa bertuah dapat menimba pengalaman yang mungkin orang lain belum mengalaminya. Mungkin juga peristiwa itu atas kehendak Tuhan yang mahu menyedarkan manusia mengenai kewujudan makhluk lain di dunia ini selain manusia.

Bapa kepada empat anak itu juga pernah teruji ketika memancing di Sungai Muda dekat Bumbung Lima, tahun lalu. Ketika dia dan tiga rakan lain asyik melayan kail untuk menjinakkan udang galah, tiba-tiba terasa perahu yang mereka naiki dilanggar sesuatu bentuknya seperti balak.

Dia tidak berani menyuluh. Tindakan menggunakan sesuatu yang boleh mengeluarkan cahaya bagaikan memanggil sang bedal. Buaya cukup pantang melihat sesuatu yang bercahaya apatah lagi lampu picit. Jika nasib kurang baik, dengan sampan sekali dilibas pasti berkecai!

Selain dijadikan santapan untuk keluarga, udang galah yang dipancing Wahab dijual kepada seorang pengusaha restoran masakan ikan segar di Karangan, Kulim. Harga yang dijual amat lumayan iaitu antara RM40 dan RM50 sekilogram.

“Mereka yang ingin memancing udang galah harus mengamalkan beberapa petua atau pantang larang antaranya jangan sesekali meletakkan pendayung atau galah melintang perahu. Seelok-eloknya diletakkan dalam keadaan membujur.

“Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, petua atau pantang larang ini elok diamalkan supaya tidak diganggu buaya atau kejadian lain yang boleh mengancam nyawa,” kata Wahab lagi.


The World's Most Haunted Places


The World's Creepiest Places
Many places you might not have heard of.
New Page Books
If you have the good fortune to be able to travel around the U.S., Canada, and even abroad, you would be wise to help satisfy your craving for the paranormal by bringing along Jeff Belanger's great reference work, The World's Most Haunted Places.
Jeff is the founder of the Internet's and he has written several other books about ghosts, haunted places, and the supernatural. He brings to this book his extensive knowledge of these places where ghosts have been felt, heard, seen, and documented. In fact, he's investigated many of these creepy houses, hotels, castles, and institutions personally.
In this new revised edition of the book, Jeff gives us all the details on such far-flung places as: The Catacomb Museum in Paris, France; Big Nose Kate's Saloon in Tombstone, Arizona; Ordsall Hall in Salford, England; and the Alaskan Hotel in Juneau, Alaska -- among many others.
You'll be brought face-to-face with the ghost of Abraham Lincoln at the White House; Mercy Brown, the Rhode Island Vampire; Resurrection Mary at Resurrection Cemetery; and The White Witch of Rose Hall Great House -- and lots more.
Jeff has done a great job of presenting all of the folklore, haunted history, as well as the personal experiences of the people he has interviewed who have worked at, lived in, or visited these ghost-infested locations.

The World's Creepiest Places

We go from the "world's most haunted" to the "world's creepiest"... and surprisingly there isn't much overlap. That's because author Bob Curran has really scoured the planet to find the creep factor in really out-of-the-way places and remote areas, many of which you probably haven't heard of before. In The World's Creepiest Places, he has really found amazing places and stories of their specters from all over the world.
For example:
  • The Capuchin Cemetery in Palermo, Sicily, which has been described as "the realm of the living dead"
  • Csejthe Castle in Csejthe, Hungary, where the ghost of Countess Elizabeth Bathory -- alleged to be a vampire and blood drinker -- still roams
  • Eilean Mor in The Flannan Isles, Scotland, an isolated spot from which the lighthouse keepers mysteriously vanished
  • Houska Castle in Blatce, Czech Repubic, thought to be one of the most haunted such structures in Europe, where a bloody, headless horse has been seen
  • Mortemer Abbey in Normandy, France, where the ghost of the White Lady drifts through the ruins
  • ...and many more exotic places.
Curran provides remarkably detailed accounts of these locations' dreary histories as well as the various phenomena that have been reported there. It's fascinating reading.

Full Article:

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Misteri Harta Karun Suku Maya

Baru-baru ni harta karun kaum maya yang berupa tiang-tiang emas seberat 8 tan (8000kg) telah diketahui lokasinya. Nak tau di mana lokasinya? Jom baca artikel di bawah. P/S: Dari korang peningkan kepala korang dengan berita tahyul lagi khurafat ni, baik korang gi baca al-Quran banyak, tingkatkan amal ibadah dan berbuat sesama manusia.

Gambar hiasan: Adakah benar lokasi harta karun kaum Maya itu di sebuah gua di dasar sebuah tasik?
Joachim Rittsteig mendakwa telah berhasil menemui sebuah petunjuk yang mengarah kepada lokasi harta karun suku Maya. Dia menemukan petunjuk itu di dalam Dresden Codex yang telah berusia ratusan tahun.
Perlu dicatat kalau Joachim bukanlah seorang pengkhayal yang terlalu banyak menonton film pertualangan.Dia adalah seorang profesor Emeritus di universiti Dresden yang telah mempelajari kebudayaan suku Maya selama 40 tahun.
Dia juga ahli bahasa suku Maya dan salah satu objek penelitiannya adalah Dresden Codex yang berisi catatan-catatan mengenai kebudayaan suku Maya. Joachim percaya kalau pada Codex itu tersembunyi harta karun berupa emas murni seberat 8 tan.
Bukan itu saja, Joachim mendakwa mengetahui lokasi persembunyian harta tersebut, yaitu di dasar danau Izabal. Dresden Codex atau Codex Dresdensis sendiri adalah satu dari empat dokumen utama yang masih tersisa dari kebudayaan Maya.
Dokumen ini pertama kali ditulis oleh para pendeta suku Maya pada tahun 1250 Masehi. Dokumen ini memiliki 74 halaman dengan 74 hieroglyps yang berbeza.Jika direntangkan, panjangnya mencapai 3,56 meter.
Para ilmuwan percaya kalau dokumen ini adalah dokumen tertua yang pernah ditulis di benua Amerika. Dresden codex ditulis diatas kertas yang terbuat dari batang pokok ara dan ditulis oleh lapan penulis yang memiliki gaya tulisan yang berbeza-beza.
Masing-masing dari mereka juga membahas subjek yang berbeza pula. Ada perbahasan mengenai astronomi yang memuat tabel Venus dan Bulan dengan ketepatan yang luar biasa.Tabel bulan itu memiliki interval yang berkolerasi dengan gerhana.
Sedangkan tabel Venus berkorelasi dengan pergerakan planet itu di angkasa. Di dalamnya juga ada almanak, tabel astrologi, informasi mengenai musim-musim, banjir, penyakit, perubatan, keagamaan dan nasihat mengenai waktu bertani.
Selain itu, codex ini jugalah yang dianggap banyak orang telah meramalkam kehancuran bumi pada tahun 2012 kerana pada bagian akhirnya diceritakan mengenai bumi yang tenggelam oleh air yang keluar dari mulut naga.
Pertama kali Codex ini dikenali masyarakat luas adalah pada tahun 1739 ketika Johann Christian Gotze, pengarah Royal Library di Dresden, membelinya dari pengumpul peribadi di Wina, Austria. Bagaimana awalnya Codex itu boleh berada di Wina tidak diketahui dengan pasti.
Namun ada spekulasi yang menyebutkan kalau Codex itu mungkin telah dihadiahkan oleh Hernando Cortes kepada Charles I, Raja Sepanyol pada waktu itu. Seperti yang kita ketahui, Hernando Cortes adalah penakluk Sepanyol yang berhasil menguasai sebagian besar wilayah Mexico pada awal abad ke-16, termasuk kerajaan Aztec yang berhasil dilumpuhkannya pada tahun 1521.
Setelah diperoleh oleh Gotze, pada tahun 1744, Codex itu diberikan kepada Royal Library di Dresden yang kemudian mempamerkannya untuk pertama kali pada tahun 1848. Pada perang dunia II, codex itu mengalami kerosakan serius akibat pengeboman.
Dua belas halamannya rosak dan bagian-bagian lainnya hancur. Namun, usaha pemulihan yang terus menerus berhasil memulihkannya sehingga dapat dipelajari hingga kini. Siapa sangka, dokumen yang awalnya hanya dianggap bernilai sejarah ini ternyata mengandungi petunjuk mengenai harta karun yang sangat berharga.
“Codex Dresden memiliki petunjuk yang mengarah kepada lapan tan emas murni”, Kata Joachim Rittsteig. Dengan ditaja oleh surat kabar Bild dari Jerman, Dia telah menyiapkan sebuah ekspedisi menuju danau Izabal, tempat yang dipercayainya menyimpan harta karun tersebut.
Menurut Rittsteig, halaman 52 pada codex tersebut menyebutkan mengenai sebuah bandar suku Maya yang bernama Atlan yang hancur oleh gempa bumi pada tanggal 30 Oktober tahun 666 sebelum Masehi. Di bandar ini, mereka menyimpan 2.156 batangan emas yang dipermukaannya terukir hukum-hukum suku Maya.
Ketika kota itu hancur oleh gempa,emas-emas itu ikut tenggelam ke dalam danau Izabal yang berada di timur Guetamala. Rittsteig mendakwa telah berhasil menemukan runtuhan kota Atlan dengan citra radar yang diambil di daerah tersebut.
Dia memperkirakan kalau seluruh batangan emas itu bernilai sekitar 290 juta dolar Amerika. Ini jumlah yang sangat besar, bahkan untuk ukuran ketika ini. Jika harta ini ditemukan, dipastikan kalau nilai sejarahnya akan jauh lebih berharga dibanding nilai materialnya.
Selain masalah harta, ada satu hal lagi yang menarik dari perkataan Rittsteig. Anda mungkin memperhatikan kalau nama bandar suku Maya yang hancur oleh gempa bumi tersebut adalah Atlan. Teringat dengan sesuatu?.
Ya, Atlantis yang juga hancur oleh gempa bumi sekitar tahun 10.000 sebelum Masehi. Tentu saja yang membezakan kedua bandar itu adalah jarak waktu kehancuran yang sangat jauh, hampir 9.000 tahun.
Jika kita tidak dapat menemukan Atlantis yang misteri itu, mungkin kita masih dapat menemui bandar Atlan yang penuh dengan batangan emas. Dan saya rasa itu pun akan menjadi sesuatu yang sangat menarik. Jadi, kita tunggu kabar dari Prof. Rittsteig.

Sumber: Fcukz via


Photo Credit: Google Images

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 31 July 2012

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 28 July 2012 [DJ Dzar Ismail]

Apa itu Planet Nibiru atau Planet X Yang Dikaitkan dengan Bencana Hari Kiamat Diramal oleh Kaum Maya Pada 2012?

Jawapan ringkas aku kepada soalan dalam tajuk entri ini ialah tahyul dan khurafat. Boleh jatuh syirik kalau kita tak berhati-hati. Kalau korang nak tahu, syirik ialah dosa yang Allah tak ampunkan. Tak masuk syurga dan kekal di neraka wooooo. Nak tau aku punya asas kepada jawapan aku. Jom kita rujuk al-Quran, sumber utama supaya kita tak sesat di dunia ni. Kita baca terjemahan al-quran tentang perihal teori konspirasi ini. Korang buka la al-Quran terjemahan korang ye. Jangan malas!
Surah Al-A’raaf Ayat 187: Mereka bertanya kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) tentang hari kiamat: “Sesungguhnya pengetahuan mengenainya hanyalah ada di sisi Tuhanku, tidak ada sesiapa pun yang dapat menerangkan kedatangannya pada waktunya melainkan Dia. (Huru-hara) hari kiamat itu amatlah berat (menggerunkan makhluk-makhluk yang ada) di langit dan di bumi ia tidak datang kepada kamu melainkan secara mengejut”. Mereka bertanya kepadamu seolah-olah engkau sedia mengetahuinya. Katakanlah: “Sesungguhnya pengetahuan mengenai hari kiamat itu adalah di sisi Allah, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui.”
Wow, tak kusangka bulan kita pun dianggap sebagai planet. Kalau tengok dari grafik kat atas ni la haha
Okay, bagaimana persoalan ni boleh muncul dan kenapa aku tulis pasal perkara ramalan Maya dan Planet Nibiru ni. Cerita begini, tengah aku saja-saja browse video Youtube, tiba-tiba aku terjumpa akan video berita konspirasi Planet Nibiru atau Planet X yang dikaitkan dengan ramalan khurafat Maya yang mengatakan yang Bumi akan kiamat pada 21 Disember 2012. Mengikut fahaman khurafat Maya tersebut, Bumi akan kiamat selepas berlanggar dengan sebuah Planet misteri yang dipanggil Planet Nibiru. Aku pun pertama kali dengar akan adanya Planet Nibiru yang dikatakan planet ke-10 dalam sistem solar kita. Pastu selepas aku google tentang Planet Nibiru ni aku terjumpa la artikel dari Malaysia Insider yang kata kerajaan menafikan Planet Nibiru akan melanggar Bumi. Perincian berita ada di bawah. Entah apa-apa lah. Banyak perkara lain boleh dibuat dari berkonspirasi tentang berita ni kiamat ni. Dah jelas lagi terang dalam al-Quran, Allah berfirman yang hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu tentang bila Hari Kiamat ni. Malaikat pun tak tahu, Iblis pun tak tahu. Tiba-tiba je kaum asli Maya kata depa tahu pulak hahahaha. P/S: Dari korang peningkan kepala korang dengan berita tahyul lagi khurafat ni, baik korang gi baca al-Quran banyak, tingkatkan amal ibadah dalam bulan puasa Ramadhan ni. Setiap amalam sunat adalah fardhu, setiap amalan fardhu digandakan dengan 70 kali ganda. Tak ke banyak tu? Umur kita ni pendek je kawan. Satu benda yang pasti, semua manusia yang hidup akan merasa kematian. Itu janji Allah yang pasti. Jadi rebutkan peluang keemasan bulan Ramadhan ini. InsyaAllah.

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 Dis — Kerajaan hari ini menafikan dakwaan bahawa Planet X atau Planet Nibiru akan melanggar Bumi dan menyebabkan kerosakan teruk pada tahun 2012.
Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili berkata Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa) telah bekerjasama dengan agensi angkasa lepas antarabangsa seperti Pentadbiran Aeronautik dan Angkasa Kebangsaan (NASA) Amerika Syarikat bagi menjalankan pemantauan berhubung dakwaan tersebut.
“Pihak NASA telah mengatakan bahawa tiada bukti sahih tentang kewujudan Planet Nibiru dalam pencerapannya. Setakat ini tiada satu pun objek dalam angkasa lepas yang dikenal pasti memberi ancaman kepada Bumi secara langsung.
“Sekiranya kewujudan planet itu sahih, ia akan dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar dan pastinya ahli astronomi akan buat pemantauan objek tersebut kerana semakin menghampiri bumi seperti yang dikatakan,” katanya pada sesi soal jawab Dewan Negara di Parlimen, di sini.
Beliau berkata demikian bagi menjawab soalan Senator Datuk Shamsudin Mehat tentang pendirian kerajaan berhubung dakwaan tersebut.
Dakwaan berhubung Planet Nibiru akan melanggar Bumi mula dibangkitkan pada tahun 1995 namun semakin hangat dibincangkan oleh orang ramai terutamanya di internet sejak tahun lepas. — Bernama
Sumber berita: Malaysia Insider /

THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT: Invisibility, Time Travel and Intrigue

THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT: Invisibility, Time Travel and Intrigue
By Bill Knell
There are many different interpretations and views of what really happened, or didn’t, when the U.S. Navy embarked on a project to de-magnetize warships beginning in 1943. The information that I’m about to provide represents my best guess based on thirty years of research into an experiment that began over sixty years ago and my own encounters with those who claim intimate knowledge about the project. What has become known as The Philadelphia Experiment is not a subject to be taken lightly. No matter what you believe about it or don’t, it’s a fact that several people have died or been killed as a direct result of claiming involvement with the experiment. I suggest that, if for no other reason than out of respect for them, you keep on open mind.
I grew up in the 1960’s and first became aware of the Philadelphia Experiment when I was just ten years old, while reading a number of non-fiction books about UFOs. The two subjects became linked when Morris K. Jessup wrote a book entitled The Case For The UFO in 1955. After the book was published, a mysterious man who called himself Carlos Miguel Allende wrote to Jessup in the first of a series of rambling correspondences. The letters seemed to indicate that Jessup’s call for open discussion and government disclosure of any knowledge about UFOs was a waste of time. According to Allende, there were other forces at work which sought to protect various secrets regarding how UFOs were powered and did the things they did.
Although Jessup was not impressed with Allende’s letters, he was more then a little surprised after being contacted by three Navy Officers who worked for the Office of Naval Research. Although they claimed the contact was not official and made on their own initiative, they seemed disturbed by an annotated copy of Jessup’s book that the ONR had received. The book had notes scribbled in it by what appeared to be three different people, but most now agree it was the work of Allende. Again, the references seemed to indicate that the government had accidentally discovered how UFOs are able to manipulate time and space through a Navy Project designed to make ships invisible.
After contact with the Navy, Jessup was certain that he had stumbled on to something and thrust all his efforts into finding out what it was. By 1959, Jessup had assembled an impressive portfolio of research into what the U.S. Military knew and was hiding from the public about UFOs and the secret Navy Experiment. Set to testify about these matters before a Florida Senator and several interested parties, Jessup set off to drive from his home in Florida to Washington, D.C. in 1959. He never made it. Morris K. Jessup was found dead in his car just off a highway in Dade County, Florida. He had died from exposure to carbon monoxide. Although his death was ruled a suicide, non of his papers or the extensive research he had recently completed could be located.
I read about some of this in a book published in the 1960’s by Jessup’s friend and colleague, Ivan T. Sanderson. Sanderson wasn’t just another author, he was a scientist who believed in the possibility of Alien visitations to Earth based on the available evidence. Shortly before his death, Jessup gave Sanderson a copy of The Case For The UFO, which contained his notes about annotations made by Allende. My own interest in the Navy Project might have been satisfied at that point, but for a chance meeting with a former sailor who had been at the Philadelphia Navy Shipyard during World War II.
In 1973, I visited the family of my best friend’s bride to be in Florida. We all got together to discuss and further plan for the upcoming wedding. Aimee’s father was a retired sailor named Joseph. He was a polite, but serious individual. During a lighter moment in conversation, I happen to mention the Navy Project that I read about and it’s supposed connection to Flying Saucers. There had been a number of UFO sightings in Florida during that time and the topic was on everyone’s lips.
After dinner, Aimee’s father sat down across from me while the others muddled through some wedding plans. He became very serious and told me that in 1944 he had met another sailor who seemed deeply disturbed about the outcome of a strange experiment connected to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in 1943. The man claimed that his best friend died during that experiment. Joseph and his new acquaintance shared many conversations about it after becoming friends. The man said that after making some casual inquires, a doctor at the shipyard hospital confided to him that his friend had died as a result of melting into the ship’s superstructure. The physician claimed the man was still alive when they tried to free him from part of the deck, but he had been fused with it!
I encouraged Joseph to write down everything he could remember about his conversations with the sailor. He agreed and actually took things a step further. He attempted to contact the man whom he had befriended years before, but hadn’t heard from in some time. A mutual friend told him that the sailor had passed away, but provided a contact phone number for his widow. When Joseph called, the woman accepted his condolences and the two had a brief conversation. It seems that after the sailor retired in the 1960’s, he tried contacting others who had been a part of the Navy Project to get more information on the death of his friend. He died just a few months later in a hit and run car accident. This made Joseph think twice about his own investigation which abruptly ended after that call.
From then on, I began to seriously research the Philadelphia Experiment. By the 1980‘s, a book on the subject had been published by William Moore and Charles Berlitz entitled The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility. The book was the short version of some truth, various theories and wild notions by Berlitz. Moore was forced to endure some of the nonsense included in the book in order to get it published. While Moore was new to the publishing world, Berlitz had already written a successful and equally vague book on the Bermuda Triangle.
While the Moore and Berlitz book brought attention to the subject and satisfied those already mildly interested in the subject matter, most of the attention came in the form of scorn and skeptical criticism. Critics pointed to what they felt were a number of glaring errors and historical inaccuracies. Things got worse when a major Hollywood Film based on the book was released in 1984. Instead of being a documentary style piece, it was a fictionalized account of the Navy Project that turned out to be a sci-fi love story mixed with ridiculous twists and turns.
The Moore and Berlitz publication was followed by various lesser books that were little more then large pamphlets designed to take advantage of the subject’s temporary rise in popularity. None had answered the big questions or taken on what really happened during the 1940’s. As time moved on, I met more people who claimed involvement with the project. One such person was a guy named Jonathan Jessup. He claimed to be the son of Morris K. Jessup, but that and all his other stories about being abducted by government spies as a child and used for experimentation proved to be untrue. He vanished from the scene when it was obvious he had made the whole thing up.
In 1989, I was able to film and question three witnesses who also claimed to have been involved with the original project and a follow-up attempt which apparently took place during the 1970’s and 1980’s. The interview and a presentation by them took place at a private home on Long Island and included just a few specially invited guests. Although some of their claims seemed insane, I was intrigued. Knowing what the topic would be beforehand, I brought with me a technical writer who had a good understanding of electronics, magnetic fields and electrical engineering. I wanted his professional opinion regarding the technical aspects of their information. To make a long story short, he did not sleep for several days after the event having been completely stunned by what he heard.
I, too, was shocked by the information I received from Al Bielek, Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron. But being a Paranormal Researcher with years of experience, I’ve learned to always look at the bigger picture, not individual stories or pieces of evidence which are always subject to personal interpretation. In this case, it was obvious these men had been through something. They had far too much knowledge and impressively cohesive stories to be faking it, although I did not necessarily agree with all of their conclusions.
By the mid-1990’s, I had been speaking on The Philadelphia Experiment as part of one of my UFO Seminars for many years. As a result, a number of people had shared what they knew about the Navy Project with me. None wanted any publicity. The exception was a man named Phil Schneider. By coincidence, I was set to present a Seminar in the same hotel a few days after a Global Sciences Conference where he was speaking. Having arrived early for publicity purposes, I attended some of the conference and heard Phil speak.
Although he rambled at times and was not the best Speaker, I got the gist of his message and we spoke privately for a brief period the following day after a workshop. It seemed that Phil’s father had been a part of the original Philadelphia Experiment as a Ship’s Doctor. Phil, himself, had extensive Government involvement having worked as a Geologist during the construction of various underground installations and in other capacities. By the time I met him, Schneider had been speaking on the subjects of the Navy Project and his own intimate knowledge of the government cover-up regarding UFOs and Aliens for just a short time. With several fingers missing on each hand and gunshot wounds to his body, it was obvious that he had been through something and that not everyone was pleased with his willingness to share the truth. In 1996, Phil Schneider was found dead in his apartment with tubing wrapped around his neck. As in the case of Morris K. Jessup, Phil’s death was ruled a suicide.
I doubt that anyone, except those with direct involvement, know the true and entire story of the Philadelphia Experiment. But here is my take on what happened:
Several young scientists at Princeton University, in New Jersey, had been working on various physics projects involving time travel, time displacement and using strong magnetic fields to move and manipulate objects (from a purely theoretical standpoint). This was all done on paper and nothing could be proved. After World War II began, most knew that the U.S. was secretly trying to developed an atomic weapon that would end the War quickly. Many of the scientists, like Einstein, were concerned that this weapon was not something that could be put back in the box after the War was won.
The Navy had their own doubts about the atomic weapon. They were certain that nothing less the a full naval assault on the main islands of Japan would end the war. In the meantime, they faced another problem. The Navy was losing ships to German U-boat attacks and a new type of mine that the Nazis were using which was attracted to the partially magnetized hulls of ships. They needed to find a way to quickly de-magnetize ships and make them invisible to U-boats and other attack ships and planes. By the time the Navy approached Albert Einstein and other prominent Princeton scientific luminaries for help in these matters, they had tried a number of methods to achieve their goal.

The Navy degaussed ships in port, but this was a time consuming method of demagnetizing that was impractical during wartime. They also tried using various exotic paint mixtures designed to refract or redirect light away from their ships, but this still left them visible and vulnerable to air forces, radar and sonar. When the Navy came calling at Princeton, a few young physicists saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. They would solve the Navy’s little problem and, at the same time, test some of their own theories regarding time displacement and using strong magnetic fields to manipulate matter in a real world setting.
Although his work during World War Two remains classified today, Albert Einstein was under contract to the Navy during that time. What I have been able to glean from many sources is that Einstein preferred the development of strong defensive weapons, instead of the offensive Atom Bomb he was certain would lead to complete destruction of the human race. Those who agreed with him at Princeton were invited to join his efforts. This group of scientists told the Navy they could make a ship invisible to radar, sonar and would work on ways to effectively hide it from view. Of course, they didn’t explain the actual nature of the technology they were planning on using to accomplish this goals.
Because it was close to Princeton, secure and had ships available for experimentation, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard was chosen as the physical home of the project. A new and not yet commissioned ship, which would eventually be the USS Eldridge, was chosen as the test craft for the project. The first part of the experiment took place at the shipyard in 1943 when a powerful electromagnetic field was used to instantly degauss the ship without any damage to electronic equipment on board. The vessel also became invisible to radar, but an unexpected and more then welcomed side effect occurred that the scientists hoped for, but the Navy didn’t expect. It briefly vanished from sight, becoming what the observers had thought was invisible.
In reality, the ship had briefly moved to another time and place, having returned when the off-ship field generating equipment was shut down. Some small animals placed on board in cages died after a strange greenish glow encircled the hull just before and after the ship vanished. No humans were on board during that test and the details of the animal deaths were ignored by Navy Officials over-seeing the project after being told the fields in use could be adjusted for safety. The experiment moved forward.
By 1944, a sea trial was ordered. The Eldridge was manned and surrounded by several other ships. All carried the same technology with the hope that convoys of radar and sonar invisible ships would pass U-boats and other enemy craft undetected, but the Eldridge was the only vessel given permission to power up to full field strength on that occasion. With many observers, including a Merchant Marine later known as Carlos Allende aboard one of the support ships, the experiment commenced off the coast of New Jersey.
While everyone watched, the Eldridge powered up it’s field generation equipment. As before, a strange green glow appeared and the ship began to fade from sight. On board, things started to go badly. Sailors became disoriented, couldn’t see and some were burnt by the green mist. Others faded into the deck and superstructure of the ship.
Moments after it vanished in 1944 off the Jersey Coast, the Eldridge briefly appeared in 1983 off of the coast of Long Island. That occurred because the ship had been pulled through a sort of time displacement worm hole simultaneously created by the 1944 experiment and another taking place as a follow-up project at a Government Base thought to be abandoned near Montauk Point. When the Montauk Base shut down their power, the ship was pulled back to 1944 and reappeared seconds after it had vanished.
Upon it’s return, strange objects were seen above the ship. These may have been UFOs. It’s possible and likely that humans had just discovered how Aliens (if they exist) were able to warp and manipulate time and space fields to move about as they liked. But in 1944, humans lacked the technology or computers to control such powerful energy fields. The result was that a third of the crew died, having become a part of the ship’s wooden deck and steel superstructure. Many parts of the ship were covered with canvas to conceal the dead, before it was allowed to return to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard that night.
Those who survived the 1944 sea trial sometimes faded back and forth between time periods. An article in a 1944 edition of the Philadelphia Enquirer stated that during a bar fight at a local dive where sailors and workers from the Navy Shipyard drank, two sailors briefly became translucent and even transparent fading into the rear wall of the bar! Others went insane. By 1945, the Navy had all the remaining sailors locked up in the shipyard hospital‘s mental ward. What became of them after that, I don’t know.
While Nay Sayers point out that members of the commissioned Eldridge’s crew say none of this ever happened on their watch, most of what happened did so before the ship was commissioned or during times when a special crew was placed on board for the project. Even looking at the Eldridge’s logbook wouldn’t help, because nothing about the secret project would be in it. Although it has been reported that around fifty pages are missing from that logbook.
Regarding Einstein’s possible involvement, he was never seen at the shipyard. It’s possible that his position with the project was more a ceremonial one allowing the Navy to make use of whatever ideas he cared to input, while other physicists and engineers were given carte blanche on the scene to do whatever was necessary to get the job done. Most of them were young, ambitious and eager to test their theories in the real world.
Although disappointed at some of the results of the sea trials, the Navy realized that a new and exciting technology had been discovered and weren’t about to let it go. Not only had the project shown them that the use of controlled energy fields could produce the ability to move objects rapidly through time and space, but the fields produced an effect on the human mind. After some of the sailors from the 1944 sea trials went insane, the Navy wondered if that effect could be controlled and directed at friendly forces to make them fight fearlessly or at enemy forces to force their surrender?
All these theories would later be tested at what once had been the home of World War II shore batteries and, later, a radar facility used to protect coastal areas from incoming bombers or missiles during part of the Cold War. Willing and unwilling participants were apparently brought to the government facility known as Camp Hero near Montauk Point to test the new technology. Because these tests attracted UFOs, it was no accident that thousands of sightings occurred during that time period. This lead some UFO researchers to erroneously conclude that Long Island hosted some sort of base for UFOs somewhere offshore. Rudder, a boating magazine, ran a 1969 article warning boaters that a number of pleasure craft had encountered UFOs off the Long Island coast near Montauk and were unable to restart their engines after the objects moved within close proximity to them.
Most of what happened at Montauk occurred underground. Tunnels were build for miles in and around the Montauk property by the alternative energy genius Nicola Tesla for his own work with electrical fields many years before the project arrived. These tunnels and others used for the shore batteries during World War II became the perfect setting for one of our nation’s greatest secrets. While the old radar dish left behind after it became obsolete was used to test the mind control aspects of the new technology by transmitting waves out in all directions above ground, humans were strapped into a special chair and transported through time and space in the underground area.
Sound crazy? Once the dish became active and thought-altering signals were shot out for twenty miles in all directions, quiet towns that haven’t had their own jails or police departments since the Revolutionary War started to experience crime waves. People just went nuts! There may also be strong proof that the time displacement chair was real and had been used under the Base. During one of the time travel experiences that Al Bielek told me about, he found himself at some future point in New York City surrounded by debris. It looked as if half the city had been destroyed. Although he would not elaborate, if you were to watch my video of what he did reveal about that particular time journey, you might come to the same conclusion that I did. The time displacement chair under Montauk may have transported Bielek to the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks over ten years before they occurred and what he saw was probably the debris from the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings!
The proof of any wild story (that might just be true) lies in it’s longevity. If so, the Philadelphia Experiment has survived sixty years of false witnesses, bad film portrayals, ridiculous books, non-stop Nay Sayers and still remains alive and well, refusing to go down as merely an urban legend. Personally, I am a nuts and bolts type of Paranormal Researcher who has little use for wild, metaphysical claims. Despite any psychic or new age sideshows that might try and associate themselves with the project in all it‘s various forms and incarnations, I do believe that the Philadelphia Experiment happened and resulted in a new and dangerous technology for the U.S. Government to tinker with. As a result, people have been silenced, killed or possibly even erased from existence. Whether you believe it happened as described or not, it’s likely that your life and millions of other lives have already been changed or influenced by The Philadelphia Experiment.

Full Article:

Pantang Larang Melayu

Pantang larang orang Melayu tradisional merupakan kepercayaan masyarakat Melayu zaman lampau berkaitan dengan adat dan budaya warisan nenek moyang. Kebanyakan pantang larang diturunkan secara lisan turun kemurun. Pantang larang orang tua-tua bertujuan untuk mendidik masyarakat, khususnya generasi muda agar dapat membawa kepada penerapan nilai-nilai baik yang boleh diamalkan di dalam kehidupan.

Pantang larangSebab pantang larang wujud
Jangan memukul, mendera atau mencederakan mana-mana binatang, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir mengalami kecacatan.Bagi mengelakkan penganiayaan kepada haiwan.
Jangan mencaci atau menceritakan kecacatan, dikhuatiri anak yang bakal lahir juga akan cacat.Agar menjaga pertuturan agar tidak melukakan hati orang lain.
Jangan bergaduh dengan ibu mentua, dikhuatiri mengalami kesulitan ketika melahirkan anakBagi menjaga kenteteraman keluarga, terutamanya apabila tinggal bersama mertua selepas melahirkan anak.
Jangan melihat gerhana, dikhuatiri anak mendapat tompok hitam atau bermata juling.Melihat matahari sewaktu gerhana mampu menyebabkan mata menjadi buta.
Ibu hamil tidak boleh melintas bawah ampaian, nanti anak gagap.Disebabkan penyidai biasa rendah, dikhuatiri ibu hamil akan tersendung dan jatuh, dan boleh membahayakan kandungan
Dilarang (orang lelaki) kencing atas busut, dikatakan buruk kemaluanUntuk mengelakkan lelaki berkenaan ditegur makhluk halus ataupun penunggu busut berkenaan
Jangan duduk di atas bantal kerana dipercayai boleh naik bisulSupaya menjaga bantal daripada dipecah atau dikoyak, dan tidak sopan kalau perkakas yang digunakan untuk melapik kepala diletakkan di bawah punggung
Jangan bergendang dalam rumah, nanti harta habis dicuri oleh orangLarangan ini untuk mengelakkan bising di rumah, tambahan lagi bergendang (dengan mengetuk lantai rumah yang dibuat dari papan) boleh merosakkan barang-barang yang bergantung di dinding yang boleh jatuh dan pecah.
Jangan menjahit pada waktu senja, nanti mata engkau akan buta(a) Untuk menjaga kesihatan mata supaya tidak menjadi kabur dan rosak
(b) mengelakkan jarum daripada tercucuk tangan
Kalau makan nasi kena habiskan... kalau tidak nasi akan menangisini untuk mengelakkan berlakunya pembaziran
Anak dara jangan menyanyi di dapur, nanti kahwin dengan orang tua.untuk mengelak masakan hangus kerana leka menyanyi.

Pantang larang sebelum perkahwinan

Terdapat 44 pantang larang kepada bakal pengantin. Apabila telah ditetapkan hari perkahwinan bermakna bermulalah pantang larang buat bakal mempelai itu. Apa yang ditetapkan harus diikuti untuk kebaikan diri mereka. Ia bukanlah menjadi kewajipan tetapi sudah menjadi satu budaya dalam masyarakat Melayu. Walaupun bakal pengantin zaman sekarang jarang disebutkan perkara ini kepada mereka, tidak rugi apa-apa jika pantang larang yang difikirkan sesuai masih boleh diikuti.

Pantang larangSebab pantang larang wujud
Jangan keluar dengan pasangan selama 40 hari sebelum diijabkabul.Untuk mengelak berlaku tohmahan masyarakat. Selain itu, ia bertujuan untuk mengawal nafsu. Ia juga untuk menimbulkan perasaan rindu dendam. Perasaan yang timbul akan membuatkan wajah pengantin lebih berseri.
Jangan tidur di rumah orang lain takut terkena ilmu.Ia juga untuk menjaga nama baik keluarga.
Jangan bebas keluar ke mana-mana kerana takut disantau oleh mereka yang mempunyai niat tidak baik.Untuk mengelakkan kedua pihak melanggar hukum agama.Untuk menghalang dari melakukan perkara tidak baik semaa dalam tempoh pertunangan.Jangan makan nasi dengan gulai berkuah beberapa bulan sebelum naik pelamin bagi mengelakkan perut buncit.
Elakkan makan ulam yang berbau busuk seperti petai dan jering.Petai dan Jering mempunyai bau yang kuat. Dibimbangi akan berbau yang tidak enak semasa berhadapan dengan tetamu.Jangan bercermin terutama selepas maghrib ke atas bagi mengelak diri dari perkara sihir.
Jangan membuang air kecil dan air besar serentak di dalam air contohnya dalam sungai, kolah kerana ia boleh melemahkan organ seks.Terdapat hadis dalam perkara ini.
Elakkan minum air bergas kerana ia mempunyai gula dan gas yang tinggi yang boleh menyebabkan kencing manis.Minuman bergas tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
Kurangkan makan makanan yang manis kerana jika terkena kencing manis, lelaki tersebut menghadapi masalah berat ketika bersama.
Elakkan mandi malam kerana tidak elok untuk sendi-sendi.
Kawal makan iaitu sekali makan setiap hari (mengikut sesetengah adat)
Elakkan memakai seluar dalam yang ketat pada waktu malam dan tidur meniarap kerana tidak bagus utk organ seks kerana darah tidak mengalir(kaum lelaki).
Elakkan terlalu banyak makan makanan laut kerana ia mengandungi banyak toksid.
Tiga bulan sebelum berkahwin, mula membuat urutan supaya pengantin mempunyai tenaga.
Amalkan makan telur ayam kampung seminggu 2 kali yang dicampur madu dan lada hitam yang ditumbuk untuk menambah tenaga.
Bagi mereka yang banyak angin, minum air halia utk membuang angin.
Belajar ilmu rumahtangga daripada orang yang berpengalaman dan sudah berkahwin tentang rahsia memikat isteri supaya rumahtangga aman dan damai.
Jangan memuaskan nafsu dengan cara sendiri.
Cukupkan waktu tidur tujuh hingga lapan jam sehari.
Elakkan minum minuman keras dan merokok.
Elakkan terkena cahaya matahari kerana dikhuatiri hitam dan tidak berseri pada hari perkahwinan.
Elakkan minum air soya kerana ia sejuk dan tidak elok untuk alat kelamin.
Amalkan makan jamu supaya pada malam pengantin tidak mengecewakan.
Banyakkan baca surah-surah bagi mengelakkan gangguan syaitan. Sentiasa mengingati Allah.
Jangan makan sebebas-bebasnya kerana ketika ini sistem dalaman tidak stabil.
Jangan terlalu terdedah kepada keluarga lelaki (simpan diri).
Jangan berembun atau keluar malam bagi mengelak terdapat unsur jahat.
Jangan bercelak atau berlangir serta memotong rambut seminggu sebelum ijabkabul.
Jika telah nikah gantung maka tidak boleh bersama.
Selepas nikah mesti ada peneman tidur sebelum bersama. Ia bertujuan untuk menghangatkan lagi kemesraan.
Bilik lelaki atau wanita jangan dikosongkan. Mesti ada orang atau ahli keluarga terdekat tidur di dalamnya bagi mengelak dari dikhianati orang.
Jangan buat kerja yang berat. Bila pengantin membuat kerja berat, dia akan berasa penat dan mudah terjadinya gangguan emosi.
Jaga pertuturan agar tidak menimbulkan rasa sakit hati.
Elakkan makan dan minum seperti sayur bersifat sejuk seperti kangkung, bayam, timun, jambu batu, dan air kelapa agar muka nampak segar.
Jangan cukur kening ditakuti akan menghilangkan seri muka.
Sebelum menjadi pengantin, katil kelamin tidak boleh ditiduri oleh pengantin kerana tidak manis.
Lempar baju di atas bumbung rumah tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain bagi mengelakkan hujan turun ketika majlis berlangsung.
Dilarang memandang cermin ketika disolek oleh juruandam kerana dikhuatiri hilang seri.
Kedua-dua pengantin dilarang bercakap ketika bersanding kerana kurang manis dipandang tetamu.
Jangan makan kepala ayam nanti mengantuk masa bersanding.
Dilarang membuang alis kerana perbuatan tersebut akan menghilangkan seri wajah buat pengantin lelaki.
Jangan makan bersulam air kerana dikhuatiri menyebabkan perut menjadi buncit.
Elakkan keluar rumah tanpa tujuan kerana angan-angan yang tinggi menjelang perkahwinan dikhuatiri bakal pengantin mengalami kemalangan jika berada di luar.

Orang-orang tua Melayu dahulu selalu mengingatkan anak cucunya supaya tidak melanggar pantang larang. Melanggar pantang larang samalah dengan tidak mendengar nasihat.


Sunday 20 January 2013

University of Montevallo


Montevallo, Alabama

University of Montevallo
The University of Montevallo first opened its doors in 1896 as the Alabama Girls' Industrial School. It later became a technical school and eventually a co-ed college offering traditional courses of study.
Less conventional are its tales of ghosts, which are said to haunt the campus's King House, Main Dorm and the King House Cemetery. Here are some of the stories:
  • You've heard of "death by chocolate"? Well, in 1908 a sophomore student was making fudge in the Main Dorm when her nightgown caught fire. She died soon after of the injuries, but her ghost has been heard moaning and screaming in the hallway. And an image of her burning face on the wooden door of her dorm room -- a sight so disturbing that it had to be removed and put away.
  • Mr. Edmund King is said to haunt the grounds of King House, a building he constructed in 1823. It is said in life he wandered the house, orchard and cemetery with a lantern. Today, people attest to seeing the lights and curtains move in the house. And other unexplained lights have been seen in the orchard and cemetery. According to legend, Mr. King is searching for the money and silver he buried on the property.


Philadelphia Weirdness


Night Brings the Hag!

For centuries, folklore, or what has become known as "the unexplained," has grown as a vast jigsaw, an immense puzzle made up of many differing, equally complex parts, whether in the form of monsters, ghosts, UFOs, crop circles, voodoo, spontaneous human combustion, telepathy, healing powers, or what have you. However, one of the most frightening enigmas to lurk deep within the network of weirdness pertains to the legend of the "Old Hag," often connected to bouts of sleep paralysis where sleeping victims, usually lying on their backs, are frozen and unable to move, and then succumb to what was once known as "witch riding" where an unknown presence enters the room and straddles the chest of the victim, pushing down upon the rib-cage.
In these horrifying "night terrors" or nightmares, the victim is only able to break the spell by forcing movement, which in turn extinguishes the presence. In many cases, such incidents have involved scary encounters with figures resembling old crones, and vampires of the astral plane.
At Woodcrest Hall, situated within Cabrini College in Delaware County, there is a rumor that such a presence appears to many girls who reside there. Witnesses usually describe being pushed down upon and unable to speak as a crushing weight is placed upon them. The college itself is a very haunted area and maybe the nightly intruder is a wandering spirit, although it appears to be closer related to the incubus and succubus, which are male and female demons. Such bizarre entities most certainly spawned the legend of today's modern vampire and films such as The Entity.
The "Hag of Pine Street" in Philadelphia was said to be an eerie specter of a woman who had died in a home on the south side of Pine Street, between Sixth and Seventh.
Passers-by often saw the forlorn apparition gazing from the window and weird screams and groans were often reported coming from the house. The house remained vacant for many years due to the terrifying hag legend, but one owner, a lady named Betsy Bassett, allegedly drove the malignant spirit from the place by enlisting a voodoo priest.
In 1982 the University Of Pennsylvania Press (Philadelphia) published the important work, The Terror that Comes in the Night by David J. Hufford. It remains the ultimate study of "hag attacks."
Despite scientific opinion that such attacks and terrors are caused by tiredness, stress, diet, and over-active imagination, there is still no explanation as to why victims nearly always describe the same life-sucking hag, and encounters with this entity continue to this day.
Image (The Nightmare by John Henry Fuseli) via Flickr user Thomas Roche

The Terror Thast Comes in the Night (1982 UOPP) by David J. Hufford
Philadelphia Ghost Stories (1998 Exter House) by Charles J. Adams
Pennsylvania Haunts & History

Sunday 13 January 2013

Dua Dunia - Tan Sam Tjai Khong


Siapa Yang Dibelakangku?

Photo Credit: Google Images


Ketemu lagi dengan Aryo. Kali ini aku mau menceritakan pengalamanku sendiri yang baru-baru ini aku alami, yaitu saat mengikuti acara Camping di kampus dengan adik-adik dari himpunan mahasiswa (HIMA).

Kejadian ini aku alami tepatnya tanggal 17 Maret 2012. Pada pagi harinya kami (aku dan adik-adik HIMA) pergi ke tempat bersejarah di provinsi Riau yaitu candi Muara Takus dan Masjid Jami` Kampar dan malamnya dilanjutkan dengan acara Camping di hutan kampus (sedikit catatan, kampus kami masih memiliki wilayah yang luas dan masih banyak hutan serta semak belukarnya).

Berhubung bus yang kami naiki sering mogok, kami baru sampai ke Pekanbaru saat maghrib. Begitu sampai di kampus, aku langsung pulang ke kosan, mandi dan bertukar pakaian. Saat hendak berangkat lagi tiba-tiba hujan turun dengan derasnya dan baru berhenti sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB. Begitu hujan berhenti segera aku menuju ke hutan tempat Camping dengan mengendarai sepeda motor.

Begitu sampai di dekat jalan menuju ke hutan yang hanya berupa jalan setapak, kulihat sudah banyak motor yang terparkir disana. Namun aku tak berani masuk sendirian kelokasi perkemahan, karena selain jalannya gelap suasananya juga cukup membuat bulu kuduk berdiri.

Akhirnya kuputuskan untuk menunggu dipinggir hutan hingga tak lama kemudian datang dua orang adik tingkat yang bernama Rizal dan Roby. Rizal bertanya "Abang kok masih disini? tak masuk kedalam?". Aku jawab "Tak berani Zal, lagipula abang tak punya senter, takut pula nanti salah jalan". "Kalau begitu ayolah, Rizal punya HP senter. tapi baterainya tinggal dikit, jadi nanti abang cepat-cepat aja jalannya ya".

Akhirnya kami masuk ke dalam hutan menuju lokasi perkemahan. Awalnya aku di depan, Rizal yang menyenter jalan dari belakang. Tapi karena cahaya senternya sering terhalangi oleh badanku akhirnya kusuruh Rizal yang berjalan duluan dan aku mengikuti dari belakang. Saat itu aku mendengar suara langkah kaki dan suara hembusan nafas dibelakangku, namun karena kukira itu adalah Roby makanya aku merasa biasa saja.

Karena tak tahu jalannya akhirnya kami malah tersesat ke pinggiran Waduk Buatan, yang pemandangannya indah di siang hari, namun kurasakan begitu seram dan mencekam bila dikunjungi pada malam hari. Begitu sampai disana mulailah hawa-hawa tak enak kurasakan dibelakangku. Rizal berkata "Bang Aryo, nampaknya kita salah jalan lah. Tak ada nampak tanda-tanda ada acara perkemahan disekitar sini". Kupinjam sebentar HP senter Rizal dan kuarahkan kebelakangku... ternyata tidak ada siapa-siapa disana.

Tanpa pikir panjang kami langsung berebut lari kembali ke pinggiran hutan. Begitu sampai disana kulihat Roby masih duduk diatas motornya sambil merokok. Kutanya dia "Lho, Roby kok cepat banget sampai disini?". Dia kaget dan menjawab "Mana pula bang! awak dari tadi disini aja, tak ada ikut masuk ke dalam. Awak masih nunggu kawan beberapa orang lagi baru mau masuk ke dalam".

Langsung jantungku berdegup kencang. Jadi siapa yang mengikutiku dari belakang tadi?

- Aryo -

More Story:

Chupacabras: The Blood-Sucking Creature from Hell


By , Guide

All the better to eat you with, my dear.
A popular image of "chupacabras," based on descriptions, although it is almost certainly a fake.
~ Creator/photographer unknown
Is there a connection among chupacabras and the various small, vicious, flying monsters that have terrorized unsuspecting people around the globe for decades? Here's what they look like and what they've been up to.
THE FULL MOON rose above the mountain in the cloudless night, shining like a pale yellow lantern into the farmer's bedroom. But that is not what awoke him. It was the chickens. Their panicked cries had awoken him before, and it meant they were under attack. Wild dogs had gotten into the coop, the farmer thought, or perhaps a wolf. He leapt from bed, grabbed his shotgun from the bedroom corner and hurried outside. He checked the gun for cartridges as he jogged barefoot past the long, soft shadows cast by the moonlight toward the chicken coop. The predator will die tonight, he thought, as he pushed open the small door to the coop. He burst in and took aim. But he did not shoot. Instead, he froze, his senses overwhelmed by the sight before him. Several chickens lay dead in the dirt around the clawed feet of a creature the farmer had never seen before. This was no dog, no wolf. It stood on two feet at about the height of a small child. It had dark, scaly skin and a ridge of porcupine-like spines running across its head and down its back. In its short arms ending in sharp claw-like hands, the creature held a chicken to its mouth. It was not eating its prey, but seemed to be sucking the life from it. It turned to face the farmer, its red eyes blazing, and dropped the chicken to the ground. It hissed, baring its large blood-stained fangs. Then it screeched - an unearthly, terrifying noise that drove the farmer backward into the doorway. The creature, with its front claws dangling, hopped like some mutant kangaroo toward the farmer. Dumbstruck, he stumbled backward out of the coop as the creature hopped past him with another deafening shriek. The farmer was knocked to the ground, and he could feel rough, scaly skin of the creature as it passed, and felt the warm, sickening smell of its putrid breath on his face. The creature sprung onto the roof of the coop, spread short, dark, bat-like wings, and with two bounding hops flew away into the darkness. It was only then that the farmer remembered he had his shotgun. He brought it to bear, but it was too late. The creature from hell had disappeared with one last shriek that echoed off the distant mountains.
Although this might sound like some horror story fantasy, it is actually based on the eyewitness accounts and experiences of those who have encountered the enigmatic creature known as el chupacabras - "the goatsucker."
The description, however, also seems to fit a number of other strange creatures that have been seen over the decades - creatures people have identified as gargoyles, the Jersey Devil and the Monkey Man. It's worth examining the similarities and considering whether these all might be sightings of the same mysterious creature.
The now-famous chupacabras first came on the scene, as far as we know, in the summer of 1975 when several farm animals in Puerto Rico were found dead. The bodies had strange puncture-like marks on their necks. The sightings intensified in the 1990s as the chupacabras' appetite seemed to grow. In some cases, farmers reported that literally hundreds of their animals were inexplicably slaughtered. Invariably, the animals were not eaten by any predator, but were horribly mutilated or drained of blood - hence the name, "goatsucker." In 1991, a male dog was found dead, with nothing inside. "It was as if all had been sucked out through the eyes," the report said. "It had empty eye sockets and all the internal organs had disappeared."
For a while, the carnage seemed to be confined to the island of Puerto Rico, but toward the end of the 1990s and into the 2000s, sightings began to be reported on other Caribbean islands, in Mexico, Central America, Chile and even the southern U.S. in Florida, Arizona and Texas. In April-June in Chile of 2002, in fact, it was reported that authorities had even captured the chupacabras, which may have been taken away by people representing the U.S. government.
The descriptions of the creature over this time has remained fairly consistent:
  • three to five feet tall
  • dark gray facial skin
  • coarse hair on the body, and several reports said it has a chameleon-like appearance, with the ability to change from purple to brown to yellow
  • black eyes, or glowing orange or red eyes
  • a wolf-like or canine nose
  • sharp fangs
  • short forearms with three-fingered claw-like "hands"
  • a row of fins, spikes or quills running down the length of its back
  • stands on two powerful-looking hind legs and clawed feet
  • often hops on the ground, like a kangaroo, rather than walks (at least one witness claimed it could leap as far as 20 feet in one bound)
  • some reported bat-like wings that enable the chupacabras to fly
  • it makes a hissing noise that often makes witnesses nauseous
The chupacabras phenomenon continues up to this day, with the recent reports of attacks continuing to come out of South American countries, including Chile and Argentina. In many of these cases, chupacabras - although not seen - was blamed for the deaths of chickens and other farm animals that were mutilated and drained of blood.

The legend of the Jersey Devil dates back to about 1735, by most accounts, in Leeds Point, New Jersey. A Mrs. Leeds, the story goes, upon discovering that she was pregnant for an unlucky thirteenth time said that the child might just as well be a devil. Folklore says that this prophecy came true, and that Mrs. Leeds gave birth to a horrific creature with a horse's head and bats wings. Ever since, the legend goes, the creature has been haunting the pine barrens of New Jersey.
No one takes the legend seriously, of course, but the Jersey Devil has been blamed over the years for a number of mysterious livestock deaths and eerie cries in the darkness. And the first sighting in the 20th century occurred in 1909 when a Pennsylvania postmaster allegedly saw the glowing monster flying over the Delaware river. Less than a month later, the flying creature was spotted by a policeman in Burlington, New Jersey. A few days later, a woman in Philadelphia claimed to have seen a similar monster in her backyard. And that evening it was seen by two more police officers in Salem, New Jersey, and the next night by a fisherman. Note their collective descriptions compared to chupacabras:
  • a ram-like head with curled horns
  • long, thin wings (other accounts reported short wings)
  • four short legs, the hind ones being longer than the forelegs
  • walks on its back legs and holds up two short front legs with paws on them
  • glowing eyes
  • a head like a dog and face like a horse
  • alligator-like skin
  • able to breathe fire
  • about three feet high (some described it as much larger)
  • hoof-like feet
  • one witness described it as looking like a winged kangaroo
  • another called in monkey-like
There are distinct differences in the descriptions, but there are also many interesting similarities.
Although the Jersey Devil is alleged to have been seen over the years, none are taken as seriously by researchers as the 1909 sightings.
Most of us are familiar with gargoyles only as silent and still (if scary) stone carvings perched high on cathedrals and ancient castles. And griffins are the mythological creatures having the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Stuff and nonsense, according to any skeptic. But, believe it or not, there have been eyewitness accounts of bizarre creatures that were likened to gargoyles and griffins. And it's hard to dismiss the comparisons to chupacabras. In fact, one witness described chupacabras as being a "gargoylesque creature."
Apart from mythology, the legend of real griffins dates back to at least the 11th century when Britain's King Charles II allegedly gave a griffin as a gift to his mistress. Another griffin was said to be captured by a scientist who traveled with the great explorer Captain Cook in the 18th century.
These accounts are not considered to be true, yet there is a more modern report that may be worth noting. In 1985, an Englishman named Kevin Chippendale spotted an unknown creature flying near the rooftop of an apartment building. He described it as looking like "a dog with wings" and "having a long muzzle and four legs with what looked like paws." Being of the British culture, he likened it to a griffin - in fact, the creature has become known as the Brentford Griffin. But we have to wonder if the very same sighting had taken place in Puerto Rico or Chile what the witnesses would call it.
And gargoyles might not be just stone carvings or lovable Disney characters. In an article for Unknown magazine entitled "We Saw a Gargoyle," Ron Bogacki recounts how he and several other young adults met face to face with a gargoylesque creature. The encounter took place in 1981 in an Elmhurst, Illinois park. Hanging out on a summer night around the park's gothic mausoleum, the four teenagers were awestruck by an incredible creature sitting atop the mausoleum's stone wall. They described is as being large - perhaps 9 feet tall, if standing - with dark gray leathery skin, a muscular body with strong arms, golden horns on its head, huge wings and a long curling tail. They were close enough to have smelled its breath, which they described as "full of the stench of decay and sulfur." It soon flapped its wings, flew straight upward and disappeared.
The description given isn't much like the usual chupacabras, but it's difficult to disregard the depictions of the chupa as also being gargoyle-like. If what these teens saw in the park was a "goatsucker," it was the mother of all chupacabras.

Throughout May, 2001, the paranormal news was all abuzz with the sightings and antics of a bizarre creature that was terrorizing villagers in India. It was no laughing matter; a few deaths were attributed to the panic surrounding these sightings. The first attacks took place in East Delhi and soon spread to other cities and villages. The entity was quickly dubbed "Monkey Man" because of its size and simian-like agility.
On one night alone, on May 14, 50 attacks were reported in East Delhi. The following morning, a pregnant woman fell down a flight of stairs to her death after hearing cries by neighbors that the monkey was coming. Physicians confirmed that those who were attacked were bitten by some kind of animal. And researchers have pointed out that the creature most probably was not a monkey since the Indians were quite familiar with monkeys, which are commonplace there and frequently come into the villages.
The creature was described as:
  • about four feet tall
  • quite agile, like a monkey (at least one report of a chupacabras said that the face was "simian")
  • sharp, metal-like claws
  • glowing or flaming red eyes
* * *
There are many unanswered questions about all of these monsters, the primary one being: Are any of them real at all? Or are they the product of mass hysteria - myths fueled by panicked imagination? And if they are real, are they merely misidentified animals known to science?
If we are to take these eyewitness accounts at face value - or at least consider that they might be at least partially true - then we have a far more perplexing and unsettling mystery to solve. If the stories are to be believed, what are these creatures? Where do they come from and where do they live? The similarities raise the possibility that they might be the same or related creature. Their sporadic appearance, bizarre description, fierce attacks and elusive behavior have elicited many theories as to their origin, including genetic mutants, aliens, living dinosaurs, demons and interdimensional beings. Like so many things in the paranormal realm, about all we can do is speculate and wonder. What do you think?

Full Article:

Residents see flying saucer over Vancouver, Wash.


Several residents in far east Vancouver, Wash., reported seeing a saucer-shaped UFO Sunday evening, hovering low in the sky.
The Columbian
VANCOUVER, Wash. — No joke: Several residents in far east Vancouver reported seeing a saucer-shaped object Sunday evening, hovering low in the sky.
The object had such bright green and red lights that it drew several residents out of their homes off Southeast 192nd Avenue in the Clear Meadows neighborhood at about 6:45 p.m..
"It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen," said Vancouver resident Gary Moore.
Moore and another resident, Kathy Plamondon, contacted The Columbian newspaper to report the alleged unidentified flying object. They said it didn't resemble the planes they typically see flying out of Pearson Field.
Dispatchers with 911 on Monday confirmed at least one report of an object sighting in east Vancouver but referred the call on to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle.
Officials at the National UFO Reporting Center said they did not receive any UFO reports; neither did the National Weather Service in Portland, which sometimes receives calls of that type. A spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration office in Seattle, citing the Monday holiday, said he didn't have any information available.
The sighting apparently has everyone stumped.
"At first I thought it was a high firework through the tree branches," Plamondon said by e-mail. "As I stepped out of my front door — facing east — to help load grandbabies in parents' car, I saw that it was not going out or falling from the air, as fireworks would."
Moore also said the object appeared stationary, except for occasional side-to-side movements. A number of his neighbors were milling in the street, watching the object, which prompted him to step outside of his house on 186th Avenue to catch a look.
Monday, he quickly dismissed the possibility it was an airplane, though he said he didn't have a clue what else it would be.
"It was almost like someone was controlling it from the ground," Moore said.
"Airplanes come over all the time," he added. "This isn't that."

Full Story:

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 27 July 2012

Misteri Jam 12 (MJ12) - 26 July 2012


Petua-petua tradisional

Photo Credit:  Google Images

Berikut ialah petua-petua tradisional yang diamalkan di Malaysia.

petua-petua tradisional

Menghasilkan Kulit Cantik

Amalkan meminum air campuran pucuk pegaga dan Lobak Merah yg telah dihancurkan .

Mengatasi Senggugut

Senggugut memang perkara biasa yang dialami oleh wanita. Namun terdapat cara yang senang untuk mengatasi senggugut.
  1. Campurkan halia yang telah ditumbuk dengan serbuk lada hitam. Kuantiti sama banyak antara kedua-dua bahan. Makan dalam 1 @ 2 minggu sebelum haid . Cara nak telan tu tak kisahlah macam mana pun. Tapi saya gunakan kapsul kosong lebih kurang 2 biji sekali makan .Tapi kenalah cepat menelannya sebelum ia lembik . Sekali makan anda tidak akan dapat senggugut selama 3 bulan berturut-turut. Ini adalah pengalaman saya.
  2. Setelah saya berada di kampus amat susah bagi saya nak amalkan petua tersebut, tapi saya amalkan minum air suam. Kesannya tanpa sedari dah lama saya tak dapat senggugut.
  3. Melakukan senaman seperti lompat bintang, pasak bumi, dan hula-hoop sebanyak mana yg mampu. Ini diyakini dapat meregangkan sel-sel malas dan menguatkan kepala lutut.

Menegangkan Kulit Muka Dan Menghilang Jerawat

Rebus segenggam biji kani (manjakani atau kani boleh dibeli di kedai2 India) di dalam periuk tanah sehingga menggelegak dan pekat. Apabila suam, sapukan pada wajah atau bahagian kulit yg anda inginkan. Tunggu sehingga kering dan cuci sehingga bersih. Amalkan setiap hari.

Menyegarkan Mata Gatal dan Letih

Ambil beberapa helai daun sireh muda. Kemudian, cuci bersih. Ramas-ramaskan ia dan masukkan ke dalam air suam. Selepas itu, tapis airnya. Selanjutnya rendamkan mata sambil kerdipkan berulang kali. Lakukan selalu dan hasilnya anda akan merasai perubahannya.

Menyegarkan Mata

Ambil timun yg telah dihiris Lekapkan pada kelopak mata Pejamkan mata utk berapa ketika. Anda akan berasa kesegarannya selepas itu.

Menaikkan Seri Muka

Basuhkan muka anda dengan menggunakan air basuhan beras yang ke tiga. Bilas dengan air bersih setelah sepuluh minit.

Merawat Panau

Ambil sepotong halia, tumbuk lumat dan tempelkan pada tempat berpanau.

Mengelak Rambut Gugur

Ambil beberapa helai daun bunga raya dan lidah buaya. Basuh hingga bersih dan kisarkan hingga hancur. Perap ramuan di atas kepala selama sejam. Lakukan 2 kali seminggu. Insyaallah anda akan memperolehi rambut lebat, hitam dan berkilat semula jadi.

Mengurangkan Air Pada Faraj

Tumbuk hingga halus pucuk dan buah manjakani dan hati pinang muda. Gaulkan dengan minyak minyak bijan dan kemudian kukuskan. Ramuan tersebut hendaklah dimakan ketika tengah malam.

Sihat Tubuh Badan

Setelah solat Subuh, lakukan senaman ringan. Hirup udara segar di luar dan jalan tanpa memakai kasut (Mandi embun).Geselkan kaki di atas rumput yg masih berembun.

Melangsingkan Tubuh

Dua biji lobak merah dan sebiji timun diparut dan diperah airnya. Campur dgn sebiji air Limau Nipis dan bancuh hingga sebati. Minum dua kali sehari. Amalkan sehingga mencapai berat badan ideal.

Menghilangkan Parut di Kulit

Tumbuk kulit kayu manis sehingga lumat. Campurkan serbuk ini dengan sedikit air. Bancuhkan bersama dengan bedak sejuk. Setelah sebati, sapu rata di bahagian berparut. Lakukan sekerap yg mungkin. Lama-kelamaan, parut akan beransur hilang. Petua ini juga sesuai untuk menghilangkan bintik-bintik hitam dan jerawat di wajah.

Mengelak Keguguran Rambut

Ambil lemak ayam dan masak sehingga menjadi minyak. Sapukan ke kulit kepala seeloknya pada waktu malam. amalan ini juga dapat mencegah kelemumur.
Koleksi Petua Untuk Menghilangkan Bau Ketiak
Pilihan 1: Amalkan semasa mandi, gosok ketiak di atas kepala lutut. Selain itu, setiap kali lepas mandi, sapu dengan belakang tapak tangan pada bahagian bawah ketiak. Pilihan 2: Ambil sebiji limau kasturi, belah dua dan gosokkan kedua-dua belah ketiak anda dengannya. Amalkan seminggu sekali sebelum mandi. Masalah badan berbau semakin berkurangan dan akan hilang dengan perlahan-lahan.

Menghilangkan Kelemumur

Perahkan air limau purut/ nipis di atas kulit kepala Lumurkan rata-rata dan biarkan beberapa jam Utk hasil yg baik, biarkan rambut anda diperapkan dgn tuala. Basuh dgn air suam. Selain itu, petua ini juga berguna utk mengurangkan pening kepala. --Mr> Raaz. 01:46, 20 September 2007 (UTC)Pn JAMILAH

Rambut Gugur

Rendamkan kacang hijau semalaman. Tapis dan gunakan airnya bagi disapu atas kulit kepala sambil dipicit perlahan2. Amalkan selalu hingga rambut baru kelihatan tumbuh. Di samping itu, elakkan mengikat rambut dgn getah.

Menghilang Sakit Kepala

Ambil daun lemuni (batang yg lembut sahaja) lebih kurang sekilogram. Masukkan ke dalam sarung bantal dan tidurlah menggunakan bantal tadi. Amalkan 2-3 hari.

Menghilang Ketumbit Mata

Gesel 2 batang sudu. Sapukan bahagian yg digesel di tempat ditumbuhi ketumbit Lakukan sekali sehari sehingga ketumbit hilang.

Menurunkan Berat Badan

  1. Ambil 3 sudu besar serbuk teh cina dan rendam dalam air. Tapis dan campurkan dengan air perahan limau nipis. Amalkan selalu meminumnya 2 kali sehari iaitu sebelum sarapan dan sebelum tidur. Menurunkan Berat Badan
  2. Sediakan dua biji limau nipis atau limau kasturi setiap hari. Perah airnya ke dalam gelas yg berisi air sejuk. Masukkan ke dalam peti ais. Amalkan minum selepas makan tengahari atau selepas makan malam.

Mengatasi Tumit Pecah

Gosokkan tumit kaki dengan menggunakan belimbing buluh. Kemudian berus tumit kaki dengan berus lembut. Amalkan sebelum mandi.

Awet Muda

  1. Amalkan memotong kuku atau rambut pada hari-hari yg baik iaitu Isnin, Khamis dan Jumaat. Selain itu, amalkan menanam kuku/rambut yang dipotong atau gugur.
  2. Sejurus bangun pagi, sebelum mandi dan gosok gigi, amalkan petua ini. Urutkan wajah anda dgn air dari bawah dagu hingga ke atas dahi diiringi selawat nabi 3 kali. Amalkan setiap hari urutan ini.

Mudah Bangun Pagi

Sebelum tidur, tepuk bantal tiga kali sambil berselawat ke atas Nabi s. a. w. Niat dalam hati utk bangun pagi Insya-Allah, esok terjaga dengan sendirinya.

Menghilangkan Jerawat

Campur bedak sejuk dan asam jawa. Selawat pada Nabi 3 kali. Sapukan di muka dan di tempat jerawat Insyaallah, jerawat akan beransur hilang.

Meluruskan Rambut Kerinting

Perah sebiji kelapa dan ambil patinya sahaja Campurkan dgn air limau nipis. Simpan santan pekat ini di dalam peti ais sehingga atasnya menyerupai krim. Gunakan krim ini utk disapukan pada kulit kepala dan rambut keseluruhannya. Tutup kepala dgn tuala sehingga 1 jam barulah dibilas dgn bersih. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu. Anda akan dapati rambut kerinting akan lurus sedikit demi sedikit.

Menghaluskan Kulit Muka

(1) Bancuh sedikit asam jawa bersama air dan sesudu tepong ubi. kacau sehingga ia menjadi larutan pekat. Pupurkan kepada muka yang telah dibersihkan. Biarkan ia mengering lebih kurang limabelas minit. Selepas itu barulah dibilas.

Memerahkan Bibir

Sapukan madu asli pada bibir tiap2 malam sebelum masuk tidur. Amalkan selalu. Insyaallah bibir anda akan merah seperti memakai gincu.

Memutih dan Mengilatkan Gigi

Ambil beberapa helai daun kelapa kering. Bakar hingga jadi abu. Gosokkan gigi anda dengan abu daun kelapa tersebut. Lakukan berulang kali dan insyaallah gigi anda putih berkilat.

merah kan bibir tumbuk kunyit dan sapukan di bibir

Tegangkan Payudara

Amalkan meminum air kanji (air didih nasi)sebelum tidur malam. Insyaallah mujarab.

Menghaluskan Kulit Muka

Didihkan susu segar atau pun susu tepong bercampur air. Biarkan ia sejuk. Lalu disapukan kepada muka. Biarkan kering lalu dibasuh dengan air bersih. Hilangkan Pecah-pecah Di Tumit Beberapa keping asam gelugur dimasukkan ke dalam baldi yg berisi air suam. Rendamkan kaki anda selama 1/2 jam. Lakukan setiap hari hingga tumit sembuh semula.

Mengembalikan Seri Muka Selepas Bersalin

Rebus beberapa tangkai daun inai dan minum airnya tiga kali seminggu. Seeloknya pada waktu pagi dan malam. Menguatkan Gigi Selepas membuang air besar, anda berdiri seketika. Kemudian, duduk bertinggung sambil dua tapak tangan mengetuk urat paha tiga kali .Semasa mengetuk paha dengan dua tapak tangan, cengkam gigi sekuat tenaga. Selepas itu, kumur air di mulut hembuskan pada dua tapak tangan ke arah muka.

Menghilangkan Bau Mulut

Tumbuk lumat sepuluh kuntum bunga cengkeh dan tiga ulas bawang putih. Kemudian gosokkan kepada gigi dan berkumur hingga bersih. Lakukannya tiga kali sehari.

Menghilangkan Lebam Mata

Teh uncang yg telah digunakan jangan buang. Lekap pada mata dan biarkan semalaman. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu ketika hendak masuk tidur. Menghapuskan Urat Timbul Di Kaki Sewaktu Mengandung Belah beberapa ulas bawang putih lalu ditenyeh kepada urat yang mula timbul. Amalkan selalu.

Mengelak Santau

Untuk mengelakkan santau melalui makanan, pastikan sebelum menjamah makanan ,rasa lelangit kita dengan lidah. Kalau lelangit tu terasa kesat tanpa rasa geli, jangan makan makanan/minuman atau pun tutup kedua-dua belah telinga kalau tak dengar bunyi berdengung, berhati-hatilah dgn keadaan sekeliling. Untuk mengelakkan santau melaui angin, jangan amalkan tidur bertentangan dengan pintu.

Meminimakan Gangguan Semasa Tidur

Biasakan bangun awal pada waktu pagi kerana boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu cepat merasa mengantuk pada waktu malam. Lakukan senaman kerana ia menjadikan seseorang itu cepat letih dan mengantuk. Hilangkan segala masalah dengan mempraktikkan hobi anda seperti membaca, bermain atau berjenaka dengan anak dan isteri. Ingatlah Allah sebelum tidur dan bertawakal kepadaNya setelah kita yakin dengan segala kerja di siang hari itu adalah ibadat.

Menghilangkan Sakit Kepala

Ambil sebiji bawang putih, hiris nipis dan tampal pada kiri dan kanan pelipis. Bawang tadi akan menyedut bisa pada kepala tadi dan biarkan semalaman. Hirisan bawang tadi akan tanggal sendiri apabila mengering dan sakit akan beransur hilang. Pelipis akan berwarna merah kehitaman tetapi akan mengelupas dalam sehari dua.

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