Sunday 20 January 2013

University of Montevallo


Montevallo, Alabama

University of Montevallo
The University of Montevallo first opened its doors in 1896 as the Alabama Girls' Industrial School. It later became a technical school and eventually a co-ed college offering traditional courses of study.
Less conventional are its tales of ghosts, which are said to haunt the campus's King House, Main Dorm and the King House Cemetery. Here are some of the stories:
  • You've heard of "death by chocolate"? Well, in 1908 a sophomore student was making fudge in the Main Dorm when her nightgown caught fire. She died soon after of the injuries, but her ghost has been heard moaning and screaming in the hallway. And an image of her burning face on the wooden door of her dorm room -- a sight so disturbing that it had to be removed and put away.
  • Mr. Edmund King is said to haunt the grounds of King House, a building he constructed in 1823. It is said in life he wandered the house, orchard and cemetery with a lantern. Today, people attest to seeing the lights and curtains move in the house. And other unexplained lights have been seen in the orchard and cemetery. According to legend, Mr. King is searching for the money and silver he buried on the property.


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