Sunday 29 April 2012

Paranormal Encounters

Real Ghost Stories

Paranormal Encounters

Some things I should start off saying are 1) my great-great- grandmother was psychic. She told people many things and people thought it was a coincidence until she was pregnant with my great- grandmother. She became ill, but the doctors said she was fine so no one listened to her. She told them she was going to die after having my great-grandma and again, no one believed her. Ten days later she died. 2) My mom can see, hear, and feel anything related to dead people. I didn't find this out until I was about 16.
My mother has cancer and someone told me that that may be reason for it, but she also senses things. Like once my brother was supposed to be a certain place, but instead he was walking around by the ocean and my mom told me BEFORE he even came home that a picture of the place he was at popped in her head. When he came home, my mom asked where he'd been and he told her "walking by the ocean on the highway." Many other things like this have happened. With that said, I'll move on to some of the things about myself.
It started when I was about 11 or 12. The apartment complex we lived in was built on an old fairground where many people died. Also there has been evidence in documents that Indians used to settle there in the early days. Well, one day my mom was taking pics of us in her room and we noticed this green looking mist around a light fixture in the ceiling. We started going around the house taking more pics of things and one of the pics had this outline of a man in an army looking uniform, like a soldier. That's about all I remember from that incident.
Another house we lived in (I was about 13) scared me to death. Something would say my name EVERY night as I lay down to go to bed. I used to lie there crying until I fell asleep. That's all that happened there, but it happened so frequently and progressed to throughout the day, not just before bed. When we moved from that house we had to go back for the last of our things. As we came up to the house we heard really loud, heavy footsteps running through the house but it was locked. No one could have possibly been in there, nor did we see anyone.
Another house we lived in (we move a lot because were pretty poor and get kicked out a LOT) and this black mist floated down the entire hallway. On another occasion I saw a little shadow person in my room before bed. This is when I really started to get scared. I'd have dreams of people dying, and when I described them to my mom she'd tell me, "Yeah, they died. I have seen them. They're showing you how they died."
I can't physically see them like my mom, only in my dreams. Why is this? Does anyone know? My mom says they like to follow me. It's never her, even though she can directly talk to them. Why? I still have dreams, pics pop in my head like my mom now. If I see a real photo, I can tell if someone died there, sometimes how they died.
I just want to know if this makes me "psychic" or what? What do I classify myself as? There's so much more to this story, but I have to go. Please someone help?

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