Monday 1 October 2012

Bigfoot Characteristics/Eyewitnesses


Though there are many types of "bigfoot" out there depending on location, all of them resemble similar attributes when it comes to eyewitness accounts.
Characteristics of Bigfoot
- very tall (up to 8 feet)
- large feet (hence the name Bigfoot) as large as 24 inches long and 8 inches wide
- avoids humans
- strong odor (like a skunk)
- a loud shrieking howl
- thick and long dark reddish or brown hair, (yeti has white hair)

The only way to prove such a creature's existence is an actual body (which has been hoaxed recently), Photographic evidence and video tape is needed to support the existence of Bigfoot, and hopefully in the future, technology can help us finally end this mystery once and for all. Motion activated surveillance cameras may also help capture more footage of the beast on film, but the only hard evidence to date is the foot imprints and hair samples Bigfoot leaves behind. There have been over 700 footprints left behind by Bigfoot over the years, and all of them are well over the size of an average man.

Bigfoot print

Bigfoot Eyewitnesses/Evid
* First recorded sighting in 1811 near Jasper, Alberta by David Thompson who worked as a fur trader.

1840 - Elkanah Walker, a pioneer and missionary to the Spokane Indians in Washington State, recorded in his diary tales he had heard from the natives about the race of giants who lived in the snow-covered mountain peaks, who stole salmon from the Indian nets and whose smell was nearly intolerable.

1892 - a German fur trapper by the name of Bauman was hunting with a friend around a section of the Salmon River in the Bitterroot Mountains between the state of Idaho and Montana (where Bigfoot sightings continue to this day). Their terrifying encounter with Bigfoot was recorded in a book by Teddy Roosevelt.

1900s - A Colonist newspaper from the in Victoria, British Columbia, printed several stories about "monkey men" being spotted in remote wooded areas.
1902 - Chesterfield, Idaho. A group of people enjoying a winter's day skating were suddenly terrorized by a hairy monster brandishing a wooden club. The witnesses said the creature stood about eight feet tall. Later, four-toed footprints were found that measured 22 inches long and 7 inches wide. Bigfoot indeed! No one was injured in the attack.

1912 - New South Wales, Australia. A surveyor named Charles Harper was camping with several colleagues on Currockbilly Mountain. One evening, as the men sat sound their campfire, they became increasingly unnerved by the strange sounds they heard coming from the woods. To help allay their fears, they piled more wood on their fire. The increased light revealed that something unexpected had invaded their camp. "A huge man-like animal stood erect not twenty yards from the fire, growling," Harper later told a newspaper, "and thumping his breast with his huge hand-like paws." Harper estimated that the creature stood about 5'8" to 5'10" tall and was "covered with long, brownish-red hair, which shook with every quivering movement of his body." To say the least, the men were terrified. One even fainted. For several minutes, the creature continued to growl and make threatening gestures at the men, then turned and disappeared into the forest dark.

1920s - J.W. Burns, a British Columbia schoolteacher who is credited with popularizing the term "Sasquatch," wrote many articles for newspapers and magazines about the giant hairy creatures

1924 - Ape Canyon, Mount St. Helens, Washington. Fred Beck and several other prospectors were puzzled by very large footprints they found in the canyon - until they encountered the beast that made them. They saw a large, ape-like creature peering from behind a tree, watching them. One of the miners leveled his rifle at the creature, shot and possibly grazed it in the head. It ran off out of sight. Later, another creature was seen by Beck. As it stood on the edge of a canyon wall, Beck shot it in the back. It fell, irretrievably, into the canyon. These acts of violence by the humans was not to go unavenged by the Sasquatch. That night, the miners' cabin was attacked by at least two of the primates. For five hours, they pounded on the door and walls, and hurled rocks onto the roof in an attempt to break in. Fortunately, the windowless cabin, built to withstand harsh winters, kept the Sasquatch from entering. As dawn approached, the creatures abandoned their assault. When the miners finally ventured outside, they found numerous Bigfoot prints all around the cabin, and a strip of wood gouged out from between two logs. (There is some evidence that this "attack" may have been a hoax, while others contend that it is true.)

1924 - Vancouver, British Columbia. Albert Ostman is one of the few people who claims to have been abducted by Sasquatch. It happened while he was searching for a lost gold mine that he heard existed somewhere near Toba Inlet. He had heard from an Indian guide about the legendary Sasquatch, but didn't take them seriously until he discovered that something was stealing food from his campsite at night. Then one night he was awakened by something picking him up in his sleeping bag. "I was half asleep and at first did not remember where I was," Ostman said. "My first thought was - it must be a snow slide... Then it felt like I was tossed on horseback, but I could feel whoever it was, was walking." After hours of being carried, Ostman was finally dropped to the ground where he heard a strange-sounding chatter. It wasn't until dawn, however, that Ostman made his way out of his sleeping bag. He was astonished to find himself in the company of four Sasquatch - what appeared to Ostman to be a family: adult male and female, and a young male and female. Ostman was able to provide detailed descriptions of the creatures, all of which, except for the young female, were enormous. Ostman claimed to have spent six days in the company of the Sasquatch family. When he decided he had had enough, he fired his rifle into the air and made a run for it.

1928 - Vancouver, British Columbia. A trapper named Muchalat Harry also claimed to have been kidnapped by Bigfoot. The powerfully built Indian of the Nootka tribe was plying his trade in one of his favorite hunting grounds around the Conuma River that autumn. Like Ostman, Harry was picked up in his sleep, bedding and all, and carried for about three miles by a large Sasquatch. When set down, he found himself surrounded by about 20 of the creatures, both male and female, which he at first thought planned to eat him, as their campsite was littered with large bones. The creatures poked and prodded Harry, seemingly puzzled by his clothing. After a while, they appeared to grow tired of the human curiosity, and many left the camp. Seeing his chance, Harry made a run for it - running right past his own camp to his canoe on the river. He never went trapping in the woods again.
1941 - Jeannie Chapman and her children claimed to have escaped their home when a large Sasquatch, allegedly 7½ feet tall, approached their residence in Ruby Creek, British Columbia
1955 - A trapper named William Roe claimed to have a very close encounter with a female Sasquatch on British Columbia's Mica Mountain. He nearly shot the creature, but admitted that it was so humanlike that he couldn't bring himself to do it.
1957 - Zhejiang, China. On a May afternoon in the sparsely populated Chinese province, Xu Fudi heard her young daughter screaming. The girl had been tending the family's cattle, and Xu Fudi hurried to see what had happened. She was startled to see her daughter struggling futilely in the powerful arms of a young Yeti - the Asian version of Bigfoot. Xu Fudi rushed at the Yeti with a stick of wood and began to beat the creature. It tried to escape through a paddy field, but was slowed by the thick mud. More women from the village joined Xu Fudi in beating the creature to death. So terrified were they of this strange creature that they cut its carcass into pieces. Eerie cries of mourning were heard from the hills the next day.

1958-1959 - Bob Titmus found many Bigfoot tracks where the infamous Patterson/Gimlin Film was shot at.

1977 - Wantage, New Jersey. New Jersey isn't the first place one thinks of when Sasquatch is mentioned, but this reported attack comes from a rural area of that state in the month of May. The Sites family was disturbed by something that had broken into their barn and crushed several of their rabbits to death. The predator returned that night, and the Sites saw it clearly standing in their well-lit yard. "It was big and hairy," Mrs. Sites reported. "It was brown. It looked like a human with a beard and mustache. It had no neck; it looked like its head was just sitting on its shoulders. It had big red glowing eyes." When the Sites' dog attacked it, the creature effortlessly swatted it away - sending it flying about 20 feet. On subsequent nights, the creature was seen several more times by the Sites.

1984 - While looking for gold, Bruce Hoffman described his experience to investigators "I had to park a couple hundred feet from the river, and I had to walk a little ways back towards the small stream that was running into the river. And just before I got to the small tributary, I would say from one-eighth of a mile to a quarter of a mile away, down in the woods I started hearing this yell, or a call. The sound had a base tone, a muscular sound to it, and the sound got loud. You could hear how it went up through the trees and up to the sky. The sound traveled about three to four miles to the ridge of the mountains. You could hear the sound hit the mountain."

1988 - Sean Fries was camping on the north fork of California's Feather River. "I made camp cooked a few trout I caught earlier. I was getting a little tired so I decided to turn in. I climbed into my tent and lay down on my bedroll. I let my dogs run around because they always stay close to camp. I started to dose off to the crickets chirping when suddenly I woke up it was as if I had one of those dreams where you are falling. I could tell there was something very wrong. It was dead quiet - no crickets, nothing, and my dogs came running into my tent shaking. These dogs were very aggressive. I grabbed my rifle and pistol along with a flashlight and stepped outside the tent. I couldn't see anything, but I had that sensation of being watched. I grabbed some more firewood and threw it on the embers left from the dinner fire. Then I heard some very heavy footsteps right behind me in the trees. There was also a very strange odor, almost like a cross between a skunk and something dead. This thing circled my camp site all night long."
2005 - On April 16, 2005, A creature resembling a Bigfoot was reportedly seen on the bank of the Nelson River in Norway House, Manitoba. Two minutes and forty seconds of footage was taken by ferry operator Bobby Clarke from across the Nelson River
2006 - On December 14, 2006, Shaylane Beatty, a woman from the Dechambault Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada, was driving to Prince Albert Saskatchewan when, she claimed, saw the creature near the side of the highway at Torch River. Several men from the village drove down to the area and found footprints, which they tracked through the snow. They found a tuft of brown hair and took photographs of the tracks.
2007 - On September 16, 2007, in the Allegheny National Forest near the town of Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, hunter Rick Jacobs captured an image of an animal using an automatically triggered camera attached to a tree which some claimed was Bigfoot. A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Game Commission challenged the Bigfoot explanation, saying that it looked like "a bear with a severe case of mange ."
2008 - In July, berry-pickers reported a Sasquatch sighting in northern Ontario, Canada.
* Biologist John Bindernagel from Vancouver Island found huge footprints after hearing a odd sound in the woods. He has evidence of 16-inch footprints that he found in Strahcona provincial park when he was hiking. The "hooting" noise bigfoot made didn't sound like any other creature and could be a way Bigfoot communicates with its own kind.

* Terry Endres and his two friends were exploring areas known for Bigfoot sightings for their TV show and discovered a dome-shaped house made up of tree limbs and brush large enough for three fully grown men to sit in. Possibly a place where Bigfoot slept.

* Bill Monroe while hunting for elk heard odd noises he described as "the deafening, screaming, choking, belching moan from the ridge was chilling" in an article for the Portland Oregonian (a newspaper he wrote for). He said it was "The kind of scream that sends mothers scurrying to find their children. The kind of scream no cougar or bear could ever squeeze from their throat... unless it was their last. Piercing, echoing, guttural; a single, horrible high-pitched-yet-throaty, inhuman, unnatural creation of Steven Spielberg that makes your skin crawl."

Go to for State by state reports/listings of Bigfoot sightings.


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