Thursday 4 October 2012

The Choking Old Crone

by Joanna

I would like to relate a very unsettling experience that happened to me about three years ago. It was a Saturday evening and it was the middle of autumn, I was walking through a country road with my dog, Brian. I was starting to walk faster than usual because the sky was getting darker and darker and I wanted to be home before nightfall. As I was walking briskly, Brian started to yelp and whine and seem very uncomfortable. I kept walking and did not pay attention to him. A couple of minutes later, he started to growl and bark and stopped dead in his tracks, panting heavily. I stopped and looked ahead of me to see what was upsetting Brian. The whole place was deadly quiet and I started to get scared because I felt that we were being watched by someone. As I started walking again cautiously, I suddenly heard Brian growl very deeply and aggressively. He had never behaved this way before, and it sent shivers down my spine. As I stopped and looked ahead of us to see what could possibly be bothering him, a figure stepped out from behind a large oak tree ahead of us.
It was an old, ugly woman and she was completely naked. Her face was hideously ugly and was covered with warts. Her gnarled hands were outstretched in front of her and her long, sharp nails beckoned me closer. I froze with terror and I could feel my teeth chattering. As this foul hag limped toward us, she had a desperate look on her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and teary and she raised her right hand to her throat and started gasping for air. She looked like she was choking. My first reaction was that the woman was a nutcase and I stammered, petrified, "Wh-Whoo are youuu?' She did not answer me, and still had her hand around her throat gasping desperately for breath. As she got within reaching distance of me, Brian started barking loudly at the old crone and she vanished into thin air in front of me.
I can remember standing there for about three minutes afterward, hardly believing what I had just seen. Then I hurriedly walked home in the dark with Brian. I have no idea what this horrid vision was or who the old hag was supposed to be, but I have never forgotten it. I still walk my dog down the same country road, but I always wear a silver cross that my grandma bought me for my 16th birthday when I do. I don't know if the old woman was a ghost or something far more sinister, but it was definitely the most evil experience I have ever had in my life.


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