Wednesday 30 May 2012

The White Eyes And Growling

The White Eyes And Growling

This is not necessarily an interesting story but I do not know what I am dealing with, and to be honest it is scaring me. I have had experiences recently with what I might call intense poltergeist activity I am unsure however to what is exactly causing problems. But it is has got me sitting on pins and needles all the time. And as I cannot ignore what is happening any longer I am posting this as a story, first I will start with the beginning events. I have heard and seen doors opening by themselves. At first I thought it may be the wind creating a vacuum as it gushed passed the windows which would in turn pull the doors open. But after hearing the door to my mum's room open itself recently I am now unsure (I could tell because it is an old door handle and makes a grinding noise when the handle is turned) I walked up the hall to confirm my suspicion and sure enough the door was wide open. I had walked past it minutes before and it was closed. My sister and I were the only ones home at the time and she heard it as well when we were both in the lounge room at the other end of the hall. I have also seen my bedroom door swing openly violently usually as I walk up to it to enter my room. It only concerned me recently when I saw that this still happened if I shut all the doors and windows in the house! Even as I type this story I can see the front door to the house (which enters onto the lounge room) moving back and forth irregularly but about two feet each way. And it only moves if I am looking at it. Even earlier tonight our beautiful cat Ringo was let inside. He is placid, friendly and playful and usually sits next to me on the lounge when inside. But he would not go much further than the front door when let inside tonight. I did not take it seriously so I went into the kitchen to check tea (dinner) was not burning and he came running past me as if a dog was chasing him. He ran straight into the corner of the sunroom next to the kitchen and had himself in the corner. Clearly distressed with his ears down and eyes wide open, I scooped him up and he jumped out of my arms as soon as I opened the front door.
I have also seen moving shadows sometimes against the wall, but mostly as "something" that walks past my bedroom door when it is closed at night. (We leave the hall night on at night). The first time I saw it I was on my bed reading, and as I became bored with the textbook I was trying to get through I looked towards the door and saw a shadow go past. I saw it as it passed the door, through the gap underneath the door. Unfortunately I could not find a "logical" explanation. No one had walked passed my door and there were no pets in the house anywhere. Not that long ago I was trying to get to sleep and I saw a crisp full silhouette of someone who looked like a tall man against the wall at the end of my bed. The shadow caught my attention when I could see it moving around. I have also heard scratching (not the sort to come from rats) but similar as if someone ran their nails down a chalkboard. The walls in our house are gypsum board (similar texture to a blackboard), so this really freaked me out. Stuff also goes missing all the time, if I leave something on my desk for instance it nearly always goes missing. And I end up finding it in some strange area, like behind another piece of furniture. This has happened to everyone else in our house as well. My sister's stuff goes missing all the time. One example being she left a toy tamagochi (a sort of virtual pet) on her dressing table recently and when she woke up to go play with it, It was gone . She never found it. Also my mum recently bought a few groceries after she finished work (tomatoes, tomato sauce, cheese, lollies etc) a few weeks ago, and instead of putting the stuff away immediately (as per usual) she left it on the kitchen floor and went to have a nap as she was exhausted and needed to get rid of a migraine. I came home later that day at around the same time as my sister finished school. And some time after that my mum asked me where I put the tomato sauce (assuming I put the groceries away) all I could tell her is that I did not know what she was talking about. My sister also knew nothing about these phantom groceries and after a while of looking (with some yelling and expletives) she gave up. She found these groceries rotting behind a blanket box in her room a fortnight later. She is still stumped to how they got from the kitchen to behind a piece of furniture in her room without anyone moving them and when she was the only one home.
I always feel something is watching me when I get home especially if I am alone. I have had a singular hand grasp my arm at about 2:30 in the morning. This has happened before and the" hand" often seems to go past my arm and touches my waist. As it simply goes past (or through) my arm, I have also heard deep breathing next to me as I try to go to sleep. (This often happens) I became concerned when my sister said recently that this has been happening to her except it has been grasping her wrist and she says it slapped her once. I have also felt something touch me around the neck and also strangely my foot and wrists have felt like someone is grabbing them. Also I occasionally hear what sounds like something heavy being dragged across the floor of my room at night. It is a persistent noise goes on for over half an hour every time. I also saw a piece of paper with a paper weight on it recently slide across the floor of my room as I walked back in there to get something. It was on my desk before. I have also heard what sounds like more than one person (2 to 3) running down the hall of our house at night. I have come out of my room to check out what was going on and immediately noticed no one was there and the lights were still off.
This is when I became scared. An Important person in our family died nearly a year ago from now and I simply assumed these events were from him (well some of them anyway). However my sister said that this stuff was happening to her at least a year before this person died and I have been quite concerned after learning of this information. (I just wished my sister had told me or at least someone this before). She has also experienced banging against the windows and walls which has happened to her a lot. This seems to happen when she is alone or out of my eyesight. (This happened again the other day and tonight, she walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, and as she left my sight I heard very loud thumping on the sun room windows (This is a room that used to be a veranda and has now been enclosed with windows, It is next to the kitchen). Our house is elevated of the ground so no one outside could have done this. And it was night time so a bird could not have flown into the window. And it was not windy so nothing could have pushed branches from a tree outside against the windows. And most importantly it sounded like someone was doing it rather than anything I mentioned in the sentences above.
I have also seen a table in the same room of our house shake. This happened a bit over a year ago (again before this family member died). I called my Dad to have a look at it and he dismissed as movement from walking in the house. Now I am not so sure (It seemed to move regardless of whether anyone was moving or not to me). It was shaking just like a person was shaking it. When I sit down it sometimes feels like someone is shaking the chair or lounge I am sitting on. I have also had stuff that I would describe as being thrown at me in the kitchen. The last time this has happened for example, I was in front of the sink washing up, when a brush from a dustpan and brush set was "thrown" at me from thin air. It did not hit me but it did strike the exposed side of the sink with a large bang. I ignored it by not reacting to what happened in an obvious way. But all I could think about was the force it was thrown. A similar event happened when I was peeling potatoes recently at the sink and it felt like someone was touching my hair, I kept turning around fully expecting someone to be behind me. I was then shocked when a muffin tin I had leant against the dish stacker looked like it was briefly picked up and thrown back to where I put it resulting in another loud bang. I also noticed when I turned around the door to my room was closed and the light was off as I left it before going into the Kitchen. After the muffin tin was "thrown" the door to my room was open and the light was on. I was home by myself at the time. Also a few months ago I woke up in the morning and when I left my room to enter the kitchen across from my room. I realised pretty much everything left on the kitchen counter and table was scattered all over the floor. Everything was everywhere and the kitchen was a complete mess. No one knew anything about it. This has demonstrated the strength of what I am dealing with. I have also had occasional nightmares where I am in the kitchen and random objects are thrown at me. (Yes objects usually seem to fly at me only in the kitchen)
I cannot think of any reason such an entity would be inside our house. I have not been using Ouija board for example. The only thing I can think of is that I have been watching ghost videos on YouTube lately (this is me trying to research what is harassing me) and about a fortnight ago. I was in the lounge room at night when I turned to look at the window besides me. And it looked like a face was behind me when I looked at the glass. Its face was pale khaki coloured and featureless but had the general structure and shape of a human face. Perhaps the entity got a few ideas to entertain itself. The TV in the lounge room sometimes turns itself off and a while ago we had just bought a new TV (now since gone) and when I turned it on to use the second time it did not work and I had to quickly unplug it as it had caught on fire. I had to smother it with clothes. It ended up being taken to the tip (dump) sometime afterwards. I can also remember nearly two years ago It was past midnight and I went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk and I noticed all four elements (or hobs as some people call them) on the stove were on. I turned them off and complained about it the next day. And yes no one knew anything about it. This has happened several times since then.
There was one time I was in the lounge room and I heard a large crack and heard the smoke alarm go off. I could see the walls of the kitchen glowing red and when I entered the room I saw that there was a "small" fire on top of the stove. I had left a plate covered in paper towels and bacon fat from cooking bacon beforehand on one of the elements when I safely turned the stove off. I then tidied up the kitchen a little and went to sit in the lounge room to do some studying. About 15 minutes later I heard the crack and noticed there was a fire. The element that the plate was sitting on top of had been turned on somehow. I know that I checked that stove was off as I double check all appliances are turned off before I leave the kitchen. I have also heard banging noises that sound like someone is pounding against door frames or struts in the wall. And sounds that are similar to metal objects being clashed together. There has been a few times I was sure I could hear growling sounds, kind of similar to a dog but sort of muffled , outside my bedroom door and one time it was next to me. I cannot be certain but I feel this is what I heard. These sounds always happen in the middle of the night. Another recent event happened during night time a few nights ago. I came out of my room at around 3 am and I saw a pair of gleaming "white" eyes just outside my bedroom door. I was not scared so much as shocked. They were definitely a pair of eyes. As I stood there staring at them (as they stared at me) they faded away after about six seconds and as they did they became a pale blue colour before becoming lowered when they vanished. I knew I could not explain that one away so I realised I needed to do something about what was happening.
I do know that bad and unfortunate events have happened in our house before we moved in so I assume this has something to do with it. There were some negative characters that lived in our house before us. But all I really know is that a woman moved to our house about a month before we lived there and apparently became suddenly depressed. According to our next door neighbour she committed suicide under the house a fortnight after moving there. I found some of the stuff she had written on apparently before she died and I would have to say her mind was in a very dark, sad and a very strange place. I felt very sad and confused just trying to read what she had written down. I did notice weird stuff when we moved in but these events have only become unbearable recently. The events happened immediately after we moved in and also fairly recently which were two difficult times for our family. Which makes me think this is not that woman's angry depressed spirit but something more nasty. Please if anyone is able to give me some information about what I may be dealing with and some information in how to gently get rid of it (or not so gently perhaps) and also if there is a selective way of getting rid of this entity without affecting other spirits that may dwell within the house. This to say something that does not necessarily involve a fully fledged exorcism or something over the top. I would be very grateful to hear any advice though and if anyone has had similar experiences. Please comment if you feel you know anything helpful. Thank you for your time.

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