Monday 28 May 2012

Angry Spirit

Real Ghost Stories

Angry Spirit

I lived with my mom in Fulton, Missouri when I was 22 for about a year until I got back on my feet. In that year my mom had told me stories of ghost like experiences she had ever since she has lived there which was for about 5 years. She runs a daycare from the house and is home all day to witness them. They are little things that don't really bother her too much. Clinging glasses, water in strange places, feeling of a hand brush across her neck...etc.
I have always felt a strange and uneasy feeling when I'm there. One night my aunt, my mom, and I got together and used the Ouija Board... Big mistake. The board was very active but nothing made sense to us. We decided to stop and put it away for the night. That night I was sleeping in the living room and started having a very intense dream.
In my dream, it was us three playing the Ouija Board just like earlier that night. There was a hole in the board (in my dream) and I asked what it was for. My aunt tells me we have to put our hands in the wake up the spirits. So, I put our hands in the hole and at that very second, I woke up with my entire head shaking uncontrollably side to side. I couldn't open my eyes or make my head stop shaking.
Then I felt hot breath on my neck and right ear and a mans voice say, "You stupid b____!" He said it in a very angry way. As soon as I heard that, my eyes popped open and were stuck on a white object floating in the middle of the room. It slowly faded away and I didn't sleep the rest of the night.
The night after that I stayed at my aunt's house and had the same thing happen at the same time (4:00am). I was dreaming of my aunt and me fixing the refrigerator when a 6 year old kid knocked on her front door. She looked at me with the most terrified look on her face and told me to not let him in.
She ran to the door and it swung open with the kid standing there and she dropped to her knees and couldn't move while he was staring at her. It was very eerie dream. I then woke up and saw a human like figure walk across my body and pressure on my chest. I tried to scream for my aunt but nothing came out.
I jumped in bed with her and eventually fell back asleep. I immediately started dreaming about the ghost again. The setting was at my aunt's house and I was lying in her bed and he was picking on me in my dream. I was asleep but it was almost as if I were dreaming of exactly what was happening at that exact moment.
Every night after that for about a month, I was awakened by a dream similar to that one at 4:00am on the dot. I would dream about me talking to the spirit. It was almost like I was trying to communicate with him through my dreams. They were so real!
They didn't just happen in my mom's house though. Is it possible that a spirit could follow me where I go? My TV turns back on when I turn it off. I get extremely terrifying feelings come over me occasionally. I get strange water spots in my bed down by my feet. These things only happen about once every 2 months now.

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