Tuesday 26 June 2012

Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary

Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary

My family consists of myself (I am 34), my husband, and our 3 sons. We have lived in our house for 12 years now. We knew almost right after we moved in that there were "other people" here. My husband sees things all the time and my 11 year old son has seen ghosts since he was very small.
Sometimes things are quiet here for several months at a time and then we will have activity for a few weeks. Not every night per say, sometimes 2 nights in a row, then nothing for a night or two. We get things that happen such as smoke filled rooms - We will walk into a room and it looks like someone took a bottle of baby powder and smashed it making a huge cloud of smoke. That is the only way I can describe it. But then it will disappear all at once within so many seconds.
We hear whispers very clearly. My husband and son both see a full bodied man walking around in here very regularly. We have found out that there was a man that died in our dining room (natural causes). We get a lot of shadow figures and sometimes even just shapes. I have no idea what the shapes mean (shapes, as in triangles, circles, squares). We seem to think that there is more than one ghost here. My husband has seen a woman, but only a few times and that has been about 2 years ago since he has seen her. There are the dark shadows as well. We don't think that the shadows are of the man that died here (his name is Bill, by the way) because when anyone sees Bill, they can see him very clear.
Sorry, I am not a good story teller and on top of that I am nervous about sharing with others.
What made me come to this forum is that my son was scared to death Saturday night (today is Monday). He was upstairs in his room and it was late. He was sitting at his computer desk playing a game on his cell phone. The speakers on the computer were turned off but there was noise that came across the speakers full blast. He said he jumped and went to turn off the speakers but they were already off. So he sat there for a second just looking around (paranoid). He said it then got very cold. He turned around and looked toward the steps and the lamp on his night stand came on. He felt a presence but could not see anything. The room then got very bright. He was petrified, and this kid does not scare easily. He is so used to seeing the ghost man (Bill) that is here that he doesn't even think twice about it. BUT - he felt a strong presence and he was truly scared. He said this one was different.
This is why I am looking to others for some advice. What should I do? Should I even do anything at all? Is there any way to make them go away?
I have emailed the pastor at my old church but I have not heard back from him. I am beginning to think that I won't.
Well, thanks for listening.

Source : http://www.yourghoststories.com/

More Stories: http://blackboxmystery.blogspot.com/

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