Thursday 13 September 2012

Shadow People Short Stories Compilation

 Hat Man in Pursuit
I’m Chad, I'm 19 and the hat man has been bugging me since I was 16. Well the first time I seen him was when I was talking on the phone with a friend, and i had the light in the living room on, and it must have been a 120 watt light bulb cause it was really bright, when all of a sudden I turn to the left and right in front of my face was this shadow, and I look up and its the Hat Man staring back down at me.
He was super dark; the light did not shine through him. Well I freaked out, and I thought my dad had died or something but nothing was wrong. Well a few months passed like maybe 3 and I was asleep, and all of a sudden I wake up to someone shaking me. I couldn’t breathe and it was like really hard shaking, I couldn’t move or anything, I was thinking I was having a seizure or something but I was conscious the whole time.
The Calling
Well, he's been bugging me for a while. I would go outside and he would follow me out the door. Well also, my room mysteriously burned down, so we moved. But everywhere I go he eventually bothers me.
Have you ever heard a voice, maybe even of someone you may know, call on you, but when you go to see and check--no one is there? We have a saying for that here in Puerto Rico...."Pay it no mind, the translation goes, that's just death calling, and you will know for it can never use the same "voice" twice." And believe me--that's true! I myself have been "called" many times, but have learned, at a very early age even, to never pay it any mind, and this story will tell you why...I was born on the island of St.Thomas, but raised in P.R.. There I had a few experiences, and this one really scared the socks off me! I was about between 6-10 at the time.
I got this bad urge to get dressed up and wait for my grandfather to go out. My nana had asked me why I was all dressed up, I told her, and thinking it was just "childish" things, paid me no mind. My grandfather had already gone out, and was yet to return. I sat at the top of the stairs of the garage, and patiently waited.About 15-20 minutes of waiting went by, when I heard the voice of my grandfather calling to me to go and open the main gate for him, [which is about 300 feet away, or more, from the main house.] Doing as told, I went, only to find he wasn't there, but proceeded to open it anyway. I but finally reached the stairs again at the garage to sit back down, that I heard another voice, the voice of a lady who we'd rented an apt. to, for me to go and close the gate.  I did think it to be weird--but again did as told. Again no one there!
As I left, this time I got a strange feeling of being watched. I turned my head to look back at the gate to see something hiding at one corner of it. I still remember it as if it were yesterday. Think of a dark, really all black, shadow, [you can't see through it], with what seems to be wearing a coat and hat from it's outline. It had red glowing eyes, and a lighter shade of red seemed to "flow" through it diagonally. I guess it noticed I could see it, and darted across the road, disappearing into the bush on the lower road on the other side.
That was enough for me! I ran, [probably even faster than it did], right back up to the main house straight to my nana and told her and my grandmother what had happened. All through this, at the same time, my grandfather pulled into the garage. My nana didn't believe me, and my grandmother told me not to speak of such things to no one. It was later I learned the saying.....and I never forget.
My Experience with the Shadow Man 
I've had one of the scariest experiences of my life, and it was when I was 14-15 years old, going to bed. My bed was laying against the wall and I was facing the wall wide awake. I then turned over to see the most horrifying entity ever standing next to my bed.  The figure was between 4 - 5 ft tall. Solid, all black resembling a shadow with a distinct outline. It wore a hat and a long coat.

My encounter did not just disappear, it stood there lurking at me moving it's head from side to side with big red eyes, as if it was nodding no. I tried so hard for at least 10 minutes to scream, completely frozen, but finally I let go a scream, when my parents came it, the thing was gone.  After they left it came back and I just pullled the covers over m head till I slept.  I will never forget the night.
Joseph - Ohio
Shadows all around
It started when my father, Step-mom, Two brothers and I, moved to a house on Bluefield. I would get feelings of "another presence" in the room. I wouldn't think of it being a spirit until my step-mom said she noticed it to. So naturally I started paying more attention to it. There were shadows mainly in the hall, living room, and kitchen. When I looked to see what caused them they were gone. I woke up one morning and got ready for school, I walked across the hall into the bathroom to brush my teeth when I noticed a tall figure of a man much shorter than my Dad starring at me. Of course I didn't move, I couldn't, my heart started racing. I could only see his silhouette, then like an idiot I wiped my eyes to see if I was imagining it and he was gone. I didn't tell anyone about it. Then one day my step-mom's friend wanted to talk to me about the shadows. She told me it was a older man who would never harm me but I knew him in a past life. He watches over the house, but is more attracted to me for reasons she doesn't know about. I keep my door closed nearly always because we have cats that get into everything. I've found my door open each time I walk down the hall. Once I was in the bathroom brushing my hair, you can see my door from the reflection in the mirror. I heard the door start to very gently but quietly rattle then I saw the door open. My Dad and brothers don't believe me, neither does any one else I tell this story about. I am living with my mom now, I still get those same feelings from time to time. I also still see the shadows, I don't want them to go away, I feel safer with them around. (Even though they startle me some times!)
Briana Venner - Mesquite, Texas
I saw Shadow People
2006 I was sleeping in my room. My girlfriend next to me. I have a framed poster of dolphins jumping in the water at night. I woke up out of the blue to a feeling of paralyzation. Floating above me and to my right was a black smoke. I couldn't see through it, but I could still see the wall and the window around it. I tried my hardest to nudge my girlfriend, even tried to yell. It felt as if ALL my strength was gone! I could still feel, hear and smell everything. I could move my eyes, but that was it. It stayed there for about ten minutes until my girlfriend moved in her sleep. I watched it draw back and as it did I could move. The second I raised my arm to nudge her it disappeared into the picture. More than that, it looked like it disappeared into the reflection on the water in the picture. I jumped up and hit the light. I let her know what had happened, thinking she would just tell me I was dreaming, but she said "The darkness". She said that a few times in her life she had seen something similar. She had described different sized shadows that would normally disappear into a mirror or puddle. I know what I saw and I KNOW I was awake the whole time. I don't know why I couldn't move while it was touching me, I would have to say fear, I guess. I wasn't afraid of it as much as not being able to move. I would have never ever believed such a thing possible, but I couldn't come up with anything that could explain what happened. My thought is they live in reflections, which is why in our world they appear as shadows. - Chris H.

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