Wednesday 5 September 2012

Possible Ghost Skeleton Captured in Edinburgh Vault Photo

Possible Ghost Skeleton Captured in Edinburgh Vault Photo

Written By: Sharon Green

Submitted By:jeff Category: Ghosts

Whilst visiting family for a holiday in August of this year, we had planned my husband and I to do the ghost tours of Edinburgh. Having been and still am a most haunted fan and after seeing them conduct a ghost tour for a programme and a three night live show I wanted more than ever to see for myself.

Over the course of our six night stay we first went to Mary Kings Close, a place steeped in history of old dwellings which is now underneath the streets of the old part of Edinburgh where poor people used to live of up to 15 people a room. This place holds many a ghostly tale though I never saw anything myself.

We also took a trip to Edinburgh Dungeons where we were given an education tour which was both a little scary and comical. Well worth a visit.

We also went for a tour of the Blair street vaults run by a company called Meercat tours. This was very interesting you started off in the streets of old Edinburgh being told of the infamous body snatchers Burke and Hare and other stories of what it was like to live here many years ago along with ghost stories of what people have seen and felt and of the little boy who was sent down the tunnel along the royal mile which leads from the castle all the way down to Holyrood palace (which is where the queen stays whilst in Edinburgh) playing bagpipes who has never to this day been seen but people still claim to hear these pipes coming up from the ground.

It was the last night of our stay and we had booked up with Auldreekie tours to do the terror tour at 10.30pm on the 5th August 2008. Again the tour started in the street of old Edinburgh and was not to dissimilar to the other tour to start with, with some stories being repeated and some new ones. After a while we approached the Niddry street vaults and proceeded to enter. Firstly you are taken into a room which is like a mini museum where lots of real torture tools and equipment is on display with more information and stories of how it was used. We were barbaric years ago, frightening really.

Anyway after that we went into the start of the vaults which were like tunnels with rooms coming off them and was told of the ghost known as the watch man who several people have claimed to have seen and heard. We were taken to another vault were there is a stone circle, no one is meant to set foot within the circle for there is supposed to be an evil entity within it. Subsequently when most haunted were filming one of the crew was stood in the circle and sustained three big scratches were he needed a total of five stitches. The guide who was taking us around was actually there on that night and refuses to set foot inside of this circle.

Finally we were all stood outside of the most haunted vault there and told of the many things that have happened to people in this vault and there is supposed to be a poltergeist in there too. As the guide was talking I just lifted the camera above the head of the person stood in front of me and snapped the picture that you have seen not knowing what I had captured until I got back to the flat where I was staying.

Before we entered the guide told us to all switch off our cameras and phones as batteries are affected in this room, they have had many paranormal investigators in this room and have recorded really high levels of activity and phenomena. People have said to have felt sick in this room, passed out, there has been two episodes of people being levitated off of the floor and other such things. When I reached into my bag to switch off my mobile I noticed it had already turned itself off which I thought strange as I knew it had been on as I had used it to phone my daughter not long before. It also was fine later after we finished the tour with battery power ok. Strange!!!

When we continued into the vault he lined the men along one side and the women the other. My husband was actually stood in that very spot where I captured that image about two to three minutes later, although a skeptic he is intrigued by this picture as he knows that nobody was there when he was stood there.

As well as a poltergeist, many mediums have sensed children in that room, maybe this is a skeleton of a child!

When we left the vault five minutes later I wanted for some reason to take another photo, although not being allowed to inside of that vault I went and stood back where I had originally snapped the first one, just outside. When the guide was further up the tunnel and out of sight I tried to take another picture but my camera was going crazy. It kept switching itself off and on, off and on I even got these two younger lads that were stood near me to see what was going on. It was weird and so I was unable to get another picture although I expect the owner will be taking pictures of the vault from the same spot as he is gob smacked with the image I have captured and also being a skeptic quoted me the most convincing thing he has ever seen yet and wants futher investigations to take place. i.e. sending my photo off to be looked at.

I have to say I think I have captured a full manifestation of a ghost in skeletal form and it would be interesting if the psychics could have a look at the picture to see what they get from it. I feel very excited by this picture and having made my local newspaper here and web site it has struck up lots of comments and set many tongues wagging. What do you think is it a ghost or a trick of the light?

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