Some years ago, when I was sixteen, I had the one of the most frightening experiences of my life. I was in my bedroom writing some rather hard rocking music on my new synthesizer, when my mother came in and said that dad and her were going to the grocery store. Basically I just nodded with that teenage temperament that speaks, "yeah, ok, whatever, bye". Soon after their departure it began to cloud up outside as if a rainstorm was imminent.
My bedroom window was open and speaking of this particular window; it was a very old window that took just about all of the strength one could muster up to open it and to close it - well, let's just say that seemed about twice as hard to accomplish that feat - so basically the window, for all intents and purposes, was stuck open; come rain or shine.
As I slowly crept the volume up on my amplifier and played more and more feverishly to the rocking tune I was creating, the attic door, a standard 1930's issue inside door, which is also in my room suddenly swung open. Startled, I quickly hit the Stop button on my synth and turned around to see the attic door fully open. My rather logical mind, though stunned, quickly jumped in and said, "The window is open and it was probably just a pressure draft that pulled the door open". So with that logical explanation firmly in place, I pressed the start button and continued to marvel at my loud, musical creation.
Not more than ten seconds passed and I heard the attic door slam shut; rather loudly! This time I noticed, there was absolutely no breeze coming in the window. In fact, the curtains weren't rustling at all. "Hmm... That was weird and scared the heck out of me", I mumbled to myself. But once again, even though the hair on my arms was standing at full attention, my logic interrupted and put me at ease.
After taking a deep breath, I decided to again press start and wait and see what happens. Nothing. Then, just as I was getting into the music again, the attic door slammed open with such ferocity that it made the room shake then it immediately slammed shut again. This time, not only was every hair on my body standing straight up, but I was frozen in place with an intense fear - as if a presence was in the room with me - and it was standing right behind me, breathing down my neck.
I felt compelled to run as fast as I could from the room, but instead I began walking toward the open window. I was no more than three steps away from the window when it suddenly slammed shut and the glass broke inward into my room.
In one quick motion I leaped toward my bedroom door, yanked the door open and flew down the stairs, missing about fifteen of sixteen steps; pulled open the front door of the house and ran into the front yard. I stood in the front yard for the next twenty minutes (until my parents returned) in the drizzling rain, staring up into my bedroom window in complete shock over what had just transpired.
As I recall, this was the only "hostile" event that ever happened while in my house. While many will agree this seems like an extreme paranormal experience, some offered a more subtle, logical explanation to this event.
I was told that my first impulse, in which air pressure was causing the door to open and shut, was the correct unconscious response to what was happening. That the window in my room was wide open just before a thunderstorm completely explains this strange but all too common phenomenon. The fact that my window slammed shut just as I was walking towards it was nothing more than the coincidence of the loud rocking music causing vibrations in the window frame, thus freeing the old window from its "stuck" state, ultimately leading to it slamming shut.
A teenager all alone in an old house as storm clouds approached produced an unconscious fear response that so many youngsters experience when startled.
These explanations in and by themselves are actually very academic and the most logical explanations available, but once this story is put into context with the other strange occurrences that happened while in the house lead me to less logical conclusions.
As such, my conclusions lead me to abandon the overpowering musical work I had been composing and indulge in more benign and relaxed music fare. So that evening I erased the composition and began working on my first love ballad, which as it turns out was the first real song I ever wrote. Oddly enough, and I know this will sound cliche, but soon after turning my musical taste to the more relaxed state, a soft smell of roses filled my room. At the time I had no idea where such a smell was coming from but it was there. I carefully walked over to the attic door with every corpuscle on my body in full alert; most likely from the earlier trauma I suffered; and slowly opened the door. To my amazement the smell of roses was ten-fold stronger in the attic stairway!
All at once my fear dissipated and I was filled with newly found inspiration to complete my first, and to this day, one of my best musical compositions.
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Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Top 10 Doppelgangers in History
A Doppelganger is considered the evil twin, the harbinger of misfortune, the omen of death, and is very rare. In some cases, the victim of this haunting activity may be in danger, or perhaps soon meet their untimely death. Sounds creepy? Just wait until you read the stories of some true accounts of doppelgangers throughout history.
10. John Donne
Donne was a 16th century English poet who was visited by a doppelganger while he was in Paris. The odd thing about this account is that the doppelganger wasn't his at all, but his wife instead. The doppelganger of his wife was holding a newborn baby. Donne's wife was pregnant at the time, but the doppelganger showed her in a somber state. At the exact same moment that the doppelganger appeared, his wife had given birth to a stillborn child.
9. George Tryon
A famous Victorian apparition was the strange appearance of Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon. He walked through the drawing room of his family home in Eaton Square, London, looking straight ahead, without exchanging a word to anyone, in front of several guests at a party being given by his wife on 22 June 1893 whilst he was supposed to be in a ship of the Mediterranean Squadron, maneuvering off the coast of Syria. Subsequently it was reported that he had gone down with his ship, the HMS Victoria, that very same night, after it had collided with the HMS Camperdown following an unexplained and bizarre order to turn the ship in the direction of the other vessel.
8. Percy Bysshe Shelley
English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley claimed that he met his doppelganger while on vacation in Italy. While the poet stared dumbfounded at the apparition, all that the double did was point to the Mediterranean Sea. Oddly enough, Shelley drowned in the Mediterranean shortly thereafter.Shelley drowned while sailing in a small boat in 1822.
7. Guy de Maupassant
Maupassant was a French novelist and short story writer who claimed to have been haunted by his doppelganger near the time of his death. According to accounts, he said the doppelganger entered his room, took the seat opposite to him and began to dictate what de Maupassant was writing. He wrote about this experience in his short story "Lui."
6. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In this autobiography the German poet reports two different sightings of doubles. In the 1st instance he was riding along the road to Drusenheim, having just said goodbye to his girlfriend where he saw his double riding towards him wearing a gray suit trimmed with gold. These clothes were completely unfamiliar to him. Eight years later, on another visit to Friedrike, he found himself riding in the same direction as his double. Again the double was wearing the gray suit he had seen him in 8 years before.
5. Queen Elizabeth I
Elizabeth reportedly saw herself lying pale and still on her bed. Soon after the incident, she died. Not much is known about the incident, but the event seemed to shock her so much, the mere sight of the doppelganger may have been enough to cause her untimely death.
4. Czarina Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia
Catherine proclaimed herself as Empress after she murdered her husband, Peter III in 1762. She seized the serfs and lands belonging to the church and went to war with Turkey. She was considered by many historians to be nothing more than an evil tyrant. During her rule, Catherine observed her double sitting on the royal throne. She ordered it shot, although this had no effect on the doppelganger. Catherine died of natural causes shortly after the incident died in 1796.
3. Sir Gilbert Parker
In 1905, Sir Gilbert Parker, a member of the British Parliament, was attending a debate in the House of Commons. During the debate, he noted that Sir Frederick Carne Rasch was also present, sitting in his usual spot. Yet this was impossible since Sir Frederick was quite ill with with flu and, according to members of his household, remained in bed throughout the day. Apparently, Rasch's double was determined to hear the debate.
2. Abraham Lincoln
One example of a doppelganger that isn't too well known is a dream or illusion that haunted Lincoln at times through the winter. On the evening of his election win, looking into a bureau mirror across the room he saw himself full length, but with two faces, one paler than the other. He mixed in the election excitement and tried to forget about it, but he couldn't after it showed up again. Lincoln told his wife about it. Later he tried to make the illusion come back, it worked, but that was the last he ever saw of it. His wife said it was a sign he would be elected to a second term, and the death pallor of one face meant he wouldn't live through his second term. Lincoln was assassinated later. Story confirmed by Mary Todd Lincoln, and by Private Secretary John Hay
1. Emilie Sagée
A famous case is that of a young French teacher in Latvia, Emilie Sagée. Most of her students in 1846 and 1846 often witnessed Sagée’s twin appear and disappear in full view. The double would often mimic the young woman’s movements, be very active while Sagee remained motionless, and appear healthy during times that Sagée was known to be ill. In the middle of class one day, while Sagée was writing on the blackboard, her exact double appeared beside her. The doppelganger precisely copied the teacher's every move as she wrote, except that it did not hold any chalk. The event was witnessed by 13 students in the classroom. Another time, all the students in the school saw Sagée working in the school’s gardens at the same time that they could see her sitting in a chair in the room with them! When two of the more courageous students attempted to interact with the image in the chair, they discovered an “odd resistance in the air surrounding it.” Ms. Sagee never did see her own double, though she claims to feel tired and fatigued when people report seeing one near her
Ghost Species,
Mystery Phenomena,
Paranormal Article,
Indian Spirits
This ghost photo was sent by Mike and Holly Frieders of
Mike and Holly said, "The Black Hills of North Dakota have always been a spiritual place for the Lakota people. This picture was take by my adopted Lakota Grandmother Nellie Two Bulls on a trip she took to speak at Crazy Horse Mountain. She was photographing the birds in the road in the picture. It was taken during the summer of 2001with a disposable camera."
Ular, suara misteri di air terjun Tengkil
Ular, suara misteri di air terjun Tengkil
Oleh Noh Isma
SETIAP kali pergi memancing di hulu sungai atau kawasan air terjun, penulis pasti teringat peristiwa yang berlaku pada dua tahun lalu. Kejadian berlaku ketika penulis pergi memancing ikan tengas di air terjun Sungai Tengkil di kaki Gunung Muntahak. Peristiwa itu tidak akan penulis lupakan sampai bila-bila.
SETIAP kali pergi memancing di hulu sungai atau kawasan air terjun, penulis pasti teringat peristiwa yang berlaku pada dua tahun lalu. Kejadian berlaku ketika penulis pergi memancing ikan tengas di air terjun Sungai Tengkil di kaki Gunung Muntahak. Peristiwa itu tidak akan penulis lupakan sampai bila-bila.
Begini ceritanya. Pada satu pagi minggu, penulis bersama tiga orang rakan iaitu Aziz TNB, Che Mat dan anak saudaranya bernama Yusri, berpakat masuk hutan. Penulis cadangkan pergi ke air terjun Sungai Tengkil di kaki Gunung Muntahak, kira-kira 20 kilometer (km) dari tempat penulis di Bandar Tenggara. Kebetulan penulis sudah lama tidak ke situ. Mungkin ikan tengas daun yang banyak di situ sudah besar disebabkan tempat itu jarang dimasuki orang.
Dalam kumpulan itu, cuma penulis dan Che Mat minat memancing. Aziz pula minat mencari dan mengumpul orkid hutan. Sementara Yusri minat dalam hal-hal fotografi. Kawasan air t yang bertingkat itu mempunyai pemandangan menarik untuk dirakamkan dalam kamera. Cadangan penulis dipersetujui, kerana selain penulis mereka bertiga memang tidak pernah pergi ke air terjun itu.
Begini ceritanya. Pada satu pagi minggu, penulis bersama tiga orang rakan iaitu Aziz TNB, Che Mat dan anak saudaranya bernama Yusri, berpakat masuk hutan. Penulis cadangkan pergi ke air terjun Sungai Tengkil di kaki Gunung Muntahak, kira-kira 20 kilometer (km) dari tempat penulis di Bandar Tenggara. Kebetulan penulis sudah lama tidak ke situ. Mungkin ikan tengas daun yang banyak di situ sudah besar disebabkan tempat itu jarang dimasuki orang.
Dalam kumpulan itu, cuma penulis dan Che Mat minat memancing. Aziz pula minat mencari dan mengumpul orkid hutan. Sementara Yusri minat dalam hal-hal fotografi. Kawasan air t yang bertingkat itu mempunyai pemandangan menarik untuk dirakamkan dalam kamera. Cadangan penulis dipersetujui, kerana selain penulis mereka bertiga memang tidak pernah pergi ke air terjun itu.
Selepas menyiapkan peralatan dan membeli bekalan makanan, kami berempat bergerak ke destinasi dengan menaiki van kepunyaan Aziz. Selepas melalui jalan raya sejauh hampir 12km, van kemudian memasuki jalan lombong berlubang-lubang sejauh hampir 8km. Dulu kawasan itu lombong bijih timah. Sekarang ia bertukar menjadi lombong pasir. Pada hari minggu, lombong pasir ditutup. Di penghujung jalan terdapat sebuah pagar besi yang berkunci. Jadi, kenderaan tidak boleh memasukinya kecuali motosikal. Pada hari biasa, berpuluh lori masuk ke kawasan lombong untuk mengangkut pasir.
Tempat yang akan kami masuk tidak jauh lagi - kira-kira 3km. Tetapi memandangkan jalan tidak boleh dilalui, kami memutuskan untuk berjalan kaki. Van diletakkan bersebelahan pintu pagar. Kelihatan Gunung Muntahak berdiri megah di hadapan seolah-olah menyambut kedatangan kami. Untuk sampai ke kaki gunung, kami terpaksa meredah bekas lombong lama yang tidak berpokok. Bahang matahari terasa begitu panas sekali. Kami juga terpaksa meredah semak samun, resam tebal dan kawasan paya serta mengharung anak sungai sedalam paras pinggang.
Selepas sejam berjalan, kami akhirnya tiba di pinggir hutan. Bunyi air terjun jelas kedengaran. Sebelum itu, kami terpaksa meredah belukar rumput resam tebal untuk tiba di jeram. Penulis berjalan di hadapan diikuti rakan lain. Tiba-tiba terdengar Aziz menjerit: “Lari...! Lari...! Penyengat...!”
Kami bertempiaran lari. Habis semak resam dirempuh. Tiba di jeram, kami berhenti rehat. Masing-masing tercungap kepenatan. Aziz kena dua sengatan di tangan dan badan. Rupanya ada penyengat bersarang dalam rumput resam dan diredah oleh Aziz. Pelik juga macam mana penulis yang berjalan di depan tidak terlanggar sarang penyengat itu. Aziz yang berjalan paling belakang pula yang terlanggar.
Hilang penat, kami menyambung perjalanan ke air terjun beberapa meter lagi di hadapan. Kami sampai di tingkat pertama air terjun. Terdapat kolam di bawahnya tetapi tidak berapa dalam. Kelihatan hanya anak ikan tengas berkeliaran. Kami naik ke atas lagi dan sampai ke tingkat kedua air terjun. Terdapat sebuah kolam yang agak dalam, kelihatan banyak ikan tengas daun bersaiz agak besar berenang ke sana-sini.
Penulis dengan tidak berlengah terus memasang pancing. Begitu juga Che Mat. Aziz yang pulih sedikit setelah disengat, sibuk dengan aktivitinya mencari orkid hutan. Yusri pula sibuk mencari sudut sesuai untuk merakamkan gambar pemandangan air terjun itu. Beberapa ekor ikan tengas bersaiz empat jari dan seekor keli dipancing. Sedang leka memancing, tiba-tiba Che Mat yang memancing di sebelah atas penulis bersebelahan air terjun menjerit: “Ular...! Ular...!”
Penulis menoleh ke belakang. Kelihatan seekor ular sawa batik sebesar betis meluncur laju di atas batu menuju ke bawah. Ular itu lalu betul-betul di sebelah kiri penulis dan terus masuk ke dalam kolam tempat penulis memancing. Pelik! Dari mana ular itu keluar? Apabila penulis bertanya Che Mat yang mula-mula nampak ular itu pun dia tidak perasan dari mana ular itu muncul. Katanya tiba-tiba saja ular itu meluncur laju dari bawah air terjun.
Hilang semangat penulis hendak terus memancing di situ lantas mengajak rakan lain mendaki ke atas lagi. Terdapat beberapa tingkat lagi air terjun di sebelah atas. Hanya Aziz yang hendak mengikut penulis. Che Mat dan Yusri hendak berehat di bawah saja. Penulis bersama Aziz pun mendaki ke atas melalui tebing berbatu yang curam. Kami berpaut pada akar yang keluar dari rekahan batu dan pokok yang tumbuh. Kami pun tiba di tingkat ketiga air terjun. Terdapat sebuah kolam agak besar tetapi tidak ada ikan di dalamnya. Mungkin air terjun yang tinggi menyukarkan ikan untuk naik ke atas.
Sedang penulis meninjau di kolam itu, tiba-tiba sayup terdengar suara orang berteriak: “Oii...! Turun.....turun...!”
Makin lama makin jelas pula suara itu. Penulis bertanya Aziz adakah dia mendengar suara itu. Aziz menangguk, Katanya suara itu macam suara Che Mat.
Suara itu masih lagi kedengaran: “Oii...! Turun bawah..! Turun....”
Bimbang sesuatu terjadi pada Che Mat, kami bergegas turun ke bawah. Sampai saja di tingkat kedua air terjun, penulis nampak Che Mat dan Yusri santai saja sambil mandi. Apabila penulis bertanya Che Mat, betulkah dia yang menjerit memanggil kami turun, Che Mat berkata, tidak.
Bunyi air terjun pun kuat. Macam mana suara dia boleh didengar sampai ke atas.
Penulis menceritakan pada Che Mat yang suara itu seperti macam suaranya. Kami berpandangan sesama sendiri dan penulis pun bersuara: “Jom kita balik...”
Ikan yang dipancing tadi dilepaskan di dalam kolam. Kami berempat tidak berlengah terus turun meninggalkan kawasan air terjun. Sehingga kini penulis masih teringat suara misteri itu, suara siapakah itu?
Sedang penulis meninjau di kolam itu, tiba-tiba sayup terdengar suara orang berteriak: “Oii...! Turun.....turun...!”
Makin lama makin jelas pula suara itu. Penulis bertanya Aziz adakah dia mendengar suara itu. Aziz menangguk, Katanya suara itu macam suara Che Mat.
Suara itu masih lagi kedengaran: “Oii...! Turun bawah..! Turun....”
Bimbang sesuatu terjadi pada Che Mat, kami bergegas turun ke bawah. Sampai saja di tingkat kedua air terjun, penulis nampak Che Mat dan Yusri santai saja sambil mandi. Apabila penulis bertanya Che Mat, betulkah dia yang menjerit memanggil kami turun, Che Mat berkata, tidak.
Bunyi air terjun pun kuat. Macam mana suara dia boleh didengar sampai ke atas.
Penulis menceritakan pada Che Mat yang suara itu seperti macam suaranya. Kami berpandangan sesama sendiri dan penulis pun bersuara: “Jom kita balik...”
Ikan yang dipancing tadi dilepaskan di dalam kolam. Kami berempat tidak berlengah terus turun meninggalkan kawasan air terjun. Sehingga kini penulis masih teringat suara misteri itu, suara siapakah itu?
Mystery of Britain’s 'Franken-mummies’
Two 3,000-year-old human skeletons dug up in the Outer Hebrides have been found to be a jigsaw of at least six different people who died hundreds of years apart.
It is one of Britain’s most intriguing archeological mysteries.
When two almost perfectly preserved 3,000-year-old human skeletons were dug up on a remote Scottish island, they were the first evidence that ancient Britons preserved their dead using mummification.
The scientists who uncovered the bodies also found clues that one of them – a man buried in a crouching position – was not a single individual, but had in fact been assembled from the body parts of several different people.
The discovery began a 10-year investigation into what had led the bronze-age islanders to this strange fate.
Now, a new study using the latest in DNA technology has found that the two skeletons together comprise the remains of at least six different individuals, who died several hundred years apart.
The researchers now believe that large extended families, living under one roof, may have shared their homes with the mummified remains of their dead ancestors, before deliberately putting the bodies together to look like single corpses – possibly in an attempt to demonstrate the uniting of different families.
Professor Mike Parker Pearson, an archaeologist at University College London who led the research, said: “It looks like these individuals had been cut up and put back together to look like one person.”
He said the mixing of the body parts could have been due to “misfortune or carelessness”, but added: “The merging of their identities may have been a deliberate act, perhaps designed to amalgamate different ancestries into a single lineage.”
The skeletons were unearthed in 2001 while Professor Parker Pearson, who was then working at Sheffield University, was examining the remains of buildings at a site called Cladh Hallan in a sand quarry in South Uist.
The site had been a bronze-age settlement which was inhabited for well over 1,000 years.
While digging out the foundations of one of the houses, the archaeologists found the skeletons of an adult man and a woman they believed to be aged around 40.
Dating of the two skeletons showed they appeared to be over 3,000 years old and predated the house they were buried under by several hundred years.
Both had been buried in a crouched position on their sides and from the way the bones remained connected, it appeared they had been carefully preserved.
Analysis of the bones indicated that the bodies had started to rot after death but the decay was abruptly halted.
The mineral content of the bones suggests they were placed in an acidic peat bog, which helped to preserve them in a primitive form of mummification before they were removed and kept above ground, the researchers claim.
Before the discovery, mummification at that time in history was thought to have been restricted to Egypt and South America.
Carbon dating of the bones in the male skeleton revealed while the jaw came from someone who had died around 1440BC-1260BC, the rest of the skull came from a man who died some 100 years earlier, and the remainder of the body from someone who died 500 years before that.
In a new study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the researchers used DNA testing to examine the female skeleton, which carbon dating suggested had belonged to a woman who died between 1300 BC and 1130 BC.
By examining genetic material known as mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only by females, the researchers found the jaw bone, a leg bone and an arm bone all came from different individuals.
Other body parts could have come from other individuals too, but it was impossible to obtain suitable DNA to analyse. The testing did suggest, however, that skull could have belonged to a relative or the same individual as the arm.
Physical analysis of the 'female’ skeleton has also suggested the jaw and skull in fact belonged to a male.
From its position, the researchers believe the body had been wrapped up tightly and kept above ground for several hundred years before it was finally buried. Shortly after death, two of its teeth were removed with one placed in each hand.
Exactly what happened to these people after their death and why they were finally buried in this way remains a mystery, but the scientists are continuing to unpick what happened.
Professor Pearson said it appeared the crude mummification process had allowed the bodies to survive the wet and wild Scottish climate for several hundred years before the soft tissue gradually began to degrade after they were buried.
In around 1000 BC, seven houses were built in a terrace, with the two mummies, which were then hundreds of years old, buried beneath one of the homes.
Less well preserved human remains were also found under some of the other houses and many had offerings of bronze artefacts found with them.
The inhabitants of the buildings appear to have been largely self-sufficient, using clay moulds to cast bronze swords, spears and ornaments. The remains of cattle bones suggests they kept livestock and may have grown barley for food.
Analysis of the bones suggest they ate very little seafood despite living on an island, instead growing their food on the low lying grassy plain next to the houses.
The building where the two mummified skeletons were found may have even become a “house of the dead” with priest-like people living there, professor Pearson believes.
He added: “Having six preserved body parts to hand indicates there was sufficient space in which to store them for some time prior to their reassembly.
“This raises the possibility that these dead either shared accommodation with the living or were kept in separate, as yet unidentified, 'mummy houses’ which were warm and dry enough to inhibit soft tissue decay.”
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Monster Quest Video,
Movie Review,
Mystery Phenomena,
Paranormal Article,
Sihir dari segi istilah merupakan satu perbuatan menyakiti atau mempengaruhi badan, hati atau akal orang yang disihir secara tersembunyi (ghaib) yang melibatkan makhluk halus, dan dilakukan di luar hukum alam bagi mencapai tujuan tertentu, contohnya menyakiti seseorang, mengubati penyakit dan juga meramal masa hadapan. Penggunaan istilah sihir dalam alam Melayu pada kebiasaannya merujuk kepada ilmu hitam
Ibnu Khaldun dalam buku Muqaddimah menjelaskan sihir seperti berikut:
“ | Ilmu sihir dan tilik adalah satu ilmu tentang persedian jiwa manusia untuk mempengaruhi alam kebendaan sama ada tanpa bantuan atau dengan bantuan dari langit. Yang pertama adalah sihir dan yang kedua adalah tilik. Oleh kerana ilmu-ilmu ini ditolak di sisi syariat kerana mengandungi bahaya, dan kerana di antara syarat-syaratnya ialah mengadap selain daripada Allah, seperti bintang atau sebagainya, maka kitab-kitabnya telah lenyap di kalangan manusia kecuali yang terdapat dalam kitab-kitab bangsa-bangsa purba termasuk yang ujud sebelum Nabi Musa AS seperti bangsa Qibti dan Kaldani. | ” |
Sihir dalam sejarah masyarakat dahulu
Antara perkara yang dijumpai dalam catatan Mesir purba adalah mentera khusus untuk merawat kecederaan disebabkan kebakaran, seperti kata-kata Isis dalam satu lagenda Mesir "Isis dan Orisis" untuk menyembuhkan kanak-kanak bernama Horus yang dibakar oleh ahli sihir[1]:“ | Keluarlah, wahai engkau yang datang di dalam gelap dan masuk secara sembunyi-sembunyi! Adakah engkau datang untuk mengucup kanak-kanak ini? Aku tidak mengizinkan mengucupnya. Adakah engkau datang untuk mengambilnya? Aku tidak mengizinkanmu mengambilnya dariku. Aku telah melindunginya darimu dengan rumput apis yang memedihkanmu, dengan bawang yang menyakitkanmu, dengan madu yang manis dirasa oleh makhluk-makhluk yang hidup dan pahit di mulut makhluk-makhluk yang mati, dengan beberapa bahagian yang busuk dari ikan abad dan dengan tulang ikan sungai. | ” |
Kisah sihir dalam Quran
- Dalam Quran terdapat kisah dua malaikat Harut dan Marut (Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 102), yang diturunkan untuk menentang tukang-tukang sihir yang lumrah pada zaman tersebut. Antara sihir yang diajar oleh Harut dan Marut kepada manusia adalah sihir yang boleh memisahkan antara suami dan isteri. Tujuan kedua-dua malaikat ini adalah untuk menunjukkan betapa sihir itu menuju ke jalan kekufuran. Sihir memisahkan suami dan isteri telah diturunkan di Babil sebagaimana ditemui beberapa mentera lama yang tertulis dalam bahasa Sumari, iaitu bahasa kuno yang wujud bebeapa abad sebelum masehi.[2]
- Setiap Nabi dikurniakan mukjizat yang merupakan lumrah di kalangan umatnya pada masa itu. Nabi Musa AS dikurniakan mukjizat untuk berlawan dengan tukang-tukang sihir semasa zaman baginda, yang pada masa itu adalah pemimpin dan ketua-ketua kaum, sebagaimana dikisahkan dalam Surah Taha, ayat 63-69.
- Rujukan mengenai sihir amat juga amat jelas dalam Surah Al-Falaq yang diturunkan setelah Nabi disihir oleh seorang Yahudi Arab.
- Kisah mengenai takhta Ratu Balqis semasa zaman Nabi Sulaiman yang dapat dipindahkan sekelip mata oleh seorang manusia seperti yang diceritakan dalam Surah An-Naml, ayat 38-42.
Kedudukan sihir dalam Islam
Penganut agama Islam dilarang keras daripada mengamalkan sihir, kerana dianggap mengingkari hukum Allah/alam dan boleh jatuh syirik. Ia seolah-olah cuba menyaingi kuasa Allah.Kedua-dua mazhab Sunni dan Shiah melarang penggunaan sihir. Di dalam aliran Sufi bagaimanapun terdapat konsep "barakah" yang merujuk kepada "rahmat" atau "kuasa Tuhan" yang diberikan kepada orang alim. Juga masih terdapat orang Islam yang menggunakan jin bagi tujuan yang baik seperti dalam perubatan dengan bantuan dari ayat Quran dan doa. Mazhab Wahhabi bagaimanapun melihat segala penggunaan jin atau makhluk halus walaupun untuk tujuan baik sebagai syirik.
Sihir di Alam Melayu
Ilmu hitam yang dapat diamalkan masyarakat Melayu terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian seperti berikut:- Melindung diri
- Kebal
- Perubatan
- Mendapatkan kelebihan
- kesaktian
- Pengasih - Sejenis ilmu hitam yang dapat membangkitkan rasa kasih seseorang terhadap seseorang.
- Perapun
- Gagah
- Perangsang
- Penderas
- Pukau
- Mengawal/Memusnahkan musuh
- Penunduk: Digunakan untuk menundukkan orang lain seperti nasi tangas untuk menundukkan suami.
- Tuju - Jampi-jampi yang membuat orang sakit. Juga menggunakan alatan lain seperti telur layang (telur yang telah dijampi) untuk menyakiti orang dan boleh membawa maut.
- Pelalai
- Cuca - Jampi yang boleh menundukkan musuh atau yang dapat mengubati luka.
- Meramal masa hadapan
- Alimun
Sihir yang diamalkan boleh dikelaskan menurut beberapa kelompok seperti berikut:-
- Saka - Menggunakan jin/shaitan - kadam, toyol, datuk, suruhan, roh orang mati, hantu dll.
- Azimat
- Menggunakan mentera,jampi, serapah - ayat-ayat tertentu.
- Menggunakan ayat-ayat suci
- Menggunakan kuasa dalaman atau tenaga batin
- Menggunakan bantuan makhluk halus lain.
- Pawang -
- Dukun -
- Bomoh -
- Orang alim - melalui penggunaan ayat-ayat Al Quran.
Sihir dalam rujukan budaya pop
Di dalam media barat terutamanya yang ditujukan kepada kanak-kanak, ahli sihir sering digambarkan sebagai wanita tua yang jahat dengan kulit yang berkedut dan topi berbucu tajam, berbaju hitam atau ungu, dengan hidung yang berketuat and kadang-kadang kuku yang panjang.Ahli sihir selalunya menaiki penyapu terbang seperti dalam cerita Harry Potter dan filem Hocus Pocus. Mereka selalunya didampingi dengan kucing hitam dan terdapat ahli sihir yang baik seperti dalam cerita Bewitched, Charmed dan The Craft.
Sumber Dipetik: Wikipedia
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Manali To Rothang - Five Hours Of Horror
Manali To Rothang - Five Hours Of Horror
To this day I still have no idea what happened exactly. What is written here is what I felt and saw. If anyone can give me any answers, I am all ears.
This happened on 14.12.2008. I was on vacation with two of my friends to Manali. We travelled out on the 11th and planned to return by 16th. We were using a borrowed Mahindra Scorpio. It was a bit battered but the engine and chassis was still fine, so it was alright.
Once we got to Manali, the trip to Rothang from Manali was a spur of the moment thing. We started out late, sometime around 12.15pm. We hardly realized that in winter the snow would be so high up (as new snow hadn't yet taken its full toll), and we had to in fact drive a mere five kms short of the actual pass to reach the snowfield. It took us nearly three hours to get there because the roads were really, really bad and even then, we had to walk about a km on foot to reach it. Since the air is really thin so high up, it was nearly 4.45pm before we returned commenced our journey back thoroughly exhausted.
Just short of halfway down, our front passenger tyre went flat. I think about 8 kms short of Gulabo, a small hamlet en route to Rothang. To compound the matters we discovered to our chagrin that the spare had no air in it, even though I had myself checked it before we began our journey. Perhaps it had a minor leak or whatever. The thing is we were stranded, and we could not leave the car behind. It was borrowed.
At first we waited, hoping that one of the few Scorpios we had seen would be coming down and maybe they would lend us their spare tyre. However, the traffic already thin owing to out - of - season scenario became a trickle as the light faded quickly past 5.30pm. So, both of my friends hitched a ride with the next taxi that passed us with the flat tyre, while I remained behind. My second friend was feeling nauseated and had a severe headache, all symptoms of high altitude sickness. Hence, I insisted that he accompanied my first friend down. Ironically, I wryly observed that I would be perfectly safe inside the vehicle as no one would have enough breath to rob me this high up in the wilderness.
After they had gone I set up reflectors at both ends of the vehicles to warn approaching vehicles, if there were going to be any, since the road is not that wide. Thereafter, I came and slid down on the back seat of the scorpio. I had locked the vehicle for precaution, and wrapped my arms around myself and just lay back. It was nearly 6pm. Since I had been on high altitude treks before, I was well clothed for Rothang. So even though it was dreadfully cold at minus 7 and going down, I felt it would be fine.
I don't know when I slid into a slumber, but when I came to it was nearly 8pm. I knew it was going to be difficult to get a taxi to ply at late hours, but this was getting ridiculous. Then I heard a rasping sound, which I cannot explain. I peered outside as best I could all round, but couldn't make any thing out since windows were all fogged up, the wind was really shrieking, as is often the case at high altitudes in winter especially after the sun goes down. Putting down the sound to the wind I fell back again, peering blankly towards the front windscreen, hoping my friends would return soon, since I was really cold and hungry.
While I was peering blankly at the windscreen, a large portion of it frosted up, but then just as quickly defrosted. I heard the rasping sound again. This happened in quick succession a number of times. At this moment I was just curious. Sometimes long hours in extreme conditions at high altitudes can dull the mind. So I propped myself up, and become more attentive. However, this time the same thing happened by the driver's window. So I cleaned the rear window behind the driver seat as best I could and peered outside but I could make out nothing. I was about to step out thinking may be some kind of leak from the engine was responsible for this "phenomenon", when the same thing happened again to the window from which I was peering outside a moment ago. This really freaked me out. Then it happened again but for longer duration at the rear window, and this time I detected a faint, suppressed growl along with the rasping noise. It stopped briefly, and then it started again and it was focused for sometime on the front windscreen. Each time it (frosting, defrosting with rasping and growling) repeated itself the duration of frosting increased, while that of defrosting lessened.
I was really afraid now. Initially, I thought may be it was an animal. Even for allowing for poor visibility, what kind of animal can cause this over and above the bonnet of the car without making some kind of noise on the body of the vehicle? Maybe it was some kind of phenomenon owing to comparably warmer temperature inside, and extreme cold outside. I am sure I heard those sounds I described earlier. I was still debating when the frost almost covered the entire windscreen for an interminably long time, and seemed to be seeping inside. I don't know why but I suddenly screamed with all my might and pounded with my fists and palms on the windscreen. It defrosted instantly.
For some time there was nothing except intense cold and shrieking wind. I sat, with my arms wrapped around me, in middle of the backseat, away from the windows. I heard a louder growl this time with rasping noise from the rear. I repeated my actions (screaming and pounding) even though there was no frost on the rear window. Nothing happened for what seemed like an eternity but was probably a few minutes. Then the front windscreen started frosting up really quickly and heavily, with the frost seeping inside. I screamed and pounded, but this time even though it defrosted again, there was a distinctly loud growl and the whole vehicle shook. This went on for what seemed like an eternity. Different windows would frost up really fast, I would scream and pound, there would be a loud growl and heightened rasping and the whole vehicle would shake. By the end, I was sweating like crazy, my arms were raw red with all the pounding, and my voice was almost gone. Cracks had appeared on nearly all the windows.
It was nearly midnight when my friend arrived in another taxi, with a mechanic, who changed our flat tyre with help from taxi driver. When my friend pounded on the window to get me to open up, I nearly broke the window with my pounding as I could no longer scream. There are no words to describe my relief, when I saw the face of my friend. So much so that I gave no thought to his well being, but apparently whatever it was seemed to be only interested in me. It was the mechanic who drove us down. My friend was aghast at my state and the state of the vehicle's windows. I couldn't speak, except in a croaking voice for nearly a week, which was good thing because I didn't want to speak.
When I did tell my friends they were perplexed and astounded. We were the ones who spent a night at 'Bhangarh', supposedly the most haunted place in India, to show that it was not. We regularly trek and camp at desolate, even scary places. What happened was unbelievable; even now I would sooner believe that it never happened than otherwise.
If anyone can explain to me about this, please do: What the hell was going on? What was it? If it was a ghost or something, aren't they supposed to simply pass through everything and anything, so why couldn't it just come inside and attack me (as I distinctly felt that it wanted to)? Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else? If yes, where?
Article Source:
This happened on 14.12.2008. I was on vacation with two of my friends to Manali. We travelled out on the 11th and planned to return by 16th. We were using a borrowed Mahindra Scorpio. It was a bit battered but the engine and chassis was still fine, so it was alright.
Once we got to Manali, the trip to Rothang from Manali was a spur of the moment thing. We started out late, sometime around 12.15pm. We hardly realized that in winter the snow would be so high up (as new snow hadn't yet taken its full toll), and we had to in fact drive a mere five kms short of the actual pass to reach the snowfield. It took us nearly three hours to get there because the roads were really, really bad and even then, we had to walk about a km on foot to reach it. Since the air is really thin so high up, it was nearly 4.45pm before we returned commenced our journey back thoroughly exhausted.
Just short of halfway down, our front passenger tyre went flat. I think about 8 kms short of Gulabo, a small hamlet en route to Rothang. To compound the matters we discovered to our chagrin that the spare had no air in it, even though I had myself checked it before we began our journey. Perhaps it had a minor leak or whatever. The thing is we were stranded, and we could not leave the car behind. It was borrowed.
At first we waited, hoping that one of the few Scorpios we had seen would be coming down and maybe they would lend us their spare tyre. However, the traffic already thin owing to out - of - season scenario became a trickle as the light faded quickly past 5.30pm. So, both of my friends hitched a ride with the next taxi that passed us with the flat tyre, while I remained behind. My second friend was feeling nauseated and had a severe headache, all symptoms of high altitude sickness. Hence, I insisted that he accompanied my first friend down. Ironically, I wryly observed that I would be perfectly safe inside the vehicle as no one would have enough breath to rob me this high up in the wilderness.
After they had gone I set up reflectors at both ends of the vehicles to warn approaching vehicles, if there were going to be any, since the road is not that wide. Thereafter, I came and slid down on the back seat of the scorpio. I had locked the vehicle for precaution, and wrapped my arms around myself and just lay back. It was nearly 6pm. Since I had been on high altitude treks before, I was well clothed for Rothang. So even though it was dreadfully cold at minus 7 and going down, I felt it would be fine.
I don't know when I slid into a slumber, but when I came to it was nearly 8pm. I knew it was going to be difficult to get a taxi to ply at late hours, but this was getting ridiculous. Then I heard a rasping sound, which I cannot explain. I peered outside as best I could all round, but couldn't make any thing out since windows were all fogged up, the wind was really shrieking, as is often the case at high altitudes in winter especially after the sun goes down. Putting down the sound to the wind I fell back again, peering blankly towards the front windscreen, hoping my friends would return soon, since I was really cold and hungry.
While I was peering blankly at the windscreen, a large portion of it frosted up, but then just as quickly defrosted. I heard the rasping sound again. This happened in quick succession a number of times. At this moment I was just curious. Sometimes long hours in extreme conditions at high altitudes can dull the mind. So I propped myself up, and become more attentive. However, this time the same thing happened by the driver's window. So I cleaned the rear window behind the driver seat as best I could and peered outside but I could make out nothing. I was about to step out thinking may be some kind of leak from the engine was responsible for this "phenomenon", when the same thing happened again to the window from which I was peering outside a moment ago. This really freaked me out. Then it happened again but for longer duration at the rear window, and this time I detected a faint, suppressed growl along with the rasping noise. It stopped briefly, and then it started again and it was focused for sometime on the front windscreen. Each time it (frosting, defrosting with rasping and growling) repeated itself the duration of frosting increased, while that of defrosting lessened.
I was really afraid now. Initially, I thought may be it was an animal. Even for allowing for poor visibility, what kind of animal can cause this over and above the bonnet of the car without making some kind of noise on the body of the vehicle? Maybe it was some kind of phenomenon owing to comparably warmer temperature inside, and extreme cold outside. I am sure I heard those sounds I described earlier. I was still debating when the frost almost covered the entire windscreen for an interminably long time, and seemed to be seeping inside. I don't know why but I suddenly screamed with all my might and pounded with my fists and palms on the windscreen. It defrosted instantly.
For some time there was nothing except intense cold and shrieking wind. I sat, with my arms wrapped around me, in middle of the backseat, away from the windows. I heard a louder growl this time with rasping noise from the rear. I repeated my actions (screaming and pounding) even though there was no frost on the rear window. Nothing happened for what seemed like an eternity but was probably a few minutes. Then the front windscreen started frosting up really quickly and heavily, with the frost seeping inside. I screamed and pounded, but this time even though it defrosted again, there was a distinctly loud growl and the whole vehicle shook. This went on for what seemed like an eternity. Different windows would frost up really fast, I would scream and pound, there would be a loud growl and heightened rasping and the whole vehicle would shake. By the end, I was sweating like crazy, my arms were raw red with all the pounding, and my voice was almost gone. Cracks had appeared on nearly all the windows.
It was nearly midnight when my friend arrived in another taxi, with a mechanic, who changed our flat tyre with help from taxi driver. When my friend pounded on the window to get me to open up, I nearly broke the window with my pounding as I could no longer scream. There are no words to describe my relief, when I saw the face of my friend. So much so that I gave no thought to his well being, but apparently whatever it was seemed to be only interested in me. It was the mechanic who drove us down. My friend was aghast at my state and the state of the vehicle's windows. I couldn't speak, except in a croaking voice for nearly a week, which was good thing because I didn't want to speak.
When I did tell my friends they were perplexed and astounded. We were the ones who spent a night at 'Bhangarh', supposedly the most haunted place in India, to show that it was not. We regularly trek and camp at desolate, even scary places. What happened was unbelievable; even now I would sooner believe that it never happened than otherwise.
If anyone can explain to me about this, please do: What the hell was going on? What was it? If it was a ghost or something, aren't they supposed to simply pass through everything and anything, so why couldn't it just come inside and attack me (as I distinctly felt that it wanted to)? Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else? If yes, where?
Article Source:
Bartonville State Hospital
Haunted Location
Peoria State Hospital
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U.S. National Register of Historic Places
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U.S. Historic district
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The administration building at the former Peoria State Hospital
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Location: | Ricketts Ave. and U.S. 24,Bartonville, Illinois |
Coordinates: | |
Area: | 215.5 acres (87.2 ha) |
Built: | 1895-1910; 1902 (opened)[2] |
Architect: | Reeves and Baillie[2] |
Architectural style: | Prairie style,[1] Mission style,Classical Revival, Georgian Revival |
Governing body: | Private |
NRHP Reference#: | 82002590[1] |
Added to NRHP: | February 17, 1982 |
Peoria State Hospital Historic District, also known as Bartonville State Hospital or Illinois Asylum for the Incurable Insane, was a psychiatric hospital operated by the State of Illinois from 1902 to 1973. The hospital is located in Bartonville, Illinois, near the city of Peoria in Peoria County. The hospital grounds and its 47 buildings are listed as a historic district on the National Register of Historic Places.
The hospital was founded as a result of the Illinois General Assembly's provision for the establishment of the Illinois Asylum for the Incurable Insane in 1895. In response to the legislation, then Governor John Altgeld appointed a three person commission charged with site selection.[3] The commission president was John Finely, a Peorian, and one of the members was J.J. McAndrews of Chicago who later served in the U.S. House of Representatives as a Congressman.[4] The commission selected the site near Peoria, in Bartonville.
Construction at the site started in 1895 with the main building completed in 1897. This building was never used, however, as its structural integrity was compromised by abandoned mine shafts on the property. The 1927 history of the hospital, however, gives a different explanation for its abandonment:
“ | "The first building erected was a facsimile of a feudal castle, but before it was occupied it was found to be wholly out of harmony with modern ideas for the care of the insane and it was razed and replaced by the present cottage plan, under the direction of Dr. Frederick Howard Wines, the able secretary of the State Board of Charities."[4] | ” |
In 1902, reconstruction was completed under the direction of Dr. George Zeller as a cottage system plan of 33 buildings . Among the buildings were patient and caretaker housing, a store, apower station, and a communal utility building. [5]
The Illinois Hospital for the Incurable Insane began operations on February 10, 1902 and patients characterized as "incurable" were transferred to Bartonville from other Illinois facilities. In 1906 the hospital opened a training school for nurses. From 1907 to 1909 the facility was known as the Illinois General Hospital for the Insane and, in 1909, Peoria State Hospital.[3][6] This same year, the offices of Board of Commissioners and Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities were abolished and all state-run charitable institutions were administered by the Board of Administration.[clarification needed][3]
On the hospital's 25th anniversary in 1927, the population was 2,650 with a total of 13,510 patients having entered the facility. [4] During this time, Dr. Zeller was widely respected for his focus on therepeutic efforts. Zeller crusaded for a better public understanding of the mentally ill including inviting newspaper reporters and community members to visit Peoria State.[6] From 1943 until 1969 the hospital participated in a departmental affiliation program for psychiatric nursing which provided instruction in psychiatric nursing to students from regional general hospital nursing schools.[3]
From 1917 until 1961 the hospital was operated by the Illinois Department of Public Welfare. In 1961 the Department of Mental Health was created and assumed responsibility of the institution.[3]
At its peak in the 1950s, Bartonville housed 2,800 patients. By 1972 when its closure was announced, the patient census had dropped to 600.[6] After the hospital closed, the buildings stood empty and were auctioned off. When the initial auction buyer went bankrupt, developer, Winsley Duran Jr., took over ownership with the hope of creating office space in the structures. His plan was never fully realized and the buildings remained empty. Since that time, many of the remaining structures have been demolished and others were renovated to house various commercial and industrial businesses. The Village of Bartonville has established the entire property as a TIF district to encourage further growth and development of the property.[citation needed]
The Bowen, or administration, building is currently under the ownership of the "Save the Bowen Foundation," a group seeking to raise funds to renovate the exterior of the building.[5]
The grounds consists of 47 buildings, many of which are residential in nature and laid out to the traditional cottage plan, common for mental hospitals built in the early 20th century.[2] The original main building constructed was on theKirkbride Plan.
For more details on this topic, see Old Book (ghost).
The hospital grounds are the subject of local ghost lore. One well documented legend tells of Manuel A. Bookbinder "Old Book", a patient who worked with the burial crew at the hospital until his own death. It is said that upon his death his physical form was seen by Dr. Zeller and over a hundred of the patients and nurses that attended his funeral crying at the old elm in the potters field. A closer inspection of the casket for which he rested showed the peaceful remains of the loved figure still resting within, thus the legend of the "Graveyard Elm" began.[5]
In the 1920s, Zeller penned a book titled, Befriending The Bereft, drawn from the mysterious experiences he had at the hospital during his two tenures as superintendent, 1902–1913 and 1921–1935. Included, among numerous other eerie stories, were Zeller's own account of Old Book and the Gr
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