Sunday 22 July 2012

Grandmaw's Ghost

Grandmaw's Ghost
by naranew

To the best of my memory, I would say that the year was about 1958, living at Morgan Enterchange in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
I was around four and my brother was two. My mother's best friend that lived next to us, with a small empty lot that seperated us, was named Catherine. We were all very close to her and I loved going there to visit as much as mom did.

One day I just had this urgent feeling that I had to see Catherine, and I would not let mom rest until we went. So mom led us across the lot on a path that was worn from earlier visits. When we arrived, mom sat at the kitchen table, drapped with a red and white table cloth, talking and drinking coffee with Catherine. Catherine had a younger brother, Jack, who was 12, much older than us, but he loved to entertain us, so we went outside where he was to find out what he was doing. He was lighting bits of dried grass in the yard with a magnifying glass. Jack always was up to something and I found this quite fun.
Jack grew bored of this and left us playing with this magnifying glass. I grew bored and lost Jack's whereabouts, so I decided that I would look in the barn and see what was in there. I don't know why I wanted to go into the barn, for it had always been there and I never took notice of it - it was just part of where Catherine lived was all, but this day I wanted to check it out. There was a side door on the barn and when I opened this door, inside I could see that it was a large side room that was fully enclosed and used for storage. It was full of all kinds of stuff, from stacked cardboard boxes packed with things to furniture. It was so full on all sides that only a small narrow walkway went straight from the door to the other wall that had boxes stacked from the floor to the ceiling and it made a turn to the left. This is what I could see from the outside.
I remember that it was hard for me to step up into the doorway, for it was sort of high for me, but I managed to get in. When I was about half-way down the hallway from the door I entered, I could hear an eerie squeaking sound from around the corner of the path I was on, and I was really scared, for I did not know what it was. I was scared to move or I would be heard and too scared to walk further and find out what it was. But it was a continuing, so I tip-toed to the corner and looked around very carefully. What I saw was a old woman in a long dress rocking in a rocking chair, knitting and rocking, and the squeaking came from the rocking chair on the old boards.
I carefully tip-toed back down the hallway to the door and climed down and went to get my brother so I could show him, because we had never seen this old woman and Catherine and Jack had never mentioned her. I was curious about who she was and why she was in the barn knitting instead of inside the house. I climbed out the door across the yard and told my brother that I found something and wanted him to see. I helped him inside the door and then I climbed back in and I told him to follow me and be very quite. I could still hear the squeaking noise so I knew she was still there. When we got to the corner, we both peeped around it and was watching her rock and knit, and it seemed like a long time that we watched her do this with out looking up, then she lifted her eyes and turned her head and looked down our way, straight at us. Her face never changed, so I stepped out, still holding my brother's hand.
I asked her who she was and she told me that she was Catherine's grandmaw, and then I asked her how she got there and she said that she flew. Never did this lady smile or anything. Her face had no expression and this frightened me along with her telling me she flew, so I turned and ran down the hallway, pulling my brother by the hand back to the doorway.
I jumped out and helped him out and I ran in the house and told mom and Catherine what me and my brother just saw. They did not seem to believe me, because they did not bother to check it out. I guess mom was finished with her visit and we returned home.
Later that day, Catherine came to our house with Jack, and Catherine was crying. Mom sent us out to play with Jack while they talked. When they left, I overheard mom talking to my Nanny, telling her that Catherine had recieved news that her grandmaw had died earlier that day. Mom never spoke to me about the old lady in the barn, who claimed to be Catherine's grandmaw on the day of her death, nor did I. This memory is so very clear to me this day... and I have lost contact with Catherine through the years and often wonder where she is

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