Source - total_believer's Full Review: Ouija Boar@
Well...I decided to borrow this game from my cousin, this experience happened on this day. My dad and I were messin' around with the Ouija board, just jokin' around and stuff. It started to spell out nonsense. I realized neither of us were moving the pointer, properly known as the planchette. We both decided to take the board to the dusty old basement.
It's just like one of those scary, cluttered basements you see on horror movies. We placed an old weight bench in the corner of the basement, shut off the lights, leaving no illumination whatsoever. Both of us began to feel a slight chill in the air. A bit of light began to show on the cobweb covered walls, which didn't really catch my attention until I reviewed the events in my mind. We started the game, yet again, it spelled out nonsense. All of a sudden, the planchette dragged to the middle of the board and spelled out a name. Excitement and fear shot through me, as it spelled out the name...Stacey...Me and my dad jumped in our seats, but our curious minds kept us from leaving that dark place.
We began to ask some questions. "Are you evil?" Our response was quite fast, NO. Only my dad would think to ask this..."Are you pretty?" The planchette moved even faster this time, YES was the answer. Something triggered my dad to bump his eye on the weight bench, "Oww," my dad instantly shouted while still keeping two fingers on, "Stupid bench!" S-R-R-Y, the board replied (the vowels didn't always show in words). By this time, I knew that "Stacey" could heard and see us..."Where are you?" H-E-R-E...This time...We really got freaked...
We asked the spirit, Stacey, how she died. She immediately answered, without hesitation, almost as if it was reading our minds. C-A-R..."You've gotta be kiddin' me." My dad said in fear. I was ready to jump up and run up those creaky steps, but I was just too into it...The planchette practically jumped up, our fingers struggled to stay on as it moved quickly over the letters L-C-F-R...I quickly thought...Lucifer..
Me and dad decided to take a quick break, grab a drink, take a leak...the usual stuff. Then we went back to the dreaded basement. We placed our fingers back on the planchette, and it slowly started to move again. L-A-U-R-A it spelled. I asked my dad if he knew any Laura, and he said yeah, but it's probably not her. My dad slowly asked, "Are you Laura Kennison?" YES...."Can you tell us anything to signify that you really are her?" The planchette moved slowly over the letters E-G-G-N-O-G....I kept on thinking it over in my head.."Eggnog, eggnog, eggnog..." "Hey dad...Does this mean anything to you?" My dad was practically froze in fear...He spoke softly.."Yeah...It was what we drank on our last date..."
Dad started gettin' all emotional (no tears...he's not that much of a softie). "Laura...I really miss you, and wish you were here...I really liked you, and had the biggest crush on you..I know that your father killed you with a gun, and shortly after...Burned down your house..I sadly heard, but I hope you are happy where you are." The pointer moved a bit...YES. I was slightly touched, but also a bit afraid...I've never contacted the dead before, so i was pretty scared. I-LOVE-YOU was spelled out. By this time, I had no doubt that there was heaven, hell, ghosts...or possible...This true story won't end as happy is you would hope though..."Do you know Stacey?" My dad asked. YES...But the pointer continued to move...BAD was spelled out...I was terrified. I could barely sit in my chair.
My dad continued to ask questions. "Are we safe down here?" NO. "Are there any evil spirits down here?" YES....DEVIL..Our conversation grew deeper and scarier with each question. We asked one more.."Should we leave?" YES...At this question, I could have sworn that I saw something move. We both got up, grabbed the flashlight, and ran for the door. As I saw my dad coming up the steps, I was pretty sure I saw a pair of red eyes behind him.
In the end...I do officially believe in ghosts now. I had a bit of experiences before that I wasn't sure about, but this was real...I swear to it to. The Ouija Board does work...I don't know if you need to have any supernatural powers, or possess psychic energy, but I know it worked for me and my dad...In the basement of our house....I don't recommend this product for the light-hearted...but for those of you...Who really want to know what's out there...Try it out...But be cautious, this stuff is no joke.
This product requires little assembly, two or more people to play (I think it works best with two people, but it does work with three). The game is easy to play, all you need is to believe. Don't cheat by moving the planchette, it ruins everyone's fun. It's okay to move it, if you have an intention of telling the person afterwards. Extremely dark or very dimly lit rooms work best. Placing candles besides you and your friends works well for contacting spirits. But be warned, almost everything you contact is evil, the spirits are known to play tricks upon you. I advise you not to look around the room while playing.....
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