My family consists of myself (I am 34), my husband, and our 3 sons. We have lived in our house for 12 years now. We knew almost right after we moved in that there were "other people" here. My husband sees things all the time and my 11 year old son has seen ghosts since he was very small.
Sometimes things are quiet here for several months at a time and then we will have activity for a few weeks. Not every night per say, sometimes 2 nights in a row, then nothing for a night or two. We get things that happen such as smoke filled rooms - We will walk into a room and it looks like someone took a bottle of baby powder and smashed it making a huge cloud of smoke. That is the only way I can describe it. But then it will disappear all at once within so many seconds.
We hear whispers very clearly. My husband and son both see a full bodied man walking around in here very regularly. We have found out that there was a man that died in our dining room (natural causes). We get a lot of shadow figures and sometimes even just shapes. I have no idea what the shapes mean (shapes, as in triangles, circles, squares). We seem to think that there is more than one ghost here. My husband has seen a woman, but only a few times and that has been about 2 years ago since he has seen her. There are the dark shadows as well. We don't think that the shadows are of the man that died here (his name is Bill, by the way) because when anyone sees Bill, they can see him very clear.
Sorry, I am not a good story teller and on top of that I am nervous about sharing with others.
What made me come to this forum is that my son was scared to death Saturday night (today is Monday). He was upstairs in his room and it was late. He was sitting at his computer desk playing a game on his cell phone. The speakers on the computer were turned off but there was noise that came across the speakers full blast. He said he jumped and went to turn off the speakers but they were already off. So he sat there for a second just looking around (paranoid). He said it then got very cold. He turned around and looked toward the steps and the lamp on his night stand came on. He felt a presence but could not see anything. The room then got very bright. He was petrified, and this kid does not scare easily. He is so used to seeing the ghost man (Bill) that is here that he doesn't even think twice about it. BUT - he felt a strong presence and he was truly scared. He said this one was different.
This is why I am looking to others for some advice. What should I do? Should I even do anything at all? Is there any way to make them go away?
I have emailed the pastor at my old church but I have not heard back from him. I am beginning to think that I won't.
Well, thanks for listening.
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Saturday, 30 June 2012
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Beast of Gévaudan
Beast of Gévaudan
(La bête du Gévaudan (French) La Bèstia de Gavaudan (Occitan) Wolf of Chazes Lycopardus parthenophagus[1]) | |
Artist's conception of one of the Beasts of Gévaudan, 18th-century engraving by A.F. of Alençon | |
Creature | |
Grouping | Wolves or wolf-dog crossbreds |
Data | |
First reported | 1764 |
Country | |
Region | Gévaudan (modern-day Lozère) |
The Beast of Gévaudan (French: La Bête du Gévaudan; IPA: [la bɜt dy ʒevɔdɑ̃], Occitan: La Bèstia de Gavaudan) is a name given to man-eating wolf-like animals alleged to have terrorized the former province of Gévaudan (modern day département of Lozère and part of Haute-Loire), in the Margeride Mountains in south-central France from 1764 to 1767 over an area stretching 90 by 80 kilometres (56 by 50 mi).[2] The beasts were consistently described by eyewitnesses as having formidable teeth and immense tails. Their fur had a reddish tinge, and was said to have emitted an unbearable odour. They killed their victims by tearing at their throats with their teeth. The number of victims differs according to source. De Beaufort (1987) estimated 210 attacks, resulting in 113 deaths and 49 injuries; 98 of the victims killed were partly eaten.[2] An enormous amount of manpower and resources was used in the hunting of the animals, including the army, conscripted civilians, several nobles, and a number of royal huntsmen.[2] All animals operated outside of ordinary wolf packs, though eyewitness accounts indicate that they sometimes were accompanied by a smaller female, which did not take part in the attacks. The story is a popular subject for cryptozoologists. Although several explanations have been put forward the exact identity of the creature remains unexplained to this day.
The beast seemed to target humans over farm animals, many times attacking someone while cattle were in the same field.
The first attack that provided a description of one of the creatures took place on June 1, 1764. A woman from Langogne saw a large, lupine animal emerge from the trees and charge directly toward her, but it was driven away by the farm's bulls.
The first official victim of the beast, Jeanne Boulet, 14, was killed a month later, on June 30, near the village of Les Hubacs, not far from Langogne.
On January 12, 1765, Jacques Portefaix and seven friends, including two girls, were attacked by the Beast; they drove it away by staying grouped together. Their fight caught the attention of King Louis XV, who awarded 300 livres to Portefaix, and another 350 livres to be shared among the others. He also directed that Portefaix be educated at the state's expense. The King had taken a personal interest in the attacks, and sent professional wolf-hunters, Jean Charles Marc Antoine Vaumesle d'Enneval and his son Jean-François, to kill the beast. They arrived in Clermont-Ferrand on February 17, 1765, bringing with them eight bloodhounds which had been trained in wolf-hunting. They spent several months hunting wolves, believing them to be the beast. However, the attacks continued, and by June 1765 they were replaced by François Antoine (also wrongly named Antoine de Beauterne), the king's harquebus bearer and Lieutenant of the Hunt. He arrived in Le Malzieu on June 22.
On September 21, 1765, Antoine killed a large grey wolf measuring 80 centimetres (31 in) high, 1.7 m (5 ft 7 in) long, and weighing 60 kilograms (130 lb). The wolf was called Le Loup de Chazes, after the nearby Abbaye des Chazes. It was agreed locally that this was quite large for a wolf. Antoine officially stated: "We declare by the present report signed from our hand, we never saw a big wolf that could be compared to this one. Which is why we estimate this could be the fearsome beast that caused so much damage." The animal was further identified as the culprit by attack survivors, who recognized the scars on the creature's body, inflicted by victims defending themselves.[2] The wolf was stuffed and sent to Versailles where Antoine was received as a hero, receiving a large sum of money as well as titles and awards.
However, on December 2, 1765, another beast emerged in la Besseyre Saint Mary, severely injuring two children. Dozens more deaths are reported to have followed.
Death of the second beast
The killing of the creature that eventually marked the end of the attacks is credited to a local hunter, Jean Chastel, at the Sogne d'Auvers on June 19, 1767. Later novelists (Chevalley, 1936) introduced the idea that Chastel shot it with a blessed silver bullet of his own manufacture.[3] Upon being opened, the animal's stomach was shown to contain human remains.[2]
Controversy surrounds Chastel's account of his success. Family tradition claimed that, when part of a large hunting party, he sat down to read the Bible and pray. During one of the prayers the creature came into sight, staring at Chastel, who finished his prayer before shooting the beast. This would have been aberrant behavior for the beast, as it would usually attack on sight. Some believe this is proof Chastel participated with the beast, or even that he had trained it. However, the story of the prayer may simply have been invented out of religious or romantic motives.
Identity of the beasts
Various explanations were offered at the time of the attacks as to the beast's identity. Suggestions ranged from exaggerated accounts of wolf attacks, to a werewolf, all the way to the beast being a punishment from God. Jay M. Smith, in his book Monsters of the Gévaudan, suggests that the deaths attributed to the beast were more likely the work of a number of wolves or packs of wolves.[4]
Suggested species
Richard H. Thompson, author of Wolf-Hunting in France in the Reign of Louis XV: The Beast of the Gévaudan, contended that there can be satisfactory explanations based on large wolves for all the Beast's depredations.[5]
Another explanation is that the beasts were some type of domestic dog or crosses between wild wolves and domestic dogs, on account of their large size and unusual coloration.[2] This speculation has found support from naturalist Michel Louis, author of the book La bête du Gévaudan: L'innocence des loups (English: The Beast of Gévaudan: The innocence of wolves). Louis wrote that Jean Chastel was frequently seen with a large red coloured mastiff, which he believes sired the beast. He explains that the beast's resistance to bullets may have been due to it wearing the armoured hide of a young boar, thus also accounting for the unusual colour. He dismisses hyenas as culprits, as the beast itself had 42 teeth, while hyenas have 34.[6]
Certain cryptozoologists suggest that the beasts might be surviving remnants of a Mesonychid seeing how some witnesses described it as a huge wolf having hooves rather than paws and it was larger than any normal sized wolf,[7] whilst others still believe it was a hyena.
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My Hall Ghost
Real Ghost Stories
My Hall Ghost
By KayWinds
Sometimes when I'm in the hallway I feel weird, as if someone else is there, and occasionally I feel watched when in my two rooms. If I leave sweets, especially dark chocolate, in the music room it's always gone by the next day (and no, it's not a pet). Ever since we first moved in a few years ago (we first moved in when I was four, but rented it out from age six 'till now) the bell would randomly ring for no reason at all. We've replaced the batteries, in case it was ringing as a reminder, we've moved the button higher to make sure my dog doesn't accidentally knock into it, but it still rings. It's especially creepy when I'm on the computer (which faces the door, and is at an angle that I can see the bell) and the bell rings repeatedly. I've had to quickly run upstairs because I'm so scared. Also, my dog refuses to stay in the hallway. She'll go through it to a room, but she will not stay in it. If I'm doing something in the hallway she'll wait in my room until I move away from the ghost. Sometimes the ghost will follow me into a room, but the farthest it's ever gone is halfway up the stairs.
What scares me the most is what's been happening the past few weeks. At first I was sure it was a friendly ghost, even leaving out dark chocolate chips on purpose, but now I'm not so sure. I've been getting these weird cuts. For example, just this morning I was getting dressed when I felt a sting on my left leg. Looking down I saw that I had a long, red cut from my ankle, up my calf, to the back of my knee. I'll wake up with scratches all over, or I'll feel a sting and look to find a brand new scratch. Twenty minutes ago I got a cut on my pinkie that wasn't there at school.
Just as a note, I do believe in ghosts. I've seen them. I think that there may be two ghosts, because I go between the impression of a young pagan/old fashioned boy and a slightly older (18, 19) Native American, I don't know what gender. I'm pretty sure my house was built on an old Indian burial site, but ghosts in my city are pretty uncommon. They're more heard of a couple miles away in Virginia City. Please help! What should I do!? I'm a very paranoid and easily frightened teen, the school scaredie cat, so I honestly am a little freaked out by this happening so close.
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"Amine Discovered with the Goule", from the story of Sidi Nouman, of the Arabian Nights.
By extension, the word ghoul is also used derogatorily to refer to a person who delights in the macabre, or whose profession is linked directly to death, such as a gravedigger.
Early etymology
Ghoul is from the Arabic ghul, from ghala "to seize".[2] Marc Cramer and others believe the term to be etymologically related to Gallu, a Mesopotamian demon.[3][4]In Arabian folklore
In ancient Arabian folklore, the ghūl (Arabic: literally demon)[5] dwells in burial grounds and other uninhabited places. The ghul is a devilish type of jinn believed to be sired by Iblis.[6]Ghoul is a corporeal demon that can assume the guise of an animal. It lures unwary people into the desert or abandoned places and waits to slay and devour them. The creature also preys on young children, drinks blood, steals coins and eats the dead,[5] taking on the form of the one they previously ate.
In the Arabic language, the female form is given as ghouleh[7] and the plural is ghilan. In colloquial Arabic, the term is sometimes used to describe a greedy and/or gluttonous individual.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Badi perigi lama
Badi perigi lama
Baru seminggu Latifah tinggal dirumah sewa barunya. Pertukaran cawangan dari utara tanah air ke pantai timur menyebabkan Latifah tidak punya banyak masa untuk mencari rumah yang betul betul sesuai.
Namun dia cukup bersyukur dengan rumah kampung yang diperolehinya disaat saat akhir. Walaupun kecil namun ian selesa dan satu perkara yang digemarinya adalah dibelakabg rumah tersebut terdapat sebuah perigi yang memnag cukup sejuk airnya. Sejak dari kecil lagi Latifah memang suka mandi air perigi, terasa puas katanya. Namun walaupun sudah hampir seminggu tinggal disitu, Latifah masoh belum punya peluang untuk menikmati kesejukan air perigi dek kerana kesibukannya. Tiba hujung minggu barulah Latifah berkesempatan meninjau keadaan perigi tersebut. Pagi pagi lagi dia sudah bangun untuk membersihkan keadaan sekitar perigi yang agak usang itu. Kalau boleh tengah hari nanti biarlah dia mandi air perigi tersebut. Papapn yang dipaku menutupi perigi dibuang, batu bata yang ada di atasnya juga dialihkan. Semak samun yang tumbuh telah ditebaskan.
Namun agak menghairankan sewaktu asyik menebas, jiran jiran sekelinlingnya asyik menjeling tajam kearahnya seperti dia telah melakukan kesalahan besar. Tapi perkara itu tidak diendahkannya. Yang penting perigi di rumah itu harus siap dibersihkan hari itu juga. Tak sampai tengah hari, kawasan sekitar perigi tersebut sudah bersih dan lapang. Siap semuanya tanpa berlengah. LAtifah mencapai tuala dan terus mandi. Walaupun sudah agak lama tidak disentuh namun air perigi masih jernih dan sejuknya memang terasa. Selepas mandi Latifah berbaring, entah mengapa kepalanya rasa pening berpusing pusing. Hingga ke petang sakit kepalanya tidak juga surut malah makin teruk hinggkan Latifah muntah teruk.
Malam ituLatifah tidak dapat berbuat apa apa, ketika itu hatinya sedih mengenangkan diri keseorangan dirantauan dan tiada siapa yang kisah akan dirinya. Akibat terlau lemah, Latifah tidak langsung berdaya bangun, tingkap dan pintu rumah dibiarkan tanpa ditutup. Kepalanya terasa berat begitu juga dengan badannya. Malam itu dia tidak dapat melelapkan mata. Menjelang tengah malam, mata Latifah masih lagi tidak mahu tutup dan ketika itulah dia mengalami sesuatu yang belum pernah dialami sebelum ini.
Sewaktu terlantar dikatil Latifah terdengar suara sayup sayup meminta tolong, tidak lama kemudian terdengar pula suara orang merintih. Latifah yang sakit tidak boleh berbuat apa apa walaupun ketika itu dia terasa cukup takut. Bulu tengkuknya berdiri setiap kali mendengar suara itu yang datang dari telaga tempat dia mandi siang tadi. Tak mungkin ada orang yang jatuh kerana dia menutup kembali mulut perigi selepas mandi. Lagipun kalau ada orang yang terjatuh sudah tentu dia mendengar terlebih dahulu bunyi percikan air.
Keadaan Latifah yang agak teruk menyebabkan dia hanya dapat membungkam diri dikatil. Walaupun rasa takut yang amat sangat tapi dia tidak terdaya bangun mancari pertolongan. Laungan meminta tolong itu hilang sebaik sahaja azan subuhberkumandang. Selepas itu barulah Latifah dapat melelapkan mata. Dia hanya terjaga sewaktu mendengar suara orang memberi salam dari luar rumah. Salam yang diberi hanya dijawab dari dalam bilik kerana Latifah tidak berdaya untuk bangun. Pintu yang terbuka luas menyebabkan Mak Uteh, isteri kepada tuan rumah nya terus saja masuk kedalam. Mengucap panjang dia melihat keadaan Latifah. Anak gadis itu terus dipapah sambil menjerit meminta tolong dari suaminya. Pak Uteh sedang menjengah perigi dihalaman rumah tersebut.
Dua hari Latifah ditahan di hospital, ketika dirawat Mak Uteh dan Pak Utehlah yang mejengguknya. Setelah pulang kerumah barulah diketahui bahawa apa yang dialaminya itu bukanlah sebenarnya sakit biasa. Sakit Latifah kemungkinan besar kerana badi perigi lama. Menurut cerita Pak Uteh, perigi tersebut menyimpan cerita tersendiri. Lebih memeranjatkan lagi Latifah apabila mengetahui perigi tersebut pernah ada yang menjadi korbannya. Peristiwa itu berlaku 10 tahun yang lalu.
Kata Pak Uteh, penyewa rumah tersebut terjatuh dalam perigi dan hanya dijumpai tiga hari selepas itu. Ketika ditemui mayatnya telah kembung perutnya. Sejak itu tidak lagi yang berani menggunakan perigi tersebut kecuali orang baru yang tidak tahu akan cerita tersebut. Seram bulu roma Latifah mendengar cerita dari Pak Uteh. Sejak hari itu, perigi itu tidak lagi dejengah oleh Latifah. Pak Uteh telah mamakunya dengan kemas dan meletakkan kembali batu bata besar diatasnya seperti keadaan lama. Tak sanggup lagi LEtifah mandi diperigi itu mengenangkan apa yang telah terjadi kepada dirinya.
Dipetik Dari:
Dipetik Dari:
These ghost photos were sent by IGHS member, Fran Bennett of
Fran said, "I have a photo for you that was taken in daylight hours using the Olympus D490. This picture shows on the right side when viewing a man in a wagon with a horse pulling him. This apparition is very clear. It was taken at a historical site that is under renovations. So it was closed to the public at this time. "
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Michael Jackson's Ghosts
Michael Jackson's Ghosts
Michael Jackson's Ghosts | |
Directed by | Stan Winston |
Produced by | Michael Jackson Stan Winston David Nicksay |
Written by | Michael Jackson Stephen King |
Starring | Michael Jackson |
Music by | Michael Jackson Nicholas Pike |
Distributed by | Kingdom Productions |
Release date(s) |
Running time | 39:31 |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Budget | Unknown |
Michael Jackson's Ghosts is a short film starring Michael Jackson, co-written by horror novelist Stephen King and directed by film director and special effects guru Stan Winston which could also be classified as a long-form music video. It was filmed and first screened in 1996 and released along with select prints of the film Stephen King's THINNER. It was released a year later internationally on VHS and Video CD.
The film tells the story of a scary Maestro with supernatural powers, who is being forced out of a small town by its mayor, pictured as a comically arrogant, plump man who bears more than a passing resemblance to Thomas Sneddon (the main prosecutor in Jackson's infamous child sexual abuse case from three years earlier). The movie includes a series of dance routines performed by Michael Jackson and his "family" of ghouls. Every song from the film was taken from Michael Jackson's HIStory and Blood on the Dance Floor albums.
The Maestro (Michael Jackson) lives alone in a creepy-looking mansion on top of a hill, overlooking the town of "Normal Valley". Occasionally, he entertains the local children with scary magic tricks. One of the children tells his mother, who alerts the Mayor (also Michael Jackson). He in turns organizes the townspeople to go to the Maestro's mansion and force him out of town. Some of them show reluctance to do so, but are pressured into joining the Mayor on his crusade. On a stormy night they go to the Maestro's mansion (which instead of a numbered address, is addressed "Someplace Else") holding flaming torches. When they arrive at the mansion, it is guarded by a large gate. They peer in through the gate, and by the haunting look of the mansion, have second thoughts about entering. The children assure the parents that the Maestro has done nothing wrong, and ask that they leave him alone. But the mayor remarks, "He's a weirdo. There's no place in this town for weirdos."
The front gate opens, frightening the townspeople, who make their way to the front door, which also opens by itself. The inside of the mansion appears to them even creepier than the outside, and the parents re-assure their children (and themselves) "there's no such thing as ghosts". They make their way into the house, and once they are all inside, the front door slams shut and locks itself. Two more large doors swing open revealing a large, darkened dance hall. Hesitantly, the townspeople make their way to the dance hall, where they are greeted by Maestro himself, who makes a scary yet comical entrance. The Mayor angrily confronts him, calling him "strange", "weird", and a "freak", and telling him that he's not welcome in their town. Maestro defends himself, and in response the Mayor threatens "Are you going to leave, or am I going to have to hurt you?" (The townspeople appear not to be as forceful in their position, but don't offer an objection).
To this Maestro replies, "You are trying to scare me. I guess I have no choice; I guess I have to scare you." He then makes a series of funny faces, which the mayor calls "ridiculous" and "not funny". In a change of tone, Maestro asks, "Is this scary?" and pulls his face sideways. Then he continues to stretch his face more by pulling his face down and stretches his mouth, and ultimately pulls off his face to reveal his skull and laughing maniacally. The frightened townspeople run for the doors, which Maestro shuts with his magical powers, after he smashes his skull with his fists, revealing his normal head.
Maestro then reminds the mayor he's not alone, and introduces his "family" of ghouls who, along with Maestro, perform extended dance routines to 2 Bad and Is It Scary (both original songs composed by Michael Jackson) which alternately impresses and scares the townspeople. During this sequence, Maestro's acts include ripping his clothes off to reveal a skeletal body; possessing the mayor and making him dance (including the moonwalk); and transforming the mayor into an evil, horrific dragon while remarking, "Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freaky boy! Freak, circus freak. Who's scary?"
After Maestro's performance ends, he asks, "Do you still want me to go?". While the townspeople respond "no", the mayor says "Yes...yes!". Maestro quietly agrees by saying, "Fine...I'll go." He falls, and after smashing his hands and face into the floor, his face and body violently start to crumble into dust on the floor, which is then blown away by the wind. The townspeople are saddened by this, and somewhat sorry to see him go. The mayor however thinks he has come out victorious and heads for the doors saying, "I showed that freak." When he opens them he finds a monstrous-looking Maestro-demon head which says "HELLO" and terrifies him, and he runs away scared (leaving a comically Mayor-shaped hole in the glass door). The townspeople then turn back to the now open front doors to see the Maestro standing there, laughing. He asks if they all had a good time, and the townspeople realize they did. They figure he isn't so bad after all and make peace with him. The story ends with one of the children asking with a vicious look on his face, "Is this scary?"; he grips his lower face, and the camera moves to a long shot of the mansion while terrified screams are heard.
During the credits, backstage footage of Jackson's make-up sessions and green screen shots reveal how he was able to play five different roles within the film; indeed, the Cast list credits him as "Maestro", "Mayor" (which explains the mayor's impeccably Jacksonian dance moves), "Mayor Ghoul" (the horribly transformed mayor), "Superghoul" (a giant and grotesquely deformed version of Jackson) and "Skeleton" (a CGI dancing skeleton, animated by Jackson through motion capture). The Film also uses a young Michael Jackson from the time he was in The Jackson 5.
- One of the little boys said "I believe in Ghosts" and that he was a young Michael Jackson
- The songs that were featured were 2 Bad, Ghosts and Is It Scary
Songs used in the film
- "2 Bad" (film version)
- Taken from HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I
- "Is It Scary" (film version)*
- Taken from Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix
- "Ghosts"*
- Taken from Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix
- "Ghosts" and "Is It Scary" were not featured in the first version of the film, because they were not completed in time. In the original version, the audio from these dance segments was a sampled beat from "2 Bad". An unfinished version of "Ghosts" was used in the credits for the original version of the film, featuring an alternate bridge, different bass and sound effects, and an alternate ending.
Release and reception
The film was screened out of competition at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival.[1] In 2002 the Guinness Book of World Records honored Ghosts as the longest music video in history. The original film version of Ghosts was also given multiple screenings at Hoyts Cinema in Sydney (together with a 75mm print of the HIStory teaser) the evening before the HIStory tour commenced its Australian leg (and the evening before Jackson's wedding to Debbie Rowe).Deluxe Collector Box Set
"On the Line" | ||||||||||
Single by Michael Jackson | ||||||||||
B-side | "Ghosts" (Mousse T's Radio Rock Singalong Remix) "Is It Scary" (DJ Greek's Scary Mix) | |||||||||
Released | December 11, 1997 | |||||||||
Format | CD maxi single | |||||||||
Recorded | 1996 | |||||||||
Genre | R&B, pop, soul | |||||||||
Length | 4:37 (short version) 4:53 (long version) | |||||||||
Label | Epic Records, Sony Music | |||||||||
Writer(s) | Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds Michael Jackson | |||||||||
Producer | Babyface | |||||||||
Michael Jackson singles chronology | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
"On the Line"
The song "On the Line" was co-written and produced by Babyface. Michael Jackson performs the track and is also credited in its writing (on the writing credits of The Ultimate Collection). It was originally recorded by Michael for the Spike Lee movie Get on the Bus in 1996, but not featured on the soundtrack.[2][3] However, it featured on a Columbia Pictures Get on the Bus promotional CD, as a potential Oscar nominee, for Best Original Song.[2]The full-length version of the song was released on November 16, 2004 as an album track of his limited edition box set The Ultimate Collection.[2][4]
- Written and composed by Babyface and Michael Jackson[5][6]
- Produced by Babyface[5][7]
- Solo and background vocals by Michael Jackson
Track listing
Limited Edition Minimax CD (EPC 665268 2)[8]- "On the Line" – 4:37
- "Ghosts" (Mousse T's Radio Rock Singalong Remix) – 4:25
- "Is It Scary" (DJ Greek's Scary Mix) – 7:12
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Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary
Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary
By taffi74
Love Beyond the Grave
This ghost photo was sent by Linda De Marchi.
Linda said, "This is a picture of a Ceremony at twin Lake Park in Pa. for the victims of Drunk Drivers. My niece Heidi was one of those Victims. On this clear Day in June they had this ceremony all the members of my sister-laws support group were there and after the ceremony they took a couple more photo's this was the only one that came out like this. They use a 35mm camera and they do not smoke. We like to believe that some of the departed loved ones came to the ceremony for support? What's more interesting is when I scanned the Photo, the vapor (ectoplasm) came out in the scan as if it was a solid mass in the negative. "
Dr. Dave's Notes:
Love does survive the grave and there is every reason to think that some of the departed loved ones attended the ceremony and this photo seems to provide us with some evidence of that happening.
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Grand Central Terminal NYC Is Haunted
Grand Central Terminal NYC Is Haunted: [object Object]
Magic carpet
Magic carpet
Magic carpet | |
Riding a Flying Carpet, an 1880 painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. | |
Plot element from Middle Eastern literature | |
Genre | Fantasy |
In-story information | |
Type | Magical carpet |
Function | Transportation device |
Specific traits & abilities | Capable of flight, or instant movement of passengers from one place to another |
A magic carpet, also called a flying carpet, is a legendary carpet that can be used to transport persons who are on it instantaneously or quickly to their destination.
In literature
One of the stories in the One Thousand and One Nights relates how Prince Husain, the eldest son of Sultan of the Indies, travels to Bisnagar (Vijayanagara) in India and buys a magic carpet[1] This carpet is described as follows: Whoever sitteth on this carpet and willeth in thought to be taken up and set down upon other site will, in the twinkling of an eye, be borne thither, be that place nearhand or distant many a day's journey and difficult to reach.[2]. The literary traditions of several other cultures also feature magical carpets, in most cases literally flying rather than instantly transporting their passengers from place to place.
Solomon's carpet[3] was reportedly made of green silk with a golden weft, sixty miles long and sixty miles wide: "when Solomon sat upon the carpet he was caught up by the wind, and sailed through the air so quickly that he breakfasted at Damascus and supped in Media."[4] The wind followed Solomon's commands, and ensured the carpet would go to the proper destination; when Solomon was proud, for his greatness and many accomplishments, the carpet gave a shake and 40,000 fell to their deaths.[5] The carpet was shielded from the sun by a canopy of birds. In Shaikh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Tadifi al-Hanbali's book of wonders, Qala'id-al-Jawahir ("Necklaces of Gems"), Shaikh Abdul-Qadir Gilani walks on the water of the River Tigris, then an enormous prayer rug (sajjada) appears in the sky above, "as if it were the flying carpet of Solomon [bisat Sulaiman]".[6]
In Russian folk tales, Baba Yaga can supply Ivan the Fool with a flying carpet or some other magical gifts (e.g., a ball that rolls in front of the hero showing him the way or a towel that can turn into a bridge). Such gifts help the hero to find his way "beyond thrice-nine lands, in the thrice-ten kingdom". Russian painter Viktor Vasnetsov illustrated the tales featuring a flying carpet on two occasions (illustrations, to the right).
In Mark Twain's "Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven", magic wishing-carpets are used to instantaneously travel throughout Heaven.
In popular culture
Magic carpets have also been featured in modern literature, movies, and video games, and not always in a classic context.
- A magic carpet is featured in the film The Thief of Bagdad (1924) and its remake The Thief of Bagdad (1940).
- Poul Anderson's Operation Chaos features an alternate America in which flying carpets are a major form of transportation, along with brooms.
- Peter Molyneux produced a god game in 1994 called Magic Carpet, originally made for MS-DOS and then ported to the Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation, where you play a wizard on a magic carpet that collects magic jewels to start cities and defeat enemies. It was followed by a sequel called Magic Carpet 2 in 1995.
- A flying carpet is also a character (complete with personality) in the 1992 Disney film Aladdin.
- In the online MMORPG RuneScape, magic carpets (made from camel hair) used to be a popular and common method of transportation around the Kharidian Desert, but lost favour after the Emir of Al Kharid, the desert town, fell to his death after mistaking an ordinary carpet for his magic one.
- A popular amusement ride which rotates riders vertically but keeps them heads-up is called "Flying Carpet".
- The card game Magic The Gathering included a Magic Carpet card in the Arabian Nights expansion. The Legends expansion features Al-abara's Carpet, another magic carpet.
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kanak kanak hodoh dilorong sepi
kanak kanak hodoh dilorong sepi
Lorong itu sememangnya menjadi laluan aku setiap kali pulang dari tempat kerja. Bermacam macam aku mendengar cerita tentang lorong sunri ini. Ada yang kata jumpa pontianak lah, jumpa hantu raya lah, dan macam macam lagi lah. Namun sudah hampir 10 tahun aku menggunakan laluan tersebut belum pernah pun aku berhadapan dengan benda benda seram. Ramai yang sudah terkena menasihati aku untuk tidak lagi menggunakan jalan tersebut, tetapi oleh kerana aku yakin tidak apa apa yang berlaku aku mesih menggunakan jalan tersebut setiap kali pulang dari kerja.
Aku berkerja sebagai operator pengeluaran disebuah kilang dan waktu berkerja aku sememangnya telah ditetapkan bermula dari pukul 4.00 petang dan pulang pada pukul 1.00 pagi. Laluan itu pada mulanya banyak juga kereta yang lalu lalang, tetapi makin hari makin sikit kerana cerita cerita yang disebarkan. Namun aku tetap akan menggunakan laluan tersebut lenih dekat dengan rumahku. Ramai yang kata aku berlagak kerana masih berdegil menggunakan jalan tersebut. Sebernya aku tiada pilihan lain kerana jalan kerumahku selain daripada jalan tersebut sangat jauh.
Pada suatu malam selepas habis kerja aku seperti biasa menggunakan lorong tersebut. Namun sebelum sampai disitu aku seperti merasakan sesuatu yang tidak kena. Hatiku berdebar dan rasa tidak menentu. Pun begiru aku tabahkan hati. Sampai dilorong tersebut kelihatan seorang wanita ditepi jalan seperti menanti kenderaan untuk menumpang. Timbul keinginanku untuk menolong. Namun aku tidak terus berhenti sebaliknya memperlahankan kereta untuk mencari kepastian. Tiba di depan wanita itu, dia hanya diam dan tidak menahan kereta untuk menumpang. Melihat wajahnya seperti ada satu keganjilan. Fikiran ku mula menerawang, manusiakah atau hantu wanita didepanku ini. Seperti memahami apa yang aku fikirkan, wanita itu melemparkan senyuman menyeramkan kearahku. Apalagi kereta terus kupecut tanpa berani menoleh lagi. Tetapi semakin aku berusaha memecut laju terasa semakin perlahan keretaku bergerak dan tanpa semena mena didepanku melintas seorang kanak kanak. Ini mebuatkan aku terpaksa menekan brek secara mengejut.
Keadan brek yang kuat itu sedikit pun tidak mengejutkan kanak kanak itu sebaliknya dia semakin seronok bermain lalu lintas dihadapan keretaku yang sudah berhenti itu. Dalam hati, hanya tuhan yang tahu betapa takutnya aku. Untuk mengugurangkan rasa takut itu, aku berusaha membaca ayat ayat suci Al-Quran mana yang tahu. Dalam pada mulutku terkumat kamit itu, tiba tiba kanak kanak tersebut menekap wajahnya wajahku didepan cermin keretaku. Wajahku begitu hodoh dan begitu sukar umtuk dibayangkan. Tubuhku terasa longlai namun semangatku masih bersisa. Dengan sisa semangat itulah aku berusaha menghidupkan semula enjin kereta, agar aku boleh segera sampai kerumah yang tak sampai beberapa meter sahaja lagi dari lorong itu.
Puas menghidupkan enjin tetapi kereta tetap tidak mahu bergerak. Aku melihat semakin banyak kelibat makhluk makhluk halus disekitar lorong dan tempat keretaku berhenti. Kerana tidak mahu terus menerus dalam keadaan seperti itu, aku nekad turun dari kereta dan membuka tempat enjin. Aku mencuba cuba apa yang tahu dan kembali ke kereta. Kali ini apabila enjin dihidupkan kereta boleh bergerak semula. Tanpa menoleh lagi dan dengan laungan Allahuakhbar aku meninggalkan lorong itu.
Sebelum masuk ke perkarangan rumahku, tiba tiba aku melihat susuk tubuh wanita dilorong tadi sedang mendukung kanak kanak yang melintas didepanku itu. Aku benar benar panik. Mengekori akukah mereka? Dan tanpa aku sedari aku membunyikan hon kereta sekuat hati sehingga rumahku terang benderang keraba semua penghuni rumah terjaga dan bangun untuk melihat apa yang berlaku.
Ketika ayah menghampiriku, aku benar benar sudah tidak bersemangat lagi. Aku dibawa naik kerumah dan tubuh tiba tiba menjadi panas. Aku demam selama tiga hari dan menurut ibu setiap kali tertidur aku meracau racau. Ayah memanggil seorang uztaz untuk memeulihkan kembali semangatku. Kejadia itu benar benar memberi kesan kepada rakan rakan yang datang melawatku dirumah semuanya aku ceritakan mengenai pengalaman ngeri itu. Dan itulah kali terakhir aku melaui lorong misteri itu.
Aku berkerja sebagai operator pengeluaran disebuah kilang dan waktu berkerja aku sememangnya telah ditetapkan bermula dari pukul 4.00 petang dan pulang pada pukul 1.00 pagi. Laluan itu pada mulanya banyak juga kereta yang lalu lalang, tetapi makin hari makin sikit kerana cerita cerita yang disebarkan. Namun aku tetap akan menggunakan laluan tersebut lenih dekat dengan rumahku. Ramai yang kata aku berlagak kerana masih berdegil menggunakan jalan tersebut. Sebernya aku tiada pilihan lain kerana jalan kerumahku selain daripada jalan tersebut sangat jauh.
Pada suatu malam selepas habis kerja aku seperti biasa menggunakan lorong tersebut. Namun sebelum sampai disitu aku seperti merasakan sesuatu yang tidak kena. Hatiku berdebar dan rasa tidak menentu. Pun begiru aku tabahkan hati. Sampai dilorong tersebut kelihatan seorang wanita ditepi jalan seperti menanti kenderaan untuk menumpang. Timbul keinginanku untuk menolong. Namun aku tidak terus berhenti sebaliknya memperlahankan kereta untuk mencari kepastian. Tiba di depan wanita itu, dia hanya diam dan tidak menahan kereta untuk menumpang. Melihat wajahnya seperti ada satu keganjilan. Fikiran ku mula menerawang, manusiakah atau hantu wanita didepanku ini. Seperti memahami apa yang aku fikirkan, wanita itu melemparkan senyuman menyeramkan kearahku. Apalagi kereta terus kupecut tanpa berani menoleh lagi. Tetapi semakin aku berusaha memecut laju terasa semakin perlahan keretaku bergerak dan tanpa semena mena didepanku melintas seorang kanak kanak. Ini mebuatkan aku terpaksa menekan brek secara mengejut.
Keadan brek yang kuat itu sedikit pun tidak mengejutkan kanak kanak itu sebaliknya dia semakin seronok bermain lalu lintas dihadapan keretaku yang sudah berhenti itu. Dalam hati, hanya tuhan yang tahu betapa takutnya aku. Untuk mengugurangkan rasa takut itu, aku berusaha membaca ayat ayat suci Al-Quran mana yang tahu. Dalam pada mulutku terkumat kamit itu, tiba tiba kanak kanak tersebut menekap wajahnya wajahku didepan cermin keretaku. Wajahku begitu hodoh dan begitu sukar umtuk dibayangkan. Tubuhku terasa longlai namun semangatku masih bersisa. Dengan sisa semangat itulah aku berusaha menghidupkan semula enjin kereta, agar aku boleh segera sampai kerumah yang tak sampai beberapa meter sahaja lagi dari lorong itu.
Puas menghidupkan enjin tetapi kereta tetap tidak mahu bergerak. Aku melihat semakin banyak kelibat makhluk makhluk halus disekitar lorong dan tempat keretaku berhenti. Kerana tidak mahu terus menerus dalam keadaan seperti itu, aku nekad turun dari kereta dan membuka tempat enjin. Aku mencuba cuba apa yang tahu dan kembali ke kereta. Kali ini apabila enjin dihidupkan kereta boleh bergerak semula. Tanpa menoleh lagi dan dengan laungan Allahuakhbar aku meninggalkan lorong itu.
Sebelum masuk ke perkarangan rumahku, tiba tiba aku melihat susuk tubuh wanita dilorong tadi sedang mendukung kanak kanak yang melintas didepanku itu. Aku benar benar panik. Mengekori akukah mereka? Dan tanpa aku sedari aku membunyikan hon kereta sekuat hati sehingga rumahku terang benderang keraba semua penghuni rumah terjaga dan bangun untuk melihat apa yang berlaku.
Ketika ayah menghampiriku, aku benar benar sudah tidak bersemangat lagi. Aku dibawa naik kerumah dan tubuh tiba tiba menjadi panas. Aku demam selama tiga hari dan menurut ibu setiap kali tertidur aku meracau racau. Ayah memanggil seorang uztaz untuk memeulihkan kembali semangatku. Kejadia itu benar benar memberi kesan kepada rakan rakan yang datang melawatku dirumah semuanya aku ceritakan mengenai pengalaman ngeri itu. Dan itulah kali terakhir aku melaui lorong misteri itu.
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Lady in Blue at the Train Station
Real Ghost Stories
Lady in Blue at the Train Station
The photos were taken close to the time of the incident but not by me. It's weird but TRUE! Here is the story of The Lady in Blue. I was born and raised in Pleasant Plains on Staten Island, NYC. In the mid 1960's when I was around 15, I like all the other kids in NY neighborhood, hung out downtown in front of the corner Drug Store.
One afternoon one of the girls who lived a few towns away needed to leave for home so I offered to walk her to the train station.
Both sides of the train station in our town were elevated. About 20 feet above street level. Both only had one way up and down and no way to get from one side to the other without going down to the street and crossing under the trestle and back up the other side. Otherwise it was a long drop if you tried to jump. The south bound side had 3 or 4 flights of stairs leading to the platform with only a small overhang for shelter. The north bound side (first photo is looking north on northbound side) had about the same number of stairs but went straight up to the platform (to where the lady is standing in the photo). On the northbound side was also a building (see photo) that had the old ticket counter and waiting area. You could still get inside for shelter but it wasn't used for much else at the time.
As we walked down the sidewalk toward the station we had to pass the south bound stairs go under the trestle and up the north bound stairs to get to the north bound train. As we approached the south bound side, sitting on the bottom step was a very old woman wearing a nice blue dress with big wide brimmed blue hat. As we got closer we could see that she was not pale completed but white with bright red lips. As kids we laughed to ourselves and commented on how bad this old woman looked with all that white make up. It would be the last time we would laugh that day.
We passed by within a few feet of her and she looked as real as anyone, just a bit stranger looking. She seemed pleasant however and smiled a big smile at us as we passed. We then walked the next 100 or so feet, went under the trestle and turned to walk up the stairs to the North bound side. We took the first step, then looked up to the top and there was the old lady looking down at us smiling (she was standing about where the lady in the photo is). We quickly looked at each other in amazement and then back, but she wasn't there anymore.
We continued climbing to the top of the stairs which were at the northern most end of the platform. When we reached the top the lady was not on the station platform. We walked half way down the platform (where the man in this second photo is) and into the waiting area but she wasn't there either. So we came back out.
Sort of half laughing about the whole thing when we noticed the lady was standing at the top of the stairs where we just walked up and where we first saw her. But we didn't pass her? We stepped back inside for a brief moment to get hold of ourselves and when we came out again she was at the far opposite end of the platform with her back to us looking in the direction of where the train would come from (we were standing about where the man is. Looking toward the far end in the photo).
We went to the right and to the opposite side of the platform (where the woman in the photo is) from her to wait for the train as the girl wanted to get on the first car. We stopped and turned around and the lady was no longer there. Now we were concerned that maybe she had fallen off the platform or that we were totally crazy. Maybe we just missed seeing her all those times. But, we hadn't turned our backs on her long enough for her to get to the waiting room and now the train was in view coming into the station. We could see the whole platform and it was empty except for us.
I told the girl I would go check to see where the old lady went after she got on the train. We stood looking in the direction of the incoming train with the full station in view. The train pulled in and stopped. The girl got on the first car (I was standing about where the woman in the photo is standing) and I went up to her window and knocked on it to say goodbye. I waved goodbye as the train pulled out of the station only to have my blood run cold when I noticed the lady in Blue sitting behind the girl smiling at me as the train pulled away.
I ran home and kept calling the girl until she got home and answered the phone. I told her what I saw and she said that when she paid the conductor she changed her seat and there was no one else there in the car.
Now not many people believe this story but we both experienced it. I never saw the girl again and never told the story until I was in my thirties. Since then I have heard of a few other people having a sighting there of the lady in blue.
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One afternoon one of the girls who lived a few towns away needed to leave for home so I offered to walk her to the train station.
Both sides of the train station in our town were elevated. About 20 feet above street level. Both only had one way up and down and no way to get from one side to the other without going down to the street and crossing under the trestle and back up the other side. Otherwise it was a long drop if you tried to jump. The south bound side had 3 or 4 flights of stairs leading to the platform with only a small overhang for shelter. The north bound side (first photo is looking north on northbound side) had about the same number of stairs but went straight up to the platform (to where the lady is standing in the photo). On the northbound side was also a building (see photo) that had the old ticket counter and waiting area. You could still get inside for shelter but it wasn't used for much else at the time.
We passed by within a few feet of her and she looked as real as anyone, just a bit stranger looking. She seemed pleasant however and smiled a big smile at us as we passed. We then walked the next 100 or so feet, went under the trestle and turned to walk up the stairs to the North bound side. We took the first step, then looked up to the top and there was the old lady looking down at us smiling (she was standing about where the lady in the photo is). We quickly looked at each other in amazement and then back, but she wasn't there anymore.
We continued climbing to the top of the stairs which were at the northern most end of the platform. When we reached the top the lady was not on the station platform. We walked half way down the platform (where the man in this second photo is) and into the waiting area but she wasn't there either. So we came back out.
We went to the right and to the opposite side of the platform (where the woman in the photo is) from her to wait for the train as the girl wanted to get on the first car. We stopped and turned around and the lady was no longer there. Now we were concerned that maybe she had fallen off the platform or that we were totally crazy. Maybe we just missed seeing her all those times. But, we hadn't turned our backs on her long enough for her to get to the waiting room and now the train was in view coming into the station. We could see the whole platform and it was empty except for us.
I told the girl I would go check to see where the old lady went after she got on the train. We stood looking in the direction of the incoming train with the full station in view. The train pulled in and stopped. The girl got on the first car (I was standing about where the woman in the photo is standing) and I went up to her window and knocked on it to say goodbye. I waved goodbye as the train pulled out of the station only to have my blood run cold when I noticed the lady in Blue sitting behind the girl smiling at me as the train pulled away.
I ran home and kept calling the girl until she got home and answered the phone. I told her what I saw and she said that when she paid the conductor she changed her seat and there was no one else there in the car.
Now not many people believe this story but we both experienced it. I never saw the girl again and never told the story until I was in my thirties. Since then I have heard of a few other people having a sighting there of the lady in blue.
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haunted locations in Alabama
Haunted Location

Adams Grove Presbyterian Church in Dallas County.

The Dr. John R. Drish House in Tuscaloosa.

Oakleigh in Mobile.

Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham.
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There are many reportedly haunted locations in the U.S. state of Alabama, with notable places listed below.
- Adams Grove Presbyterian Church and adjacent cemetery in Dallas County, allegedly the site of multiple paranormal events. Has been studied by several paranormal research groups.[1][2]
- Auburn University Chapel on the Auburn University campus in Auburn was used as a Civil War hospital. It is allegedly haunted by a Confederate soldier named Sydney Grimlett.[3]
- The Boyington Oak in Mobile, a Southern live oak that reportedly grew from the grave of Charles Boyington in the potter's field just outside the walls of Church Street Graveyard. Boyington was tried and executed for the murder of his friend, Nathaniel Frost, on February 20, 1835. He stated that a tree would spring from his grave as proof of his innocence.[4]
- Former site of the C. C. Pegues House on Pine Street in Cahaba. Numerous sightings of a ghostly orb in a now-vanished garden maze.[5]
- The Dr. John R. Drish House in Tuscaloosa, the tower has been reportedly seen on numerous times to be on fire, when no fire was actually there. Also, ghostly lights are said to have been seen emanating from house.[6]
- Gaineswood in Demopolis, reportedly haunted by the ghost of a former housekeeper from Virginia. She was in charge of the daily running of the house for General Whitfield after the death of his wife. Her ghost supposedly plays the piano in the music room.[7]
- The Harrison Cemetery in Coffee County, said to be haunted by the dancing ghost of Grancer Harrison.[8]
- Kenworthy Hall near Marion, the fourth floor tower room is alleged to be haunted by the ghost of a young woman who sits in a window awaiting the return of a lover who died during the American Civil War.[9]
- Site in the town of Newton, allegedly featured a hole that would not remain filled with soil. Said to be the where Bill Sketoe was lynched, after he allegedly deserted the Confederate Army or aided Union troops.[10]
- Edmund King House on the University of Montevallo campus in Shelby County. Reported to be the site of phantom lights, the sound of footsteps, and other unexplained noises.[11]
- Oakleigh in Mobile, said to be haunted by a female ghost in the front parlor and to also have poltergeist-like activity in other parts of the mansion, including furniture moving by itself, disembodied voices, and shadow figures.[12]
- Pickens County Courthouse in Carrollton is alleged to be haunted by the ghost of a former slave, Henry Wells, who was lynched by a mob after being accused of burning down the second county courthouse. Soon afterward the ghostly image of a face appeared in an upper window of the new third county courthouse, to profess Wells' innocence. Supposedly every windowpane in the courthouse was broken in a hailstorm one year, except for that pane.[13]
- Pratt Hall at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, reportedly haunted by a Red Lady. Huntingdon was originally a Methodist female college and the Red Lady is alleged to be the ghost of a lonely girl who committed suicide.[14][15]
- The Richards DAR House in Mobile, reportedly the site of disembodied laughter, the singing of child-like voices, and a ghostly figure that appears in an upstairs bedroom window.[16]
- Rocky Hill Castle, site of a former plantation near Courtland, is purported to be haunted by a "lady in blue", ghosts of Civil War soldiers, and the ghosts of tortured slaves. Prior to its destruction, it was also alleged that knocking and banging of unknown origin occurred in the house.[17][18][19]
- Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham is allegedly haunted by workers who died there in its time as a working blast furnace. It was investigated on the TV series Ghost Adventures.[20]
- Sturdivant Hall in Selma is purported to be haunted by the ghost of the second owner, John McGee Parkman. Parkman, imprisoned by Reconstruction authorities for alleged embezzlement, died during an escape attempt from Cahaba Prison in 1867.[21][22]
- Sweetwater Mansion in Florence, Alabama may still have many of its former residents around. This home, begun in 1828, has seen much history and it was here that Union and Confederate officers stayed during their respective occupations of the city during the Civil War. Activity including children's laughter, moving objects and numerous apparitions has been investigated by local paranormal groups and the team from the television show, Paranormal State.[23][24][25]
- The Tombigbee River near Pennington is reportedly haunted by the ghost ship Eliza Battle. The ship is supposed to return during especially cold, stormy nights to warn of impending disaster.[26][27]
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Petroglyph Spirit
This ghost photo was by Dr. Dave Oester of while dry camping at the Petroglyph Campgounds on BLM land.
While recording the petroglyphs found at this ancient Indian ceremonial site near Gila Bend, Arizona, we recorded this lone orb. We were taking photos near sunset and by using the flash, the faint petroglyphs stood out amid the black rocks. It is also interesting to note that this location had many spirals which denoted spiritual aspects. Our investigation suggested the spirals represented the portal opening that allowed spirits to enter or depart through it. Our frequency counter showed a strange frequency that suddenly appeared and disappeared according to a fixed pattern, almost like the portal or wormhole opened and while open emitted frequencies that we could detect and than closed, only to reopen again according to a pattern. Also the magnetic field surrounding this ceremonial site distorted the north-south compass points.
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