House on Halloween Hill
All of the trick or treaters avoided the house on halloween hill. The owners were really scary and only ever came out at night. It started when a boy called Josh and his girlfriend were ghostbusting. Josh’s girlfriend dared him to go up to the house. So off he went up the hill. The owners had gone out for their midnight shopping.
He went down the stairs to the basement and just as he got to the bottom, he heard the front door open. He hid in one of the boxes. He heard footsteps on the stairs. He opened the lid slightly and saw the woman open a fridge and take out a bottle of blood. She then went up the stairs and closed the door.
He got out of the box he was hiding in and turned to look at it. To his horror there infront of him were two coffins. Before long he heard them again. Josh froze in shock. He had to hide but could not move. The door opened and in walked the owners. They saw Josh straight away. They grabbed him. He screamed. Josh was never seen again.

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